Sunday, October 03, 2010

If Your Male Roommate Is Giving Blow Jobs In Your Dorm Room ... YOU Are The Victim


uglyblackjohn said...

If you record, watch and post your roommate giving blow jobs - you're also gay but trying to hide the fact.

Pink said...

Exactly, UBJ. Not much gayer than the desire to watch 2 men having sex. He's young though, he'll be out of the closet in the next 5 years.

D.SMITH said...

He may not have a choice to come out the closet if he gets time for this mess...he'll be brought out by some big 300+ dude in the shower who thinks he's not gay himself.

But I don't get this part though; you're a young man and you're gay, in 2010, where being heterosexual seems to be the oddest of choices the way homosexuality is paraded around in an attempt to be deemed normal...

so what you jumping off the bridge for?!! To me, that shows this kid had a real problem with his own decisions as far as who he chooses to have sexual relationships with.

Ain't too many choices I'm going to make where I'm going to be embarassed about them to the point of killing myself.

Pink said...

I think if he could have chosen, he would have chosen to be heterosexual.

Thordaddy said...

Homosexuals are self-annihilators. The streaming video was but a pretext to final liberation. It's like the jihadist that self-annihilates to kill an infidel who burns the Koran.

Thordaddy said...


Of course Clementi chose his homosexuality just as he chose to jump off a bridge. What we are missing is the logical progression towards final liberation. Homosexuals self-annihilate IN ORDER TO BE LIBERATED. That this act of self-annihilating liberation has a big media angle should only serve as evidence for the attempted increased radical autonomy of the homosexual collective.

Anonymous said...

People been filming there roomates fucking in the dorms for years and nobody committed suicide. Something is seriously wrong with the act that was so shameful that he killed himself! The shit aint natural!

Denmark Vesey said...

Get 'em Anonymous.

People are recorded having sex everyday.

This little faggot jumps off a bridge and the Plantation wants to crucify the "heterosexual bully".

Did Kim Kardashian jump off a bridge when Ray J dropped their sex tape?

Did R. Kelly take a window when his 'home movies' were broadcast worldwide?

Tommy Lee or Pamela Anderson blow their brains out when their escapades were YouTubed up?

Nahhhhhhh ....

All this fake ass sympathy for this little queer being cast as a hero is a Hegelian Head Fake.

If he was normal.

If he had sex with women.

And he killed himself, after being "embarassed" by a roommate we would never have heard his name.

Black John ...

You trippin'.

If they had WebCams & iPhones & iChat and FaceFugginBook when old muhfuggas like you and me were in college ... our asses would still be getting hits on some PornTube right now.


And the fact that your roommates may do that kind of shit is a GOOD thing.

Fear of profound embarrassment and humiliation helps deter dudes from giving blowjobs in the first damn place.

Now the shit is being elevated to an honor.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Homosexuals are self-annihilators." TD


"The streaming video was but a pretext to final liberation." TD

Um. Interesting point.

"It's like the jihadist that self-annihilates to kill an infidel who burns the Koran."

What "jihadist" ever did that?

Is that similar to the collective "self-annihilation" of the radical secularist or the Christian-Judeo-Pagans who destroy their own economies waging war on Islam because it represents one of the last bastions of genuine God worship?

Thordaddy said...


Secular liberal "Christianity" is in many ways equal to Islam. Heck, liberal "Christians" love to call Islam the "religion of peace." The collusion between liberal "Christians" and jihadists on the homefront is undeniable.

But the larger point is that when radical autonomists self-annihilate it is SOMEONE ELSE that MADE THEM DO IT. Therein lies the self-refuting essence of radical autonomy... No sovereignty... No agency... The desire for total liberation is simply the desire for death. The only coherent thing to do for the homosexual, jihadist or liberal "Christian" is simply pick the appropriate pretext (usually some kind of intolerant or discriminatory external force) to justify/rationalize one's self-annihilation.

Those who worship autonomous god(s), be it the liberal "Christian" or the jihadist, do so under the implicit or explicit understanding that such worship confers a radical autonomy upon the worshipper. And to those believers in the One True God, such a stance means one is actually a slave unable to enjoy the grace of God-ordained free will.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Secular liberal "Christianity" is in many ways equal to Islam." TD


"Christianity" and even "Islam" are mere memes.



They can be neither "equal" nor unequal.

There is only God.

Whatever "name" you give to how you get down ... is your business.

"Heck, liberal "Christians" love to call Islam the "religion of peace." TD

If Islam is not the"religion of peace" ... what is the "religion of peace"?

I believe all the world's great faiths transcend the sloganeering that is currently presented as the true representations of those faiths.

Islam has as much to do with "Jihad" as Jesus had to do with 'The Crusades'.

Interchanging Islam and "Jihad" is disingenuous.

"But the larger point is that when radical autonomists self-annihilate it is SOMEONE ELSE that MADE THEM DO IT. "


"Therein lies the self-refuting essence of radical autonomy... No sovereignty... No agency... The desire for total liberation is simply the desire for death." TD

Yes. Ergo: The Plantation Negro

"The only coherent thing to do for the homosexual, jihadist or liberal "Christian" is simply pick the appropriate pretext (usually some kind of intolerant or discriminatory external force) to justify/rationalize one's self-annihilation." TD

Is this course of action limited to "jihadists" and "liberal Christians"?

"Those who worship autonomous god(s), be it the liberal "Christian" or the jihadist, do so under the implicit or explicit understanding that such worship confers a radical autonomy upon the worshipper." TD

Please drop a link to someone ... anyone ... who DOES NOT worship an autonomist God.

Anonymous said...

Black John ...

You trippin'.

If they had WebCams & iPhones & iChat and FaceFugginBook when old muhfuggas like you and me were in college ... our asses would still be getting hits on some PornTube right now.


And the fact that your roommates may do that kind of shit is a GOOD thing.

Fear of profound embarrassment and humiliation helps deter dudes from giving blowjobs in the first damn place.


Anonymous said...

Been at a conference this weekend, catch me up on this story. Link?

Carol '85 said...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Carol,

OK. I think this is a bit different than your roommate giving sexual favors to a bunch of people for money or whatever (which is what I first thought from reading your comments).

This kids suicide is tragic, but he may have had some underlying mental instability to begin with.

First off filming someone without their consent is fucked up. Period. Take the "gay" thing out of the equation for a minute. If this was your daughter, who has decided to have her first sexual experience (yeah, yeah, your daughter was raised right etc....the shit happens), and her roommate decided to film her and broadcast it to the world? And THAT's how you found out...rather than her telling you?

Fucked up. This kids homosexuality is his business. No matter how much you complain about it and say it's nasty, or whatever there will always be homesexual men and women. There always have been.

The kid who knowingly filmed him has just ruined his own life. Alot of people just have no social media awareness. People post pictures of themselves in compromised positions all the time. You have no idea where those pictures can end up. Any picture on Facebook can be copied and pasted onto any computer, at any time. You don't own your own image once it's online.

Anonymous said...

"...the Plantation wants to crucify the "heterosexual bully".'

This is interesting. So just recently the local news put out a story of a kid bullied at school that committed suicide. Actually twice. The first one the kid attempted suicide. So the DA is going after ANYONE involved in bullying that child and any administration that weren't more responsive to the issue.

It looks like one of those seeds planted that will expand into some even larger set of laws. I noticed the intensity of the Columbine Trench Coat Mafia was somewhat defused by them being victims of school bullies. So where is this meme going?

Anonymous said...

What makes a jihadist?

A Muslim in their homeland who responds to an invading force? A Muslim living on the other side of the world that wants to be ruled by how they define their histories/their culture?

Do we appropriate Arabic words to Muslims in which the definitions become lost in the general English speaking public's ignorance? Why not translate the word literally? Jihad: Struggle. Perhaps a "strugglist" fails to convey Pentagon propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Jihadist is the likeness of saying "non-pork eaters" or "prayerers." Defining people by one word is problematic. The propagandist understand that. It paints the picture of those you assign the word to are defined ONLY by that word.

"Give me liberty or give me death" is on some ol' suicide mission stuff to me. However, the author of this statement is not an extremist, he's a true patriot.

Anonymous said...

"Do we appropriate Arabic words to Muslims in which the definitions become lost in the general English speaking public's ignorance? Why not translate the word literally? Jihad: Struggle."

"Give me liberty or give me death" is on some ol' suicide mission stuff to me. However, the author of this statement is not an extremist, he's a true patriot."

Good points. I prefer to use the term "criminal" father than right wing words like "jihadist" when appropriate. Someone comes to my house/country and starts blowing shit up because of some random reason...that's a criminal. Terrorizing people (even when state sanctioned) is criminal. Terms like "jihadi", "hajji", "gooks", "skinny's", "huns", or whatever words some use for rival gang members are just terms to dehumanize...which is helpful when an individual soldier needs to justify killing other human beings.

I actually have no ill will toward anyone who truly believes he or she is defending his/her country from foreign invaders...because we would do the same thing here, if say Canada decided to "invade", and bring us free healthcare, free university education, less crime, quality food, and a higher standard of living.

Anonymous said...

father=rather, sorry.

Seven Half Store said...

Did Kim Kardashian jump off a bridge when Ray J dropped their sex tape?

Did R. Kelly take a window when his 'home movies' were broadcast worldwide?

Tommy Lee or Pamela Anderson blow their brains out when their escapades were YouTubed up? -DV

Good point but these are people who have a lot of money to live for. lol

And their livelihood hinges on preserving A public image as celebs, whether for bad or good.

You find celebs committing suicide when they no longer succeed in being relevant in public view.

These were dumb kids.

It's wrong and sick to videotape someone's sex and put it on display....without being paid to do so. lol

Denmark Vesey said...

"It's wrong and sick to videotape someone's sex and put it on display...." OM

I hear ya.

That is wrong.


What's really the bigger "yuck" here?

We are all under surveillance constantly.

Everything you do is videotaped.

Taping your roomate having sex and broadcasting it

... is more "low-class" and "juvenile" than wrong.

Is it accurate to even call that kind of perversion and nastiness "sex"?

By definition ... can two men ... really have "sex"?

Can an electric cord with two male ends ... conduct electricity?

Plantation got ya'll Educated Negros referring to that perversion as "sex" ... in the same sentence you would reference a relationship between a man and a woman.


If a dog humps your leg ... are ya'll having sex?

Helll no.

It aint sex just because it involves the genitals.

Straight mind control.

Denmark Vesey said...

"If this was your daughter, who has decided to have her first sexual experience (yeah, yeah, your daughter was raised right etc....the shit happens), and her roommate decided to film her and broadcast it to the world? And THAT's how you found out...rather than her telling you?" DMG

She would be getting what she deserved.

The conversation would go like this:

"Baby ... if you have sex in front of computers ... with webcams on them ... in 2010 .... you can EXPECT ... to end up on the internet."

If it bothers you so much ... that you would KILL YOURSELF ... by Jumping Off A Bridge ... it may be a good idea not to have "sexual encounters" in a place that is by definition not private.

Don't do things in private that you would kill yourself over if they became public."

"This kids homosexuality is his business."


If it is his business ... why is it all over our newspapers, televisions and soon even in our schools?

This issue has virtually nothing to do with "his homosexuality" (whatever the fuck that is).

This issue is about the choreographed RESPONSE to this issue that I'm disappointed cats are too blind to see.

Seven Half Store said...


Hmmmm. I see your point. All gay aside if my dormee were having crazy 3-somes n orgies in my room I'd be pretty pissed to find out. If that's not illegal than MAYBE a video would be a way to handle that. Another option would be to just move. Personally, I never had sex in my dorm. Never fu*k where you study is what I say. lol

I do see the way this issue is propagandic in form tho believe me...even "my gays" see it.

I also see the ads about cell phone and cyber bullying. I'm like grow some balls and block the number or email address. I see exactly where that's going seeing as how the internet is the common man's largest and almost perfect means of self publishing.

I think the candle light visuals are making dude a martyr. Why? because he killed himself? How do we even know THAT was the reason? The people there dont even know the dude. So youre right in that this is political where it should be an unfortunate campus suicide shared among the students, family and administrators who were truly affected by it.

Anonymous said...

That kids sexuality is absolutely his business. Or are you going to offer up examination of how you and the Mrs. are getting down? You wouldn't mind if someone made you two into a YouTube sensation?

That's the point...he didn't know he was in front of a computer, and he has a right to expect such privacy in his dorm room. He shouldn't have jumped off the bridge...he should have beat the shit out of his roommate, and smashed his computer.

Don't play coy about this issue. To you this is an issue about homosexuals. We get it, you don't like gay men (unless they are flamboyantly so, and have a mega-church that mentors young boys...). If it didn't have ANYthing to do with same sex intimate relationships (how's that?), you wouldn't even have bothered. How about this senario:

Roommate films and broadcasts you son having sex with his girlfriend. (You approve of your boys having premarital sex, right...I mean YOU weren't married in high school...). Fine, your boy doesn't jump off a bridge, because he's not mentally unstable. But now that tape follows him around, it's gotten 100 million hits on YouTube...and now for whatever reason it's affecting his paper, his business folds. His cash flow is gone. Instead of being an entrepreneur working for himself...he's got to take a job. Dude was in his own home, somebody snuck in and filmed him. He had a reasonable expectation of privacy. That's the main issue.

Anonymous said...

Of course it's political. It's a privacy issue. Technology is advancing faster than the laws.

Seven Half Store said...


"If it is his business ... why is it all over our newspapers, televisions and soon even in our schools?" - DV

But lil DV would NEVER be a youtube star because the plantation media does not care about hetero dorm room sex. you can get that on tape anywhere.There is a grand idea to sell in this boy's case.

What activist group would be at lil DV's candle ceremony if he jumped bridge? A very small one if at all that's who.

Yes, he had reason to expect privacy. But if that were ACTUALLY the issue the news reports would be more about breaking privacy laws and not about his sexuality.

The damning part of this is that the roommate live fed the act because HE HAD NO IDEA HIS ROOMMATE WAS GAY....

Denmark Vesey said...

"I think the candle light visuals are making dude a martyr. " OM


It's not just the vigils.

It's the production and broadcasting of the vigils.

The sympathetic coverage that molds the minds of media consumers like my man here ... DMG.

Seven Half Store said...

And when having sex in shared space when you get to the point of being able to tell your roomie-

"hey man, imma need the room tonight"

-implies that one must know, to some degree about the other's sexuality.

Not saying that dude was right for videotaping him. I've already stated my stance there. BUT imagine how things would have gone if the kid were mature enough to say confidently at some point after getting to know each other

"I'm not into women."

The roomie wouldn't have even bothered w/ the tape because he'd already know what was going down.

Seven Half Store said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Denmark Vesey said...

"That kids sexuality is absolutely his business. " DMG


If you don't have anything relevant to add to the subject, don't feel compelled to speak just for the sake of speaking.

You are reducing the level of the discourse.

Let me slow it down for you:

1) Posting video of sex is one thing.

2) Jumping off of a bridge is something else.

3) Connecting these two events and converting them into a meme that later becomes the foundation for Thought Crimes (bullying) is a whole different ball game.

It's a set up Doc.

That's what this thread is about.

If you've got an interesting thought. Drop it.

But the lame and tired cliches about "not liking homosexuals" is intellectually ghetto.

the good nurse said...

there is no such thing as privacy when u share a room with someone. what if instead of recording the scene the roommate just happened to walk in on the two boys in the act of sodomy or oral? is that wrong? would the media still clamor at the opportunity to make an example out of him?
if u are going to screw, do so in private. get a room.

uglyblackjohn said...

"If they had WebCams..."
They didn't need WebCams back then.

Back in high school, to become members of some invite only club, one of the requirements was to have sex with a girl on the golf course.
This was to be witnessed by two guys who were already in the clique.
Once it was verified that the act was taking place the witnesses left.
No one filmed shit.

But when the older brothers and fathers of the girls found out - a lot of guys got their asses whipped.
When the school admin. found out, the club was disbanded
When other girls from school found out - we had to start dating girls from other schools.

Anonymous said...

No. Let me slow it down for you.

This is a simple case of simple-minded people who hate all things pertaining to same sex interactions with such a tenacity, that it (and your penchant for Paul Smith Congo Dandy wear) makes me think you are hiding something. If you aren't gay, and cannot in anyway be SWAYED into doing another man you don't have shit to worry about, so quit perseverating over the so-called "gay agenda". This really amounts to you worrying about where two consenting adults are doing with their bodies. THAT ain't your business unless it pertains to you, or your family.

The dude committed suicide after having his sex life splashed over the internet, possibly alienating him from friends and family...and you try to act like it's NOT connected. This kid probably had some underlying mental health issues that were exacerbated by some dumb ass immature roommates actions. It's the same as putting a webcam in the shower, a counselors office, a married couples bedroom or wherever. I hope they prosecute the fuck out of those two. You are over here trying to excuse the roommates actions simply because they were perpetrated against someone who was homosexual. Would your tune change if it were some racist white boy filming your daughters dorm room through a hole in the wall? You really aren't fooling anyone. Why are you even trying?

UBJ--dude, what the fuck??

Denmark Vesey said...


All of those years of Plantation schooling are starting to show.

You are not thinking.

You are just repeating things you've been conditioned to repeat.

Give it a rest.

Let Thordaddy or somebody else with a more developed observation take it from here.

Thordaddy said...


What makes a jihadist???

Exactly... Someone or something OTHER THAN the jihadi himself, MAKES the jihadist.

Radical autonomy = slavery

It doesn't matter to those of us who see the destruction of radical autonomy manifested in a myriad of ways to concern ourselves with the jihadi who is enduring a personal struggle. We are only concerned with those jihadists who carry on a violent external struggle. They matter and no enemy of my enemy is my friend illusions need apply.

Agency versus no agency...

The homosexual liberates and burdens the living with its consequences.

This is the essence of the jihadi that I'm concerned about.

Thordaddy said...


You, of all people, should know self-annihillation is contagious... It's oh so liberating too... And if you can give the finger to the living slaves then all more radical.

You see simple cause and effect... Doo-dood is humiliated and then jumps off a bridge... Hate-mongers guilty.

In reality, it is more of a logical progression with "hatemongers" as part of the liberationist script. Some liberation requires more liberation. Sexual liberation requires liberation from all things sexual (homosexuality/asexuality). Physical liberation becomes liberation from all things physical (transhumanism). Then a realization of eternal order necessitates final liberation, i.e., self-annihilation. The radical autonomist seeks Final Liberation and the world must self-loathingly endure his final act as though he wasn't radically autonomous right off the GW bridge AS HE DESIRED TO BE.

Anonymous said...

I'm home sick today, so against my better judgement I'm going to answer Loki.

"Self-annihilation" is contagious only if you are already one yourself....and your closet door is clearly starting to crack open.


All those years of living with your head wrapped in tinfoil has been showing since I came to this blog. Give your pseudoscientific conditioning shit a rest. You can't just read the first few sentences about Pavlov's Dog, and think you understand psychology.

When are you going to let those few brain cells you have left have a shot at controlling your mouth?

Thordaddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thordaddy said...


we s'posed think most yur clients
stumble inda ya shop?
Or most theez patients
gotta pork up onda choppin' block
tic toc, doc
r u part of da Cull de sac???
a place for dead-enders,
doc treats them deadly habits
"a self-annihilator," what is that?
What's up, doc?
Theez self-annihilators
They ridin' yur jock!
They ain't just jumpin' off bridge
the makin' appointments c u, DOC...
In return, u treat'm
witha skill set on lock
question is, doc

U parta the culling
or r u parta the healing?