British Royals suckin' up to Hip Hop moguls.
Are you familiar with John Taylor Gatto's Underground History of American Education?
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I came to political Black partisanship by way of a stretch of cognitive activism. Thanks to a lengthy correspondance and collaboration with a great programmer focused on issues of mind and culture and how some people come to resist or be naturally immune to dopaminergy - I came to the realization that the Black cultural aesthetic is in large measure a defensive adaptation against cultural and psychological predation by dopaminergic culture (which is almost identical with western culture). In fact American Black culture it is the strongest and most durable bulwark against dopaminergy in the world.Our cultural aesthetic, while quite thoroughly western in many regards, and clearly in this world - is not entirely of this world, n'ahmeen? Ishmael Reed prolly came closer than anybody else to narratively distilling and capturing the essence of the thing.
(Dumain's critical flip-flop on Reed is equally fascinating and well worth considering for what it represents, as well)
Promoter Ulysses “DJ Lish” Barnes cancelled the event at Detroit’s Club APT after word of the party spread on the Internet, triggering a flood of angry emails and phone calls from around the country and highlighting tensions that sometimes flare between darker-skinned and lighter-skinned African-Americans.
“I made a mistake,” Barnes, who describes himself as a “dark-skinned” African-American, told the Detroit News. “I didn’t think there would be a backlash.”
"I didn't mean to offend anyone," he said. "I had planned a party for other shades (of black women). We were going to take a shade of color each week. Next week was going to be a party for 'Sexy Chocolate' and the week after that ‘Sexy Caramel.'”
Barnes told the Detroit News that he plans to host an event to raise money for a charity to make up for any problems or pain he caused over the party flier.