Friday, April 13, 2012

The Impeding Irrelevance of School For You Negros Who Need To Hear It From White Folks • 7 Reasons Not To Send Your Kids To College

James Altucher said ...
Imagine a retirement where you could have an extra $1million to $3 million in the bank with basically no effort. Now imagine telling your kids that you aren't going to send them to college. And, you go on, you want them to immediately start a business or get to work as soon as they finish high school.

These are difficult things to imagine because we've been so scammed by the "career industry" that tells us we need college degrees in order to succeed in life, regardless of how much money we spend for those degrees or what we actually do with our lives during the four to eight years it takes us to get those degrees.

But in my view, the entire college degree industry is a scam, a self-perpetuating Ponzi scheme that needs to stop right now.

Here Are Seven Reasons to Say "No College" to Your Kids:

1. More than 60% of people entering college take more than four years to graduate. So whatever you think your kids are going to cost you to go to college, add 20% to 100%.

2. The cost of the average college tuition has gone up nine-fold since 1976 versus seven-fold for health care and three-fold for inflation.

3. The differential in lifetime income between a college graduate and a non-college graduate over a 45 year career is approximately $800,000 (read on).

4. If I put that $200,000 that I would've spent per child to cover tuition costs, living expenses, books, etc. into bonds yielding just 3% (any muni bonds) and let it compound for 49 years (adding back in the 4 years of college), I get $851,000. So my kids can avoid college and still end up with the same amount in the worst case.

5. If smart, motivated, ambitious kids (the type of kids who get the most out of college) avoided college I'm sure the differential would be a lot less than $800,000 and may even be negative (i.e. they would make more if they avoided college and started going into the business world earlier).

6. The average debt burden of a college graduate is $23,000. Up from $13,000 10 years ago. Students with professional degrees can see their debt burden go higher than $200,000. Total student borrowing has topped $75,000,000,000. It's too much for young adults just starting their careers.

7. Alternatives to spending $200,000 per kid so they can waste four years of their lives:

  • Give them $20,000 to start one to five businesses. Most businesses fail but that's ok. The education from the process lasts a lifetime and the network you build when you start a business will lead to many future jobs and possibilities.
  • Travel the world. That would be an education that pays many dividends and is much cheaper. Your kids can then go to college with a much more mature view of the world.
  • Work. They won't get the best jobs but they can make money, network, get a "hands-on" education, learn the value of money and go to college in their 20s when they can afford it -- and make every dollar worth it. Plus your kids will have a more clear idea of what they want to do in the world.
  • Volunteer. Let them see a side of life that is harder and where they can add value. An education like that is invaluable.
  • Do nothing but read. Get the benefits of a college education without paying the $200,000. I'd be happy to support a child that wants to home school a college education.


Anonymous said...

Percentage of small businesses that fail? And do you plan to get your son into a franchise or does he have an idea in mind? You plan on having your daughter start a business too, or will you encourage her to start having children right after high school.

Real questions.

Yaron said...

Its a sad sad day when we can no longer send our kinds to college because it has become too expensive. That James Altucher guy is a big douche. He consistently sticks up for the big banks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's an expense thing our host is getting at. Stanford, Harvard and many other schools are damn near free if you have the brains, but not the means. Not sure how long you've been hanging around, but he seems to have a genuine disdain for higher education...or at least that's what he preaches for everyone else.

Like anything college or military training or street knowledge is what you make of it. If you go off to Stanford and study black history, you might not have a particular job ready for you after graduation, but perhaps the interactions on that campus influence you to write something profound on the topic...or maybe you'll find yourself working as night manager at Safeway. If you are going to college for job training, you might as well go to DeVry or some technical school.

That's not the point.

I studied subjects of interest. I had an idea that I wanted to go into molecular biological research, initially, then became interested in medicine. I studied topics in college I didn't know existed in high school. I studied topics in med school I didn't know existed in college. That's the point. Otherwise I might be like Wax...making up science as I went along and believing in every conspiracy theory presented in hushed conspiratorial tones, or on blogs.

I've always said college isn't for everyone. It's become a social milestone for many. Maybe some people should get their mopping skills ready after high school.

uglyblackjohn said...

DeeVee - Is City College of any use?
Many low skilled but moderately paying jobs require at least an AA.(In my current area - Prisons, Plants and the Ports. Workers can make more than 100k with less than a BA.)

Since JC's do much of the remediation required after graduation for underperforming high school students - would JC's be worth the effort?

Seven Half Store said...

Come on DMG,

Specializations aside, non-degree bearing people are making a fool out of degree-bearing ones everyday.

It is my observation that degrees were intended and more often than not continue to be a means of keeping options for decision makers (employers) at a minimum.

The bottom line is that there are too many "qualified applicants" and not enough employers.

Another thing is....


Who would argue about you or anyone else going to school for free?

There is a huge price tag on "knowledge" and fundamentally that is insane!

Yes, for "those with the brains" school can be free. But there are a lot of people with "the brains" who compete for the same money and end up short.

Also, I dont like the heir that says those with superior intellect should be rewarded and those without should run to the janitor line. Not even you specifically, but that attitude is not nice.

It also doesn't make a lot of sense. I mean we cant all be fellowship recipients. What do we do with those people? To hell with them?

Seven Half Store said...

A USC janitor can make up to $45,000 annually and go to school for free.

A graduate in any of the humanities will undoubtedly make less than that janitor and still leave school in debt.

A failed SB owner can write a percentage of the loss off in taxes.
Why? because the government likes business.

It likes it's students only as much as they borrow and pay back government loans.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Percentage of small businesses that fail?" DMG

Not sure.

I'd assume most.

Do you know the percentage of employees with college degrees who get laid off, fired or simply can no longer find a "job"?

"And do you plan to get your son into a franchise or does he have an idea in mind?" DMG

I plan on teaching my sons to think creatively, to anticipate opportunities in the marketplace and to earn a living by marketing their ideas, not their labor.

When they are adults in 2020, there will be millions of underemployed, in debt, diabetic college graduates with degrees from "degree" factories.

I'll encourage my sons to give your son a temporary gig when they can find something he is capable of doing that an ambitious east Indian teen or a female Filipino armed with a PC and an internet connection can't do cheaper.

My daughter?

In 2020. Will have options.

I hope she has her children while in her childbearing prime as opposed to after pursuing a mythical "career" and being forced to rely upon some in vitro fertilization product peddled by the medical industrial complex and regulated by Malthusian technocrats.


Do you really think the same college degree business model that has existed since the turn of the century will be relevant when your son is an adult?

Do you really think sitting in some classroom at Michigan State or Rutgers or Cal Tech Fullerton for 4 years is going to give him any real advantage over his hungry Chinese, Indian and Eastern European peers making money in a globalized marketplace?

Do you really think what worked for your father's generation is necessarily going to work for your children's generation?

Do you really think the brick n mortar Colleges still have a monopoly on education?

Why do you think the cost of college has increased 900% since 1979 when inflation has been 300%?

Real Questions.

Anonymous said...

O. Mahogany,

That's not what the data says. Google U.S. income by degree.

And exactly what is the purchasing power in LOS ANGELES of a USC Janitor making his terminal salary of $45,000?

"Also, I dont like the heir that says those with superior intellect should be rewarded and those without should run to the janitor line. Not even you specifically, but that attitude is not nice."

Not nice? It's a fact. Nothing wrong with being a janitor, everyones got their part to play. It just depends on if you want to be unlocking the door of the CEO's office at 7am to sit at the desk to work, or if you want to be unlocking the door of the CEO's office at 7pm to vacuum UNDER the desk.

Those with superior intellect who put it to use should be rewarded. I mean I don't see you moaning about the $100 million deal recently signed by an athlete with superior athletic prowess...

If you don't have the smarts, well that's just too damn bad. I wanted to be an Olympic 110 high hurdler, but my 11.1 second hundred speed, and 32 inch inseam didn't do me any favors. I worked with what I had, and was in the top 20 in California in high school....didn't translate to any scholarships. My best friend never finished college. Wasn't very good in high school academics because of dyslexia. He worked at what he was good at, and now he's happy in LA in the music industry...doing quite well.

I say live up to your potential. Nothing says that janitor can't own the janitorial services company. It's just less likely with less education.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure my son will smile and politely decline your sons offers...the way I've always taught him to avoid the three-card monty hustlers on the EL train when going into Chicago. I mean what would your boys be doing going door to door bothering him anyway? Tell them to mind dogs while they are running back toward the street, and that climbing security gates are dangerous...

Real answers:

"Do you really think the same college degree business model that has existed since the turn of the century will be relevant when your son is an adult?"

For what my son has expressed an interest, he will need a University education. Fortunately he has a father who is only pushing him to reach his full potential. Black males without a college education are a nickel a dozen. He knows that his immediate goal is to excel in school so that he has the option of turning Stanford, Michigan, Northwestern, UCSD, or even the University of Helsinki (dual citizenship) down if he so chooses. I don't care if he's a poet or a prosecutor as long as he's reached his potential and is satisfied with his life.

"Do you really think sitting in some classroom at Michigan State or Rutgers or Cal Tech Fullerton for 4 years is going to give him any real advantage over his hungry Chinese, Indian and Eastern European peers making money in a globalized marketplace?"

You assume he wants to work as some cog in the machine pumping out computer realize there are more careers than that right?

"Do you really think what worked for your father's generation is necessarily going to work for your children's generation?"

I don't think the self-taught scheme is as great as you think it is. Saving a little bit of money in the long run isn't worth it. I've never been worried about paying off student loans, because I can afford it.

"Do you really think the brick n mortar Colleges still have a monopoly on education?"

Depends on the education. Trade school? Probably not. But you can't learn to be an car mechanic without touching an engine.

"Why do you think the cost of college has increased 900% since 1979 when inflation has been 300%?"

Don't know, never thought of it. Don't really care. I wouldn't trade my college experience for anything, and I'm not talking about the parties and girls. Where do you think Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and the rest started? Some of the things you learn in University aren't part of the official curriculum but stem from ideas sparked in the classroom or with discussions with other stimulated like minds.

D.SMITH said...

"It is my observation that degrees were intended and more often than not continue to be a means of keeping options for decision makers (employers) at a minimum."
-O. Mahogany

Definitely see that. Letting the herd through the door without some type of screening-the degree requirement before an honest analysis of the person's capabilities through evaluation of past experience and training (which a lot of employers offer on the job anyway regardless of your experience)-will filter out people who may have been better qualified than someone that spent more time in the classroom.

All of the jobs I've had out of school "required" a degree...other than the ability to think outside the box and a knack for following directions, I don't see how it is a requirement after actually doing the work. I have a friend that has a "really good job" with Booz Allen Hamilton, which of course requires degrees and top secret clearances, etc. He spent all day yesterday on his new assignment deleting files from a hard drive. In addition to all that, the job in a lot of cases isn't associated with the field the degree is in anyway. I think hands-on experience and specialized training in a particular field would suffice in a lot of cases. And it is about expense when that money could be used to create your own, instead of spending years in school to be a part of someone else's with no real security. Just a thought.

And DMG, that's "in a lot of cases." I'm sure hands-on experience right out of the box in terms of being a physician and operating on someone wouldn't be a good look. And we ain't gonna get into what you do and what isn't being done in regards to healthcare and medicine on this post; at least I'm not anyway.

But I'm curious: why do you find it necessary to call Wax and the host out on this thread when they haven't commented on anything yet? They post a topic, you disagree in most cases (which of course you have every right to), someone will post a link to support their stance, then you get to name calling, "morons" and "bitch-lips" and such. But like Joanna stated in a previous thread, the majority of times your rebuttal isn't with proof to support your stance, it's insults and a reminder that you have degrees on your wall.

Real Question.

Dawolu Jabari Anderson said...


A friend told me about a doctor that was sharing with her and her father about doctors out of India bypassing the system in the field of surgery and snatching the jobs as surgeons because they have more "surgical hours" (not sure if that's the term she used). Reason being is that their hospitals don't have to deal with lawsuits. Are you seeing this take place?

Anonymous said...

I take every opportunity to call out our host...or have you not noticed his comments about those who disagree with him.

Wax...that's just sport.

Anonymous said...

Just caught that last bit: "the majority of times your rebuttal isn't with proof to support your stance"

Are you joking? I've damn near recited the first 2 years of medical school on this blog. Pay attention. Click the links. Most of the time it will take you to source material...not some blog.

And don't get on me for throwing punches. I have NO IDEA why you expect someone with a degree NOT to get down in the pits to slug it out. You all really need to forget the stereotypes. (Well maybe Conspiracy Brother is on point...)

Anonymous said...

Gee Chee,

Are you talking about bypassing the system in the United States? No. Not at all. Training outside of the United States is recognized only in certain select cases. They are falling over themselves to COME to the U.S. to train in our residency programs...but not bypassing the system.

One of the main difficulties is passing the US Medical Licensing Examination....then getting into a surgical program. Many of their applications don't even get past the secretary when they see foreign grad. The ones that do are exceptional, and their surgical training in their home country doesn't count.

Seven Half Store said...


I can google income by degree but that has little to do with the number of recent grads and soon to be grads who will be, unlike the working class, gainfully employed and debtless.

My girlfriend's Masters from NYU means shit bubbles when I have to take the tab everytime we eat lunch.

Seven Half Store said...

And there's a big difference between athletes and college grads.

A graduate may not do a damn thing with his/her degree.

A basketball player is paid to entertain me.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say look up income by degree. I said by education. The latest US Census data suggests that your assertion is incorrect. But don't believe me. The information is at your fingertips.

There's no difference in athletes and college grads. One has a talent to do amazing things with ball, and the other has the talent to do amazing things with a scalpel.

"A graduate may not do a damn thing with his/her degree"...and likewise a pro-athlete may never see the ball outside of the practice squad. What's your point?

The college athlete who reaches his potential and has the innate talent, reaches the pros. Those that have the drive and talent to reach the top do with some luck.

The college student who reaches his potential and has innate talent, reaches the OR, or the board room, or whatever. Those who have the drive and talent reach the top do with some luck.

I don't know what your girls Masters is in, nor do I know if your girl wants to capitalize on her education. So if you are presenting that as evidence it's kind of thin...don't you think? I mean I can tell you about my neighbor who went from making $50k a year pre-MBA from Northwestern, to making just over $650,000 first job after graduation. But neither of these situations tells the full story. They are both anecdotes.

That's why I said look at the data.

Anonymous said...

You are right...guess I mistyped...meant "education" My bad. Here's what I was directing you to:

Seven Half Store said...


Okay DMG,

Now you know you're playing games becuase NOW that you meant "education" which is a great deal more vague than "degree" you and I both know that education depending on how.....aghhh if you weren't a doctor you'd make a typical lawyer. lol

And no, an athlete PERFORMS, practice squad or not.

An unemployed graduate is in the same boat as everyone else. No, they're actually worse. Which is the reason for my reference.

You cant capitalize on an advantage that doesn't exist.

HotmfWax said...

"They post a topic, you disagree in most cases (which of course you have every right to), someone will post a link to support their stance, then you get to name calling, "morons" and "bitch-lips" and such. But like Joanna stated in a previous thread, the majority of times your rebuttal isn't with proof to support your stance, it's insults and a reminder that you have degrees on your wall.-D. Smith


After putting up with the DMGier for about a year (Did no comments for the first 4 months), I have some observation about the DOCTOR (maybe-I just ain't buying it:)-most likely living in his basement with mom.) and his agenda as the wanna be "Alpha Dog" of this blog.

Smith, the doctor doesn't even realize what a wonderful job that he is doing with his comments on this blog in proving DV's point that all is not right with everything that you learned about medicine and life .

If you are not questioning your sanity and belief system when ever you visit one of these "crooks(he might be like DMG)" in a non emergency situation and that someone with his attitude might be holding your kids or your life in his balance, then you have not been paying attention to the interactions on this blog.

His insecurities and fears are guiding his ego and arrogance that he has no clue of his social behavior and short comings. He is so proud of being accepted into a club of "con men" that he thinks that he is intellectual superior to everyone else out here and blows hot air on how hard he worked and how discipline he is and how everyone else sucks, blah, blah , brag, brag, brag., hot air , hot-air, hot air. I JUST LOVE MY DEGREEEEEEEEEEE.

And everybody else IS FAT AND LAZY that is his real answer to everything and everyone.

I really think that he is not a doctor but someone THAT might be a professional blogger.

AS DV said to him "you here more than me". Hey, I got money and time to chill and could hire 20 of these lab-coats labrats if I wanted too. Therefore, I get to hang out on the blog a lot AND CAN BE FAIR IN MY JUDGEMENT.

With that said, I can personally attest that DMG lives here. MORE THAN THE HOST any day any time.

He camps out on-line just waiting for new people like Sasha to come along-BAMM!!!!FU THIS...PANTIES THAT ETC., ETC.


Therefore Smith, the questions will never really get answered and the statements never really get past his "Bluffed" ephemeral level. No real substance no real thought, no reflection. Swine Flu?HFCS?Fluoride? Circumcision? No real answers but just insults.

However give him credit. Doc is good and got great game via this blog to new readers. His gift is marketing himself and exaggerating anything that he sees as a possible threat from tread to tread.

For example DV talks about natural foods without poisons(organic), Doc slyly mis lead, redirect and market it as 50$ breads or tasteless seeds.

Some new concepts he knows nothing about is getting discussed? He tries to market it or you to others as conspiracy theory etc., etc.,

However after a while, yawn. You will not get anything new.

It is so obvious that guy has such a week value of himself that he knows nothing of humility that his comments are on the level of a 5th grader rather than that of a 42 year old grown up. B- lips, moron , idiot etc.

I think he just wants to be looked up too and adored.:)

I got my doubts about Bra, however like I said if he really is a doctor then he is a God send to this blog. Every time you hear a Doctor speaking about the nutritional value of a Subway sandwich and chips and it does not make you want to challenge who the phuck trained these people and run like hell. Well you get the picture.


HotmfWax said...

( click here )


CNu said...

If you are not questioning your sanity and belief system when ever you visit one of these "crooks(he might be like DMG)" in a non emergency situation

The moron unselfconsciously punked himself via the admission that in emergency situations, the sane visit DMG and his colleagues without fail.

I guess when the shit hits the fan, they accept no substitutes....,

Anonymous said...

O. Mahogany,

The difference is in level (high school vs. university vs. graduate) not inter-degree differences (history vs. computer engineering vs. medicine). You CAN see the difference can't you?

And what's with the athlete thing? It makes no difference if he's performing for your entertainment. He's got a certain ability that the vast majority doesn't have. The vast majority of people don't have what it takes to lead a Fortune 500 company, or perform congenital heart surgery. I don't see where you are trying to go with that analogy.

The athlete who doesn't make the team is also in the same boat...well hopefully he's at least gotten a degree out of the deal.

How is an unemployed graduate worse than an unemployed person who never went to college? That doesn't make a damn bit of sense. The person who attended can compete for the same jobs as the person who didn't (all things being equal..can swing a hammer etc), but not vice versa...the kid with the B.S. in Chemical Engineering actually has the opportunity to get an interview at DOW.

Anonymous said...

What's up CNu,

I only read Waxy for the laugh value. I read some of his nonsense aloud to one of the secretaries, who thinks he's hysterical and a comedic genius (she doesn't believe he actually believes what he writes). He's got a fan.

I think we can all conclude that Wax doesn't have all of his faculties intact...especially in light of his last post talking about "microzyma" and that glucose is a waste product. Then without realizing it completely contradicts himself by hollering loudly that PROOF of fructose (being utilized as an energy source) "causing" (the article said no such thing) pancreatic cancer was found by scientists.

Wax do you even KNOW where your pancreas is?

Anonymous said...

"Black males without a college education are a nickel a dozen. "

DMG, ain't that the truth! If more of them had them, what a world or country this will be.

My girlfriend's Masters from NYU means shit bubbles when I have to take the tab everytime we eat lunch"
Isn't this what friends do,help each other out???

Dv, I see where you going with this, and I respect your right to do what you feel is best for your children.

HotmfWax said...

To Dmg's techno girlfriend:

I have said that many times before and I think DV has also. Gun shot, car wreck broken leg(All emergencies). Go ahead and see these flunkies. I have no issues with that. (No unselfconsciousness punking going on science guy.)

Nutrion advice. Check up. Chronic ailments? Cancer, Diabetes? Hell no ! Run from these trickster.

I will post that all day long.

Doc(maybe?), Stop trying to save your inability to address the topics with the "Duck and Dodge technique. I posted that alternative and esoteric dogma busting viewpoint in medicine that glucose is a waste product. (See Robert Young article.) -I did not expect you to get that.

However, I did expect you to get this: you were dodging Sasha HFCS issues as you have mine about the same topic in the past.

Therefore, I hit you with YOUR OWN "mainstream press" and "your peers" article about PROOF of fructose role in cancer by your own boys out of UCLA and instead of saying their research is ahhh, ahh(you are stuck aren't you) you quickly shift the focus and jump to another thread and throw your insults and now try to create some confusion about me believing both. This ain't about me -it is about HFCS role with Cancer. Address it.

I also did not create the headline of that article or say caused . That is your con man trick you pull every time. Go back and look at the article.

Dude, this is your MO .I ain't mad at you, you do what you do and I like you as my personal "moral compass" but we gotta start calling you on this.

What about HFCS and its role with Pancreatic Cancer? Answer the young lady with Substance Duckter.

Do you think people are incapable of reading a Reuters(plantation ) article on HFCS.

The con game with you two is both of your lifestyles depends on fear and destruction for value.

Oh the world is going to run out of oil. come to me I will save you. Write me a check.

Oh come to me your cholesterol is high, let me give you a statin and really kill you. Write me a check.


Dawolu Jabari Anderson said...

Threads like these send me back to John Taylor Gatto's works. I need to stay on it.

"Black males without a college education are a nickel a dozen.-DMG

DMG, ain't that the truth! If more of them had them, what a world or country this will be."-Anon

More factory built/conveyor belt clone troop teachers, working for the public education dynasty so those at the top of the pyramid can dine nasty.

HotmfWax said...

Con Duckter here is the post:

DMG said... (to Sasha)
(if you are waiting for my answers on the other thread...I suggest you look there)

Aug 5, 2010 2:56:00 PM

HotmfWax said...
click here

WASHINGTON — Pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and proliferate, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a study that challenges the common wisdom that all sugars are the same.

Tumor cells fed both glucose and fructose used the two sugars in two different ways, the team at the University of California Los Angeles found.

They said their finding, published in the journal Cancer Research, may help explain other studies that have linked fructose intake with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancer types.

"These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation," Dr. Anthony Heaney of UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center and colleagues wrote.

Sasha, you wasting your time. Doctor(that is what he says) just looking for a way to be rude to women and other crappy behavior to the peeps on the net. (low self-esteem).

But he will always refuse to address what is in front of him.

Aug 5, 2010 11:36:00 PM

Every bit of the above was copied from your "Plantation Media" articles except my statement to Sasha but you want to attribute it to me (conspiracy, or alternative stuff) in order to avoid addressing the issue.


Answer her question. Stop faking.

Anonymous said...


Ummm...didn't you look at the other post? Where I addressed what she and I were discussing? Why are you still frothing at the mouth? Do you really, truly think you "got me"?

Perhaps you would have spent your time better reconciling your most recent contradictory and magical thinking before you spend anytime getting into others conversations. And like I said...I believe Sasha can speak for herself.

Anonymous said...


"More factory built/conveyor belt clone troop teachers, working for the public education dynasty so those at the top of the pyramid can dine nasty"

Cute. I suppose you would prefer more ignoramuses like Wax "who would like to continue the redundance of his intestinal tract"? Being creative is one in your own fantasy world and making up "facts' as you go along is something quite different.

But like I said, a University education isn't for everyone, some might be better served going to a trade school, or brushing up on their mopping skills. It really doesn't matter what you do for a job. If you are satisfied with your life, who cares how much money you make? Education is what you make of it. For my interests it was the right choice for me. I even enjoyed the subjects not directly related to my major. I read and discussed some fantastic books and ideas--with people who were truly intelligent. Was introduced to topics in which I wouldn't have normally had an interest.

If you think it's a waste of time, don't go, don't send your kids. I don't care. You and yours will just be locked out of quite a few professions. But if you just want to be a small business owner. Skip it.

HotmfWax said...

click here

Boy gives out bad advice in any subject not just medical

click here

Dawolu Jabari Anderson said...

John Taylor Gatto

Dawolu Jabari Anderson said...

John Taylor Gatto (longer version)

HotmfWax said...

@GeeCheee-John Taylor Gatto....Brilliant as usual.


High school is Bulls@#t ? You don't really have to go. Party for 7 years.

"Drop out of high school at 16....wait a couple of years Get your GED at 23. Then work your way to becoming a president of a HBCU! :)"

click here

HotmfWax said...

This post Our Duck and Dodge Superfly Cornerboy?

old post:
"DMG said...

Fix that knot in your panties. You can campaign against anything you like...but if you are talking about pancreatic cancer, cigarettes smokers are TWICE as likely to develop the disease as those who don't, and about 30% of all cases are thought to be a direct result.

No evidence has been found to directly link high fructose corn syrup with pancreatic cancer.

As far as diabetes (which could suggest a fructose link...) it's not clear cut...since the glucose intolerance may actually result FROM the cancer.

About breaking down the details of "HFCS" apparently you haven't been listening. I broke down the fructose thing a few months ago. Keep up.

You act like I've never said avoid eating like a pig, exercise and generally live healthy. It's not that hard, and doesn't require $50 bread.

What I have said is it's really stupid to talk about high fructose corn syrup like it's the cause of all disease....especially without any real evidence other than a bunch of cobbled together websites. The difference is that you believe that it's not the amount of fructose consumed, but rather that there is some intrinsic property of high fructose corn syrup that mysteriously causes obesity and disease.

If you want to be enlightened crack a book rather than a website, and for godsakes quit listening to noveau internet street hustlers like our host."

Yesterday from me via Reuters:

What his high priest boys from UCLA says......

"They said their finding, published in the journal Cancer Research, may help explain other studies that have linked fructose intake with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancer types.

"These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation," Dr. Anthony Heaney of UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center and colleagues wrote.

"They have major significance for cancer patients given dietary refined fructose consumption, and indicate that efforts to reduce refined fructose intake or inhibit fructose-mediated actions may disrupt cancer growth."

mmmm...."linked fructose intake with pancreatic cancer. check!"

mmmm..."reduce refined fructose intake or inhibit fructose-mediated actions may disrupt cancer growth." inhibit fructose , disrupt cancer growth. check.

Dr. , Do you know where your pancreas is?

I can help you. let me see Dr. Anthony Heaney is a asshole. He is a conspiracy theorist. f- him.:)

Did I do alright?

Anonymous said...

When are you going to learn to condense? Seriously. You don't think anyone actually reads your diatribes, do you?

I've got nothing to do tomorrow, so I'll play along. If you read the's in vitro. I'm not sure if you know this, but in vitro (petri dish) studies are not definitive and aren't meant to be translated to clinical practice. Research takes YEARS of validation studies to go from cell culture to clinical practice. I mean there are several things that will kill a cancer cell culture in the lab....but not in a sick human, (apparently gloves contaminated with certain types of salad dressing or yogurt will kill cells in culture--I won't name names of my former lab mate that ruined 3 weeks of work...).

"They said their finding, published in the journal Cancer Research, may help explain other studies that have linked fructose intake with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancer types"

You didn't actually read the most important word in that sentence you posted and it was "MAY". Not does.

But to be fair to you Wax, Heaney may have taken some liberties with the results of his research, when talking to the press. You can't go from cell culture studies to making policy statements about reducing fructose without many, many validation studies. That was his mistake. He doesn't make that mistake in his research paper...but does in the news article.

By quoting this article are you saying that you actually do believe in "plantation" science now (and renounce that silliness you posted yesterday)? I've done nothing but ask you all to examine what you are preaching. You won't. So I call you on it.

Let me make this clear. There is NO evidence that fructose causes pancreatic cancer in humans. The article doesn't even suggest it. The literature doesn't suggest it. When you find some, let me know.

What this article is suggesting is that further research is needed to see if fructose (and remember it's in carrots and fruit...) helps pancreatic cancer cells proliferate in vivo (in the body...not the dish).

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the basics of cancer, before you jump into this topic full force. And don't jump the gun. This is an early study. Much more work needs to be done before you can make the statements that you are trying to make.

So about the pancreas...Wax, I not only know where it is, I know it's blood supply, function, innervation and have operated on or around the organ many, many times.


Why do you insist on these silly arguments with me? You know you are outmatched. You know folks reading this wince in embarrassment for you every time you bring up some inane idea like microzyma (so when are you going to explain that little contradiction in your belief system? Take your time, I'm sure you'll come up with something "fantastic").

CNu said...

Why do you insist on these silly arguments with me? You know you are outmatched. You know folks reading this wince in embarrassment for you every time you bring up some inane idea like microzyma

GCV tried to save him and get the thread back on track, but apparently mr. namaste "love, peace, and joy" is really just your typical, low-life 50-page book slangin moron with an attitude and a hustle.

jigaboo mad cause you've made him look like the moron that he is.

Bottomline, everytime this fool steps up to the plate, he sets Dr. Bacon-Bey and the raw food generation back several generations.

and no, he can't condense material he personally barely understands, he's just hoping that that namaste horseshit will fool the simple-minded into thinking he's right minded instead of right out his muhphukkin mind....,

Anonymous said... about your "10 Famous People who didn't go to College".

You got a few things wrong. Dell, Gates, and Zuckerberg were all IN college when they had their ideas...according to your article. So even the title of that little blog piece is incorrect.

Would you like me to name the 10 million not famous, unsuccessful people who DIDN'T go to college? Wait I can't, they are nameless and faceless.

So, let's recap this week:

1. You don't want kids to go to college
2. You believe in some mysterious force called microzyma, and simultaneously believe that sugars are a waste product and not an energy source, and are an energy source and not just a waste product.

3. Did I miss anything?

HotmfWax said...

As usual Doc, I would assume that you would sneak one of your cool mis-directs in and prop up yourself by trying to confuse the peeps that you are a "wise person " by misrepresenting someone else point of view.

Let me help you with clarity...

"1. You don't want kids to go to college."-DMG

What I "want" was not even mentioned.

I could care less if someone goes to college or not , My link was just showing that the list of powerful people are "degree -less" but still successful and another article that said that you don't need a degree to be successful.

The intent was MOSTLY to erase the distain that you seem to have for people without that old masonic piece of paper (lesser than you). Bet ya did not know that your degree is related to the priesthood astrological beliefs Bra(origin).

My daughter is in college Dude AND I am paying for it.

It would not bug me one bit if she said I quit and want to do x. I personally think she is wasting her time, however peer pressure and the media helped her make that decision.

I don't decide anything for anyone after 13 dude. Provide info any you are then responsible for your choice, but you say that I don't want "kids" to go?


Personally Duckter, I just don't think a college degree is a big whoop. If you have a desire to be your own man or woman and just to be the best in whatever area you choose THEN its overrated . In athletics we get it but in business and other fields we can't.

For example, Tiger Woods earned more money in a weekend that you will earn in your life Doc and he does not have a degree, Why can't anyone else do that in any other area in life? I personally believe the whole concept of higher education to be somewhat irrelevant but if someone "wants" to go in order to "learn in that manner" because they believe its a way to advance themselves, I have no desire to stop them and see nothing wrong with it- no protest from me.

I personally believe that if someone could drop out of school at 16, pick up a GED at 23 and become a president of a University later says a lot about "structured education".

I know many home school kids that can ace the GED at 12 yrs old. Do they need to wait around for some structured second hand non creative person to teach them over the next 6 years. They are 50 Doogie Housers waiting to replace you Doc, they don't need your "sacred structure" and your cult practices to make money. Just have to become the best in healing Bra. Mercola and Dr. Young can use your yearly salary for a weekend vacation because people find them relevant, creative and valuable -not because of what is on their wall or even if they have something on their wall.

Stop mis representing me Dude.

If "kids" want a "job" like you have DMG, be my guest go to college and get your JOB on. NOT PROTESTING!!!

But if you don't have a desire to work for anyone and truly believe in yourself...... Nothing wrong with letting the kids know that they CAN SKIP IT! You can learn about anything that you want to learn about better on "your own" than some stupid and structured European based system of delivering that knowledge to you without some "second hand con men" like Doc and the Techno teaching it to you.:)

Anonymous said...

Are you seriously really trying to continue this conversation? Look Black's gotten boring.

"You can learn about anything that you want to learn about better on "your own" than some stupid and structured European based system of delivering that knowledge to you without some "second hand con men" like Doc and the Techno teaching it to you.:)"

You mean kind of like how you've learned about human physiology (cough, cough microzyma...). YOU ARE A LIVING EXAMPLE why a University education is relevant.

HotmfWax said...

"2. You believe in some mysterious force called microzyma, and simultaneously believe that sugars are a waste product and not an energy source, and are an energy source and not just a waste product."

You and your techno girlfriend love to talk about Condensing stuff because you enjoy trying to mis -represent like you are trying to do now.

Pretending that microzyma is something new, shows your lack of knowledge ( mixed with Techno's 5th grade behavior) and makes you just a little bit suspect.

I know that you can quote Pasteur, but know nothing of Bechamp the person he copied from.

The term has been around from the1800's ducktor, however they might been a reason why you are just hearing about it now.

Let me help you, Bechamp discovered tiny organisms he called "microzymas" which are present in all things - animal, vegetable, and mineral, whether living or dead. Depending upon the condition of the host, these microzymas could assume various forms. Bad bacteria and viruses were simply the forms assumed by the microzymas when there was a condition of disease. In a diseased body, the microzymas became pathological bacteria and viruses. In a healthy body, microzymas formed healthy cells. When a plant or animal died, the microzymas lived on. To this day, the whole theory of microzymas has never been disproved.

Later researchers like Naessens and Enderlein followed the same line of reasoning and developed their own systems of how these microzymas operate.

Although their ideas were never proven false by opposing research, they were generally persecuted by mainstream medicine, which makes sense. Because without an enemy that can be identified and killed, what good is it to develop weapons? And developing weapons, that is, drugs, has been the agenda of the industry set up by Carnegie and Rockefeller even down to the present day, as we shall see. New drugs mean new research funding and government money and the need for prescriptions and for an entire profession to write those prescriptions. Try reading the "The Post-Antibiotic Age: Germ Theory by Tim O'Shea" or Sick and Tired by Robert Young.

Doc you can also go to the source :).

Bechamp himself put it in his last book The Third Element of the Blood: ". . . the microzyma, whatever its origin, is a ferment; it is organized, it is living, capable of multiplying, of becoming diseased and of communicating disease. . . All mycrozyma are ferments of the same order - that is to say, they are organisms, able to produce alcohol, acetic acid, lactic acid and butyric acid. . . In a state of health the microzymas of the organism act harmoniously, and our life is, in every meaning of the word, a regular fermentation. In a state of disease, the microzymas do not act harmoniously, and the fermentation is disturbed; the mycrozymas have either changed their function or are placed in an abnormal situation by some modification of the medium. . ."

ducktor, I guess one of the smartest guys in the last two centuries came up with a concept you are just hearing about and you attempt to make me the madman.


ps- just got back from a whole day of golfing and the movies and as I said it is 12:15am and you are still here:). Professional blogger..tell Cass Sustein I said hello.

HotmfWax said...

"simultaneously believe that sugars are a waste product and not an energy source, and are an energy source and not just a waste product."-DMG

Con man.

See Robert young dogma buster comment.

Second see your own Reuters source on HFCS.


Can I post a link about Dr. Young's brilliant concept on what sugar is - that is not mainstream? (duh, Dogma buster).

and then post one of your own Plantation Drs punking you about HFCS without you slipping and sliding to avoid it and trying to throw it back at me?

I know, I know you got to go get your techno girlfriend for help, he has no traffic(sub-unreal) on his Cass Sustein JOB blog either.

Namaste:)- go to Bed dude. see you at 8am bright and early.

Anonymous said...

Black Knight,

You spewed a bunch of nonsensical words online. Calling it coherent would be a stretch.

You realize that you are being tolerated merely for my own enjoyment, and that this in no way constitutes a debate...right.

Please, someone come to Wax's defense. Please someone (anyone) step up and say that they agree with Wax and his pseudoscience. Help the brother out. He needs some support.

You aren't a dogma buster. You can post whatever nonsense you want. I really don't think anyone is reading it....

And Waxy, nobody is avoiding anything. It's a non-story, the only ones up in arms about it are the fools who don't understand the science. Hence I have no reason to correct you. You'll eventually undo yourself.

And why am I still here? I'm writing a manuscript, on the MacBook Pro (I highly suggest you pick one up...) and was sitting outside at the last bit of a cook out with neighbors. Enjoying the summer watching the boy and the dog romp around.

What are you doing? Feverishly googling random blogs to put in your menudo-like stew of ideas?

Seven Half Store said...

My girlfriend's Masters from NYU means shit bubbles when I have to take the tab everytime we eat lunch"

"Isn't this what friends do,help each other out???"-Anon

Isn't a graduate from the prestigous NYU supposed to have their own money?

Anonymous said...

O. Mahogany,

Your beef is with your girlfriend, not NYU. Graduating from University, prestigious or not doesn't guarantee shit (bubbles). It's up to the person with said degree on what they'll do with it.

And anyway, if you don't want to pay, quit taking her to lunch...

Seven Half Store said...

Be nice to see the day in which virtually all Americans obtain a college education.

Because naturally, then we'd all be CEO eligible or at least have glorified incomes.

And yes, many great CEO's without degrees, reported and unreported (including those of the company I work for) came up with their ideas while in college.

That's what school does.

It reminds you of how much time and money you've wasted.

It compels you to capitalize on the natural mental ability God has given you.

Online programs for grade school and university levels alike are the present and future.

The lack of interest in education can only be credited to failures in the system of education.

The success of college graduates who will make grave financial risks in attending college can only be attributed to the belief that their degrees will offer them greater financial security and prevent them from borrowing gas money and presenting sob stories of government controlled loans to their girlfriends whom they know are kind enough to handle the check- every outing.

Seven Half Store said...

No, DMG.

You don't get it. Nor does my girlfriend.

NYU owes her. A lot.

Anonymous said...

O. Mahogany,

NYU doesn't owe your girlfriend a motherfucking thing. If she can't or does not want to capitalize on her Masters degree that's her never answered me as to what her degree was in.

Why is it that everybody wants to blame the system, and not the individual?

I think it's YOU who doesn't get it. University education isn't a job training program. If you want that go to DeVry and learn how to work on car engines.

Look I don't know you or your girlfriend. But again, you offer her up as damning proof, and I offered my neighbors success story. What did you not get about anecdotal evidence? I offered you data stating the exact opposite of what you were preaching. I can't do anything more for you. Again, if you don't like University--don't go. Don't send your kids. But don't blame NYU for your having to pick up the check.

That's YOUR fault.

Anonymous said...

...and if she didn't have a Masters from NYU, you might also be paying her rent. Be thankful.

Seven Half Store said...

I dont pay her rent because she doesn't have an apartment. She can't afford that either.

It's not about my friend simpleton....

If my friend is a part of a significant demographic in statistical finds or scholarly study then my reference is relevant. Surely, if you can reference a large google find which is representative of people like your neighbor you can understand that it is those "anecdotes" which leads to these studies.

...It's about thousands of people who are like my friend.

"University education isn't a job training program."

Yes, I know. It's a choice. A place where people go to enhance their knowledge base, right? For nearly 40K/yr for some. Please. In every department catalogue the FIRST thing mentioned is a list of possible careers one would qualify for. And if the University is desperate enough it will definitely offer and market job assistance, workshops...

At what point does one's school debt become worth it? If you're not a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Look, what your girl can or cannot do is not an indictment on the education system. My wife has a nice career with a "mere" Bachelors from Northwestern...she ain't broke, and wouldn't be broke if I lost my ability to practice.

"If my friend is a part of a significant demographic in statistical finds or scholarly study then my reference is relevant."

Um no. It still just means you are providing an n=1. That's anecdotal evidence and has NO statistical significance. Simpleton (maybe if you paid your $40k, you'd know that). And my reference(s) two now contradict yours. The difference is that I'm admitting mine are mere anecdotes and are of no significance.

Your friend is part of the unemployed college graduate demographic. OK. She still has more opportunities to find work than someone with only a high school education.

Bottom line do what's right for you, but quit bitching about paying for your girls lunch while referencing her Masters degree and talking about how NYU "owes" your girl something.

I have no idea what you are even arguing anymore. I guess you are lamenting going to college because someone told you a piece of paper was going to make you rich. The piece of paper only unlocks the door. If you or your friend don't have the drive to make things happen, that's on y'all...and I suggest you quit eating out, if you can't afford to pick up the tab.

Seven Half Store said...

It is so fruitless to argue with you because you have yet to answer my question. Nor have you provided any legitiamte argument as your replies are all rude fluff.

The only person who made my reference or anecdote, evidence is YOU.

Deductive reasoning sucks in the literal thinkers who gobble textbooks word for word. The literal thinker is language's sucker, both perilously gullible to it and desperately affectionate for it.

Anonymous said...

(Nor have you provided any legitiamte argument as your replies are all rude fluff.)

I agree with mahogany. Rude fluff without a real counterpoint.

Anonymous said...

O. Mahogany,

You DON'T HAVE A QUESTION! You haven't provided ANY evidence to back up your claim. What are you talking about?

Look up the definition of anecdote.

Anonymous said...

Is this DV's Blackest Valedictorian?

Anonymous said...

I wanted to home-school my college education & build my portfolio myself. My (divorced) parents both said "NO! NIGGA YOU BETTER GET A DEGREE!!! You're not gonna live in either of our houses without one.

6 years latter I got the degree. Professors said "Now that you guys are graduating, go home and build your portfolio". My parents say "Why are you at home?, Why don't you have a j.o.b? How are you gonna pay the parent loan I took out & private loans we co-signed?"

I just shake my head. 3 generations of savings gone plus 50k debt (in my name) on top of parent plus loans just for a damn piece of paper, and a white guy to tell me to go do some shit I already knew, and was in the process of doing ON MY OWN. On my own the same information would have cost me $50 in books, and $1,200 in supplies.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I held two full time, one seasonal, and two part time jobs over the course of my college "career". One of which I also held in high school, with an additional stint in another part time job. That's 8 jobs, and had my own small yard-care business from middle-school to high school (I knew what I wanted to do in life, and how much my supplies/tools would cost).

I have not held one job, nor career position since earning a (bachelors) college degree.