Saturday, April 28, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Shots Fired • Round 4 Of The Engineered Race War • Can DV Call 'em or Can DV Call 'em? • DV University • Spring 2012
"The suspect is described as A Black female, late 20's early 30's, skinny ... with gold hair." Lt. Dan Norris
Intelligence is pattern recognition.
Left Right
Left Right
Black White
Black White
Ordo ab Chao
Trayvon Martin
Whites 1
Blacks 0
Oklahoma Shooting
Whites 2
Blacks 0
Kill Mom Kidnap Baby in Texas
Whites 2
Blacks 1
These shootings are media events.
"Race" is sensationalized.
People are being provoked.
The Plantation is beating the drum of Race War.
Introduction To Post Hypnotic Suggestion & The Exercise Myth • DV University • Spring 2012

These women could walk from Oakland to Miami ... and be just as fat when they arrived.
Homeboy on the right could sprint up the Alps ... and weigh a few more pounds than when he started.
Exercise really doesn't have much to do with it.
If you eat GMO ... if you feed it to your kids .... obesity is inevitable.
LA Fitness can do nothing for you if you are still eating wheat bread.
The P90 Workout is only a temporary fix if you still drink Coke.
Basketball at the Y ... will not keep potatoes and rice and orange juice and milk from causing you to bloat with toxins.
FACT: Black People Cannot Digest The Plantation Diet.
Plantation Medicine sold the meme that "exercise" and a "balanced" diet (of Plantation food) are the keys to good health.
The Sick Industry needs obesity the way crack dealers need addiction. So they push the "get your cardio" hocus pocus to people walking around with 80 pounds of waste trapped in their guts.
Exercise will not save you from GMO starch and factory meat anymore than pushups are going to save you from a snake bite.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Is High School Worth It For Most Black Teens? • Introduction To The Irrelevance of School • DV University • Spring 2012
Painful truth in grad figures
D.H., 17, (left) and her
sister L., 20, dropped out of high school, though at different times
and for different reasons. The Jonesboro residents have gotten back on
track toward finding careers, and they’re hopeful about the future, but
they feel they were let down by their public school system when they
could have used more help and understanding.
Denmark Vesey said ...
The future?
This girl is 17 years old and already chronically obese. She will be lucky to survive her 20's.
She's been poisoned by 17 years of genetically modified food. She's been sabotaged by 17 years of starch. She's been intentionally crippled and chemically sterilized.
She's been poisoned by 17 years of genetically modified food. She's been sabotaged by 17 years of starch. She's been intentionally crippled and chemically sterilized.
This young girl is the victim of a genocide.
This is eugenics in action.
What's the solution offered?
The same solution Plantation Negros take for everything .... MORE PLANTATION SCHOOLING.
How does high school change her life? Either way she is working at Waffle House. .
A 6 month course on natural food and natural healing would have a more positive impact on her life than a college degree from Anystate U.
The MISEDUCATION system is why Negros don't know how to eat today, and are dying of diabetes and heart disease faster than Jews died in the Holocaust.
How does high school change her life? Either way she is working at Waffle House. .
A 6 month course on natural food and natural healing would have a more positive impact on her life than a college degree from Anystate U.
The MISEDUCATION system is why Negros don't know how to eat today, and are dying of diabetes and heart disease faster than Jews died in the Holocaust.
If Black Americans have a collective IQ north of 100 we would all remove our children from government schools immediately.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Brothas Gonna Work It Out • Young Cats Waking Up To The Slavery of Factory Meat • DV University • Spring 2012
MEL said...
Friday, April 13, 2012
Plantation Negro vs. African American • Which Is The More Relevant Meme?
![]() |
Terrible irony ... this woman will probably die of diabetes before George Zimmerman completes his term. |
[I suggest "Caucasian" and "African-American" are equally silly labels.}
makheru bradley said...
Man, you are a bundle of contradictions. I don’t expect to see you use the silly labels “Plantation Negros” and “Plantation Crackas” from this point forward."
Denmark Vesey said ...
Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas "silly labels"?
Au Contrare Mon Frere!
I submit the term Plantation Negro is the most politically, economically and psychologically relevant concept in America today.
"African - American" tells you nothing about a person (except that they have no idea who they are).
"Plantation Negro" and it's corresponding "Plantation Cracka" tells you everything about them. They are people more invested in the plantation than the plantation is invested in them.
(You know, "protesting Trayvon Martin" while receiving government health care and sending their children to government schools.)
"Protesting" The Trayvon Martin case ... plays into the hands of the Plantation. The media generated by these "protests" is used to fuel to the fire of engineered Race war.
"Protesting" Trayvon Martin is the modern day equivalent of "We sick Boss?"
The Impeding Irrelevance of School For You Negros Who Need To Hear It From White Folks • 7 Reasons Not To Send Your Kids To College

These are difficult things to imagine because we've been so scammed by the "career industry" that tells us we need college degrees in order to succeed in life, regardless of how much money we spend for those degrees or what we actually do with our lives during the four to eight years it takes us to get those degrees.
But in my view, the entire college degree industry is a scam, a self-perpetuating Ponzi scheme that needs to stop right now.
Here Are Seven Reasons to Say "No College" to Your Kids:
1. More than 60% of people entering college take more than four years to graduate. So whatever you think your kids are going to cost you to go to college, add 20% to 100%.
2. The cost of the average college tuition has gone up nine-fold since 1976 versus seven-fold for health care and three-fold for inflation.
3. The differential in lifetime income between a college graduate and a non-college graduate over a 45 year career is approximately $800,000 (read on).
4. If I put that $200,000 that I would've spent per child to cover tuition costs, living expenses, books, etc. into bonds yielding just 3% (any muni bonds) and let it compound for 49 years (adding back in the 4 years of college), I get $851,000. So my kids can avoid college and still end up with the same amount in the worst case.
5. If smart, motivated, ambitious kids (the type of kids who get the most out of college) avoided college I'm sure the differential would be a lot less than $800,000 and may even be negative (i.e. they would make more if they avoided college and started going into the business world earlier).
6. The average debt burden of a college graduate is $23,000. Up from $13,000 10 years ago. Students with professional degrees can see their debt burden go higher than $200,000. Total student borrowing has topped $75,000,000,000. It's too much for young adults just starting their careers.
7. Alternatives to spending $200,000 per kid so they can waste four years of their lives:
- Give them $20,000 to start one to five businesses. Most businesses fail but that's ok. The education from the process lasts a lifetime and the network you build when you start a business will lead to many future jobs and possibilities.
- Travel the world. That would be an education that pays many dividends and is much cheaper. Your kids can then go to college with a much more mature view of the world.
- Work. They won't get the best jobs but they can make money, network, get a "hands-on" education, learn the value of money and go to college in their 20s when they can afford it -- and make every dollar worth it. Plus your kids will have a more clear idea of what they want to do in the world.
- Volunteer. Let them see a side of life that is harder and where they can add value. An education like that is invaluable.
- Do nothing but read. Get the benefits of a college education without paying the $200,000. I'd be happy to support a child that wants to home school a college education.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
"Sellin muzik ta whyte chillun!!" WHACK!
"Why ya wanna carry gunz in yo video?! You aint white!!" SMACK!!
"Only white menz posed to ha' gunz!!" WHACK!
"You aint no gangsta!!" POW!!
"Youz a slave jus lik we!!" WHAM!!
"Why You Callz Me A Snitch!!?" POP!!!
"White Man say he gwan help us but you keep messin' tings up!!" WHACK!!"I'm tryin' to mentor these little slave kids and they don't listen to me cuz a you!!" BWAM!!"You don't even control your own distribution!!!" SLICE!!"Oprah! Bring dat uva Uppity Rap Negra!!" WHACK!!
"Why ya wanna carry gunz in yo video?! You aint white!!" SMACK!!
"Only white menz posed to ha' gunz!!" WHACK!
"You aint no gangsta!!" POW!!
"Youz a slave jus lik we!!" WHAM!!
"Why You Callz Me A Snitch!!?" POP!!!
"White Man say he gwan help us but you keep messin' tings up!!" WHACK!!"I'm tryin' to mentor these little slave kids and they don't listen to me cuz a you!!" BWAM!!"You don't even control your own distribution!!!" SLICE!!"Oprah! Bring dat uva Uppity Rap Negra!!" WHACK!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Sista Pack

When we arrived, there were two sistas waiting at the hostess area. Very pleasant happy looking women in their late 20's. Early 30's. I assumed they were waiting for their dates. We exchanged smiles. They complimented Snack on her outfit and how well she was behaving. Snack asked one of the sistas about her scarf which seemed to thrill her to no end. The hostess motioned that our table was ready. We all said goodbye in that awkward way people do when they don't expect to see each other again.
Soon after we sat down, I was surprised to see the two sistas escorted to the large table next to us. This time they were joined by two other women making it a foursome. Before the waitress took our drink order 3 other women arrived making it a party of 7 women. Not a single man. The women who arrived late couldn't get their drinks fast enough. I couldn't tell if they were getting off of work, getting away from families or escaping lonely apartments they shared with cats. But they were not as easy going as the first two sistas.

As our people are keen to do, the late arriving sistas eventually noticed that there was another table of black people in the restaurant. They weren't as quick to smile as the original sistas. One woman, a little older than the others, about my age, made eye contact with me. We shared a moment... The contrasting energies between our tables was palpable. A group of single black women. A black family. So close yet so far apart.
I don't know about the other black fathers out there ... but sometimes people relate to me as if a black family is some type of enigma. Like we don't really exist. Like there's gotta be a catch ...
What happened to couples? Is everything a gr0up now?
O. Mahogany said...

On the flip my prince is an arduous believer in "forever" (a word he uses often with me) and his parents are still happily married. He even attends law school at that same university and sees that professor on the daily lol. But I digress....
I dont know if ladies such as myself (20 something blk females)believe that they wont be a part of a healthy black family. I think we just wonder if it will arrive before a man has had children with someone else or once we're married will it have the longevity that you sport in your relationship. Furthermore, I cant help but question whether or not my relationships are equipped with the stuff that makes for forever. Foreva, eva, for eva eva????
And I think it's because everyone talks about being in love and happily married but not much is said about how it comes to fruition.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Big Man said ...
I noticed your rhyme a little lower. I respect that every man has his own preference in a woman, but I can't believe you can't appreciate this:
Denmark Vesey said ...
LOL. Nah. I feel you Big Man. Don't get me wrong. Serena is a ... a ... a ... phat muhfuggah. I don't know what else to tell ya. She is beautiful actually. Fine.
The spanking of my main man Big Wayne and my little cousin Big J, that you witnessed below, had more to do with their Mike Fisheresque attempt to define any woman with a sub 52 inch ass as something "less than black" ... "European" or simply ... "white". (Peep the ideological merger of Fisher and Byrdeye).
My celebration of Mrs. Kebede was not a rejection of Ms. Williams. It was the rejection of a Plantation Negro meme which forfeits an entire set of features and textures to "white people". I found that supposition laughable. What's more African than Ethiopian? You see, not only are Europeans derived from Africans, European features are derived from African features. To participate in the illusion that Europeans monopolize the features displayed by the African woman below, is an example of voluntary subservience.

I noticed your rhyme a little lower. I respect that every man has his own preference in a woman, but I can't believe you can't appreciate this:

Denmark Vesey said ...

The spanking of my main man Big Wayne and my little cousin Big J, that you witnessed below, had more to do with their Mike Fisheresque attempt to define any woman with a sub 52 inch ass as something "less than black" ... "European" or simply ... "white". (Peep the ideological merger of Fisher and Byrdeye).

Monday, April 09, 2012
Sunday, April 08, 2012
"I love to see black folks get on these talk shows and piss off folks
with their definition of racism. Usually a white person will challenge
them to pull it up in the dictionary. But the dictionary serves no
authority when in reality it's the pen of the human agent that documents
societal change." Gee Chee Vision
Are The Tulsa Shootings A False Flag Attempt To Trigger A Race War? • Advanced Hegelian Head Fake 505 • DV University • Spring 2012
- makheru bradley said...
- There has already been a race war in Tulsa. By some estimates 3,000 Afrikan Americans were killed by white supremacists, and the greatest economic formation by Afrikan Americans was destroyed.
- Denmark Vesey said ...
- Race war?
- Sounds like you just described an economic war.
- Is all conflict between whites and blacks rooted in race?
- Were the natives of North America killed in a race war? Or were they killed as their land was being stolen?
- Trying to fight economic warfare with weapons designed to fight "racism"... is why Afrikan Americans are 50 years behind the game.
- .

Saturday, April 07, 2012
Baltimore Beating Another False Flag To Spark A Race War? •Advanced Hegelian Head Fake 605 • DV University • Spring 2012
fist tap D. Smith
Coldestsoldier -Denmark Vesey said ...
Round 1: Trayvon Martin - Young innocent black boy killed by racist "white Hispanic" for little more than wearing a hoodie. A fawning MSM depicts a "collective" response from Black people reminiscent of the assassination of Dr. King.
Round 2: Trayvon Martin - Maybe not so young and not so innocent black boy killed by racist "white Hispanic" whose black friend says he is not a racist and cried for days. Main Stream Media source admits it altered 911 audio to make "white Hispanic" killer appear more racist.
Round 3: Trayvon Martin - White backlash begins. Under-reported stories of white victims of black violence bubbles through to the top of the social media soup.
Round 4: "White Tourist Beaten By Black Mob" video debuts on Facebook
Round 5: Tulsa Shootings - Mainstream media reports "Blacks" shot by "White" driver of a white pickup truck. Standard redneck / white supremacist / poor white trash immediately arrested. ... “Today is two years that my dad has been gone shot by a fucking nigger,” Jake England (facebook).
If Hollywood wanted to make a movie about a race war ... the script would look a lot like this.
The Plantation is trying to spark a race war. Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas are falling into the trap.
Round 6: Within the next week or so ... a few random "Whites" will be assaulted, shot or killed by a few "Blacks" .... a "Black Group" calling itself the "New Black Panther Party" or "The New Mau Mau" or some other corny cliche ... will CLAIM credit.
Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas will "demand" the Guvament "do" something.
Remember where you heard it first. Remember where you heard it best.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
One Million George Zimmerman's Would Not Hurt Black People More Than Black People Hurt Themselves

I’m not going to comment on the fight because that is not what I saw in the video. We discussed before looking at business models from beatdown videos and as you see, the non-Black workers are behind a barrier while everybody on the outside acting a fool in the small enclosure.
Did you see the workers call the cops or just spectating? They were fighting for a long time in that video weren’t they and you haven’t seen any cops show up. That’s the same amount of time it takes to kill a man or perform a home invasion and be clear and gone before the Chicago cops arrive.
But I noticed something that the brotha over at the Denmark Vesey blog talk about all the time when it comes to Black people. Look at the following pictures and tell me what you see: Dream & Hustle
Monday, April 02, 2012
The Race Game Set Up • How The Media Is Using The Trayvon Martin Case To Make Black People Look Like Irrational Fools Who Blame Whites For All Of Their Problems
Anonymous said...
"Zimmerman muttered under his breath, "fucking coons, get away with everything."
While on the phone with dispatch. In addition, Mr. Trayvon Martin was profiled as a suspicious character prior to his murder by Zimmerman."
Never said it. That thought was PLANTED in the heads of millions of Plantation Negros by a choreographed media effort designed to polarize blacks and whites and spark a race war in the interest of neither group.
Why Did NBC Edit The Trayvon Martin 911 Call To Make Zimmerman Appear To Make A Racist Statement? Can DV Call 'em Or Can DV Call 'em?
NBC disclosed today that it will be launching an internal investigation into a segment about the Trayvon Martin case that appeared on the Today show, in which a call between George Zimmerman and a 911 dispatcher prior to Martin's death was edited in such a way that it portrays Zimmerman as a racial profiler. The editorial decision under review involves the removal of the dispatcher's inquiry about the race of the person Zimmerman was following — Martin. Absent that question, Zimmerman's comments get strung together as if he said, in sequence, "This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black."
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