Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Devil Deconstructed Part 2 ...

Basically Al Insani means descended from Adam and Al Jinn means descended from Iblis or the devil. What I have found is quite startling but makes so much sense. All conclusions I have arrived at come from my research into Bible and Quran as well as historical and archeological evidence I have come across.
I will simply sum it up in this email and if you are interested in learning more you can always send me an email. In short, God created at least two races of men in the beginning. One race can be traced back to the bloodline of Adam and the other can be traced back through the blood line of Satan or Iblis or the devil. Basically, the devil was not an invisible spook or fallen Angel, he was simply a man of flesh and blood who lived, breathed, died and PROCREATED on the Earth. When the elite say they worship the devil they are really worshiping their first father Iblis. They are blood descendants of Iblis or the devil. It is really a form of ancestor worship.
In Quran, God hints that Adam was a black man or of a negroid race. Genetically it is possible for all races to come from the dominate negroid gene. Modern ant hropological evidence suggests that we all came from a black man who began in Africa. Quran also hints that Iblis was the first of an Arian or Caucasion or white race. Their are many modern theories that suggest a white race may have originated in the Caucasus Mountains near Armenia and Northern Iraq or Southern Russia.
Basically, these concepts of a demonic spooky devil are all a deception. Perhaps the greatest deception the elite power mongers of the world have pulled over the rest of us. They have convinced one half of the world that the devil never existed and the other half that he is an invisible demon ready to pounce on us from the depths of hell at any moment. Meanwhile, these Al Jinn, or direct blood line descendants of Iblis are right in front of our faces, running our religions and politics and dominating our banks and media.
In the beginning two races of men were created and ended up on Earth. One was of the line of Adam and the other of Iblis. Both races were flesh and blood men, nothing more. Iblis being arrogant always considered himself the superior race ove Adam and his lineage. (keep in mind thaty Adam was black and Iblis was most likely white in skin tone.) Iblis was also granted respite by God until the last day. During this time he and his offspring will attempt to do anything in their power to get us to forget God and worship other things.
I believe that their may have been mixing between Al Insani and Al Jinn but the Jinn are very much into nepiotism. They only mix to avoid genetic degeneracy but over all go to great lengths to keep their blood lines pure. Today I believe the pure Jinn race is a tiny minority among us. I would say a dozen family bloodlines in the world are almost directly descended from the first Jinn, Iblis or the devil. Rockefellers are definately one of them. You and I will most likely never meet a pure Jinn in our lifetime as they live hidden among the elite in the world.
I am not alone in this understanding. This idea of a human devil is no t new, it has only been suppressed. This information must be researched further and become known among more people. In order for us to really defeat this enemy we have to reveal them for what they really are. We often blame Zionists, Masons, Jews, Illuminati, Nazi's, terrorists etc for the worlds woes and this is partly true but it is only half of the truth. The reality is that the biggest secret many of these Zionist and elitists keep is that they are indeed blood descendants of the first Jinn, Iblis, who was nothing more than a man. Remember the Wizard of Oz? How everyone feared the grand all powerful wizard but he turned out to be a fragile old man pulling strings and blowing smoke from behind a curtain? This is very close to the truth.
We have to refocus our attention on the true enemy. I agree, Zionism is basically satanism but that is just another title to both confuse the issue and draw our attention away from the truth. While we attack each other and our labels, the Jinn are laughing at us from behind their curtains, smoke, and mirrors.
Oh yeah. Go back and read John 8 again from the Bible. The story of Jesus' sermon on the Mount of Olives. Remember what he calls the Pharisees? Remember who he says their father is? Keep in mind that Jesus was not being metaphorical. He knew the truth. Iblis or Satan was just a flesh and blood man who lived and died on Earth much like Adam. He also had children, and that bloodline persists today, albeit a minority. And this close knit group of families are running the entire show today. They may be Zionists, they may be Jews, they may be masons, but the one thing they share is the blood that runs in their veins. They are racist, arrogant, power hungry, unscrupulous, worship their father and bloodline and have only one common goal; To do their part in taking as many sons of Adam to hell with them as possible.
C.S. Lewis said it best in his book 'The Screw Tape Letters'. The senior devil says to the junior devil, "The greatest deception we have pulled over mankind is convincing them that we don't exist." And really how can one defeat an enemy that one doesn't believe exists?
Saturday, September 27, 2008

its possible to pistol grip all of them.
as has been mentioned before
a pistol grip only shotgun is an exellent house defender but you are only utilizing a small portion of the shotguns capability

what i have found is that when I use a folding stock shotgun
I usually have the stock extended.
with a pistol grip only shotgun it is possible when holding it at waist level to break your wrist
the reason being is when it recoils.
If you have your wrist bent all the way when you are holding it level at the hip and fire it you can crunch yourself.
of course you can do that with a folding stock that is folded too.
the trick is to turn it sideways so it can recoil
You need to ask your self why a pistol grip only shotgun?
What purpose does it serve?
if you are wanting something short to manuver around in your house, in the dark, well ok
I know how to enter and cover a room and enter and cover a person in a room just as well with a full stock gun as with a short gun.
A short pistol grip shotgun rolls nicely in the center of a sleeping bag when ya got it bungie corded to the front forks of your motorcycle.
So it is really up to you
I like Mossbergs AND Remingtons AND Winchesters
they are ALL equally servicable.
Get one and then YOU learn to shoot it
I like side saddle shell holders.
get some snap cap dummy rounds and practice
cycle and reload
get to where you can do it safely AND FAST
Then send the wife and kids (all occupants of the house)
To the movies and while their gone
practice going through
your house entering and covering each room.
spend a coupla hours
get good at it so YOU know your house
you know the best spot to fire from.
Do it from several different angles.
Think about it.
Then when ya got the time go practice shooting your shotgun.
30 feet or less no sights
do it laying down.
rollong on the ground then take your right hand and stick it in your pocket. and figgure out how to shoot your gun with your left hand only. how to reload it.
practice this and get good at it
then switch hands
practice it and get good with it.
See Mark. You are the weapon the shotgun is only the tool.
when you are practiced and then add the shotgun thats when you become an effective defender of your home.
Ya gotta take this stuff seriously
If and When the time comes for you to use that thing there will be nothing more important.
Best of luck."
Friday, September 26, 2008
I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag ... of The United States of Israel

Let's pull out of Iraq and liberate Palestine from Israel! And send all the REAL terrorist moles to Guatanamo as financial war criminals!
A CNulan "By The Way" ...

no argument from me DV, I just wanted you to spell it out for the record.
AFAIC, 1957-59 was the apogee of autonomous jes grew here in the belly of the beast. i.e., when the circulaton of the Pittsburgh Courier was at its national peak of ~300,000 readers.
Old Negro and Black Digests and Muhammad Speaks newspapers make me equally nostalgic for what might have been....,
Financial Collapse an Accident? Or Criminal?
Congressman Ron Paul says that the bailout bill is likely to pass, heralding a 10-year plus economic depression for America and the potential for martial law should civil unrest arise as the financial meltdown worsens.
The State Of . . . said...

LA Times Dogs Spike

By Kenneth Turan, Times Movie Critic
September 26, 2008
AN IMPORTANT story indifferently told, Spike Lee's "Miracle at St. Anna" shows what happens when a film's execution does not measure up to its ideas.
The notion behind "St. Anna" is to create an epic World War II drama celebrating the largely forgotten exploits of African American infantrymen known as Buffalo Soldiers and to explore the complex dynamics of fighting for freedom in what was essentially a segregated Army.
To tell that larger story, however, another more plot-driven tale had to be found, and, as scripted by James McBride from his novel, the result comes up short. Pedestrian and awkward, this film is a disappointment not only in comparison with Lee's earlier epic, the underrated " Malcolm X," but also in comparison with another film with similar aims, Rachid Bouchareb's "Days of Glory."
Submariner Gives Love To Spike

Certainly, the movie has elements of confabulation but so does Saving Private Ryan. It's clear that Turan didn't judge this movie on its own artistic merits but in comparison with what he considers an archetype. He also wants to constrain the movie into the well tread story of racial oppression. Spike, however, is striving for more than that. He is depicting a crew fiercely united to each other and heroic beyond belief. Resistance to white supremacy is only a facet of a complex tale.
It seems that the reviewer would have been more content if Spike did an updated version of A Soldier's Story. An action packed articulate drama with black men armed and dangerous debating the virtues of patriotism seems to elude him.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Why Is The Corporate Media Promoting Homosexuality?

In 1970, Frederick Jaffe, the VP of Rockefeller-sponsored "Planned Parenthood" organization outlined how "social constraints" should be used to achieve "fertility control." ("Family Planning Perspectives" Oct.1970.)
These "constraints" included encouraging "increased homosexuality," altering "the image of the ideal family," and encouraging women to work outside the home.
If this failed, the agency recommended the placement of "fertility control agents in the water supply." We're not talking about unwanted pregnancies here.
The unprecedented decline of the American family since 1960 did not take place by accident. We are victims of a campaign of psychological warfare carried out by the CIA and foundations through the media, government and education.
They put the neutering agent in the cultural drinking water. The main ingredient is the promotion of homosexuality as an alternative to heterosexuality.
Feminism, which masquerades as "woman's rights," is in fact a pathological lesbian movement. It coerces women to believe that their feminine instincts are socially taught, oppressive and evil. It teaches them to fear and compete with men, and to find fulfillment in career instead of family.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Required Tools For The Economic Meltdown
"This Collapse of The Financial Markets Will Make The Great Depression Look Like A Picnic"

Michael Hudson
Global Research
September 23, 2008
On Sunday, September 7, the Treasury took on the $5.3 trillion mortgage exposure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose heads already had been removed for accounting fraud.
On Monday, September 15, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, when prospective Wall Street buyers couldn’t gain any sense of reality from its financial books. On Wednesday the Federal Reserve agreed to make good for at least $85 billion in the just-pretend “insured” winnings owed to financial gamblers who bet on computer-driven trades in junk mortgages and bought counter-party coverage from the A.I.G. (the American International Group, whose head Maurice Greenberg already had been removed a few years back for accounting fraud).
But it is Friday, September 19, that will go down as a turning point in American history. The White House committed at least half a trillion dollars more to re-inflate real estate prices in an attempt to support the market value junk mortgages - mortgages issued far beyond the ability of debtors to pay and far above the going market price of the collateral being pledged.