Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Public Schools Are Morphing Into Prisons ...


Anonymous said...

So when are you going to bail your kids out?

Anonymous said...

Why do you say bail? Do you accept our hosts assertion that prisons and schools are one and the same? One system educates the other system incarcerates. They are not one and the same.

Anonymous said...

Next you'll say you've never heard of sarcasm.

SoloInto said...



Constructive Feedback said...


Can you detail for us:

1) What YOU see as the proper function of PRISONS? (with respect to YOUR ideal)

2) What YOU see as the proper function for SCHOOLS?

sakredkow said...

In my MSA they just released a report showing that only 5% of kids who graduate from high school are ready for college or a job. Jesus. Those are the ones that graduate.

sakredkow said...

Actually it wasn't for the MSA it was for the city.

Denmark Vesey said...

Saw that piece Solo.

"For the Sake of Our Children".

Funny how something so obvious and positive will strike the masses as odd and unproductive.

Denmark Vesey said...

"1) What YOU see as the proper function of PRISONS? (with respect to YOUR ideal)" CF




Prisons are microcosms of hell.

Man made hell.

Man playing Satan.

"2) What YOU see as the proper function for SCHOOLS?" CF

To keep the masses dumb, uncreative, unimaginative, easier to control, obedient, dependent upon the corporate government, consumers not producers, mind control, employee factories, soldier factories, prison suppliers.

Denmark Vesey said...

phx said...

"In my MSA they just released a report showing that only 5% of kids who graduate from high school are ready for college or a job"

What up P?



Of course.

Mission Accomplished.

It's going to take another few years before black people stop going through the motions and accept the obvious.

The school system is a giant funnel that leads black people back into bondage.

People who still eat Plantation food have an extremely tough time letting go of Plantation schools and Plantation vaccines.

It's a psychological thing.

It requires that they stop thinking of the government as God.

That's why getting people to understand the profound importance of eating natural food (God's food) instead of eating denatured, genetically modified, toxic, processed food (Plantation food).

"It is easier to change a man's religion than it is to change his diet".

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

that dude said...

I actually like the the term they used in the movie WAITING FOR SUPERMAN. They called them "failure factories", and that's what they are. They produce failure, that's their product. What's great about the movie is that they profile kids from different regions, different economic classes and different ethnicities. But they all are motivated kids and supportive parents. But none of them have a shot at a decent education.

Think about the consequences of a properly functioning public school system.
Underachieving elites the GWHBush would have to compete with smart kids from working class backgrounds for jobs. Fortunes that have been maintained for generations would be transferred to other families.

And what about the kids who were educated but couldn't get a job? They might start to question the entire system, design a new one and organize for change.

Naw, better to keep kids fighting over the right to poison their neighbors.

Cash Rulz said...

What movie?

SoloInto said...

The movie is called "Waiting for Superman". Its worth watching if you are interested in the topic.

It's sad to see those kids wanting a better education left to a lottery to get one, and left with a teachers union that values tenure over the quality of the education received.