HotMF Wax said ...

Most of the "common foods" in the everyday American diet are toxic and will make the body very acidic (pork included) instead of alkaline.
Stop calling out the symptoms(diabetes included) of our only disease; "Acidosis" and address the root cause.
Our body is a simple "fish tank". Don't balance the water in the tank right and allow it to get toxic (acidic), the fish will quickly die.

However, the key to reversing Type I and Type II Diabetes and other "symptoms" is to hyper-alkalize the blood and tissue. Clean the damm tank.
End of story.

Goddamn, you are fucking stupid, Wax. Nothing what you wrote has ANY basis in truth, and is not worth debating. But again, and again you state the same moronic shit, and again and again it gets slapped down.
Look up the structure and function of the pancreas. Idiot.
^^Did DMG lose his handle??:)
Come back to me after you are on the last of your 5 stages of grief.
Doc are you still on 3 or 4?
Maybe this can help you to 5:
"It is not a disease of the pancreas or the insulin producing beta cells or an autoimmune response, it is from the fluids which the pancreas cells are floating in."
When the fluid is too acid, then the cells turn into a bacteria. You can watch this transformation under a live blood microscope.
-Bechamp's findings from the 1800's.
Anon- bawhahahahaha...com on Doc.
Doc's/Anon Statement about the pancreas and diabetes from his medical book:
"The function of the pancreas is to convert sugar into glucose. Insulin produced by the beta cells in the pancreas carry the glucose to the cells throughout the body."
Your words doc.
OK then:
When the blood has become highly acidic due to our diet and when the acid reaches high levels it floods the pancreas causing the beta cells to slow down insulin production, and at times—stopping insulin production all together.
To compound the problem, even if enough glucose-bearing insulin reaches the cells, the excess acids prevent the cells from accepting it.
The real culprit in this scenario is the food we eat. We tend to consume too may high acid content foods.
High on the list of acidic foods are most animal meats: beef, pork, fish and fowl. Also certain vegetables like corn, wheat, sugars and most grains (flour) are acidic too."
BTW, Doc. Most of your anti-diabetic drugs stimulate your already drained pancreas to produce even more insulin which results in a loss of insulin-secreting beta cells making you more diabetic(genius). Diabetic drugs increase fat storage and weight gain, leading to greater insulin resistance and an even worse diabetic condition.
Let me know when you hit 5. :)
No, just don't think the stupidity that goes on here merits my signing in....or talking to you with your moronic "theories". I mean, you've already been caught lying (and trying to get out of it), you've contradicted yourself, and it's obvious you don't understand even the basics of human anatomy and physiology. Why would I wasted my time?
Come on Bra ...
HotMF Wax is head and shoulders above you on every health related issue we have ever discussed.
You throw insults and parrot the propaganda of the medical industrial complex as if it is "Science" itself.
When confronted with the self-serving profit driven pseudo-science that is the foundation of your paycheck ... you throw more insults and parrot more Medical School dogma born in the 19th Century.
If you Plantation Doctors know so much about health ... why are your patients so sick?
Why has Diabetes gone from a $15 Billion business to a $30 Billion business in the last 5 years?
Come on Doc.
Swallow your pride.
Swallow your blood.
Get up off the floor.
Stop posting as "Anonymous".
Use your "education" to better our people.
Not to keep us trapped and addicted to corporate drug dealers.
"Come back to me after you are on the last of your 5 stages of grief."
Yeah, like you even know what this means.
"It is not a disease of the pancreas or the insulin producing beta cells or an autoimmune response, it is from the fluids which the pancreas cells are floating in."
Wrong. This statement is really too moronic to even address. It's like the answer a high school sophomore gives when he obviously hasn't even cracked his book before the exam.
"When the fluid is too acid, then the cells turn into a bacteria. You can watch this transformation under a live blood microscope".
Laughable. You are really going to write "the cells turn into a bacteria" with a straight face?
"Doc's/Anon Statement about the pancreas and diabetes from his medical book:
The function of the pancreas is to convert sugar into glucose. Insulin produced by the beta cells in the pancreas carry the glucose to the cells throughout the body.
Your words doc."
Um NO, not my words. These are the words of your boy Robert O. Young (the dude who gave you this moronic screed about "acidosis". Don't believe me? Here it is right here verbatim.
"When the blood has become highly acidic due to our diet and when the acid reaches high levels it floods the pancreas causing the beta cells to slow down insulin production, and at times—stopping insulin production all together."
Acidemia does not occur due to our diet. Period. You've been asked time and again to educate yourself on the BASICS of anatomy and physiology. Especially metabolic acid-base disorders. You have not.
Let me know when you are sane enough to have a real discussion?
Now, your 10 minutes up.
"Come back to me after you are on the last of your 5 stages of grief."
Yeah, like you even know what this means.
"It is not a disease of the pancreas or the insulin producing beta cells or an autoimmune response, it is from the fluids which the pancreas cells are floating in."
Wrong. This statement is really too moronic to even address. It's like the answer a high school sophomore gives when he obviously hasn't even cracked his book before the exam.
"When the fluid is too acid, then the cells turn into a bacteria. You can watch this transformation under a live blood microscope".
Laughable. You are really going to write "the cells turn into a bacteria" with a straight face?
Part Deaux
"Doc's/Anon Statement about the pancreas and diabetes from his medical book:
The function of the pancreas is to convert sugar into glucose. Insulin produced by the beta cells in the pancreas carry the glucose to the cells throughout the body.
Your words doc."
Um NO, not my words. These are the words of your boy Robert O. Young (the dude who gave you this moronic screed about "acidosis". Don't believe me? Here it is right here verbatim.
"When the blood has become highly acidic due to our diet and when the acid reaches high levels it floods the pancreas causing the beta cells to slow down insulin production, and at times—stopping insulin production all together."
Acidemia does not occur due to our diet. Period. You've been asked time and again to educate yourself on the BASICS of anatomy and physiology. Especially metabolic acid-base disorders. You have not.
Let me know when you are sane enough to have a real discussion?
Now, your 10 minutes are up.
Moronic Host says, blah, blah Corporate, blah, blah (insert generic gas-up of blog moron here), blah, blah, blah. At least flip to the B-side of that broken record. The discussion was on the pancreatic physiology in regards to diabetes mellitus. Save your $$ signs for someone who believes your stupidity.
Anonymous actually hotwax is right about cells and bacteria:
"Beauchamp, a contemporary of Pasteur's, differed with Pasteur on a number of theoretical models. Whereas Pasteur felt that bacteria were the "all" (primary and sufficient cause) in causing illness, Beauchamp felt that the inner terrain (biological terrain, or interior milieu) was far more important in determining whether illness manifested or not. Incidentally, on this point, noted philosopher Douglas Humer reports in his excellent book on the subject that Pasteur capitulated on his deathbed, admitting that terrain ruled.
They also differed, as mentioned above, on pleomprhism: Pasteur felt that it was impossible, and that bacteria existed in numerous and separate strains or species, while Beauchamp and his allies felt that bacteria are really one big family, and that a bacteria (e.g., salmonella) can revert back to a primitive prototype bacteria, which can then re-differentiate into a different type of bacteria altogether (perhaps an e. coli species or typhus). This is not so weird as it sounds: it is wel-known in modern conventional scientific circles that cells in the human body, under the proper influence (hormonal, electrical fields) can revert back to primitive cells and then re-differentiate into a different type of specialized tissue cell. Robert O. Becker, MD, did a lot of work on this in the 70s and 80s, and it is recounted in his books on electric fields and human health."
l. peugot
Anonymous II,
Actually he is NOT correct about anything that he stated. I suggest that you crack open the closest biology textbook you can get your hands on and read it. You both have the basics completely wrong.
Eukaryotic cells do not "turn into" prokaryotic bacteria. Review a basic chapter of cell biology.
Bechamp ideas were long ago discarded. Why? Because he was wrong. Thanks for chiming in, but you too are incorrect.
Wut can i take insted of shots for my dibetes? im not fat. i been get shots since i was 14. sick fo doctors.
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