Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Blackest Cacao ' Good Fat' Smoothie On The Planet


CNu said...

How many meals and how many beverage/snacks do you usually take daily?


Do you just go based on how you feel at any given moment - essentially grazing based on hunger?

Day 4, appetite's gone, japanese rice crackers and dried fruits, then large vegetable salads for dinner, one warm and one cold - with cheese cubes interspersed in the warm broccoli salad.

Feel full, energy's very high all day long, sleep good, no joint stiffness in the morning, no allergy symptoms whatsoever.

Widow-maker (gut) shrinking fast.

Clothes getting loose fast.

Amenta said...

What the recipe for smoothie? On day one of juice, smoothie and water cleanse. Started out with juice this morning. Kale,cilantro,spinich, ginger one pear and two green apples in the juice.