Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Face of The Egyptian Revolution ... Happens To Work For Google

A Google executive who has gone missing in Egypt has been "symbolically" named the spokesman for an opposition group, in an attempt to free him from being held by Egyptian authorities, CBS News reports.  Wael Ghonim, Google's head of marketing for the middle east, flew into Egypt last week to participate in the demonstrations against the government. At some point he went missing, and one of his last tweets ominously read, "we are all ready to die."
"There are no heroes; we are all heroes on the street.”
Denmark Vesey said ...
On the street?

This muhfuggah is head of middle east marketing for Google and lives in Dubai.

Dude flew into Egypt last week to "participate" in the demonstrations.  He went missing for a few days and popped up on Twitter after he had tweeted the melodramatic: "we are all ready to die."

Now all of a sudden Plantation media is promoting this cat all over the globe as "the" spokesman for "the" demonstrators.  Cat dropped out the sky and now he is negotiating directly with Mubarak to recreate the government.

Time Magazine has all but sworn my man into office.

Ghonim is a globalist stooge.  Remember where you heard it first.

[Damn!  We should have flown Intellectual Insurgent over to Cairo, taken some flicks and hit the Egyptians up on Twitter Denmark Vesey style.  A Global System of Black Supremacy.  A little Get A Chick.  Could have stolen the revolution and made shit really pop off.]
 Thordaddy said...
Yeah, it is so crazy,
these dudes man-u-fracturer
the globe so fast
make a fool hazy
Pawns moving quicker
Plot getting thicker
or getting thinner
getting played like stooges
being served up for dinner
let these fools get eaten
beaten and tweetin'
i'll train, work the brain
get ready the big game
let these self-annihilators
get out the way
swing a hammer, ax,
throw a left hook, eat a filet,
get ready to melee,
think about all these nigels
trying to end my day,
egypt a paradigm away
e-gipped the google way
searching and serving up
profits and propheteers
these fools like martin lawrence
ALLLLL ears...


Thordaddy said...

Yeah, it is so crazy,
these dudes man-u-fracturer
the globe so fast
make a fool hazy
Pawns moving quicker
Plot getting thicker
or getting thinner
getting played like stooges
being served up for dinner
let these fools get eaten
beaten and tweetin'
i'll train, work the brain
get ready the big game
let these self-annihilators
get out the way
swing a hammer, ax,
throw a left hook, eat a filet,
get ready to melee,
think about all these nigels
trying to end my day,
egypt a paradigm away
e-gipped the google way
searching and serving up
profits and propheteers
these fools like martin lawrence
ALLLLL ears...

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've actually missed you Thor. I thought something had happend.

Are you OK? What's up with the rhyme?
Nigel, check
Self-annihilators, check
Weak ass rhyme, check and check.

What? You forgot to mention Radical Autonomy!

I feel cheated. Do it over.

cadeveo said...

I guess the ElBaradei script and upping Mu-Barack's veep wasn't working out so well, so they had to go with a mole from Google. Google has been in bed with CIA and Big Government (both ours and China's) for so long, this makes the new plot twist especially suspicious.

DMG--actually laughed at the shot at Thordaddy. Kinda cheap, but still funny. I was waiting for a Radical Autonomy reference, too!

DV--Thought this essay might be up your alley..."Egypt: Let the Looting Begin!" by Kevin Carson

(link: http://c4ss.org/content/6044)

You know the drill: A formerly useful dictator outlives his usefulness to the U.S. government, becoming a public embarrassment, or maybe even a loose cannon who can no longer be relied on to follow orders. So — they suddenly discover he’s a dictator!

The folks in Washington develop a sudden enthusiasm for “People Power,” and start replaying inspiring footage of the Berlin Wall coming down. Then the people marching in the streets, despite all their sincere sacrifice and hopes for building a new kind of society, find — when the smoke has cleared — their revolution stolen out from under them and trademarked as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Soros Foundation, NED or IRI. And the face of Vaclav Havel or Nelson Mandela is slapped on the side of the box as a brand-name icon.

If they’re lucky their prize is a “spectator democracy,” with formally democratic procedures and a heapin’ helpin’ of what the neocons call “rule of law” (by which they mean mostly Weberian bureaucratic rationality and predictable rules for foreign investors). The people get to choose periodically between slightly differing factions of the same neoliberal power elite, after which they sit down and shut up while the newly elected “democratic” government gets to work implementing the IMF’s structural adjustment program and ratifying the latest “Free Trade Agreement” (complete, of course, with “strong intellectual property protections”).

Which brings us to Egypt. Guess who Obama’s sent as Imperial Plenipotentiary to that country? Frank G. Wisner, former director at Enron and AIG, and namesake son of a founding spook at the OSS and CIA (who helped overthrow Arbenz and Mossadeq).

At Counterpunch, Vijay Prashad describes Wisner as “bagman of Empire, and … bucket-boy for Capital” (“The Empire’s Bagman,” Feb. 2). He’s cast in the same role in Cairo as Dick Holbrooke played for Clinton in the Balkans: A sort of Democratic James Baker.

Wisner, in short, is a gray eminence in the “real government” that runs America and much of the world: Pentagon and CIA black budget operators, narcotraffickers, banks to launder drug money, death squads and paramilitaries that the CIA spooks fund with that drug money, and camp following crony capitalists like Halliburton and Blackwater...

Anonymous said...

See, I'm not the only one who laughs at Thordaddy.


How do you know that Google is "in bed" with the CIA? Is this just your hunch because they are a successful corporation and therefore MUST be colluding with the Central Intelligence Agency?

I'm curious about your logic.

D.SMITH said...

Google and the CIA are in partnership to fund a company called Recorded Future, who use social media outlets and other websites to not only find links between people and events that have already occured, but also find links between the "people, places and things" and hopefully deter an event before it happens.



I had heard about this before; reading up on these two articles now.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That's an interesting concept for data mining. A lot of intelligence analysis is done from everyday sources. I don't see how the first article suggests a partnership. It seems that both entities are investing in a company. I'm sure the CIA has interests in publicly traded companies...if you owned stock or a retirement account with investments in one of these companies, would that mean D.SMITH was also colluding with the CIA for something nefarious?

Of course not

Thordaddy said...

"uhh ttt uh... Ain't no conspiracy..."
Says ol'faithless MD
Then turns around mocking radical autonomy
Two-faced maggot
Call you Mr. Duplicity
Lil Napolenic nigel
When you ain't playing drag queen
Bitching and moaning 
Mr. anti-marine
Cool with shootin' children up
As long as his pimp call it the good vaccine
Stinking up DV's joint
With your crew cut vageen
In a conspiracy with yourself
Call it the circle jerk regime
If you ain't radically autonomous, atheist monkey
What is you then???
Sheep boy, go to sheep boy
Don't make me say again...

CNu said...

D. Smiff is correct.

The public face of Total Information Awareness can be reviewed at CMU JoSS.

We been following and interrogating an explicit dimension of the underlying "recorded future" phenomenon over the past several weeks with posts clustered around twitter. Most of the hard tracking of this phenomenon and its application will be tagged under "facebook IS evil".

{would somebody please get a broom and dustpan and sweep the used condom drying on asphalt "thordaddy" up and put it in the trash, thanks.}

Anonymous said...

Thanks Thordaddy. It's not a true TD rhyme without "Radical Autonomy".

And you were nice enough to work it in there twice to make up for your first attempt.

I'm getting all emotional now....Thordaddy REALLY does care!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah...it's not "Mr", it's "Dr", and Marine is ALWAYS capitalized.

Can you give me a third draft...with corrections?

Anonymous said...


Are you saying Google and the Central Intelligence Agency are in a partnership? Even if you could make that connection it's still a long jump to collusion.

CNu said...


CIA has numerous investments in web and social media going back as far as you care to reach. Hell, I started looking professionally at digital disinformation and asymmetrical warfare doctrine in 1991, long before there was a world-wide web and during that period in which those thriving Internet applications that were the object of intense scrutiny were all text based.

Fast forward to today, the truly and forthrightly evil social media application is facebook, followed closely thereafter by twitter. Twitter has made nakedly apparent in moments what it formerly took weeks to visualize about social network structures.

What these digital social network structures reveal about brick and mortar social networks is invaluable intelligence information of the first quality. That the disciplined and systematic study and use of this information by military intelligence should have been a GIVEN requires no deeper reflection than that this whole and entire construct is to this day just an offshoot of a vast and multidecade DARPA project.

Thordaddy said...


What CNspew is saying is that the future is being manufactured now in real-time. The main players are biomechanical collectives, radical autonomists and Supremacists. Craig boy is carefully existing in between the radical autonomist and Supremacist state. He also finds himself secure within a biomechanical collective.

What Julian Assange showed us is that near instant global communication coupled with information encryption, dispersal and redundancy puts reality-making abilities in the hands of the individual in real-time. This understanding is an existential threat to biomechanical collectives who happen to "love" a planned-out future in advance.

Anonymous said...


Where we differ is that I don't believe in tagging something like Facebook as "evil". It's a tool. I can be exploited. It's a natural target for an intelligence gathering entity like the CIA.

A friend of mine is applying for Fellowships in radiology right now, and tried to scrub his internet footprint. He cleaned up Facebook, and LinkedIn, Twitter etc, because he knew employers were going to Google him (read gather intelligence on a potential employee).

You'd be surprised how much intelligence gathering is from open source information. CIA would be stupid not to invest in that man's company. But CIA and Google investing in a company does not equal nefarious intent, and I think that's what it seems like people here are implying. Mere mention of intelligence conjure all sorts of fantasy scenarios...that the CIA probably doesn't have the manpower to process anyway.

Sorry Thordaddy, let me stop you right there. I have NO interest in translating your writing tonight. I'm not going to engage you. I just want to tell you that so you don't waste your time looking for a reply.

I honestly don't mean to be rude.

CNu said...

It's a natural target for an intelligence gathering entity like the CIA.

No Doc.

It's a "target" for intelligence gathering by rank amateurs and lowly law enforcement plebians.

From a control, promotion, and access perspective, it would be MUCH more accurate to call it a "construct" of Deep State intelligence gathering, much like the dark Internet precursor Sabre, over whose infrastructure the lion's share of non-military Interpol class traffic runs to this very day.

What CNspew is saying

a san diego Motel 6 night shift gimp fit'na "translate" wtf I said...,



Anonymous said...


The only thing amateur would be how the information is processed into intelligence, which is the end product of collected data. I guess we have a difference of opinion on this one. But maybe we are approaching this from different angles...and another lifetime. Facebook alone is a treasure trove of data, likes, pictures, realtime emotions, locations, trends, a persons friends..and their friends, planned trips, where a person has visited. All of these things seem innocuous. What information could POSSIBLY be obtained from a persons trip to Germany...and subsequent check in at the Pakistan International Airlines desk...around the time of a flight to Karachi?

But what will Facebook look like in 5 years? A couple of years ago nobody but college students had heard of it. Now everyone from pre-teens to grandmothers are on Facebook. Now it's on almost every mobile device, with "check-ins".

A few years ago during the Israeli attack on Lebanon, I relied on email updates. Now with Twitter and Facebook I could get realtime information...probably including how close rockets are hitting targets.

Oh, and the disinformation? Facebook is essentially a digital mob that is easily swayed. Ever see how quickly false information spreads across Facebook?

Maybe I'm wrong...it's been a long time.

CNu said...

The only thing amateur would be how the information is processed into intelligence, which is the end product of collected data. I guess we have a difference of opinion on this one.

just peruse some of the articles at JoSS Doc.

We don't have a difference of opinion, this has been one of my professional interests for the past 22 years and I have followed its evolution very, very closely and not merely through periodicals and second-hand sources.

You should revisit the scope and aims of Poindexter's original total information awareness project.

Social media have so far transcended anything he ever dreamed of that well..., it's just an unimagined bonus that these silly-assed humans (600 million of them as of this counting) would simply volunteer their social network structure(s) and the metastructures that these social network structures imply/disclose.

hint; activity details are of little consequence when you can visualize entire structures, metastructures, and much else in between.

Anonymous said...

I'll get to some of that stuff later. Started doing taxes and now I'm a bit distracted. I'll catch y'all Monday maybe.

CNu said...

The JoSS literature is what I used to gig Cobb about several years ago when we were routinely beefing about motive(s) in the global "war on Islam"..., it's good stuff.

It's good stuff and as nicely charts the progression of things in that domain as its possible to do in public.

A sister from MIT was one of the founders of that program.

Thordaddy said...

Craig boy,

You sound so smart, but are you actually telling us something?

Total Information Awareness???

No such thing unless you're one with a predilection towards Supremacy.

BTW, why you so scurred to call yourself a Supremacist?

Is it really true that the real action is at the network level?

What exactly is this biomechanical collective attempting to achieve with all this absolute information awareness?

Ah nevermind, you way too elevated for a motel 6 gimp. Lol!!!

Let's read this MIT reply?

CNu said...

Josh Gimp,

You're Devany Bacon-Bey Ben-Israel Akbar's favorite white boy.

Why don't you direct your kwestins to the grandmaster of Moorish Science himself?

Between the two of you, I'm sure you can work it all out.


CNu said...

Repeat after me: "the totality of Devany Bacon-Bey ben Israel Akbar moorish science consists of coonassed insertions/provocations aimed at a reactionary and unintelligent peanut gallery...,"

Devany Bacon-Bey ben Israel Akbar and his favorite white plumber's assistant are completely incapable of further developing or sustaining this post.

Remember where you heard it first.

Accept no substitutes....,