I’m not going to comment on the fight because that is not what I saw in the video. We discussed before looking at business models from beatdown videos and as you see, the non-Black workers are behind a barrier while everybody on the outside acting a fool in the small enclosure.
Did you see the workers call the cops or just spectating? They were fighting for a long time in that video weren’t they and you haven’t seen any cops show up. That’s the same amount of time it takes to kill a man or perform a home invasion and be clear and gone before the Chicago cops arrive.
But I noticed something that the brotha over at the Denmark Vesey blog talk about all the time when it comes to Black people. Look at the following pictures and tell me what you see: Dream & Hustle
Funny But Very Very True!
Why not protest black on black crime?
If you tamper with black on black crime you'll clog up one of the pipelines to the prison industry.
As for "hate crimes" they remind us that evil is transparent, easily identifiable and far from being systemic.
Challenging gangbangers over a sausage link.
Based on the evidence we have, one million Zimmerman's would kill one million Trayvon Martin's.
Long overdue time for death squads to set about the necessary work of solving this problem....,
Yesterday as my eyes caught the foolishness on "Maury" I thought to myself that if there was a greater sense of Black consciousness we would see operative groups like "Color Of Change" working to get "Maury" off of the air because few Black people watch "The Rush Limbaugh Show" by comparison. Only the ego of certain people are hurt by Limbaugh.
Sadly the cameras of "Maury" and "Jerry Springer" are more of a documentary of the sad truth that is present in SOME communities.
I am disappointed that more of the MEN in the crowd did not step in and REGULATE THIS FOOLISHNESS!!!
We are too much of a people who like "bread and circuses".
@ Construct
We have bred ourselves into becoming a beef culture. Beef as in quarrelsome. A cutthroat competitive culture that once made so much progress for a people that have fought through so much.
The shows you speak of serve a demographic found in the big round Steakum supplement taken jiggling jigs seen in this video. The ONLY way to beat these kind of shows is to treat our behavior as food. Remove unhealthy modes of social behavior. The most poisonous are backbiting & slander. That not only kills us on a domestic level but as an entire nation. It opens up degenerate behavior and having the worse opinion for the people you communicate with. It destroys trust and constructs rancor. CointelPro might add to the list that it saves agencies an incredible amount of man power & funding.
People are going to either create the demographic for these shows or remove it. Creating a product for people to buy into is not something performed by chance. You have an idea of the market before putting your investment on the line.
How many "inquiring people wanted to know" and popularized today's gossip/bickering culture? Donohue and tabloid tripe were cross pollinated.
This video wasn't about some minor infraction that happened to spiral out of control. No, them heifers went in that sausage factory looking for something to set off.
Most important to note, the dude filming this is the biggest devil while probably being one of the first people offended by what happened to Trayvon.
Whether this dumb Nigger Jim filming this is sitt'n up telling camp fire stories 'bout witches or on the net 'bout bitches he markets a product just as bad or worse than Maury an'nem. Maury wish he could get away with this material. The conditions of people will not change until people change themselves.
Death Squads permanently change fools quick, fast, and in a hurry!!!
Death Squads aren't interested in Chicago chicken shack shenanigans. They want the leaders that serve a purpose.
Death Squads aren't interested in Chicago chicken shack shenanigans. They want the leaders that serve a purpose putting all that in reverse.
No one can put the currently prevailing levels of ignorance, stupidity, barbarism, and immorality in reverse - short of terrible war or terrible privation and suffering, i.e., the ARE no such messianic leaders, and should one emerge, he too would have to begin his campaign of rehabilitation with death squads.
Since it's easy enough to predict how these humans will act if good order breaks down any further (and good order WILL break down much further starting in cities going bust) why not simply get a head start on solving this irreversible problem?
"If you tamper with black on black crime you'll clog up one of the pipelines to the prison industry." Gee Chee Vision
Brother Gee Chee!
umm ...
You got me thinking on this one.
"Black on Black" crime.
umm ...
I know we've been hearing that expression for several decades now. But I wonder what it means?
... crime ....?
WTF is that really?
How is B on B crime different from other crime?
What does it mean?
I've never heard of "White on White" crime.
Or "Asian on Asian" crime.
Or "Italian on Italian" crime.
Or "Ugly muhfugah on Ugly muhfuggah" crime.
Or "Faggot on Faggot" crime.
Or "Eskimo on Eskimo" crime.
Why must everything negative involving people who happen to be black ... be presented as a "Black" phenomenon?
I think it is a function of the Group Identity Mind Control trick.
Black people have been hypnotized.
Yes. Mass hypnosis.
They have been conditioned to experience reality through a narrow racial lens.
The "Black Peepuh" Identity mind trick.
Notice how many stupid negative self destructive things some Black people do ... because they think THAT'S WHAT BLACK PEOPLE DO.
90% of Black people eat the way they eat ... because someone told them that's how Black people are SUPPOSED to eat.
Whether it is drinking Sprite or smoking Newports or eating copious amounts of processed chicken or platters full of macaroni and cheese or fighting like fucking animals in a restaurant ... many Negros adopt this behavior because it has been implanted in their heads via post hypnotic suggestion.
They are "Black Identifiers".
Like a Blood with a Red Flag ... is showing his gang affiliation ...
A negro fighting in a sausage joint ... thinks ... she is showing her Blackness.
"Dis Iz How We Do In Chicago!"
The Denmark Vesey Solution?
Break the Group Identity Trick.
Redefine reality.
The people in this video ARE NOT BLACK PEOPLE.
These are Fat Ignorant Poorly Educated American People ... victims of a deliberate mind control experiment designed to lead them to annihilation.
Yes Brother Gee.
I submit this was not Black on Black crime.
It was Fat Ignorant Poorly Educated Poisoned People on Fat Ignorant Poorly Educated Poisoned People crime.
The solution?
Stop doing things that make you fat, ignorant, poorly educated and poisoned.
"... death squads.
starting in cities going bust) why not simply get a head start on solving this irreversible problem?" CNu
Death Squads?
That's such a waste of time.
That is too cumbersome a method to kill off people.
McDonald's is a "death squad".
Monsanto is a "death squad".
Vaccines are "death squads".
Abortion is a "death squad".
Hydrogenated oil is a "death squad".
Driving around in trucks and shooting ignorant people in the head is Little League.
Can't really put up numbers that way.
While Negros get their little "Trayvon Martin" bi-monthly protest fix on ... Negros are being wiped out like flies.
Uh..., Chinese are the number one pork eating people on the face of the earth, with chicken taking a close second in their dietary regimen. Jes sayyin....,
Uh..., Chinese are the number one pork eating people on the face of the earth, with chicken taking a close second in their dietary regimen. Jes sayyin....,
umm ....
Just saying what?
lol, your pork sloganeering sounds like a sensible rallying cry to you, what's left of the NOI, the Moorish Science Temple, and a few vegans...,
but to over a billion chinese -
it's just so much "nigga please"...,
The whole "black peepuh" identity, as exemplified by these coons dragging each other all across the floor over some fucking sausage, is nothing short of bizarre. Thomas Sowell traced this "ghetto behavior" back to the British Isles in "Black Rednecks White Liberals", saying that black people adopted this behavior from witnessing it in the South at the hands of poor white peopleutter acing its origins back to the British Isles from which these whites came, but never managed to break themselves free from the mentality. He then documented examples of how some cities were already "integrated" in various aspects; until southern blacks moved into town and basically fucked it up for everybody. The resulting discrimination was a result of their trifling behavior, not "jus' cuz dey was bwack." He cited examples of how whites exhibiting the same behavior were treated "just like black folks" in cities such as Indianapolis. Now of course, to them Thomas Sowell is a "sellout" because he has challenged them to take responsibility for their situation as opposed to blaming someone else, if not for the simple fact that he is highly regarded by Clarence Thomas (as a white friend told me was the reason he couldn't "get with" Sowell). Even Angela Davis recently blamed everything from Trayvon's death to black incarceration rates and poor health on "being black"; never mind media propoganda to perpetuate predictable behavior, for profit prisons, and a pro-sickness medical system controlled by pharmaceutical companies.
It's funny to me how all these negroes are quick to blame white people for all their problems, but break their necks to emulate every aspect of their "oppressor's" behavior. Then having the nerve to claim it's "how we do."
“What does it mean?
I've never heard of "White on White" crime.
Or "Asian on Asian" crime.
Or "Italian on Italian" crime.
Or "Ugly muhfugah on Ugly muhfuggah" crime.
Or "Faggot on Faggot" crime.
Or "Eskimo on Eskimo" crime.
Why must everything negative involving people who happen to be black ... be presented as a "Black" phenomenon?” -DV
That definitely is a strong point.
BUT (no little but, but a Serena BUT)…
…when black people say “black on black crime” it’s their objective, I believe, to regard it as the mystifying phenomenon of self-mutilation e.g. a lion mutilating itself as a pack of hyenas rip him apart. Whether or not if one considers black people to be one body is up for debate.
Black in this context is not used as “wretched on wretched” or “wicked on wicked.” That suggests a negative canceling a negative. Rather it’s regarded as “beauty on beauty” or “majestic on majestic.” But more accurately it’s a “people on people” sharing a unique dynamic “against all odds” history. It’s considered wasted energy or wasted resources. In this context it becomes a self-inflicted positive canceling another positive thus labeling this regenerative paradox of a phenomenon.
Self-mutilation to the point of inflicting a fatal wound is neither suicide nor murder. It’s a psychosis, an imbalance abandoning rationale.
“If you don’t believe in yourself then you are twice defeated in life.” – Garvey
Self-preservation is a rule of thumb therefore it’s reasonable to believe why an outside entity disbelieves in you if you have no belief in yourself thus being twice defeated. I believe black people understand “black on black crime” to be heightening the awareness of this rule being broken.
Those things that are subtle and pervasive require a more heightened awareness which I believe what this blog serves. It’s understood bad foods equals poor health but the extent of those effects is where you place emphasis but also contextualizing it with the history of eugenics. In this case bad food no longer becomes just reckless eating habits but rather systemic self-mutilation or self-eugenics.
Likewise black on black becomes more than simply crime that happens to take place amongst reckless black people it becomes systemic self-mutilation or self-genocide. Once again recognizing that black folk being one body is up for debate.
As for “white on white crime” we hear this all the time. It’s normalized in “our” language. It’s “our” coded history. I see it every morning on the freeway billboard used by the Museum of Natural Science. It reads, “The Civil War, what were we thinking?”
“WE” thinking…
“WE’s” sick boss…
This history is treated as a repulsive thing because it is code for “white on white crime.”
“A House Divided”
“Brother Against Brother”
Two positives.
A positive canceling a positive.
No negative connotations. No “War Against Terror” or “Good vs. Evil” but rather this idea of “Good vs. Non-evil.”
Black folks have always viewed the landscape as whites being their brothers. Even in slavery Negroes held good opinions for slave masters.
Black folks fought for principles in which they could not foresee ever becoming beneficiaries of. A straight up altruistic loyalty. They defined the brotherhood of whites with Biblical text. So to be fair it took a while and a little arm-twisting, of coarse a little baby snatching and a little raping then later a little Jim Crowing etc. but we were finally convinced to make clear distinctions.
So I don’t trip on it too much because we’re still trying to decide if we are blackamericans, Black (hyphen)-Americans, Africans or African-Americans. First step is to do what Webster did.
Finally, unsubscribes from Denmark Vessey blogspot. Can't take it anymore. bye y'all.
Negroes are afraid of White folks, but they love them. They ain’t right if they ain’t protecting White folks.
People that say you are into that “Black” stuff, can’t tell you where they are coming from. They just wanna criticize you. They know that they come from the same Black stuff that you are defending, but they just want to act a fool. They have just cut themselves off from their essence. They wanna bee something besides what they are. Go figure!
Umh..., essentialism - have'nt seen that isht for a minute (or several million)
I'm leaving too I can't take it anymore. BYE
Anonymous said...
I'm leaving too I can't take it anymore. BYE
(Has the same IP address as the previous 'Anonymous' who unsubscribed)
cornball batty bwoys.
I guess that was kind of vague.
Actually I was referring to Noah Webster's gesture to reinvent the English language as some act of autonomy I suppose. In reality you're still speaking the same language but he obviously understood the power behind taking control.
I love to see black folks get on these talk shows and piss off folks with their definition of racism. Usually a white person will challenge them to pull it up in the dictionary. But the dictionary serves no authority when in reality it's the pen of the human agent that documents societal change.
What is that that possessed Max Roach or Coltrane to rewrite things? So we do it all the time but we're acting like the kid learning to ride a bike thinking his father is still running behind him holding him up.
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