Black people need a new lobby. Sharpton, Jackson and those Civil Rights Negros aint getting it done.
“I have clearly stated my belief that gays and lesbians are our brothers and sisters and should be provided the respect, dignity, and rights of all other citizens. I have consistently spoken directly to African-American religious leaders about the need to overcome the homophobia that persists in some parts of our community so that we can confront issues like HIV/AIDS and broaden the reach of equal rights in this country.
I strongly believe that African Americans and the LGBT community must stand together in the fight for equal rights. And so I strongly disagree with Reverend McClurkin’s views and will continue to fight for these rights as President of the United States to ensure that America is a country that spreads tolerance instead of division.”
Note the similarity in propaganda and sound bites. Just as "Saving gays in Iran" is one of the reasons used to justify an attack on Iran, "Saving gays in the African-American community" is being used to employ greater policing of thought, speech and soon our churches. We are being set up for attack.
He hedged, but he didn't bitch out. At least he didn't pull McClurkin from the program.
Yeah ...
But McClurkin not really the point is it?
GLAAD does not give a shit about the little negro singer. This is a power play. The Gay Lobby is saying TALK ABOUT US. WE ARE IMPORTANT. FUCK WHAT BLACK PEOPLE WANT YOU TO FOCUS ON. HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT THE GAY VOTE?! HOW MUCH GAY MONEY DO YOU WANT$
How big is their vote?
And what do they mean by "equal rights for everybody" ?
They are always waiting in the wings, ready to hijack people's agenda..... anyway it's politics so he should play it the best way he can!
You are right Accra. It is a Hi-jacking.
The so-called victims (Gays) are Hi-jacking the so called bad guys "African-American religious leaders"and stealing the interests of black people.
90% of whom do not even realize it.
Good point, DV.
Money is what makes gays powerful, not votes. I'd say 30% of the money Obama gets from Cali, NY and Florida is from gay people and groups.
Hmm.... then I guess he needs to walk that fine line, between getting that money, and remaining true to himself( whatever that is).
Gay's lobby no more or less than any other special interest group. It's that certain people (DV) don't agree with their lifestyle just like the congressman from Idaho!
Casper said...
"Gay's lobby no more or less than any other special interest group."
LOL .... ahhh Casper
That's funny man.
They are printing millions of gay fairytales for school children, as we speak, and the Casper's of the world think it is a product of the "democractic" process.
When American Indians get a fairytale in school, send us a link.
Curious - is there any White candidate, Democrat or Republican, that is promising to speak "directly" to "religious leaders about the need to overcome the homophobia that persists in some parts of [their] community"?
If there isn't, then it's pretty obvious Obama is gettin' punked like no other.
Geez. I am not about to be the constant defender of the rights of the gays to get their gay on.
"Curious - is there any White candidate, Democrat or Republican, that is promising to speak "directly" to "religious leaders about the need to overcome the homophobia that persists in some parts of [their] community"?"
The above is true he is getting punked, but he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. His entire campaign was about distancing himself from a direct relationship to black issues in order to become more "national". In a sense, his nationalizing strategy backfired, because, for whatever reason, he can't even count on his natural base not going to Clinton II. On the same token, there is simply no hope of election for a homophobic democrat. Its a politically non-viable, maybe even antiquated viewpoint. Democrats are united by a liberal view of civil liberties, blacks tend to be conservative unless it concerns their own interests (in which case they get real liberal real quick). Homeboy is finally realizing how impossible it is to be a black president...
It's hard for me to take this Presidential Idol reality show all too seriously, but Obama is getting punked by the gay lobby.
Of course no democrat can be marketed if they are "homophobic" (whatever the hell that even means), but I don't see Hillary or Edwards promising to talk to Pat Robertson and James Dobson about "homophobia" in the White Christian community.
Also, do you not find it interesting that this interest group politics has now managed to divide Black Christians from White Christians on an issue they should otherwise agree upon?
"Also, do you not find it interesting that this interest group politics has now managed to divide Black Christians from White Christians on an issue they should otherwise agree upon?"
Astute point Insurgent.
"Homophobic" is the new "Anti-Semitic".
What exactly do Black Christians and White Christians disagree about?
I might remind you he already sold out by changing his position on the middle east issue, saying he'd 'be tough' with Palestine...
Did he say that Nut?
I didn't see that. Where?
Done with all sorts of evil empire thwarting software written with GNU licenses. ;)
I don't agree with him acting like black people and black preachers are the cornerstone of homophobic sentiment. I can guarantee him that if he attends any anti-gay marriage rally, we are not the ones out there carrying the signs.
The Perfect Proxy is simply playing his role--no different from these dudes.
Who's dat lady?
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