Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Love Is The Answer


the good nurse said... covers a multitude....

hey dv!

Denmark Vesey said...

Siiiiisssstaaaa Nurse!

60 inches of sweetness.

Where you been?

Love the kicks.

the good nurse said...

i've been lurking...
busy as all get out but for the most part i am well.
having some isshas with my man-child...sending him to stay with his dad for a while...overdue.
i will miss him but i cannot wait to welcome the man he will grow in to.
keep praying for me as i do u.

oh, yeah i find i can buy a delicious pair of shoes and all will be right with my world!
my man MUST have excellent taste in footwear...own a shoe shine kit (like my daddy), and understand exactly where the break of his slacks needs to be...i don't ask for much. :)

smooches and hugs around yo neck.

Denmark Vesey said...

"my man MUST have excellent taste in footwear...own a shoe shine kit (like my daddy), and understand exactly where the break of his slacks needs to be...i don't ask for much. :)"

Sista Nurse got style.

Sista Nurse got style.

That's cool.

But I feel you.

Raising children is tough.

We must pray to God to help us to do our best.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! There is nothing else like it on the web. Keep up the good work everyone! More raw food please! Looks healthy and delicious. Cheers

sakredkow said...

Love is the answer
And you know that for sure.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Love is the answer
And you know that for sure."

Pretty sure.

But open to suggestions.

If you know of a better answer than love ... drop a link: _________ ?

Denmark Vesey said...

Anonymous said...
"I love this blog! There is nothing else like it on the web"

Gracias! Gracias!

The spot is hot.

No denying.

makheru bradley said...

And after receiving these hugs and kisses the US funded Egyptian military stepped aside and allowed Mubarak's thugs to kill previously peaceful protesters.

So much for Love is the answer.