Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Anonymous said...

You do realize a University graduate designed that space suit...and the Photoshop program you used to digitally insert Calvin Lockhart's picture. Didn't know you were such a promotor of "plantation education" good for you.

Denmark Vesey said...

I wish a University graduate would come pull you off my Johnson.

Anonymous said...

Let's see how creative you are.

Let's see if you can go 7 days without using:

or referencing viruses in your retorts.

My null hypothesis is that you are ARE creative enough.


The Doc said...

>>>I wish a University graduate would come pull you off my Johnson.<<

At the risk of sounding like a sideline hype man, Bwahahahahahahaa....

*Ahem* As you were...

Anonymous said...


But you ARE a sideline hype-man. It's OK, the sooner you accept and embrace your role, that more fulfilled you'll be.

Go on, savor the moment.

BTW, I'd watch a VH1 reality show called "The Doc of Love". Just don't wear a viking helmet.

Anonymous said...

I wish a University graduate would come pull you off my Johnson.


Anonymous said...

Just one more day to go...can our host do it?

Anonymous said...

I wish a University graduate would come pull you off my Johnson.

roflm white ass off!!