Peep the irony.
- There is a Black man in the White House.
- Black Americans don't have any more real political power than they did during slavery.
- There is an "African-American" President of the United States.
- The "African-American" President is bombing Africans while waging an illegal war for oil in Libya.
- 80% of "African-Americans" can't find Libya on a map
Americans in general are political jokes because those who are informed are "misinformed" and the rest are just intellectually lazy.The power elites have Americans duped, dumped down, and doped up and we (Americans) are none the wiser. They just keep us entertained and they can do whatever they'd like.
Damn ...
See. If I wasn't married ...
You would have to get a restraining order.
Yes! CBW is so correct. How can congress go and vacation and the pres get ready to go on vacation while the economy is collapsing and the U.S. populations sits at home watching "reality" shows? Shouldn't people be in the street like Syria?
Maybe they're on vacation because they know the collapse is coordinated!
How can congress go and vacation and the pres get ready to go on vacation while the economy is collapsing...
Because their "personal economies" are shielded from the decisions they make for the rest of us. They sleep like babies! lol
See. If I wasn't married ...
You would have to get a restraining order.
If I was gay... she'd need another one. lmao
ha! @Her Side
Well, as per the political theatre of The Spectacle, The One and the Congress have "resolved" the debt situation by...pretending they've made a "budget deal." Of course, this budget deal cut no spending out of the "Let's Kill Brown People" Fund that they are so enamored of (Iraq! Pakistan! Afghanistan! Libya! under-the radar aid to CIA-backed "freedom fighters" in Iran!) nor did it cut anything out of the "Let's Track All the Serfs" fund or the Police State fund. It "cut" the amount of hypothetical spending increases in the future and gave the marginal legitmacy to a debt ceiliing increase that will allow the Fed cover to print more money, cause hyperinflation and have us all carrying piles of dollar bills in push carts to buy a loaf of bread Old School Soviet Union Style while the rich fly around in their private jets admonishing us to cut our carbon emissions. Meanwhile, the biggest screw twisted in the "debt deal" legislation was the creation of a Super Congress of 12 people who will make the final calls on any budget legislation. This makes these twelve one step more further removed from the common people they are allegedly supposed to represent, and one step closer to being the kind of Party or presidentially selected crony club of yes-men last seen right about when Stalin and Mao were putting the final details on the last of their disastrous "five year plans." We've already lived under a hybrid of soft-fascism and a frendlier soviet-style communism for at least the past ten years. Now, the only difference is that hybrid system is about to get a lot less soft and a lot less friendly. Forget knowing how to find Libya on the map, people need to start knowing how to find their neighbors, find where to buy seeds, and, if they live in a city, finding instructions on how to grow vegetables from their roofs and fire escapes.
She's HAWT!
People in this country are so fucking dumb.
Gaining authority in America is so simple. It's so easy for people to give up their freedoms and choices.
Too many people are still illiterate. Many more are just lazy and far too impressionable.
Black people still live by the day. Sometimes I don't know if I can blame them for that.
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