Monday, February 14, 2011

D o A t h e is t s E x i s t ?

Thordaddy said...
Craig boy,

Once again you dazzle us with your history lesson while successfully shielding from us your particular stance in the matter? Should creationism- the belief that the God of the Bible created the universe - be taught in science class? Clearly, DMG doesn't know that quantum mechanics very much allows for the literal interpretation of Genesis. And you know that science is limited to labeling redundant events. It simply doesn't have the capacity to "observe" one-time events and so science has no ability to go forward in these cases. What evolved is a DMG; one who denies the existence of unique one-time events.

Gee Chee,

Why do these two individuals, DMG and CNu; both of whom are existing in various degrees of anti-Supremacy, get to be seen as representatives of Western science? Is a faithless doctor traditional to Western medicine? Is a non-white pro-homosexual eugenicist traditional to Western science?

CNu said...
History is an open book Devany Bacon-Bey ben Israel Akbar's favorite white boy..,

Nothing keeping either you or the self-proclaimed master of the Moorish Science temple from the truth of the matter (inclusive of my own pure stance) except air, opportunity, and personal "ahem" limitations.

Should creationism- the belief that the God of the Bible created the universe - be taught in science class? Clearly, DMG doesn't know that quantum mechanics very much allows for the literal interpretation of Genesis. And you know that science is limited to labeling redundant events. It simply doesn't have the capacity to "observe" one-time events and so science has no ability to go forward in these cases. What evolved is a DMG; one who denies the existence of unique one-time events.

rotflmbao, (only madness could lead a white plumber's helper to assert what a black cardiothoracic surgeon knows or doesn't know)

{Thanks btw for unintentionally serving as the poster-child and counterpoint to the Gee Chee/DMG dichotomy.}


CNu said...

Repeat after me: "the totality of Devany Bacon-Bey ben Israel Akbar moorish science consists of coonassed insertions/provocations aimed at a reactionary and unintelligent peanut gallery...,"

Devany Bacon-Bey ben Israel Akbar and his favorite white plumber's assistant are completely incapable of further developing or sustaining this post.

Remember where you heard it first.

Accept no substitutes....,

Denmark Vesey said...

CNu said...
"Repeat after me: "the totality of Devany Bacon-Bey ben Israel Akbar moorish science consists of coonassed insertions/provocations aimed at a reactionary and unintelligent peanut gallery none of whom have manboobs accept me and obviously whatever he is doing it's more than enough to make me cling to his Johnson like a tic everyday for the past 4 years...,"

Denmark Vesey said...


ahhhh man this shit cracks me up.

Country ass bitter pork & waffle eatin' Jigaboos who know everything except how not to grow breasts.

DMG said...

Oh, man, you had only a few more hours to go!! Why did you blow it when you were so close? I was cheering for you Bacon-Bey. I had a concession speech and everything prepared.

So, close.

CNu said...

Why did you blow it when you were so close?

Bacon-Bey wasn't absent from the thread that spawned this one because he was offline - Bacon-Bey was absent because he didn't have jack shit to offer.

The kwestins begged by this level of demonstrated vacuousness are;

1. What does moorish science teach?

2. Does Bacon-Bey Exist?

School is in session and your students are anxiously waiting to imbibe your incomparable moorish science profundities Devany Bacon-Bey ben Israel Akbar!


DMG said...

Nah, I was saying that he only had a few more hours for our bet. I bet he couldn't go a week without saying Johnson, Pork, vaccine etc..

CNu said...

I read and understood what you wrote Doc, and I was entertained in that mildly dopaminergic way by your exchange with Cash Rulz - much as I'm entertained by pigs wrangling over the quality of oranges - but the bottomline is that neither one of you advanced your position or showed anyone anything new.

You're equally arrested in your respective state of development and only what Gee Chee has to offer has the potential for showing you a way out.

Of course Devany Bacon-Bey and his favorite plumber's assistant provided ample comedic material - like little piglets running around squealing for attention - and getting stuck in the big bores' cloven hooves.

"yawn" - same story/different day....,

DMG said...

Sometimes fun is just fun, and not a case of one ups-manship.

CNu said...

Dr. John Ratey, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard has explained the nature of this fun. “Each comment you make gives you a little hit of dopamine, which you associate with satiety. But it’s just a little hit. The effect wears off quickly, leaving you wanting another hit.”

Believe me, I understand.

Bottomline though, moorish science "school" ain't teachin anything useful anymore at all...,

While it's well established that the grandmaster is a predictable and easily controlled buffoon operating with what is best approximated as the arrested psychological development of an insecure 15 year old girl - so we can't expect much from him beyond peanut gallery instigation - but grown men of arts, letters, science, and common sense should be able to do more than simply talk past one another.

You brothers were both going around in circles without any possibility of elevating either one of your respective games.

I'd like nothing more than to see you each escape, but am constrained from providing the rhetorical out that would only give you the superficial (and thereby false) feeling of having overcome hardened and internally consistent though dead positions of atheism/magical thinking respectively.

Bottomline, between Cash, yourself, and GCV - I have no doubt whatsoever that there's sufficient wherewithal to make the escape from the hardened dead positions - and - to put yourselves on an evolutionary footing with regard to your differing opinions on the nature of consciousness.

Cause at the end-of-the-day, stripped of cultural and ideological trappings, THAT'S what you cats are arguing/talking-past-one-another about.

DMG said...

Maybe I do get some enjoyment out of placing foot squarely in our hosts ass. Everyone should have a hobby and I'm not into Zen Gardens.

When did moorish "science school" ever teach anything useful?

As far as talking past one another, on the other threads, Gee Chee chose headfakes and jukes. I at least attempted to stay on point. I can't help if someone wants to go off on a tangent. But if you are referring to Cash Rulz, he was just straight up incorrect about his biblical "science". Again, I can only hold up my end of the conversation, when it has turned to irretrievable bullshit simple, mindless mudslinging is appropriate and we both have enjoyed many hours perfecting the art. Your style may be a bit more Tai Chi. I'm not as smooth or patient as you, I'm just as happy to use a baseball bat al la Joe Pesci.

Some people cannot be elevated. I know full well with whom I argue. A rational person would see the error of his thinking and move forward with new found knowledge, and having been enlightened would go forth and "sin no more". I've always said, if you can prove me wrong on a topic, I'm more than happy to change my thinking.

I should probably follow this chart, but then I wouldn't find pleasure in placing foot squarely in ass.

Anyway, some people are just wrong. Creationism is not in any way science. There's no middle ground, there's no compromise, there's no way to convince any open minded and rational person with a solid foundation in logic and science that it is.

Faith is the antithesis of proof and reason. It's a belief in something for which there is no evidence.

CNu said...

As far as talking past one another, on the other threads, Gee Chee chose headfakes and jukes.

Yeah, you said that before.

The fact of the matter is that he referred (albeit inartfully) to something hidden in plain sight about which you know nothing.

When did moorish "science school" ever teach anything useful?

Moorish Science (as distinct from the fiddypage jiggaboology peddled hereabouts) and as practiced and taught by Alhazen - (to whom GCV referred) was responsible not only for the introduction of scientific method as you understand and practice it today, but also for the gothic/alchemical thread that ran through high western civilization through men like Sir Isaac Newton - who were as far as it is possible to be from atheist and simultaneously as far as it is possible to be from "magical-thinking" bibtard, as well.

Some people cannot be elevated. I know full well with whom I argue. A rational person would see the error of his thinking and move forward with new found knowledge, and having been enlightened would go forth and "sin no more". I've always said, if you can prove me wrong on a topic, I'm more than happy to change my thinking.

Quite right.

What did Sir Isaac Newton famously know, acknowledge, and pursue - most assiduously - for his entire life that you neither know or flatly refuse to acknowledge?

Anyway, some people are just wrong. Creationism is not in any way science.

That would've been the exact point of "inartfulness" on GCV's part.

By a poor choice of words, he allowed the point he tried to get across to you to be conflated with idiotic, fundaligionist magical thinking.

And since that's what you DO know and what you DO detest, (and I share your specific convictions in this regard) you haven't shown a moment's willingness to tap your brakes ever since.

There's no middle ground, there's no compromise, there's no way to convince any open minded and rational person with a solid foundation in logic and science that it is.

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...., "yawn"!

and the more retards you can get up in the mix, like Bacon-Bey, his favorite plumber's assistant, Wax, et al..., the easier it is to sidestep the mystery which inspired Alhazen and Newton, and Penrose, and Hameroff, etc...., because THAT's a hard kwestin to deal with - so most people are contented to nestle their lazy and half-baked conceptions into the convenient cannisters of either hard positivism or hard gibberish.

Faith is the antithesis of proof and reason. It's a belief in something for which there is no evidence.

You can write, so I know for certain that there's a self-talking process in DMG. Consequently, I take it on "faith" that there must also be a "listener" process in DMG, absent any concrete evidence of the same.

Is that the antithesis of proof and logic?

Few and exceptional are those possessing the discernment to identify the subject matter of authentic Moorish Science for themselves - even though its magnificent "works" (proofs) are all around you - such is the fate of a degenerate culture.

Authentic Moorish Science is truth.

accept no substitutes....,

DMG said...

"Moorish Science (as distinct from the fiddypage jiggaboology peddled hereabouts) and as practiced and taught by Alhazen - (to whom GCV referred) was responsible not only for the introduction of scientific..."

Then you probably should have made that distinction. My comment stands.

"I take it on "faith" that there must also be a "listener" process in DMG, absent any concrete evidence of the same. "

You don't have to take anything from me on faith, as there are there are Gigabytes of data on this blog demonstrating my patience and listening (reading) ability. I think you meant "trust".

I really have no clue as to where you are going with this. There does NOT have to be a middle ground where scientists and "believers" come together to see each others point. The veil was lifted a long time ago. I'm not required to give quarter, so I choose not to.

"Few and exceptional are those possessing the discernment to identify the subject matter of authentic Moorish Science for themselves - even though its magnificent "works" (proofs) are all around you - such is the fate of a degenerate culture."

The same way that "alternative medicine" that has been studied intensively and proves efficacious is just medicine, science is science, no need to add "Moorish".

Thordaddy said...

Where he's going is towards Supremacy, but he's not at all willing to let others think they can get there without putting in all the hard work he has nor is he willing to self-identify as such. And so he remains in denial when asked point blank:

Craig Nulan, are you a Supremacist?

When the answer to this question isn't definitive after it is asked of a dude that portends to write definitively then what we really have is a radical autonomist. One who seeks to maximize their autonomy at the expense of others' autonomy.

Thordaddy said...

Oh yeah...

And do unique one-time phenomenon occur; by which the scientific method is completely unable to account for?

Thordaddy said...

When CNu asserts that one deserves "hot pee" in their face, is he practicing the "counsels of perfection?"

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DMG said...

I believe it's Hot Pee in the EYE. That sends a much more graphic picture.

"And do unique one-time phenomenon occur; by which the scientific method is completely unable to account for?"

You could not prove that such phenomena occurred. Now would you get off it? You want someone to allow for the possibility of not just a god, but your Judeo-Christian version. I get it. The ploy isn't going to work. Move it along.

Thordaddy said...


Can you point me to the "science" that asserts that unique one-time phenomenon must leave "proof?"

Thordaddy said...


What proof is there for YOUR conception? I mean, since DMG isn't actually scientific proof himself, where is the scientific proof of DMG's conception?

CNu said...

I really have no clue as to where you are going with this.


who you tellin Doc?!?!

You don't have to take anything from me on faith, as there are there are Gigabytes of data on this blog demonstrating my patience and listening (reading) ability. I think you meant "trust".


Bacon-Bey aint NEVER gone let you live that comment down brah.

But I wasn't referring to your discourse, rather, I was referring to that process inside your own head.

You see, I have to take it on faith that you're not a Turing machine, right? (particularly after the way Watson showed out last night)

There does NOT have to be a middle ground where scientists and "believers" come together to see each others point.

Quite right.

But the whole culture thang is sooooo much finer and more enduring when that "middle-ground" that is presently out of reach of most scientists and most magical thinkers - swings into view.

"The eyes only see what the mind is prepared to comprehend." — Henri Bergson

CNu said...

Josh Farst

The expression is "shot with hot pee" as in "you need to be" or, "you deserve to be" shot with hot pee!

Do you sincerely imagine that ANY amount of begging would EVER suffice to persuade me to help you understand anything?

Fool (and I mean that term in the strictest gospel sense) you should be shot with hot pee!

Thordaddy said...

CNu... Nothing. Anti-Supremacist to the core. What chance do you really have, fatneck?

DMG said...


"Can you point me to the "science" that asserts that unique one-time phenomenon must leave "proof" "

Yes, the Scientific Method. I believe Google should help you out. In a nutshell (or so the moron's can understand) the Scientific Method states (and I'm paraphrasing):

If you say something, I'd like to have some proof that you aren't full of shit. It's not that hard.

Thordaddy said...

Craig boy,

Why don't you help your boy out and tell him that not all phenomena are redundant and measureable; tell your son that some phenomena are an unique one-time phenomenon that does not leave "scienific proof" of said phenomena for the scientist to "observe?"

Thordaddy said...

CNu... Not helping a brotha out!!! That's fo' sho'...

DMG said...

A cluttered mind is a terrible thing....