Sunday, February 13, 2011

BLOG MURDER! The Psychological Deconstruction Of Plantation Negro Haters • DV University Spring Semester 2011 • Professor SoloInto

SoloInto said...
Would DV be able to exist without the constant banter from his two dick jockey's?

I used to think that they were figments of his imagination, alter-egos created to act as the antithesis of his arguments, the typical cynical counterpoints to the posts he was making - and in this it was almost operatic. But as they continued I quickly ruled this out, there was a certain intimacy that was carried with the comments, I think that DV has spurts of brilliance, but this was ambitious for one man to carry on. Then they noticeably turned elitist, who's blog regurgitated more content, and thusly was ranked higher by an imperfect to the say the least system? Who was an accredited MD of modern medicine and who was just a conspiracy theorist? Certainly these weren't elements created by one man, or ambitious blogger.

Then I think I realized what was happening, I was witnessing a bromance, a love triangle. Now I ask, do you guys think its cute for two or more semi-grown men to openly bitch at each other for everyone to witness? Should I be scared to comment in support of DV in the case that his two disgruntled employees come to diss me up ahem CNU/DMG aka bitch clique duo.

Sure, press DV for clarification, breed an intellectual brevity to this content, put the black hats on, lend your expertise in the given SM, but for the sake of everyone else enjoying the content and comments on here, don't sleep with the balaclava on, and please don't continue to publicly masturbate with the sound of your intellectual insolence.




Anonymous said...

Solo/DV alter ego/Random MF,

I know the host just blew up your skirt and got your panties all moist and whatnot, and right now you are feeling all chosen and puffed up. Now, before you make the mistake of believing you've actually done something, I'd advise you to check record, and choose your next move carefully.

Just a suggestion, you don't have to take my advice. Just trying to be friendly.

SoloInto said...


Thanks for the veiled threat/warning, I guess you're not trying too hard to hide your passive aggressive tendencies with me, maybe that's the internet bully in you.

Now while I think it's humorous that a) you are creating a meme out of an allusion in my post b) that YOU are imagining a man's panties being moist from another man's actions C) that you think that I don't know your "record", I want you to know that as amorously as you have taken to me, I simply don't have time to play swords with you bud, but seeing as there are times when you & CNU actually add to the site, and that I would hate to ruin this sandbox for you two, I will be respectful as a new contributor (not a new reader) as I can be when I say that your online persona is a reflection of your offline self. Now if you met me in real life would you give me a veiled threat? Would you talk to DV the way you do online in his face?

I do agree with much of what you and CNU say so please don't be offended, just game it up a little.

Stay Classy DMG.


Anonymous said...

First off, there is no such thing as an internet bully. Nobody is preventing you from typing on your keyboard. If you are a soft and sensitive type and get teary eyed easily, that's not my problem.
And if I wanted to threaten you, there'd be no question.

Second, I don't create memes. I don't believe in the concept, but let's save that for another time. You seem fairly intelligent, why is it you've decided to throw in with a known moron? (If you've actually been paying attention to this blog, I use moron as a description of our hosts intellect, not as an insult).

I'm merely saying to do your homework and choose your allies carefully. But, hey don't take my word for it. Check the archives.

Oh, and "bud", you haven't proven that you have either the stones, or the gray matter to ruin anything for either of us. I think you need to bring something to the table other than SAT-prep words to get my attention.

And you should probably also refrain from using's annoying, especially when you get the concepts wrong. Also, if you've been paying attention, I don't veil "threats". What would be the point? I also like to spell out words like motherfucker, just so you get the full meaning. Get it?

Not only would I talk to our host online in EXACTLY the same tone, I'd probably use more forceful language. He knows that, and respects it. I would expect nothing less from him.

Game it up? Son, you've stepped into my dojo, without so much as taking your shoes off and bowing, before taking attempting to take swings. I'm being polite, and giving you fare warning before turning my full attention to you.

If you want to be heard, and taken seriously, at the very least announce your presence, you'll be attended to shortly.

SoloInto said...

I won't get too far into this, but a few things.

It is clear you do not know what my "pop psych" reference actually refers to, as you have denied making a veiled threat. You do not recognize the symptom, so you cannot make a diagnosis.

I would ask you how many times you have told a stranger to "watch" themselves, and tally up when it did not mean a threat. I am certain that they were all threats.

Further, it is veiled in the sense that you have not implicitly described what you will do if I do not "choose my next move carefully".

Lastly, the bully part. I am not sure where you get your sense of intellectual entitlement from, but to be a bully is not to inherently prevent someone from doing something, a bully is someone that affects others through the use of aggression and imminent threat. I was a bully, I know what one looks like.

Veiled threat, passive-aggressive, bully.

We cool with that?

Secondly, bud, this is a mirror, you condescend, I condescend, apprehend?

Like I said, you and CNu are both the most aggressive of the bunch regularly commenting here, according to the records. Think of this as a tag-in, I am now tagged in because it appears that most whom you and he have linguistically dueled with here, don't know how to handle themselves with a couple of bullies.

We cool? Save the flame war for a real topic.


uglyblackjohn said...

@ Solo - Man things are all nice and sweet these days - you shoulda' been around when Mills, Sub and the like came around.
Man... that ish was classic.

SoloInto said...


I hear ya meng, love this place ( Good peeps, provocative convo. Bunch of OG's fucking with each other. Kind of place where a young buck like me is naturally attracted to. Just got burned by the constant bitch clique duo flameouts of late - sure it's not new, sure it won't end, wonder how DV has the energy for it sometimes.

BTW - you're a lucky guy to have been out here bro, chilling in Waikiki at the moment, new hotel out here called Edition is off the hook if anyone passes through get at me!

Anonymous said...


Maybe you should actually say something interesting before you attempt your talk-show level pop-psychology analysis? You are trying too hard to make a mark.

And no, we aren't cool, because there is no 'we'. There's only a you wanting my attention.

I've patted your head long enough. Say something of substance or move it along.

SoloInto said...


Bruh you have more bitter than my Balmoral. Relax, go get a hug and walk it off.

What is your purpose on here?

Anonymous said...


Ain't nobody is interested in your pee-stained Underoos dance.

Are you planning to say something interesting, or are you going to continue pulling my sleeve seeking my attention?

Which is it?

moistfinger said...

DMG = CNu?

Anonymous said...

No, but why is your finger moist?

seenu said...

Um, no we are not.

I just had rear intercourse with him last night..