- makheru bradley said...
- There has already been a race war in Tulsa. By some estimates 3,000 Afrikan Americans were killed by white supremacists, and the greatest economic formation by Afrikan Americans was destroyed.
- Denmark Vesey said ...
- Race war?
- Sounds like you just described an economic war.
- Is all conflict between whites and blacks rooted in race?
- Were the natives of North America killed in a race war? Or were they killed as their land was being stolen?
- Trying to fight economic warfare with weapons designed to fight "racism"... is why Afrikan Americans are 50 years behind the game.
- .

There has already been a race war in Tulsa. By some estimates 3,000 Afrikan Americans were killed by white supremacists, and the greatest economic formation by Afrikan Americans was destroyed.
The Night Tulsa Burned Part 1
I don’t doubt that Northcom is itching for the opportunity to test the urban warfare tactics the US military learned in Iraq, but why would TPTB want to risk blowing the best game they ever had. They have a Black man—the most brilliant stroke of disguised hypocrisy in American political history--executing their agenda without a whimper of organized dissent. He’s assaulting the Constitution with indefinite detention and butt searches, assassinating American citizens classified as terrorists, and waging wars in Afrika and Asia for imperial conquest. Mass racial incarceration is working like a charm. The Afrikan American family continues to disintegrate and internecine conflict is taking a heavy toll.
Repression and blatant contradictions create optimum conditions for resistance. Why awaken an apathetic community caught in the deep throes of Black presidential fantasy?
The indications of a race-war setup go both ways; for profit prisons are come one come all. Trayvon Martin's case got a large number of black folk taking it to the streets on some "blacks are innocent whites are evil" routine, but the other side to all of that has to be roused up as well. There has to be an element to this whole thing that helps reinforce the "blacks deserve what they get because they're animals" side of the coin, so that everybody has a fair chance of getting caught in the net:
White man in B-More is beat and robbed while "racist black mob" does nothing but laugh and shake him down:
Young white kid in Kansas City gets doused with gasoline on his front porch by a group of black kids who tell him 'you got what you deserve white boy':
20 Africans beat a white man in Perth, Australia:
A crime is a crime, and they happen every day, regardless of victim/accomplice skin color. Don't expect the media to present any of these stories without taking advantage of the "growing trend in hate crime." That shit sells. If the PTB's main objective is eugenics/population control, then those dumb enough to be baited regardless of ethnicity is only a plus. Because black-man-fight-PTB...that shit ain't happenin'. Black-man-fight-white-man-and-vice-versa...PTB cleans all that up and wins.
"The indications of a race-war setup go both ways; for profit prisons are come one come all. Trayvon Martin's case got a large number of black folk taking it to the streets on some "blacks are innocent whites are evil" routine, " D. Smith
Money on the head.
"blacks are innocent whites are evil" routine, "
so true
Are the Tulsa shootings a false flag attempt to trigger another two weeks of DV dropping straw man; slippery slope; false dilemma; and red herring arguments as gospel?
Not to mention the ostentatious and conveniently-inconsistent use of “labels.”
This Race War shtick is getting comedic. Lately, I’m starting to think you enjoy the idea of being “first” in some mythical meme race, more than actually saying anything. Which is unfortunate, since it’d be an interesting topic if it weren’t so sloppy.
uhm hm.
I hear you Festas.
You hip to a "shtick" ... more on point than DV ... post a link.
Better yet. Click that link, go there ... and stay.
Jigabbo haters crack me up.
Sounds like you just described an economic war.—DV
Obviously you did not watch the video. The driving force for the massacre of Afrikan Americans in Tulsa in 1921 was white supremacy. One of the results was an economic catastrophe for the Greenwood community.
There are nine areas of people activity and race significantly influences and impacts all of them: Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.
Is all conflict between whites and blacks rooted in race?—DV
Apparently you think so. You’re reporting on “white victims of black violence.” Why don’t you say one group of human beings were attacked by another group of human beings?
Were the natives of North America killed in a race war? Or were they killed as their land was being stolen? -- DV
Both! Technically, the indigenous peoples of this continent were victims of genocide.
Trying to fight economic warfare with weapons designed to fight "racism"... is why Afrikan Americans are 50 years behind the game.—DV
They are waiting for you to start Bacon’s Rebellion Part II.
Sanford, Tulsa, Tawergha, Baghdad.
The same mentality.
[Employees of the US military contracting group Academi (formerly Xe, Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide) are seen in new leaked video shooting their machine guns at random while driving through the streets of Baghdad, crashing into other cars and even running over a pedestrian without hesitation.
Academi received a $250 million contract by the Obama administration to provide military services in Afghanistan.]
Supposedly The Gap Band's song was about the Tulsa massacre. I haven't seen enough sources to confirm that.
Justice for Jasmine
Much like the Trayvon Martin case (at least until today) the lack of charges in this case are mind boggling.
[Jasmine Thar, a 16 yr old African American was shot and killed December 23, 2011 while in her Godmother's yard in Chadbourn, NC preparing for a routine shopping trip to Myrtle Beach. Jasmine was doing what most teens do, texting, when the shot rang out. Two others were injured by the same bullet. A 23 yr old Caucasian male who was in the house across the street where the shot came from claims it was an accident. He was taken in for questioning but was not charged.The families of this tragedy lives will forever be changed.]
[According to the Whiteville News Reporter James Anthony Blackwell, who lives across the street from where the victims were shot and who neighbors say has a military background, told investigators his .308 Remington rifle accidentally fired once as he took it out of a case in his home.]
"Much like the Trayvon Martin case (at least until today) the lack of charges in this case are mind boggling." MB
Your mind is easily boggled.
Many accidental shootings do not lead to charges.
If the shooter wasn't white, you'd be calling it a "tragedy".
"Sad" for both families.
Race dependent justice is a lame hustle.
Mak, have you ever wondered why the article you linked, refered to the victim as "an" "African-American" and the shooter as "a" Caucasian?
Why not just a "shooter" and "victim"?
Who made the rule people must be identified by abstractions like racial group identity?
Imagine the newspaper identifying a shooter as "a" Blonde and the victim as "a" Brunette.
Or the TV News calling the shooter "an" Obese American and the victim as "a" thin American.
I suggest "Caucasian" and "African-American" are equally silly labels.
Don't you see that the mere IDENTIFICATION of people by race .. creates the perception of "racism"?
For every case of racial injustice that Plantation Negros claim ... there is a comparable case of racial injustice Plantation Crackas can claim.
(The blogs are bubbling with stories of "African-American" murderers who set a white girl on fire after rapping her ... but weren't charged with a "Hate Crime".
Playing the race game is a sucker move. Always loses.
Allowing the Trayvon Martin case to be spun as a racial issue was yet another example of Plantation Negro political and media stupidity.
Many accidental shootings do not lead to charges.—DV
This is not a simple accidental shooting because it involves the loss of a life. I don’t know if this was murder, voluntary manslaughter, or involuntary manslaughter. At the bare minimum the case clearly involves negligence. Without massive protests the Trayvon Martin case would have been swept under the rug. Apparently that’s what’s required here.
[I suggest "Caucasian" and "African-American" are equally silly labels.
For every case of racial injustice that Plantation Negros claim ... there is a comparable case of racial injustice Plantation Crackas can claim.]-- DV
LMBAO!!!! Man, you are a bundle of contradictions. I don’t expect to see you use the silly labels “Plantation Negros” and “Plantation Crackas” from this point forward.
"Without massive protests the Trayvon Martin case would have been swept under the rug. Apparently that’s what’s required here." MB
And ...
WITH massive protests the Trayvon Martin case will be swept under the rug.
And once again.
Negros are protesting ... for the SAKE of protesting.
Accomplish nothing.
Circular waste of energy.
Intentionally distracted.
An equal amount of Negros "protesting" the Trayvon Martin shooting ... will die of diabetes ... before 1 young black life is saved from murder ... as a result of these protests.
think about that.
If Trayvon Martin had been shot by Quintavius Booker ... 95% if these "protestors" would not give a shit.
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