Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ron Paul. The Thinking African-American's Candidate

Black people flocking to Ron Paul in droves.


J.C. said...

If black people are flocking to that jack ass then they are ignorant black people.
Politicians, local or national, are not chosen by the public on the basis of competence or knowledge but rather in terms of personality and promises.
Likewise, heads of governmental departments are chosen not for competence, expertise or experience but for their personal ideology and for conformity to a particular "party" line and their willingness to play the game as directed.

They do not necessarily have to know anything at all about the functions and services they are to direct.
The Secretary of Labor does not necessarily have to be one who has ever been a worker. The Secretary of Education does not have to have been an educator.
The person selected to head the Department of Defense , which is basically a functionally technical realm, is chosen without regard for any knowledge he may have in military strategy, logistics, etc., since it is now primarily a money-management agency. The important thing is that they are willing to "toe the line" in accord with the prevailing political and financial ideology.

Being that your blog is slanted to the religiously bigoted, and also the hate mongering aspects of back ass, back ward thoughts connected in that area (hatred of gays, disliking independent women, etc) and given that you are a devotee` also of our civil society bullshit construct from Babylon, no doubt you resonate with 'just another political crackpot' that is not creative.
In other words a Price System advocate straight from the legions of Babylon. Ha ha.

The Inside Man said...

I think you should go to assaultonblacksanity and see some other choice words your boy Ron Paul had to say. What do u think about Ron Paul?

The Inside Man said...

skip youre the man I aspire to be as articulate as you. actually I aspire to not be as lazy.