Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Proof Junk Food Makes Black People Behave Like Niggers

The chemical additives in processed food have a profound influence on behavior.  You never see black folks acting like this in vegetarian joints. 

Violent Crime: With their brains fueled by junk foods (and with failed education giving them few options for earning an honest living), more people turn to crime. In time, the prisons become filled with people incarcerated for behavior that could have been at least partially prevented with proper nutrition.

Education: Growing up on this bad diet, children suffer severe cognitive impairment and are unable to learn in school. In time, academic achievement of the nation falls sharply, and the great "dumbing down" of the population accelerates.
Genetic Integrity: As junk food consumption continues through multiple generations, the genetic integrity of the population erodes. Birth defects increase while fertility rates plummet. The population increasingly becomes haunted with unhealthy genetic mutations that promote yet more disease in future generations.


Anonymous said...

more evidence...smdh:

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that was not a man fighting a woman? Yep, it's the food.

makheru bradley said...

[Blacks in the United States are disproportionately affected by homicide. For the year 2008, blacks represented 13 percent of the nation’s population, yet accounted for 48 percent of all homicide victims. According to the FBI SHR data, in 2008 there were 6,841 black homicide victims in the United States. The homicide rate among black victims in the United States was 18.07 per 100,000. . For whites, the national homicide rate was 2.99 per 100,000. Six hundred sixteen black homicide victims (9 percent) were less than 18 years old and 120 black homicide victims (2 percent) were 65 years of age or older. The average age was 30 years old.]

[Black-on-Black violence is by far most likely to occur when alienation of many inner-city males combines with impulsive (i.e., short-sighted, labile, volatile), hysterical (i.e. impressionistic, diffused, distractible) and dyssocial (i.e., peer and/or gang-oriented, manifestly bent-on disregarding accepted social and moral codes) orientations which are stimulated and reinforced by the socioeconomic conditions under which they live. Yet we must be ever mindful of the fact that this type of alienation and these maladaptive orientations along with the psychosocial conditions which synergistically conspire to coalesce them into aggressively self-destructive and socially destructive forces, are themselves socio-politically and socioeconomically instigated and maintained by a self-serving, self-centered upper and ruling class regime.]-- Dr. Amos N Wilson

Tell us DV, do you have any data which show that the diet of the average European American is radically different from the diet of Afrikan Americans.

And what about the diet of Iceberg Slim in the White House? His drones are responsible for killing thousands of innocent people in Af-Pak.

Anonymous said...


Wikipedia gives a list of countries and their homicide rates. If you can find a list of countries and their propensity for eating junk food you could compare these two and maybe better make your point.

Give it a try.