Sunday, February 13, 2011

Introduction To The Arrogant Ignorance of The Scientific Dictatorship 001 • DV University • Spring 2011

“The fact that life evolved out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved out of literally nothing, is a fact so staggering that I would be mad to attempt words to do it justice.”  Richard Dawkins
4th Graders.

There is no such thing as the "Big Bang". get over your egos.

Do you know where the “Big Bang” theory came from?

Hundred and fifty years ago , Swedenborg, Wright, Kant, Lambert and such coalesced this theory of a universe full of stuff which collects into suns, planets, solar systems, and galaxies. No thought to where it came from.

So lets forget, for a moment, the obvious insane and stupid supposition that this in some way explains the existence of matter. It explains nothing, except that it is there.


CNu said...

"This expression of theirs—-'We are made in the image of God'—-can serve us here as a very good illustration of how far 'perceptive being-logic' or, as it is sometimes called, 'aimnophnian mentation,' is already atrophied in them.

"Although this formulation corresponds to the truth, when they try to express its exact meaning, it is the same here as it is in general with all their verbal formulations, that is, even if they should wish actively and sincerely, with their whole presence, to impart their inner representation and
essential understanding of it, what would come out of their strange shortsighted mentation would at best be something of this sort.

'Good . . . if we are made "in the image of God" . . . that means . . . that means . . .God is like us and also looks like us and that means our God has the same moustache,
beard, nose, as we have, and also wears clothes as we do. He wears clothes doubtless because He likes modesty, just as we do. It was not for nothing that He expelled Adam
and Eve from Paradise only because they lost their modesty and forgot their fig leaves.

"In some of the beings there, particularly of recent times, their 'aimnophnian being-=mentation,' or 'perceptive logic,' has deteriorated to such a point that in their
picturings they can see this God of theirs very clearly, with a little comb sticking out of His left vest pocket, with which He sometimes combs His famous beard.

Anonymous said...

Your ignorance does not make scientists arrogant.

sakredkow said...

How life evolved isn't something the Poets of Infinity can ever know empirically. Useful knowledge about this topic seems reserved to certain scientists or people who claim "received wisdom."

Since it appears that we can't know (even if others can) it should have nothing at all to do with how we should live our lives and which strategies are useful to us.

Our focus is on higher awareness.

CNu said...

"This superpeculiar aimnophnian being-mentation about their God proceeded in your favorites chiefly as a result of the hasnamussian manifestations of those 'learned' beings who, as you remember, assembled in the city of Babylon and together began inventing various maleficent 'fictions' about that God of theirs, which by chance were afterward spread everywhere on that ill-fated planet, and since at that period the three-brained beings there were existing in a particularly 'selzelnualnian' manner, that is, particularly 'passively' as regards the being-efforts proper to three-centered beings, they thoroughly absorbed and appropriated these maleficent fictions.

"Later, in their transmission from generation to generation, these fictions were gradually crystallized into such monstrous 'logicnestarian material' that, in the psyche of the contemporary three-brained beings, there began to proceed this exceptionally distorted, aimnophnian being-mentation.

"And the reason why they picture their 'God' to themselves with a long beard is because, among the maleficent fictions of the 'learned beings' of Babylon, it was said, among other things, that that famous 'God' of theirs had the appearance of a venerable old man with a long flowing beard.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of current scientific belief, the actual extent of the universe is really in fact infinite in every direction. It has always been that way, and just because no proven source of where it came from is known, this is not a reason to go around promoting some warm fuzzy feel-good BS explanation, e.g., "God created it from nothing..."

What it be...


sakredkow said...

Anonymous: why do you say the universe is infinite in every direction? Out of curiosity where does that info come from?

Anonymous said...

@phx - Common sense. If it didn't, what would be beyond "the edge" ...?? Huh?? If you don't believe it, take a trip out there and back, return and post the truth on YouTube.

This "expanding at the speed of light," or whatever nonsense, is just Steven Hawking's fertile imagination running amok, an artifice trying to balance some bogus equation...

What it be...

uglyblackjohn said...

"The Big Bang" was just the moment when God said, "I AM" - when He became aware of Himself.
"Time" began (as far as we are concerned) with this event, even though time always existed.
At that moment both the past and the future were created from God's perspective and it is from this perspective (with it's rules and limits) that we function.

See... anyone can come up with an explanation.

sakredkow said...

@Anon: The only part of your explanation that puzzles me is the idea that a literally infinite universe is somehow more commonsensical than an expanding but finite universe. Can't wrap my head around infinity, can't wrap my head around what might be at the end of a finite universe. Interesting that one seems more commonsensical to you.

In fact the only thing I can see that the expanding finite universe has going for it is that it's posited by really bright people who actually study and live with this stuff (Hawkings and those guys).

It's just a good thing it's not up to me to sort this stuff out. I have almost no background in the study or understanding of scientific principles so I'm completely dependent on what smarter people than me have to say about it.

What it be backatcha.

CNu said...

"The universe is a machine for the making of Gods." — Henri Bergson

CNu said...

"The eyes only see what the mind is prepared to comprehend." — Henri Bergson

Denmark Vesey said...

“It is philosophically impossible to be an atheist, since to be an atheist you must have infinite knowledge in order to know absolutely that there is no God. But to have infinite knowledge, you would have to be God yourself. It's hard to be God yourself and an atheist at the same time!” - Ron Carlson

Anonymous said...

Would you say believing in the Norse gods atheism? How about Voudon? How about the Greek gods?

Atheism to you is believing in any god that's not part of the desert peoples religion. If nobody ever TOLD you there was a Christian god, you would not believe in him. If your parents raised you on an island with nothing but math, physics, chemistry, biology, and "A Brief History of Time", you would be a theist or an atheist?

Simple minds. Sad.

Thordaddy said...


Your fault lies in the mistaken belief that one needs to be "told" that there is a Creator God. Do I need to be "told" that DMG was conceived at his conception?

It's self-evident that a Creator God exists. Ask CNu?

HotmfWax said...

4th Graders.

There is no such thing as the "Big Bang". get over your egos.

Do you know where the “Big Bang” theory came from?

Hundred and fifty years ago , Swedenborg, Wright, Kant, Lambert and such coalesced this theory of a universe full of stuff which collects into suns, planets, solar systems, and galaxies. No thought to where it came from.

So lets forget, for a moment, the obvious insane and stupid supposition that this in some way explains the existence of matter. It explains nothing, except that it is there.

Look, okay, it sounds as stupid as a tree, but based on science coming out of the Dark Ages, it was enlightened thinking. It was accepting of space and planetsand suns. It dismissed astrology and mystical thinking. It was a stage in sensible thinking.
But we didn’t go beyond that stage.

Nothing. For a long time! Hard to believe, I know.

Then Hubble found, by red shifts, that galaxies were, in some way, moving apart. (And destroyed Einstein’s constancy theory of light, by the way. Maybe you noticed that?) So now we have stuff moving apart. How about…lets see…ah…an explosion!

That, folks, is how we get the Big Bang Theory! Strip away the bullshit and that’s it.

Stuff was there all the time. It explodes. Collects. Explodes, etc. etc…

What’s wrong with this picture?

What’s right???

Explosions move outward, they don’t collect. They widen, spread. Only resistance holds explosions into lobes. Resistance…like air. But you know what? We’ve(science) discovered the blasting out is accelerating. Going faster.

Does that sound like an explosion to you? Faster? Hello?!

It’s a stupid theory based on ignorance and observation, observation that could have many explanations…the one explanation that would make the most sense to all of us, that is familiar to all of us, is growth, growth and spread.

Oddly enough, growth and spread would explain not only the nature of the universe, it would explain the origin of the Universe. That it’s being created, (out of something) it’s being made, ongoing. If this is true, what is this mechanism?

It, (The Universe) all this stuff was always here, no more and no less. Or it was made as part of a process, from something…less like matter.

I think an explosion explains nothing. It certainly doesn’t explain tectonics. It doesn’t explain how our suns grow, the progression of the planets, meteorites, the mass that blows from the sun, the inability to find the center of any “Big Bang” explosion, a core. In fact it explains nothing.


Anonymous said...

The good thing about Wax is that sane people need no refutation of his offerings. They refute themselves. Keep them coming Waxy. I'd miss you otherwise.

sakredkow said...

"4th Graders..."

A good defense is a good offense principle.

Sasha said...

I attended a lecture once in college where the guest speaker said that the Big Bang Theory proves God exists. He said that in order for all of the elements to come together to such perfection, particulary for Earth to sustain life, this perfection and balance could only have come from God.

CNu said...

Serious kwestin Sasha, respectfully and sincerely asked

now don't evade the question with a snappy rejoinder like "cause I'm tired". Just pause and think about it.

While you're thinking about that, ask yourself why folks who cannot honestly and satisfactorily answer even the most rudimentary questions about what they themselves do and experience EVERY.SINGLE.DAY - ought be given even a second's consideration for idly wasting time speculating about matters so far beyond their knowledge, experience, and comprehension - that it damn near staggers the imagination?

CNu said...

Would you say believing in the Norse gods atheism? How about Voudon? How about the Greek gods?


Much depends on what you understand of those representations and the systems not only of belief but of cultural practice in which they were/are embedded.

Anonymous said...

You miss the point. In practice modern (and I use that word lightly) Christians often consider any disbelief in their flavor of god as either worshippers of "satan" or atheism. They don't distinguish.

Anonymous said...

(Serious kwestin Sasha, respectfully and sincerely asked

So why do we sleep?

CNu said...

You miss the point. In practice modern (and I use that word lightly) Christians often consider any disbelief in their flavor of god as either worshippers of "satan" or atheism. They don't distinguish.

I didn't miss the point at all Doc. I clearly recognize and share your disdain for the broken machines passing themselves off as modern "christians", and, I recognize and share your rejection of the dangerous neurobiological sickness peculiar to these "folk" and the degenerate "culture" they have spawned.

Leonard Susskind said...

It is really hard to comprehend that so much stupidity exists in the mind of the blog host and his waxing and waning fans. Though, don't despair. This is why I've put up my lectures on youtube.

Anonymous said...

Oh, if that is actually Dr. Susskind this blog just got a huge upgrade in brain power. Probably just enough to counterbalance the overwhelming ignorance of Wax and TD.

Nice videos, takes me back to my undergraduate Physics with Dr. Dynes at UCSD. What an interesting subject!

Leonard Susskind said...

Naaa, DMG. It's not actually Dr. Susskind.

Thordaddy said...


If you properly understood the main assertion of "theoretical physics" then you would understand that with the correct physical arrangement anything can be. The direct result of this understanding is that the literal interpretation of Genesis could have been EXACTLY how it went down. That's what your science says... That some scientists say that such a physical arrangement is highly improbable is irrelevant to the fact that such a physical arrangement is and was ENTIRELY possible. That we can then infer from the experience of life that this whole thing is a Creation is self-evident.

If you are vying to create the future (via unique one-time phenomenon called catalysts) then one of your main strategies in seeing this through is convincing others that the future is an inevitable outcome already decided by forces beyond your control and comprehension only known by those with a vast knowledge and wisdom that is never to be found amongst mere mortals.

Amenta said...

Ah, DMG a UCSD Alum! San Diego is my hometown. I attended SDSU.

Peace bruh!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have to say that I DO miss San Diego sometimes. My boy was born there. Living in PB, reggae down in OB, and let's not forget all the beach girls in MB. Weather's probably better than where I am now.

Anonymous said...

"Naaa, DMG. It's not actually Dr. Susskind."

You could have been nice an let me dream...

Anonymous said...

"If you properly understood the main assertion of "theoretical physics" then you would understand that with the correct physical arrangement anything can be..."

Um...No. That's not what Theoretical Physics is about. Nice try.

HotmfWax said...

The "wave is everything" .

How could anyone discuss the aforementioned subject without having any knowledge of metaphysics, esoteric concepts and greats like Walter Russell, Ed Leedskalnin, John Searl, John Keely and Dan Winter.

I just moved "some of the peeps" to the third grade that have not been exposed to any of the above.

No sense arguing.

The audacity to believe that you are up to date and that great knowledge to the public has been not been suppressed by " big religion" and your "men of science" is insane.


"As it is above so it is below" will get you there if you
would just free your mind and just let your ass follow.
"As it is above so it is below" will get you there if you
would just free your mind and just let your ass follow.
(for those of you lost in the GOD meme)

Some of you are trying way to hard to hide behind your lack of "true knowledge" in regards to metaphysics, waves, positrons, expanding and growing, fractals and the holographic universe with quick dissing, smearing, etc., etc., . Its getting old-stop faking. -Dude, you are just playing yourself.

Sit back, enjoy ....and just Learn something. It ain't that hard.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Would you say believing in the Norse gods atheism?" DMG


"How about Voudon?" DMG


"How about the Greek gods?" DMG


"Atheism to you is believing in any god that's not part of the desert peoples religion." DMG



Atheism is nothing to me.

"Atheists" do not exist.

Spiritually bankrupt corny Plantation Crackas and the Plantation Negros who emulate them ... attempt to rationalize their arrogant ignorance and general lack of soul by posturing as if they don't believe God exists.

Stupid muhfuggas don't even realize to deny God is to play God.

Denmark Vesey said...

Thordaddy said...


Your fault lies in the mistaken belief that one needs to be "told" that there is a Creator God."


Plantation Negro "NEEDS TO BE TOLD".

Denmark Vesey said...


Hot Wax is a beast!

Should be charging the Plantation Negros a fee.

That's the only way they will be able to appreciate this amazing education.

Denmark Vesey said...

Sasha said...
"... for all of the elements to come together to such perfection, particulary for Earth to sustain life, this perfection and balance could only have come from God."

Hello Sasha.

Thank you for poppin' through.

Thread could use a little yin to balance out all that Yang-With-No-Chick ... if you know what I mean.

I like that quote from the lecture.

Cracks me up when Nerds who wrap themselves in the flag of the "Scientific Method", champion the silly notion that the universe is the product of random coincidence.

Anonymous said...


That's probably because it's already been taught in Middle Schools....

I thought you were an engineer Wax.

Anonymous said...

If by "beast" you mean complete and utter moron, I'd agree.

Anonymous said...

Wait, here's a better link...

Thordaddy said...

prolly Winston's in OB
Canes in MB
and Mooses in PB
that's where we find our soldier
and faithless heart surgeon, DMG
diggin' on dem Asians up mcgillycuddys
up in there winston's
got you some hippy
but down at the hurricane
big booty Betty lookin' pretty
what happen to you, it's such a pity...

Denmark Vesey said...

"Naaa, DMG. It's not actually Dr. Susskind."

"You could have been nice an let me dream..." DMG




"let you dream"?

Come on bruh.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I didn't miss the point at all Doc. I clearly recognize and share your disdain for the broken machines passing themselves off as modern "christians", and, I recognize and share your rejection of the dangerous neurobiological sickness peculiar to these "folk" and the degenerate "culture" they have spawned." CNu


So true!

But aren't manboobs a form of neurobiological sickness?



... ?

Just sayin'.

Is a man who has been so gluttonous and who has eaten so unscientifically and unnaturally, that he has grown a set of tits, also a "broken machine"?

Since we are casting stones and all ...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let me dream. It would have been a unique and welcomed pick-up. Real live Theoretical Physicist, who teaches at an elite University...among the rabble that is Don't you ever get sick of the morons, dullards and the insane who steadily sign up for YOUR team, to represent YOU?

Thordaddy, the many anonymous', and Wax. I know you faithfully gas them up and push them out of the trenches, like it was Gallipoli...and why not? They are pawns that don't know any better, and if they can keep me or CNu or anyone else occupied for a few minutes all the better right?

But I know that even you roll your eyes at what your minion are doing in your name.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what Winston's is like these days, but back in the day it was a good time.

Don't recall Hurricanes, and is Mooses STILL open? And it's full of Asians? Never really liked the place...a bit cheesy, but there used to be a place across the street, forgot the name of it...that was fun. Haven't been there since mid to late 90's.

So, tell me, Thordaddy, I've always wondered how you can be a White Supremacist, believe in a Jewish god, and daily offer your Filter and Khyber to be used free of charge by your black daddy Bacon-Bey?

Leonard Susskind said...


Hot Wax is a beast!

Should be charging the Plantation Negros a fee."

No, dumbass. SPACE is expanding (growing) and not matter - among that matter being is earth.

DV's willful stupidity is barely matched by waxflax' ignorance of basic cosmology.

Thordaddy said...


To say "space" is growing is like saying nothing is growing unless of course your "space" is at the fundamental level a material entity. Then that "space" would be matter that is growing. I think they call it dark matter.

Leonard Susskind said...

No Thorpappy. Space is not matter and especially not "dark matter". Space is space. And it is expanding at a current rate of approximately 71 km per second.

Now Thorpappy. Can you answer this one? What is the total value of energy of the Universe?

CNu said...

But aren't manboobs a form of neurobiological sickness?


on a vain stupid girl like you - grounds for suicide.

Is a man who has been so gluttonous and who has eaten so unscientifically and unnaturally, that he has grown a set of tits, also a "broken machine"?

nah jiggaboo.

people all over the world associate that specific trait with enlightenment.

Devany Bacon-Bey ben Israel Akbar otoh, not so much....,

Thordaddy said...


Can you first tell me how "space" grows? I was under the impression that all was material. The idea of space - as in devoid of matter - is nonexistent. That this nonexistent "thing" can then grow or expand seems nonsensical.

As to the total value of energy in Universe, I have no idea.

What is it?

Leonard Susskind said...

I don't know how space "grows". The total energy value of the universe is exactly zero.

CNu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CNu said...

Don't you ever get sick of the morons, dullards and the insane who steadily sign up for YOUR team, to represent YOU?

But I know that even you roll your eyes at what your minion are doing in your name.

It WOULD be funny if it WAS being done in the name of "big" K_________ S__________

But it's not.

It's being done in the name of

Denmark Vesey...The Blackest

THAT shit ain't funny at all

if you stop and think about it.

WHO and WHAT is this pseudo anonymous jiggaboo "representing" with his relentless assault on science, education, history, and anyone smart enough to call him on his "antics"?

uglyblackjohn said...

Space grows at the same rate as our awareness of space grows.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You miss the point. In practice modern (and I use that word lightly) Christians often consider any disbelief in their flavor of god as either worshippers of "satan" or atheism. They don't distinguish.-DMG

Most often their replies begin with, " missed the point".

Once you recognize the telltale signs of a 'NYAUOTG' gambit, you can safely skip over the rest of the post without missing much.

NYAUOTG: Nigga You Ain't Up On This Grouchiness.