Sunday, February 13, 2011

There Can Be No Substantive Change In Your Life Without A Change of Diet

"I am come to end the sacrifices and feasts of blood; and if ye cease not offering and eating of flesh and blood, the wrath of God shall not cease from you; even as it came to your fathers in the wilderness, who lusted for flesh, and did sat to their content, and were filled with rottenness,[diabetes] and the plague consumed [cancer] them." TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL ARAMAIC BY THE REV. GIDEON JASPER RICHARD OUSELEY


Anonymous said...

ha! DV you are really just too much. Your blog is phenomenal. More food posts please loved the raw kale chips.


Denmark Vesey said...

lol. OK. Anymous. Thank you. I'll get on the food asap.

César said...
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Anonymous said...

What verse would that be??

hobama said...

In the past 3 weeks, the Obama administration has unbelievably chosen to approve three biotech crops, Roundup Ready genetically modified (GMO) alfalfa, Roundup Ready genetically modified (GMO) sugar beets and a new industrial biotech corn for ethanol production. Obama's recent approval of them will allow them to be planted as early as this spring, despite widespread acknowledgement that these crops are certain to contaminate both conventional and organic farmers non-GMO crops.