Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shots Fired • Round 4 Of The Engineered Race War • Can DV Call 'em or Can DV Call 'em? • DV University • Spring 2012

"The suspect is described as A Black female, late 20's early 30's, skinny ... with gold hair." Lt. Dan Norris

Intelligence is pattern recognition.

Left Right
Left Right
Black White
Black White

Ordo ab Chao

Trayvon Martin 
Whites 1
Blacks 0

Oklahoma Shooting
Whites 2
Blacks 0

Kill Mom Kidnap Baby in Texas
Whites 2
Blacks 1

These shootings are media events.
"Race" is sensationalized.
People are being provoked.

The Plantation is beating the drum of Race War.



Constructive Feedback said...

This is a disturbing event no matter how you slice it.

The sad truth is, however, just a few hundred miles to the South in Juarez Mexico - such abductions / killings are commonplace.

Denmark Vesey said...

You missed the point CF.

It's not the killing.

It's the CHARACTERIZATION of the killing by the media.

And the CHOREOGRAPHY of the wave of killings.

Do you get that?

Do you understand that the killings between Sunni and Shia in Iraq that were responsible for thousands of deaths and the perpetuation of a civil war were most likely choreographed by private intelligence interests?

If they do it as foreign policy ...

how long before you think they will do it as domestic policy?

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]It's the CHARACTERIZATION of the killing by the media.

I am with you on all that you say.

The Trayvon Martin killing was a seminal moment for Black America - in my opinion - BECAUSE of what the White Progressive showed himself to be.

NOT ONE OF THEM decided to question Minister Sharpton as to "WHY NOW? We see a Ninja That Gets Himself Kilt each and every day. WHY NOW? There are some sections with a Homicide Clearance rate of less than 50%, the killers are still walking around. They are NEVER going to appear in an episode of 'The Civil Rights Cold Case File 2000-2012'. Why now?"

The reason why they don't ask is because when the White Progressive Cheshire Fox sees an ANGRY NEGRO MARCH - he knows that he is going to capture ALL OF THE VOTES of everyone in the crowd. As the anger against WHITE FOLKS is always converted into Democratic ballots. This as the Black Community's condition never changes substantively".

The FOX and the WOLF are actually in a tag team match.

The Conservative Wolf OWNS the "Black Community's ATTENTION SPAN" - he can anger Black folks and have us INVEST our conscious focus into him, instead of developing ourselves.

The White Progressive Cheshire Fox OWNS the Black vote. All of the Black ballots keep his belly full as we choose to express our "Black Community Development Consciousness" through VOTING rather than ensuring that the institutions that we control in our community for development of our people are properly governed.

Again - in summary - the CHARACTERIZATION of the murder of the mother with the 3 day old baby is an UNMENTIONABLE consequence of having "urban crime" seep out of its container - in the view of the MEDIA.

CNu said...

Typical overreach..., as often as there have been baby abductions, including do-it-herself Caesarean sections in order to steal another woman's baby - this goes straight to the "race war" clearance bin and gets chalked up instead to postpartum madness.

Genuine race war instigators, if they existed, and outside of kracker klaverns and panther litter boxes, they do not - would have done a much better job vetting the killer.

Agüeybaná said...

I respect your gangsta DV. And I think you left out a couple zeros after that (Round) 4... maybe more like million? Name a point in history in which race was not used to divide...

In response to your question,

"The Plantation is beating the drum of Race War.


My man Paulo Freire broke it down decades ago in his classic "Pedagogy of the Oppressed":

"[Divide and rule] is another fundamental dimension of the theory of oppressive action which is as old as oppression itself. As the oppressor minority subordinates and dominates the majority, it must divide it and keep it divided in order to remain in power. The minority cannot permit itself the luxury of tolerating the unification of the people, which would undoubtedly signify a serious threat to their own hegemony... Concepts such as unity, organization, and struggle are immediately labeled as dangerous. In fact, of course, these concepts are dangerous--to the oppressors--for their realization is necessary to actions of liberation."

Some people still think "the oppressed" refers to black people--and that's perfect. They're supposed to.

Anonymous said...

Etan Patz investigation is about to hit paydirt. And the perp *is*.....

makheru bradley said...

Why isn’t this incident on your list DV? Because you did not know about it!!!!!

If TPTB really wanted a “race war” they would be blowing up stories like this. Why would they want to disrupt "the psychodynamics of Black self-annihilation in service of white domination" by focusing attention on "racial violence?"

Barack Obama can call Kanye West a “jackass,” but he dare not utter a single word about Ted Nugent.

"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year. If you can't go home and get everybody in your lives to clean house in this vile, evil America hated administration, I don't even know what you're made out of." – Ted Nugent