Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Things You Need To Know That Are Not Taught In Plantation Negro Schools 001

The Caduceus Decoded: Secret Symbols Reveal Dark Agenda of Western Medicine

Everywhere in western medicine you find the Caduceus symbol: It's the staff entwined with two serpents, with wings at the top.

You'll find it emblazoned on medical texts, medical school certificates, medical websites and even in hospitals and medical buildings. But what does the symbol mean, exactly? I decided to conduct a bit of research to find out some possibilities.

The Caduceus, it turns out, was a staff carried by the Greek god Hermes. Hermes is best known as the messenger of the gods, but he is also well known as the protector of liars, gamblers and thieves. He's also prominently known as the guide of the dead. According to Wikipedia, the name of the staff, Caduceus, is adapted from the Greek word kerukeion, which means "herald's wand" -- the staff of the public messenger. It's related to the words kerux and kerusso, which pertain to someone who announces information to the public.

From a Biblical point of view, the two serpents on the staff are, of course, symbols of evil and deception. There is a Greek myth about the two serpents on the staff which states that Tiresias found two snakes copulating and he beat to death the female snake with his staff.

So far, then, we have a staff carried by the Greek god Hermes, a protector of liars and thieves (who is also the guide of the dead), named as a staff or wand related to announcing information to the public, encircled by two serpents representing evil, and tied to yet another Greek myth about the female being beat to death. This is the symbol of modern-day western medicine.

The evil of western medicine revealed

The part about the female being beaten to death is especially relevant, given how our male-dominated western medical system considers virtually all female physiology to be disease (pregnancy, menstruation, etc.). Women are treated like animals in many ways, through endless breast cancer screening and mandatory HPV vaccines.

Female organs are considered useless or disease-ridden, such as when hysterectomies are performed to remove women's "hysteria" (madness). That's where the name "hysterectomy" actually comes from, of course.

That the two snakes representing evil would encircle the staff of public announcement could be an indication that the purpose of the staff is to announce evil (the propaganda of western medicine). At the same time, the mythological carrier of the staff is the protector of liars and thieves (the drug promoters and drug companies).

Once you understand the symbology, it becomes quite evident that this prominent symbol of western medicine was not chosen by chance: It sends a powerful subconscious message, much like the symbols of secret societies used on dollar bills, for example (the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill).

It might even be said that, through the repetition of this symbol which adorns the most important documents and texts used in the medical schools, doctors are, in a very true sense, being continuously indoctrinated with the powerful symbols of evil and death.

The Caduceus symbol represent the raising (and refinement) of your bioenergy level from the lower chakra (genital area) to higher chakra's (pineal gland area).The upward spiral movement, along the spinal cord (the trunk of the nervous system), towards the primal-eye (crown chakra, inner stargate) is done by sexual energy sublimation. It symbolizes the path of life towards the expansion and refinement of consciousness, through stages of enlightenment and harmonious living on various levels (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). The twin-serpents represent the two polarities (expanding/contracting, generative/destructive, explosive/implosive, etc.) making up the formative unity field (see also: Energy principles, Yin and yang).


CNu said...

Mike Adams brings home the crazy;

In any case, if you really want to know just how far into conspiracy woo-woo land Adams had forged ahead, all you have to do is to consider what sources he uses to support his claims that medicine is infused with evil symbolism that is perfect for its supposedly corrupt mission. If you haven't read the full article yet, stop for a moment and take a guess.

OK, I'll tell you:

David Icke

Alex Jones' Prison Planet


That's right: David Icke's lizard men and the two most insane conspiracy theory, anti-"New World Order" websites out there. Rense.com also has the lovely distinction of being chock full of Holocaust denial, with articles such as The Twenty Victories of [Holocaust] Revisionism, links to the Holocaust denial video series One Third of the Holocaust, and to a video claiming that Treblinka was not a death camp. Add to that antivaccine propaganda, Chemtrails, and crop circles and alien abductions, and I can see how Rense.com is a perfect source for Mike Adams. It's totally crank magnetism in action. Indeed, one could look at NaturalNews.com and easily see it as the Rense.com or Prison Planet of medical blogs. Indeed, NaturalNews.com is to medicine what Rense.com is to the Holocaust.

So what is Adams' alternative symbol? Why, all natural images of nature, of course. Because, you know, nothing in nature could ever cause disease, only those nasty Western scientific synthetic chemicals.

When I read Mike Adams, even now, years after I first discovered the nuttiness that is NaturalNews.com (formerly NewsTarget.com), I still marvel. How one man can pack so much quackery, pseudoscience, and illogic, along with so many logical fallacies into his mind and not have it melt down from the assault, I don't know. Unfortunately, I don't need to know, and, even more unfortunately, Mike Adams looks as though he'll be around spewing his quackery for a long time to come.

Denmark Vesey said...

The funny thing ... when obese men, with titties who still eat pork ... talk about "health", is that the say these things with a straight face.

Mike Adams is "nutty" because he is not endorsed by the NeoNegro Plantation Negro massas.


NOT ONE THING stated about the Caduceus was refuted ... or even contested.

It's all public knowledge.

But truth isn't the point.

Plantation Negros seek permission.

"Whoooo Gayve Mike Adams Purmission to Kwestun Modurn MeduhSun?!?

Sooooo Whuuut da symbol is pagan and evil!!! Massas MeduhSun keeps us Alive!!"

CNu said...

NOT ONE THING stated about the Caduceus was refuted ... or even contested.


Didn't.I.tell.you. that reading is fundamental kneegrowdamus?

Does he have a point, though? What do you think? Of course he doesn't. The story of the Caduceus is actually far more mundane than the conspiracies percolating within Adams' fevered brain. In fact, the symbol of medicine is the rod of Aesculapius, the Greek god of medicine. Since Adams apparently can't read the very Wikipedia article he cites as "evidence" for the evil background of medicine's chosen symbol, the Caduceus, I'll point out this passage:

But widespread confusion regarding the supposed medical significance of the caduceus appears to have arisen as a result of events in the United States in the 19th century.[21] It had appeared on the chevrons of Army hospital stewards as early as 1856.[22] In 1902 it was added to the uniforms of Army medical officers. This was brought about by one Captain Reynolds,[23] who after having the idea rejected several times by the Surgeon General, persuaded the new incumbent --Brig. Gen. William H. Forwood -- to adopt it. The inconsistency was noticed several years later by the librarian to the Surgeon General, but the symbol was not changed.[21] In 1901 the French periodical of military medicine was named La Caducée. The caduceus was formally adopted by the Medical Department of the United States Army in 1902.[21] After World War I the caduceus was employed as an emblem by both the Army Medical Department and the Navy Hospital Corps. Even the American Medical Association used the symbol for a time, but in 1912, after considerable discussion, the caduceus was abandoned by the AMA and the rod of Asclepius was adopted instead.

In other words, amusingly enough, the widespread use of the Caduceus as a symbol of medicine appears to be mainly due to confusion between the rod of Aesculapius and the Caduceus by the U.S. Army.

Didn't.I.tell.you that even trying to step to CNu leads to certain i.n.e.v.i.t.a.b.i.l.i.t.i.e.s?

Take the lesson son.

Stop playing capt-save-a-ho when your cut-rate imps get outta line.

Elevate your game and try an information source other than, or in addition to - the cesspool of ignorant disinformation and erroneous NYAUOT your upline provides.

DenmarkVesey can become school once again, instead of just a lame and broke-down ghetto storefront for LaRouche ministries...., but it's up to you to help your overseers' elevate their lame, tired, and repetitive game.

{unless of course, providing high quality information is NOT a part of the LaRooshian agenda?}

Denmark Vesey said...

Negro ... stop drinking the bong water.

It's making you take yourself far too seriously.

What do you think you just proved or disproved?

Tell us again ... slowly ... and in English - why the 2 Snakes Climbing Up The Staff With Wings is an innocuous meaningless symbol emblazoned on all things medical.

Hot Wax said...


You got special cosmic power Bra! Maaaaan, how do you do it? Constantly being stalked by a female hating nerds and technocrat on each and every thread. They spend no time on their own website or with their patients and you want me to believe that these niggas ain't co intelpro working for Cass Sunstein ??


You are opening eyes on the plantation in regards to you subject matters ignored by some in how to stay alive and now massa is pissed and have assigned you to be terminated.

On your jock BRA!

DV, this Nigga and Doc are on your jock 24 hours a day son! That is some homos so so shit going on in Craigs head if he ain't Co Intelpro. Call it like I see. HE IS OBSESS WITH YOU DV! Never in an agreement with you about anything Bra. Just want to pull your hair every 5 mins. Talking loud and saying nothing (What the fuck is his point?) ! If he finds anyone who says " DV that a good idea, Let me think about it " Bamm! I got to label that Mother fucker an imp and scare him off the blog!

He ain't NEVER got nothing bad to ever say about the enslavers? Sheeiiiiit.

That's like being gassed by some Nazis and complementing them on how nice and shiny their helmets are. No one can be that in love with the plantation.

Refuse to believe it!

If you don't know this boy personally only 2 things Bra - and they ain't good.

Homo co-intelpro or homo jealous stalker of you.

Good luck.

Can't be someone with any virtues. People with virtues, care, compassion, hope or dreams ain't this shitty.

Don't exist.

Spock's a better person.

I also see Ru Paul's style, trying to spread disinfo to websites he called out. Kind of funny that these are all the sites on Cass list also.

Your stalker (if you read his favorite movies all has to do with the destruction of humanity by a higher source) is working so hard to convince that any info on this incorrect and wrong, he needs a new name:Thread Killer.

Just go Back and review March threads DV.

Most people don't want to get on, ask question, make suggestion , be more open because they all end in some childish barrage of insults etc. I am here selling DV net to a bunch of folks, I know. Your stalker don't want no one else to come at you Bra, that flamo shit would be a little bit unnerving for me. But like I said that why you do it and I don't.

Special Cosmic Powers(incredible patience) . I need them. :)

Denmark Vesey said...

He ain't NEVER got nothing bad to ever say about the enslavers? Sheeiiiiit.

ummm ...

Denmark Vesey said...

Your stalker (if you read his favorite movies all has to do with the destruction of humanity by a higher source)

ughhhhh ...

Denmark Vesey said...

Bra Wax,

I can't sit up here and act like I don't see what you talkin' about.

CNu is definitely acting out.

I'm not sure if he is consciously a Plantation agent ... but he certainly does play one on TV.

CNu, like many of the A students, have built their egos on the fragile foundation of 'exclusive knowledge'.

They worked hard to be awarded academic titles and Plantation certifications.

Dismantling Plantation myths threatens men dependent upon those myths for status.

CNu likes to be right.

If we are talking about the virtues of natural food and black people reclaiming their health as a path to empowerment ... and CNu is sitting there with C cups hanging from his chest ... and a mouthful of Walmart Brand "lunchmeat" ... it's hard for him to feel ... "right".

Therefor he adopts the Nippsy Russel pose of exaggerated sarcasm and eye-rolling cynicism towards that which he doesn't already master.

DMG supposed to be a doctor ... which in his After School Special sort of way makes him the smart guy in the room regarding health surrounded by neophytes.

The reality is the majority of the people on this blog have a more in depth understanding about the human body, food and health than does he.

But he's got Plantation sanction ... so he expects to be afforded some sort of "pass" despite the shit he supports "H1N1 Vaccines" and Factory Food in "moderation".

Nothing bothers slaves more than black men walking around free.

Thinking for themselves. Not seeking sanction.

I say join us.

Don't hate.

CNu said...



I feel for you brah.

I know that you know that I know - you are SO much better than the material and the personnel you've been given to work with...,

Nothing personal.

It's the rigid inflexibility of the doctrinal constraints and "authorized" sources that I'm attacking - cain't be no further covert cognitive infiltration of noirish mindshare by the cult of LHL.

Denmark Vesey said...

I don't know what all that means Negro.

You just keep eatin' the factory meat and poppin the meds.

I'll eat the Spirulina, sip the coconut water and bathe in the sunrays for Vitamin D.

10 years from now we can hook up for lunch and compare notes.

See how things have worked out for each of us.

We can even meet close to wherever you go to get your dialysis.

Fuck all this arguing.

All the little conspiracy theories where I had something to do with the death of your old "roommate".

(that shit is actually kind of creepy)

Pork or Chia Negro! Choose.


But don't be on here rolling your eyes and sucking your teeth while you are at home secretly eating chia seeds.

That's some bitch shit.

Give your boy props.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Cnu you are cold blooded. Truly. hheheheheheheheheeeeee And HW, dayum! This shit is entertaining in some way. What's been going on Field Negro's blog with this aggressive homosexual rights activist schizo overtaking all the threads is not entertaining or fun in any way. But this shit right here,...this shit is funny!

Anonymous said...

Homo co-intelpro or homo jealous stalker of you.


CNu said...

All the little conspiracy theories where I had something to do with the death of your old "roommate".

You ain't had a damn thing to do with that brah. But the cult of LHL and its efforts to make inroads among smart and autodidactic Black folk DID have a great deal to do with it, imoho.

I've never yet encountered a cult which can tolerate free thinking/acting within its ranks - and despite all your protestations, our various points of agreement, and disagreement - the cult of LHL under its manifold contemporary guises is no exception to that cult authoritarian rule.

DenmarkVesey school is teaching folks a damn site more than the LaRooshians have bargained for.

Anonymous said...

We can even meet close to wherever you go to get your dialysis.-DV

Yeah, I'll jack that too.

All the little conspiracy theories where I had something to do with the death of your old "roommate".-DV

Hunh? Wha...wha...what?

But don't be on here rolling your eyes and sucking your teeth while you are at home secretly eating chia seeds.-DV

Maaaan, I forgot on the last thread I was thinking DMG be attacking EVERYTHING. I was wondering, what if it's his way of just getting all the facts so he can drop it on them wackos down in the hospital lounge. Up on a table preaching. Talk'n 'bout the Lord and chia seeds.

DMG: "Gee-Chee you lying, I swear you lying!"
Gee-Chee: "Aight, chill, I said "what if."
DMG: "Oh. Yeah, yeah...So...um...did somebody actually TELL you I was doing that?"

Anonymous said...

It's actually one serpent with two heads.

That is the original symbol of the Sumerian.

It was later used by the Greek as a symbol of astrology and healing.

The original symbol, the Sumerian Serpent-Dragon of Heaven is the giver of knowledge (the gift of immortality)

The wings represent the guardians of the Sumerian Dragon God.

These are hybrid animals that are commonly seen in coat of arms like the one granted to Prince Charles as a heraldic achievement at the age of 13.

The same symbol of the serpent makes its appearance in the drawings of Baphomet.

Revived in the 19th century as a symbol of Satanism.

Baphomet is the representation of both sexes in one.

As an Hermaphrodite.

Word that comes from the name of the Greek God Hermaphroditus, son of Hermes and Aphrodite.

The desire of a man or a woman to have both sexes can only be accomplished artificially, with the use of advanced science (the knowledge of the serpent).

In the drawing of Baphomet this symbol of the Aesculapius appears as the genitalia representing Procreation, The Reproductive system, DNA, The Seed, etc.

The Rod of Aesculapius is also mentioned in the bible.

When the Lord sent serpents of poisons to bite the people of Israel.

Moses prayed and repent for speaking against the Lord and was commanded to put a serpent in a pole and whenever someone was bitten by a poisonous serpent would be saved by looking at the serpent in the pole.

The symbol may represent the ambiguity of medicine and it's dangerous ways of healing.

Denmark Vesey said...

But don't be on here rolling your eyes and sucking your teeth while you are at home secretly eating chia seeds.-DV

LOL. Feel me Gee?

The duplicity of the NeoNegros is impossible to ignore.

Mad ... but doin' it.

Rejecting it ... but receiving it.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The same symbol of the serpent makes its appearance in the drawings of Baphomet.

Revived in the 19th century as a symbol of Satanism."

Ummm ... OK.

Guess you got that from Alex Jones Ces?

But ...

even if you did ... it's independently verifiable.

So ...

Bra Ces.

You tell us.

Why is this 'serpent with 2 heads' crawling up a winged staff ... THE SYMBOL OF PLANTATION MEDICINE?

CMalthius ignored the $64,000 Question

I mean if we are going to allow people whose symbol is two serpents to 'vaccinate' our children ... don't you think a muhfuggah would wonder?

Anonymous said...

We are overrun by symbols. Coded, subliminal etc. It's not about conspiracy, Negroes are just afraid that Santa doesn't really exist and bunnies don't lay eggs. It's not conspiracy that Coke sends out "undercovers" to report intel of popular culture. It's just being on your game and not wanting to loose. Same thing on a domestic level.

"What did such and such say about me?" Trifling jokers just scheming, trying to be two steps ahead. Cointel Pro ain't conspiracy. Tactic to stay ahead.

It's strategy. Ain't no conspiracy about it. Are murder detectives conspiracy nuts? No. They are investigating and accepting all possibilities. Brainwashed porch-monkeys accept only one possibility.

Denmark Vesey said...

"We are overrun by symbols. Coded, subliminal etc. It's not about conspiracy, Negroes are just afraid that Santa doesn't really exist and bunnies don't lay eggs" Gee Chee

Preach brother Preach.

Many of these Plantation Negros are also afraid that Massa aint infallible.

They want to believe "modern medicine" is a cure all.

It gives them "hope".

They want to believe Massa wouldn't wouldn't feed them poisonous hogs even if they do come out of a factory and are fed a diet they cannot digest.

So .. notice the Sci-Fi Negros don't suggest the Caduceus is not a symbol ... they just attack anyone speculating about the significance of the symbols without Plantation permission.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the picture you have up is NOT the symbol of medicine (even though some of my colleagues still point to it as such). The symbol of medicine is the staff of Aesculapius. This is often confused with the Hermes Staff (which is the symbol of bureaucracy). easily confused. Even the military medical corps uses the incorrect symbol. The symbol of medicine actually has roots in Africa. Want to guess how and why?

Hot Wax said...

A fair discussion of both:

Hermes and Aesculapius

" If you've ever been to a hospital or flipped through a phone book looking up a physician, you've seen the image: two serpents criss-crossed around a staff topped by a round knob and flanked by wings. This is known as the caduceus, and it has been the symbol of the American medical profession for nearly a hundred years -- a decidedly odd symbol for doctors, until you begin to investigate its underlying meanings.

According to Walter Friedlander, in The Golden Wand of Medicine: A History of the Caduceus Symbol in Medicine, this connection can be traced back to 1902, when the U.S. Army adopted the caduceus as the insignia of its Medical Corps, which had previously used the cross. Earlier, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the caduceus had been used by printers because it was the staff of Hermes (Mercury) the messenger god, and hence the divine deliverer of information. In the 19th century, a medical publisher used the symbol prominently on its texts, and thereby began the association of the caduceus with medicine, an association made firm by the prevalence of the image in the American Medical Corps during World War I. A symbol first representative of wisdom, eloquence, and communication, thus became the common logo for those in the health profession.

Citing the history of the caduceus, some physicians are critical of the symbol, because Hermes also happens to be the god that leads the dead to the underworld and is not only associated with wealth and commerce, but happens to be the patron of thieves (he is a classic trickster figure in Greek myths). It only makes sense that doctors wouldn't want to be associated with trickery, death, and the accumulation of wealth! Medical purists suggest we should go back to the staff of Aesculapius, which is depicted as a single serpent coiled around a cypress branch."


CNu said...

Your boy Wax is dumber and more ignorant than a box of rocks.


You need to update this joint to question the damage one ignorant kneegrow supporting a racist and crypto-fascist movement can do.

unless GeeChee pulls out a miracle for LaRoosh noic - your ill-considered and ignorant assault on allopathy and its resident embodiment the good Dr. DMG;

Things You Need To Know That Are Not Taught In Plantation Negro Schools 001

is about to catastrophically backfire on you morons EXACTLY where you claim to live, your sweetspot, you know, that place where you pimps, gimps, and imps call yourselves constructing castles in the air for all these Plantation suckas and squares.

Here's the challenge.

All-a-y'all.., given the entire weekend to work on it.

DeeVee, GeeChee, Waxy, and Ces..,

won't come anywhere even remotely near to the origins or meaning of the symbolism in question.

In choosing this symbol, you've also chosen your own waterloo this weekend brah.

Not only is your medical symbolic conspiracy theorizing a load of hogwash, your absurd LaRooshian slanders against the origins and meaning of these symbols strikes directly at the African origins of some of the deepest and most important keys to the enigmas of the world.

You're inadvertently peddling some altertumswissenschaft that erases the miraculous depth and accomplishment of the ancients.

Why is this 'serpent with 2 heads' crawling up a winged staff ... THE SYMBOL OF PLANTATION MEDICINE?

CMalthius ignored the $64,000 Question

I mean if we are going to allow people whose symbol is two serpents to 'vaccinate' our children ... don't you think a muhfuggah would wonder?

GeeChee - it's down to you son - as the only member of the LaRooshian bwatty boi impsquad with even a remote possibility of knowing enough and having a mind sufficiently uncalcified by gibberish - to save the day.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ CMalthus went through all of that ...

And the men who blindly consume Plantation Medicine and Plantation food have titties.

All of the polysyllabic rationalizing in the world can't change that fact.

lol. CNu. The cats who engineered your Man Boobs use snakes entwined upon a winged staff.

Whatever the "origin", the result is titties.

Hot Wax doesn't have Man Boobs.

How can you possibly be "smarter than" him?

Hot Wax said...


Cnu knows a little knowledge about Imhotep and loves to hold it as his feeling of power.

Imhotep was considered, the real ‘Father of Medicine’. He was the African multi-genius of ancient Egypt, not Hippocrates who lived 2000 years later. Imhotep brought the knowledge of medicine to Greece and Rome. He was a world famous physician, architect, high priest, diplomat, economist, poet, philosopher, sage, magician, astronomer, engineer, and designer of the Step Pyramid of Sakkara. He was so revered that he was deified while still living and worshipped as the Great God of Medicine. The Greeks renamed him Aesclepios, the God of Healing. The phrase “drink and be merry...” is traced to him.

The symbol of the medical profession, the caduceus (a winged staff entwined by two serpents), was the insignia found on his temples. Imhotep temples in fact were the first hospitals known to man! Stlen from Africa, his many volumes are at Karl Marx University in Leipzig, Germany “From Egypt comes the earliest medical books, the first observatory for anatomy - human and comparative - the first experiments in surgery and pharmacy, the first use of splints and bandages, compresses and other appliances, and the first anatomical and medical vocabulary, and an extensive one at that.”

I guess we are all larooshians, because of that.

Aren't you proud now tittie man? Could have brought up this point from day one. My link was to discuss DMG's Hermes vs. Aesculapius comment.

CNu said...

Nope nippleheaded negroes for Laroosh...,

Neither one of you morons came within a country mile of Carthage.

Better call Tyrone (GeeChee) and see if he'll come rescue you dumbasses.

Though I suspect after a point, associating with muhfuggahs as ignorant as the two of you is going to begin to be burdensome...,

CNu said...

Nothing bothers a free Black man more than a cluster of nickle and dime slave-catchers masquerading as Black...,

CNu said...



is you is, or is you ain't the headmaster at dis heah LaRouche kneegrow indoctrination school?!?!?!

You said;

Once you understand the symbology, it becomes quite evident that this prominent symbol of western medicine was not chosen by chance: It sends a powerful subconscious message, much like the symbols of secret societies used on dollar bills, for example (the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill).

It might even be said that, through the repetition of this symbol which adorns the most important documents and texts used in the medical schools, doctors are, in a very true sense, being continuously indoctrinated with the powerful symbols of evil and death.

But dis zipcoon Wax done run up in here and called you a liar.

Wax say;

Imhotep was considered, the real ‘Father of Medicine’. He was the African multi-genius of ancient Egypt, not Hippocrates who lived 2000 years later. Imhotep brought the knowledge of medicine to Greece and Rome. He was a world famous physician, architect, high priest, diplomat, economist, poet, philosopher, sage, magician, astronomer, engineer, and designer of the Step Pyramid of Sakkara. He was so revered that he was deified while still living and worshipped as the Great God of Medicine. The Greeks renamed him Aesclepios, the God of Healing. The phrase “drink and be merry...” is traced to him.

Which one is true pimp?!?!?!

Did your imp just up and make you out a gimp in front of all these suckas and squares, or, is your imp just out-of-pocket and ignant???

Denmark Vesey said...

Actually Pork-eatin' potato head Plantation Negro apologists with Man Boobs can get on a Free Black Man's nerves too.

The ignorant suggestion that muhfuggas engineering diabetes, slowly sterilizing our people with toxic vaccines and tampering with the genetic code of our food, adorn themselves with serpent symbols because of benign esoteric reasons is pure Coonery.

ALL of the Freemasonic symbolism which adorns Plantation medicine and Plantation money are stolen corrupted symbols of our more spiritually enlightened past.

Where the fuck the symbols come from doesn't matter.

What they are doing with it does.

Black people are dying from the products of Plantation Medicine and Plantation Food faster than Jews died during the Holocaust.

CNu wants to argue that the Nazis must have been good because the Swastika was once a symbol of sacred geometry.

Again Negro ... WHATEVER you think the serpents represent (or whichever version) ... why is that symbol now emblazoned across everything worn and used by the people "vaccinating" (injecting AIDS) Africans around the clock?

CNu said...


Hoisted by his own lying little petard, Larooshifer pointy slave-catcher head startin to spin.

First you say it matters;

The Caduceus Decoded: Secret Symbols Reveal Dark Agenda of Western Medicine

just now again, you say it matters;

The ignorant suggestion that muhfuggas engineering diabetes, slowly sterilizing our people with toxic vaccines and tampering with the genetic code of our food, adorn themselves with serpent symbols because of benign esoteric reasons is pure Coonery.

then in.the.exact.same.statement you up and contradict yourself - and say it doesn't matter;

Where the fuck the symbols come from doesn't matter.

What they are doing with it does.


Help me out here Larooshifer..., does it matter where the symbols come from and what they mean, or not?

CNu said...

Everywhere in western medicine you find the Caduceus symbol: It's the staff entwined with two serpents, with wings at the top.

not quite Larooshifer.

Those aren't wings at the top, there's actually something else quite different and of immeasurably great significance at the top of this symbol - the wings are kind of in the middle.

How come you and your LaRooshian upline left out the crucial thing at the top of this symbol which you originally claimed to matter so funda-Mentally DeeVee?

Once you understand the symbology, it becomes quite evident that this prominent symbol of western medicine was not chosen by chance: It sends a powerful subconscious message, much like the symbols of secret societies used on dollar bills, for example (the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill).

It might even be said that, through the repetition of this symbol which adorns the most important documents and texts used in the medical schools, doctors are, in a very true sense, being continuously indoctrinated with the powerful symbols of evil and death.

jes askin....,

Denmark Vesey said...

CMalthus ...


We can't be reading the same blog.

Look man.

Fuck all this arguing.

I'm tired of explaining shit to Negros determined not to understand.

How are you going to argue with me when you got Man Boobs?

Think about that.

Doesn't that speak for itself?

1) You don't know how to eat.

2) If you did ... you wouldn't have Man Boobs.

That's straight math bra.

Chickens today have breasts 100% lager than just a few years ago.

So do you.


Because you are eating a diet that causes Man Boobs.

Factory chickens are fed a diet that causes Chicken Boobs.

Get it?

Chemically, your diet is not much different from the pig, cow and chicken feed fed to the factory animals.

Now. The architects of this Man Boob & Diabetes causing diet happen to be emblazoned with SERPENT SYMBOLS.

And you're OK with Serpents because ....... ___________________ ?

Serpents CNu. Serpents.

When have Serpents EVER symbolized health?

Serrrrrrrrr Pents.

Serrrrrrr... Nergo ... Pents.

Who cares which archaic interpretation you choose to annoint ... SERPENTS!

While vaccines even come in viles with Serpent stickers on them.

How apropos.

What they gotta do, add a skull n crossbones before you get the hint?

So anyway CNu.

You know what? Later for all this explaining.

Do it because I tell you to do it.

Do because I'm smarter than you.

Do it because I got more game than you.

Do it because I tell you to do it.

Whatever I tell you to do ... do it.

For example:
"CNu! Go get you some Chia seeds!"

Oh ... well..

You already did that. You've been eating Chia for weeks now.

OK. Stop getting vaccines!

Oh ... That's right! My bad. You don't get vaccines anymore. Good for you.

What's that? Oh ... The Himilayan Pink salt is the bomb aint it?! LOL! Ahhhhh ... give it up.

Sound like you on the DV program anyway CNu... so again.

Why you bitchin'?

Either roll with me, or stroll your big lopsided ass down to Walmart and eat everything they offer.

From the Doritos to the Pork Rinds.

And then stroll your big Tuna Fish & Cheese Sandwich eatin' ass over to the the conveniently located "Pharmaceutical" section and pick up your Prescription Drugs ... with the SERPENT SYMBOL right there on the bottle - All under 1 roof.

Anonymous said...

...you DO know that chicken breasts contain NO breast tissue...right? It's muscle.

Continue, I believe you were unhooking the kitchen sink, sorry to have disturbed you.

CNu said...


Doc, I done told this tuuurrible pimp he'd met his ignant-assed waterloo on this.very.thread.

Gave him the whole weekend to rally his imps, his ho's, his his upline wholesalers - and anybody else he finds willing to come to his rescue.


see if I lied.

Any one of dozens of intra-stable calamities can occur and the pimp will blow whoreless and penniless. Then he will glut himself with drugs or alcohol to escape the painful reality of his booby-trapped life. Worst of all, when his youth is gone, whores won't give him a cigarette. A pimp lives his life with a stick of dynamite stuck in his rectum. Iceberg Slim.

Denmark Vesey said...

"...you DO know that chicken breasts contain NO breast tissue...right? It's muscle." DMG

.. you DO know that CNu's breasts contains A GREAT deal of chicken ... right?

Think about that the next time you order the "Chicken Muscle Sandwich".

Anonymous said...

Hey MOTI, just popping by to keep you on track. Again, when you are called upon to testify in front of Congress about Man-titties and what-not, you want to sound articulate. Just helping a brother--excuse me brotha--out.

Continue, please, don't let me get in the way. I'm enjoying the show.

Hot Wax said...


The only thing that comes close to what this Mugga fugga might want is the first excuse they used when they got questioned what is up with this evil shit before. Some spiney military shitheat said he was trying to lay down Matthew 10;16- Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove meme and it got confused.Snake /wings etc.

Oh great master of the Occult knowledge, one question. What is your fucking point??? In English.

D.SMITH said...

I was perfectly content to be holed up in this Philly hotel room reading Chiekh Anta Diop's "African Origins of Civilization"...this has proven to be much more entertaining.

Please allow me to say this: from my own personal experience, there are a few things that DV has posted on this website that have shown to be beneficial to my own personal health...but I didn't necssarily need the site to find out about it. Stopped eating pork 13 years ago...can feel the difference. Threw the microwave in the trash over five years ago...can feel the difference. Stopped drinking soda and them fake juices about two, three years ago...can feel the difference. Will pick coconut ANYTHING over the "popular" alternative, includin water (coconut oil? Please...no excuse for ANY n!ggas to be walking around chapped and ashy as long as this is in existence. And what DV say, get a chick? Do it, grease her up with some of it and handle yours...fun, natural fun). Recently got the whole family to get with the program; no more robot chicken, but rather fresh, wild caught fish on occasion. And it goes on and on, including knowledge of self. Cuz as a Black man, woman or child, it's necessary.

I say all this to say...for those who don't want to buy in to any of the stuff DV is saying...have you actually tried any of it?

D.SMITH said...

I don't have man-boobs, BTW.

Anonymous said...


It's not that eating well, including fresh anything isn't fine. I've only asked the man to back up his statements that I gotta buy $40 bread to be in good health.

It's a nice option if you have the disposable income to spend on designer products (food, cars, clothes) and like the taste.

My problem stems with him telling people who don't have $900 to spend on food every month, that it's their only option or they will keel over dead.

I contend there isn't a significant difference between healthy diet choices bought at the local grocery store and Whole Foods (or your specialty store of choice), and none has been proven.

Now, let's say you are in a situation where money is kind of tight, and you want to start making healthier lifestyle changes? Your family doctor tells you that you have type II diabetes, but with diet changes it's manageable...or you can start taking acarbose (but it might give you horrible gas).

The smart person says, "I'd prefere to make lifestyle changes" only to find herself on a website like this telling her that to eat "healthy" she's got to spend close to $1,000-1500/month for her and her family.

She walks away feeling hopeless, thinks lifestyle changes are too difficult and costly, starts on acarbose, and because she's not made changes in diet and exercise slides down the slope to poorly controlled diabetes, renal failure, diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, etc.

Misinformation is as powerful as information when you aren't in a position to be able to tell the difference.

Anonymous said...

By the way, why you would put that book down in favor of these inane discussions is a mystery to me.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

DMG do you have any suggestions for low cost whole foods in your neck of the woods? I recently investigated a local food coop that I found out via word of mouth because our town is still operating as a good ole small town network. Anyway, the options offered are limited because the delivery costs for the fresh organic produce were extremely expensive. So the coop is limited to bulk quantities of free range eggs and pre prepared organic foods like pastas etc. They also have soaps etc with certified organic ingredients.

All of this to say, DV is in a position to give out information on low cost alternatives to spending an arm and a leg on food but hasn't done that yet.

Perhaps he will get some of his wife's recipes to post for some homemade fare. At least when people have recipes they can figure out how to get the ingredients.

Anonymous said...


I do not. We shop at the local grocery store. But remember, I'm not a practitioner of organic eating. I eat very few eggs if at all, but generally eat light. We've never eaten alot of meat. Just our tastes, I suppose.

I still can't find that cost comparison chart I found comparing prices of organic to non-organic labeled food in the US. If I find it I'll send it again.

CNu said...


I'm with you D. Smith on all-a-dat and especially the myriad pleasurable applications for coconut oil and except for continuing to enjoy the succulent pleasure of that cloven-hoofed other white meat - y'all fiddy-page book muslims can go on with that nonsense - just more for me!!!

That said, pimp-noir an all-a-his imps and hos like to pretend to want to have deep discussion and vigorous Q&A, but you'll notice, that when faced with any kind of questioning of the ignant-assed shit that they cut and paste - as if that brain dead, disinformative nonsense was gospel truth - they immediately commence to rolling their eyes and popping that ignant adolescent female shit that so clearly typifies their psychologically arrested development.

The lyndon h. larouche school of "you niggas can't be too rich, too thin, too ignant, or too stoopid" needs to be confronted, right here and right now for just out-and-out lying and deceiving folks - and then trying to run away from the lies when called on them.

This post and its discussion thread is not about food. It's about some lying ignant shit DeeVee quoted without attribution from a larouche front operation that raised a number of questions and made totally unfounded assertions about Western medicine.

Because of the falsehoods asserted in that article, which DeeVee uncritically passed on as if he was teaching revealed truth - we are left with a number of questions begging answers;

1. What symbol is actually used to represent allopathic medicine?

2. What are the origins and meaning of that symbol?

3. What if anything does that symbol imply about the motives and activities of allopathic medicine and its practitioners?

4. Why did Mike Adams base his nonsensical and false claims about western medicine and its symbol on material gleaned from multiple lyndon h. larouche new media disinformation front operations?

5. Why on earth would any free and well-meaning Black man operating in good faith pursuant to the interests of his people peddle such turrible snake oil and out-and-out balderdash to said people?

In your estimation D. Smith, are the ridiculous assertions made by Mike Adams anything that any sane and reasonably well-informed person needs to know about medicine, its symbolism, and the origins of the same, or, is it a lot of highly peculiar crap?

If the latter, then why on earth would the self-professed "Blackest Man on the Internet" peddle the garbage teachings of a fringe political cult Black folks?

Why are the teachings of said fringe cult nearly always mired in outright shoddy fabrication?

The curriculum at Denmark Vesey has become an increasingly transparent exercise in turd frosting. Kneegrow seems to believe that if you put enough NYAUOT frosting on a fringe cult turd, then you can convince weak, ignorant, and credulous folk that the frosted turd you're promoting is actually a fabulous and magically nutritious cake.

imoho - there's something VERY wrong with that agenda...,

Anonymous said...

I can only say that it was during a discussion last July I think?

Anonymous said...

I'm an Olive oil man myself CNu, but coconut oil does smell nice.

CNu said...

Misinformation is as powerful as information when you aren't in a position to be able to tell the difference.

bears repeating...,

and THAT's in plain and simple english that even your "english as a second language, dumber than a box of rocks" backwards monkey ass can understand mungifungi waxhole...,

Anonymous said...

As for our host, and this thread...none of his threads are about the actual topic at hand. He's a street corner preacher/pimp/bean-pie/50cent book man without a flock/ho's/pie afficionado's/ or seekers of cheap "knowledge".

He needs you and me both, otherwise he'd have a bunch of yes men, and after awhile all those noses crowding his sphincter would probably cause a rash.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

"The lyndon h. larouche school of "you niggas can't be too rich, too thin, too ignant, or too stoopid" needs to be confronted, right here and right now for just out-and-out lying and deceiving folks - and then trying to run away from the lies when called on them."

So you just sit back and observe and interject some commentary every now and again. Greek chorus Cnu! Interesting and funny as all get out. But why you so coldblooded?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

"He needs you and me both, otherwise he'd have a bunch of yes men, and after awhile all those noses crowding his sphincter would probably cause a rash."

Yes of course DMG elevates himself along with Cnu to the level of resident sage. Notwithstanding the fact the damner every contributor here has questioned some of the stuff DV posts and engaged in interesting discussions. This site hardly consists of majority yes men; the interactions are more complex than that.

Anonymous said...

Craig...you want to field this one? My hearts just not in it to muster a response. I keep saying don't start nothing and there won't be nothing...

Maybe something about an A and B conversation...I'm sure you'll think of something.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Wax was right. DMG and CNu are butt buddies :).

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm an attention seeking whore, wanting on the the conversation of adults.

OMG! I am so starved for attention and crave the spotlight so much that I'll write any old nonsensical statement to get the adoration of my potential pimp denmark vesey.

OMG! I'm Wax

Denmark Vesey said...

and each of ya'll Plantation Negros






D.SMITH said...

DMG, I don't really put the book down for this...but it was something entertaining in the meantime. I will say this: I'm probably the brokest brother up on this joint. I don't eat chia seeds or spend 5K on some type of water I read about on here before. It doesn't have to be taken to an extreme though. Replace all the Doritos and whatever else with a healthy alternative...or simply eliminate it. Like I said, you don't have to do everything DV is putting out there, but you have a choice. Do what is within your means. I do the grocery shopping for my family, and spend about $400 a month, please believe it.

You know what really cracks me up, but probably isn't supposed to be that funny? The term "Plantation Negro.". I know we had a discussion before regarding Obama's new health plan, and you made a comment about me saying that if the gov't had a hand in it, it couldn't be that beneficial to you. Let's take it back a couple of generations to where the term came from. Black people on these same plantations had no choice but to eat chitterlings (proper) and all kinds of other crazy mess. You have that choice now. As a Black man old enough to know better, I wouldn't dare eat that bullshit, simply off the strength of that same plantation situation that it came from. You don't need it, and there are alternatives.

You know from the previous discussion we had that I have a job where I'm not self employed. Inshallah that will change at some point, but until then, shit I guess you could say I'm still tied to the plantation to some extent as well. But for now I will change what I can, and not because some website told me to. It's like this email I got the other day regarding this all Black, all male school in Chicago. 100% of the senior class graduated; 72% have already been accepted to a four year university. The person that sent it posed the question as to whether or not it would be on the news. No it won't, and why are we waiting for someone to make it news?!! You know about it, MAKE IT NEWS. Tell everybody about it, just like you sent the message. Black people stop fucking waiting for somebody to say go. Then when they do, ain't nobody movin'. The same principle applies. Do the research yourself and experience it. If it doesn't work for you, then hey, keep doing what you are doing.

For CNu I believe it was; I'm glad you see the benefit of coconut oil at least when it's time to the lights down low, but you need to broaden that horizon and experience the other benefits. This ain't about Muslim or Christian or none of that neither. I'll say this though; cut that gotdam Fox News off and study your lessons on what Black people's original and true religion was and always will be, regardless of what anybody tries to tell you otherwise. Just another trick to keep you shuckin' and jivin' and doing what "Massa" wants us to do. We bigger than that brah. Same book I mentioned stated that Black people are so distanced from their true self that we can't even believe it when we hear how WE are the true originators of EVERYTHING these other cats are claiming as theirs. Choice is yours. Nothing's getting shoved down your throat till you open your mouth and swallow it.

And oh yeah, I wasn't checking for no Mike Adams or rense.com to sway me either way. Even after reading this particular thread, I'm not concerning myself with him. I honestly didn't know who he was until today. If he's got some advice that can benefit my situation, well maybe I'll check for him. But I'm not taking his word or any other man's word as the end-all/be-all regardless.

D.SMITH said...

Actually, let me correct that figure regarding money spent on groceries: anywhere between $400 and $600 a month on groceries, including what I might buy between bi-weekly trips. $400 is the minimum. Still ain't checkin' for Mike Adams.

Anonymous said...


You sound like a reasonable person. But let me point something out:

It's actually me who has been advocating putting the fork down, and choosing reasonably priced healthy food...not our host. Please, check back through the archives. Despite what you'll read here, I don't actually dislike or even disagree with the gist of what he's saying about food. The things we can agree on is that Americans, especially black folks have horrible eating habits, and their health would improve if their diet changed. I've said that since high school. Where we differ: He tries to pass of claims that haven't been substantiated as fact...like Chia Seeds and diabetes. He, without basis insists that ALL disease is based on, and is only curable through a specialty diet (sound familiar?). It's misinformation like this that's probably caused more than one little old lady to have a hemorrhagic stroke because some street hustler sold her some herbs and spices (or prayed for her and said she was held) and told her to flush her anti-hypertensives down the toilet.

About the Chicago school. I'll have to differ a bit. Why should it be news? Young black men and women are just as capable of getting great grades and going on to college as anyone else. I graduated from a class of 402 students. 393 of us when straight to college 90% to four year universities straight away, many to Ivy's, U of California, Stanford etc. Because it was expected of us. What I'm saying is that graduating from high school and going to college should be the norm for those who are interested. It shouldn't be some sort of unobtainable fantasy, that is the exception instead of the rule.

Anonymous said...

"we are left with a number of questions begging answers"-Unc'Remus

Negro, YOU left with a number of questions begging answers, with your James Earl Jones/Thulsa Doom impersonation.

Just shut up Grady. Old school into Ouija board, warlock robe/serpant ceremonies and Latin etymology. Quit accusing people of dodging your occult slanguage when you yourself got shook when you realized you were faced with information, in your age, that you heard for the first time. Aint nothing wrong with hearing something for the first time. You can't accept that. It makes your pig arteries pump harder. Negro, Dick Chaney looks like the Penguin. Nobody wants to aspire to that. Please eat up the pig from us 50 page heroes you pagan/porch monkey zero. Perhaps you can eliminate them while they eliminate you.

"By the way, why you would put that book down in favor of these inane discussions is a mystery to me."-DMG

You should be ashamed of that statement. The very questions of yours that you thought were "so deep" a few threads back is dismissed by that book alone. Come on now DMG, you have no appreciation for Anta Diop. That's one of them 50page books Unc' Remus was referring to...he doesn't appreciate anything unless it's from the Pentagon yet he's a square. What kind of irony is that.

KonWomyn said...

"About the Chicago school. I'll have to differ a bit. Why should it be news? Young black men and women are just as capable of getting great grades and going on to college as anyone else." DMG

It should be news so Guv'mnt stops wasting money producing research to claim that Black boys are failing in school, as though it were a 'race issue'.

It should be news because the death of one Darrion Albert or Damilola Taylor (UK) continues to be touted as evidence of the behaviour of a group of young men - who apart from age, sex and race prolly have alot more differences than commonalities.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Yeah KW, it is a known fact that media shapes public opinion for good or for ill. If more images of Black men succeeding, apart from the President, are shown in mainstream media channels, the public consciousness about Black men will also change.

That is why the show 24 showing a Black man as President was powerful because it lubricated the masses for the very notion of that possibility. So I completely agree with you!

As to CNu's previous notions about ACTIONABLE plans, today my husband and I ran a few errands. I needed some coconut oil, palm oil, rice flour and ginger. The ONLY place in town that sells the palm oil is the African Caribbean Market. So I went there for the palm oil. They didn't have the other items. So I went to the Indian Fijian Market down the street. I got the coconut oil, ginger and rice flour there. The prices are a lot cheaper than mainstream channels for whole foods and the rice flour was only $0.074 a pound!!!! The coconut oil was also a good deal; only $0.13 an ounce! If I went to Raley's I'd pay starting at $0.12 a pound for the rice flour and $0.62 an ounce for the coconut oil. The ginger was on sale for $1.00 a pound at the Fijian Indian Market but $2.99 a pound at Raley's.

All of this to say SHOP at ETHNIC MARKETS for specialty items. Indian markets tend to have a variety of legumes and non glutenous legume flour, rice flour, basmati rice from Nepal, curries all sort of cool spices like Cardamom for really cheap! This seems to be the case throughout Northern California. I cannot speak about elsewhere, but I suspect that the prices are cheaper in other states in the ethnic markets. Most of the stuff is organically grown, but you have to ask because it isn't necessarily certified. That is another way they get their foods cheaply; they KNOW how it is grown but not having the organic certification keeps costs down.

CNu said...

Just shut up Grady. Old school into Ouija board, warlock robe/serpant ceremonies and Latin etymology. Quit accusing people of dodging your occult slanguage when you yourself got shook when you realized you were faced with information, in your age, that you heard for the first time. Aint nothing wrong with hearing something for the first time. You can't accept that.


the young afrodemic chippie in glasses was your last, best hope "DenmarkVesey".

Even given a full weekend in which to google up a saving throw for your lying fraudulent ass, the best she could do was to rationalize her own weakness;

Aint nothing wrong with hearing something for the first time. You can't accept that.

but there was NO WAY IN THE WORLD that even she could save you from the erroneous crap you posted as "Things You Need to Know That Are Not Taught In Plantation Negro Schools 001"


Better get you some comfortable shoes GeeChee - LaRouche gone wear your country big feet out on the turd-frosting memetic fast track.

When on the hunt a pimp must spot weakness, a girl's softness to the pimp and to the fast life. His personality must be like his clothes and his jewelry - flashy, bold, and fascinating. If he also has a handsome face and is young enough so that sleek muscles still writhe under his skin like a tiger's, he is going to have instant and pulse-leaping impact on a large percentage of the females he faces. The quality and quantity of response from a particular prospect will depend upon her background, her set of values, and the state of her love life.

I can't say how other pimps spot weakness in a girl. I usually was able to spot the weakest ones by a glance held a fraction of an instant too long and of course the excitement in their eyes was obvious. I have always believed that anything I could touch I could get. I would maneuver myself into rap range and watch arteries in the temple and throat pulsate wildly, tipping me off that the girl would probably go for a turnout.

This type would also stutter under pressure and would follow me like a little dog to my pad and to a contract.

In others not so clearly weak, I would use powerful funky pimp dialogue to test for signs of weakness. Another type of jazzy prospect will hide her weakness behind a cool front of indifference, even hostility. A seasoned pimp, however, will know from the texture and possibly outrageous degree of such a response whether it is real or fake.

I have often said that pimping is like the watchmaker's art. To outsiders it may look easy, but it's tough. When a pimp meets a girl with a curvy body and a weak mind and she is not a whore, he must turn her out.
Iceberg Slim.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Manning Marable's analysis of the role of Blacks in the Larouchian organization is quite telling, and very disturbing. But CNu, DV may not have been influenced by the larooshians. There are other groups that espouse similar rhetoric, which he has cited in the past like the Moorish Science Group headed up by Queen Valhara el Bey. There is a lot of convergence and recycled themes among some 'groups', especially via recycled tax protester arguments;)

Anonymous said...


Ashamed? I think it's probably a better use of time to ponder the markings of toilet paper after one has wiped ones ass than to read some of the discussions on this blog. You should be ashamed of leading the inanity, co-signing conspiracy, and general lack of scholarship. At least Diop put some effort into it, rather than the WD Fard shit our host is trying to push.

Sorry, you can't claim Diop as one of your own.

Anonymous said...

Unc' Remus, obviously you delusional. I'm not trying to win. That's the display of arrogance of someone that has no understand of his/her purpose is in existence. Unc' Remus the only time you got one of your "Zipidi Do Da" days is when you can squeeze in an argument on some gothic subject that you do know about.

You not slick. You tucked your tail and ran when your Latin etymology ran out of steam. I didn't care. My interest wasn't to "challenge" all who dare says something. You don't know how to learn from your own tales and just "lay lo" like Brer Fox. It's as if your age just made you bitter.

I was with some artist yesterday. One of them new Basquiat. He was hating on him because he o.d.'d. Don't want to cause you no skag flashback Remus. My point is he didn't hate on Hendrix who had an even shorter career. That's because Hendrix wasn't of his immediate space leaving no reason to feel that whatever Hendrix got that it cut into his piece of pie.

DV ain't cutting into your piece of pie. You got a well maintained blog. Don't mean nobody dislikes it, it's just that DV has mastered image appropriation AND presents another side of information that isn't buried underneath some board room PC veneer. See atleast the artist hated on Basquait behind some hundreds of thousands that he imaged should have been coming to him. Your envy is behind some digital posturing.

Even your Icberg Slim action suggest your envy. See I'm surrounded by old schoolers. I peep how some envy because they feel some young cats may be partial to others. So they spend time discrediting ANYTHING about their peers. What is funny about that is that the very ones that are so bitter don't have anything to offer themselves. AND they chase away a potential support group of young blood because nobody digs gloom. See I'm not angry at you, I just see through you.

I let you squeeze gracefully out of the conversation (argument in your mind) some threads back. I wasn't interested in pursuing and convincing you. I could have kept after you so I get to "shine" with something I knew that you didn't. I peeped the whole game. You finally slipped away into oblivion with a little youtube funny. Cool. I didn't care. Even your juvenile "so" was funny because older cats that spent their lives with envy for others only become more extreme towards the hopeless end.

Negro offer something interesting. DV got from natural living pop'n off to rhymes, to the eugenics game when we got evening news homicides as the highlight. You see everything here as negative and useless information but FINALLY got "Mr. Bluebird on your shoulder" when it's some gothic illuminati info. And don't read anything creepy about that. That's not normal Unc' Remus. Come on Thulsa Doom, t ain't like dudes come on here automatically taking DV's side. In real life world Negroes take the side of who will scrap if niggas try to jump you on the streets or the club. Your envy can't even see that you chase Negroes to DV's side when cats were neutral from jump start. DV is secure in his ideas, I'm secure in mine and don't have a need to try to challenge him at his dojo so I can take his martial arts practitioners over to my dojo. You obsessed with these fantasies of pimp'n and someone following you. The way you react to info is like someone wants you to follow them.

Spike Lee made a good go at the DV/CNu dichotomy.


Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

GC who is supposed to be DV and who is supposed to be CNu? Samuel Jackson's character seemed resentful and bitter but 'trying to keep it real'. Larry Fishburne's character seem dignified and responded to Jackson's inquiry with respect but stood up for himself.

I've always gotten irritated when people talk mess about college kids. Usually people that do this have issues over lost or no opportunities to expand their educational horizons. Any profound thing that Jackson's character could have said was overshadowed by his bitterness and anger towards the Fishburne click simply for being there. I don't know GC but that looks like crabs in a barrel to me.

Anonymous said...

"I think it's probably a better use of time to ponder the markings of toilet paper after one has wiped ones ass than to read some of the discussions on this blog."-DMG

Man I came on this blog has cats duke it out from their expertise. That is what TV doesn't offer. So it works that you see opposition. Resistance is what forces everybody to go into their libraries.

Sorry, you can't claim Diop as one of your own.-DMG

Just read the book DMG if you want to drop bombs on dudes up in ER.

CNu said...



you just dropped 612 words signifying nothing.

If you CAN back your pimp's play, and justify what he posted on this thread, then laisez le bon temps roulez.

If you CAN'T, and I realized your knowledge is only 50 pages deep the first time you popped shit, then STFU.

It might even be said that, through the repetition of this symbol which adorns the most important documents and texts used in the medical schools, doctors are, in a very true sense, being continuously indoctrinated with the powerful symbols of evil and death.

The only people being indoctrinated with anything are the pitiful imps and hos and credulous suckas and squares lapping up Lyndon Hermile LaRouche's frosted bowel movements recycled as mind-freeing truths at "DenmarkVesey.Net"

Anonymous said...

"GC who is supposed to be DV and who is supposed to be CNu?
I've always gotten irritated when people talk mess about college kids. Usually people that do this have issues over lost or no opportunities to expand their educational horizons. Any profound thing that Jackson's character could have said was overshadowed by his bitterness and anger towards the Fishburne click simply for being there."-M.Rig

Whats interesting about Fishburne's character is that he goes back to the college campus and has issues with brainwashed Negroes. Samuel Jackson's character is making assumptions. Fishburne ain't trying to argue him on college. He understands some benefits, obviously since he's in college. He also understands Jackson's statement "College don't mean shit" but he understands his position is not from a conscious investigation therefore it's useless to try to align their ideas. Fishburn attempts to defuse it early on by legitimizing Jackson's grievances.

The immediate read is redacted in Spike's earlier works. It doesn't matter that Fishburne steps closer and Jackson reads his nonverbal code as potential hostility reduced to a statement. Jackson experiences a brief moment of confederation. That Fishburn isn't trying to become the Alpha male in all of this. I know it gets away from the question. And it's a testament to the brilliance of this scene if you are not allowing the age differentiate distract you. Despite Fishburne reassuring Jackson he means no harm, Jackson inadvertently discloses his discontent with the turn of the argument during Fishburne and his crew's "walk away."

CNu said...

If "DenmarkVesey" was an honest Black man operating in 360 degrees of truth for the benefit of his people - he would have had no compunction about looking into facts of the assertions he posted up top, evaluating these critically, and then simply saying;


- good lookin out CNu -

sometimes these cats get caught up in their anti-Plantation zeal - but that's no excuse for slander, distortion, or misrepresention of the truth"

but that did not happen nor could it even possibly or conceivably happen.

Slave-catching muhphuggahz aren't at liberty to question ANYTHING emanating from the Big House...,

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Thanks for your response GC. I like the way you analyzed the scene. I haven't seen that movie in many, many years and interestingly enough I don't recall that scene! Yes about making assumptions...an old acquaintance once said "When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me"...

CNu you seem to find DV's site entertaining, or at least your old comments indicated so. However, lately you've been interjecting commentary that is salient in some parts but overwhelmingly hostile.

DV's messages might penetrate if he was willing to examine his sources better, admit when he's wrong AND provide ways to take action on these issues. This is abundantly clear and you've pointed that out on several occasions.

However,your message of thinking critically, analyzing a greater picture and taking ACTION would be better received if you didn't coat your comments in such biting sarcasm and at times, malevolence.

I've said this to you before, but it seems like you are more interested in 'wit battling' at this stage.

CNu said...

CNu you seem to find DV's site entertaining, or at least your old comments indicated so.

DenmarkVesey gave every appearance of being a exceptionally artful exemplar of autodidactic Black thought and expression.

However, a few months ago it became apparent to me that that's not what it is at all.

My initial shift came from recognition of the constant and cornucopian gospel of status-seeking conspicuous consumption which suffuses all of what is presented hereabouts. Recognition of this tendency shifted my view of DeeVee to more Luciferian than autodidactic.

Still entertaining, but by no means aimed at the benevolent work of "freeing minds".

Then, and I'm not sure exactly when it dawned on me, but it was subsequent to the conspicuous consumption cue - I realized that 99.9999% of DeeVee's sources are New Media fronts for the international political cult of Lyndon H. LaRouche - I think it was the incessant and ruthless attacks on DMG - whose entirely reasonable and high-value commentary I've enjoyed for a few years now beginning at Cobb - that finally tipped me off to the fact that something's rotten in Denmark.

However, lately you've been interjecting commentary that is salient in some parts but overwhelmingly hostile.

I'm all about a rigorous quest for truth Mahndisa - and when I observe or encounter contrived barriers to that aim, I become purpose-driven toward the removal of those barriers.

Have you have or have you not read up on the dubious activities, patterns, and praxis of the Lyndon H. LaRouche cult?

LaRouche's organizations have systematically lied to, lied on, and lied about Black folks.

I'm overwhelmingly hostile toward anyone who lies to, lies on, and lies about Black folks.

No apologies.

DV's messages might penetrate if he was willing to examine his sources better, admit when he's wrong AND provide ways to take action on these issues. This is abundantly clear and you've pointed that out on several occasions.


You still don't get it.

There is no DeeVee.

This site is an LHL New Media front executing an LHL strategic plan.

The organization masquerading as DenmarkVesey is not at liberty to examine or criticize its Big House sources, nor is it at liberty to recommend action oriented solutions to the issues it seeks to peddle to a mostly Black audience on behalf of LHL.

Truth, or the quest for truth, is NOT what LHL or his minions are about.

CNu said...


However,your message of thinking critically, analyzing a greater picture and taking ACTION would be better received if you didn't coat your comments in such biting sarcasm and at times, malevolence.

The most malevolent thing I could do in response to the anonymous and aliased abuse heaped upon me over the past few months hereabouts by various members of the LHL organization at this site would be to unceremoniously out the head NYAUOT pimp in-charge. Problem is, I actually like that brother - much as I liked my late friend at the tute whose father had been the LHL HNIC in Chicago.

I don't believe that this talented individual is calling the shots. So that makes what for me would otherwise be a routine Internet execution - problematic.

My battle is with an insidious organization rather than with the talented soldier working to help it artfully execute its otherwise quite hamfisted and obvious tactics.

I've said this to you before, but it seems like you are more interested in 'wit battling' at this stage.

If you remain weak and susceptible to a hustle after the age of full maturity Mahndisa - you are imoho irretrievably lost and condemned to suffer whatever exploitation comes your way.

I observe a strict policy of one "save-a-ho" per customer - and you've already had yours. {lest you forget - it was me (actually my then 12 year old daughter) who yanked Colin A. Spears (aka DragonHorse) out of his closet of anonymity for beating you about the head and shoulders a few years ago back at DellGines joint.}

So, you go right ahead and enjoy yourself in the bowels of LaRouche noir..., aside from the occasional drive-by - I'm out.

NEA said...

Thanks for the tip on looking for coconut oil at ethnic markets. Didn't know they carry it. I have to ask next time I go. I'm all for bargains. :) I go to a local Indian store for spices and legumes and Arabic halal market for goat meat (on occasions).

BTW, goat meat is a healthy alternative for those who want to continue eating meat and keep getting the wonderful nutrients. I know not everyone likes the taste. Just putting it out there.

KonWomyn said...


Nah, say it ain’t so!

I’ve grown to really like you in my time here, moreso in these last couple of months. You and DV elevate the game when you interrogate each other and when you’re at your best channelling the same vibes, no other pair of intellects can match that.

iWish there were more of those moments nowadays.

If by taking leave of regular commentary you’re leaving LHL to its devices as you so believe then that’s an implicit surrender, permitting the co-opting of more Larouche footsouljahs. Surely the actionable thing to do is to call it out, in an effective way.

iDon’t think this is an LHL front, but truth, DV does say some dubious stuff, sometimes he’s dead wrong, other times he’s the GOAT, but going toe to toe when he’s wrong is perhaps, not the way.

Sure it’s entertaining at times, but when a thread descends into raw insults it only serves to split the blog rather than uplift it and uplift the Blackest minds which is the core purpose of DV.net.

C’mon magne, you’ve known DV for the longest time, y’all need to work it out.


CNu said...

If by taking leave of regular commentary you’re leaving LHL to its devices as you so believe then that’s an implicit surrender, permitting the co-opting of more Larouche footsouljahs.



I hope the slave-catching muhphuggaz snatch up a bumper crop...,

uplift the Blackest minds which is the core purpose of DV.net.


Sasha said...

This reminds me of a conversation I had last week with my Dr. I went in for my annual check-up which of course lead to talk about family history. My father's side of the fam has a history of women's cancers. For the next 20 minutes, I listened to my physician encourage me to go to my family in hopes of getting a $3k genetic test for my grandmother to see if any of us possibly carry a particular gene for cancer. (Mind you, my doc had already mentioned this test to me at last year's visit.) I really like my doctor and I enjoy a comfortable patient/doctor relationship with him. But what really bothered me was when he said, "If you have the gene, most of these cancers are preventable and we can discuss how you do that." Uh...okay, you can't tell me how to prevent them unless we spend $3k on this test?? I"m sitting here right now and I'm your patient. I don't get the golden information until my family spends this money? Seriously? Is this what practicing medicine has become?

As to D. Smith: After completely revamping my family's eating habits, I find that I spend about $400/month as well. No, you don't have to get ridiculous with it, it can be done on a budget by making small substiutions here and there. I have also noticed that when you stop buying garbage, the shopping goes much faster. :-)

Anonymous said...

Does he think you have one of the BRCA mutations?

You probably don't want the method to prevent the disease unless you have the gene....as one method is bilateral mastectomy and or removal of both of your ovaries and tubes.

Read about it, and good luck.

Sasha said...


Yes. And I read about it last year when we first had the discussion. I went online and I read the pamphlet he gave to me. I discussed it with my family. I even passed the info along to a friend who has a family history. My issue was that the doctor could have just said what the preventative methods are while I'm sitting there. It doesn't mean I'm going to do it or even that it's necessary. If he is my doctor, he should be working to assist in my health care and having an open and honest discussion with me about all aspects. Not pushing a test and describing how my relatives and I can pool our money together to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not defending your doctor, as I don't know what was said or how. I know that some physicians do not like to worry their patients, which is understandable in a way. Many patients can't take the information overload, or become so afraid that they shut down, don't get the test or never return for a follow-up until it's too late.

I probably would have been more blunt, but that's just my style.

Anonymous said...

The caduceus is a symbol of medicine because:

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole (caduceus): and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
[9] And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole (caduceus), and it came to pass, that if a (tempting) serpent (of Eden) had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. - Numbers 21: 8, 9

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3: 14, 15