Sunday, October 03, 2010

They Be Like "DV". What? Can You Teach Me How To Dougie? You Know Why? Cuz All The Girls Love Me.

fist tap Gee Chee  
Global System of Black Supremacy


Anonymous said...

Bieber needs to visit S Dallas to work on his Dougie game but buddy does his thing. Check out the Kanye influenced Bieber on this joint. Reminds me of Janet Jax.


Anonymous said...

Rangers jerk'n

Seven Half Store said...


Niggggggggggggg lol


Even A Question.

Chris is a go to black dancing action hero.

Anonymous said...

the black race is the most emulated race of people.

Anonymous said...

the black race is the most emulated race of people. Even when it comes to the stupidest shit such as sagging your pants.

Pink said...

I would totally child molest Chris Brown. So cute.

RJEsq said...

Chris got me in the kitchen Dougie'n!! age 31!


Denmark Vesey said...


Hey lady.

Chris killin' it aint he?

Unknown said...

Rather than bustin' moves, the time might be better spent learning to speak Mainstream_English...

Anonymous said...

And there's not time in the day to do both? I'll be honest, I don't see the appeal of doing the Dougie/Jerk (in traffic), but that's just a difference style and generation (and dislike of broken bones) each his own. But to suggest dancing and acquiring the skills to communicate effectively in our society (...your Mainstream English) are mutually exclusive is just stupid. But I suspect Big Don is trying to make another "point". Maybe you should just come out and say it rather than pretend you are concerned about their communication skills.

Personally, I'm more concerned about kids playing in traffic...

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Don said...

"Rather than bustin' moves, the time might be better spent learning to speak Mainstream_English..."


1) Who should learn to speak "Mainstream_English"?

2) What are the advantages of speaking "Mainstream_English"?

Her Side said...

"Rather than bustin' moves, the time might be better spent learning to speak Mainstream_English..."

I'm with DMG and DV on this one.

Why do you treat them as mutually exclusive?

What underlying point drove that statement?

I had to chime in because I'm curious...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Send them a youtube video that got 5 million hits from listening to some Shakespeare sonnets, and I'm sure they'll insert high post diction into their Dougie to put their joint at 10 mil. Until then, they're convinced their calling is producing and editing their own film.

Sheikh Ali said...

Killin it?

"Dougie'n" at 31?

Maybe I'm just cut from a different cloth, but when I looked at that Chris Brown video, it seemed faggoty. Gay. Feminine. Childish.

Like if one of my boys was in the club doin this shit, I'd beat his ass.

Gangstas don't dance we boogie.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Gangstas don't dance we boogie"


That's why Gangstas aint on stage.

I wouldn't do the shit James Brown, Jackie Wilson or Michael Jackson did on stage.

Don't make then faggots.

It makes them entertainers.

Whatever Chris is doing, women like it.

That speaks louder than cats on the sidelines rolling their eyes with their lips poked out.

Sheikh Ali said...

" Whatever Chris is doing, women like it. " -Denmark Vesey


Not my man...

Not one of the last bastions of unabashed, unapologetic manhood on the internet.

It's a dark day for me.

Take this as a lesson folks. If it can happen to DENMARK VESEY,
It can happen to you too.

Anonymous said...


Uhh, dark? More like bright shining LIGHT of a day. But, maybe you just chose your last bastion of manhood didn't notice the Dandy gear? Recipe's, fashion tips? (Man) Purses?

There have been hints. Inordinate amount of time spent on all things homosexual?

Lots, and lots of hints.

Anonymous said...

Pah. Leez.
Everybody knows that when a woman sees a man who can dance (and I mean the difficult new shit you two leffters cant keep up with) a big bright ass lightbulb goes off in her head because you can bet that brother will shut it down in bed.

Now I dont know if MJ liked women but I do know if he did he would be the type to "rock with me"..."all nighhht."

Rihanna didn't clock his young ass upside the head cuz he was slingin fouls in the bed room. That chick didn't want ANY other women freakin that.

Betta get ya'll ass in front the tube and start pickin up some shit. lol


Anonymous said...

is it just me or is dmg in love with dv?

Anonymous said...

Damn, thought this was Anonymous the dude at first, then realized it was a woman after it got to the MJ part. That first sentence did make me squirm a bit. Thought dude was creeping on the ambiguous tip.

Anonymous said...


Nah, I just love kicking him in the ass when I'm bored.

D.SMITH said...

" didn't notice the Dandy gear? Recipe's, fashion tips? (Man) Purses?" -DMG

So I guess having all your shit stuffed in a busted zipper Wilson duffle bag, sitting on the couch in a yellow-pit stained undershirt with one hand down in the crotch of a pair of elastic waistband Docker's and the other holding some pissed down Natural Light yelling "Woman, bring me a sammich!" is the only thing manly?

A man knowing how to cook and take care of himself and not having to rely on a woman for a meal every time (regardless of whether she chooses to cook for him every time or not) is far from faggoty; I'm sure most women here on this blog would agree.

And no woman wants to walk around with some busted ass non dressing looking dude no way.

Anonymous said...


What you don't recognize satire? But seriously? Natural Light? Pit stained shirts? "Woman bring me my sammich"?

That's downright Lesbian. How dare you.

Anonymous said...

...funny thing D.SMITH, it's not ME who has alot to say about "faggots". Just using the prevailing "logic" from around these parts to reach a conclusion you all are used to arriving at.

A man who talks about, fashion, sharing recipe's, accessories, and other homosexuals 4-5 times a week would lead one to believe these topics are OFTEN on his mind. Day and night. Like when his wife and kids are sleeping.

Just saying.

D.SMITH said...

Oh c'mon Doc, of course I recognize satire...

I laugh at just about everything you say my man.

Denmark Vesey said...


Ahhhhh man.

I like it when corny Negros try to get creative.

Nah Doc.


No homo.

You and CNu the only Negros on my dick.

Denmark Vesey said...

"So I guess having all your shit stuffed in a busted zipper Wilson duffle bag, sitting on the couch in a yellow-pit stained undershirt with one hand down in the crotch of a pair of elastic waistband Docker's and the other holding some pissed down Natural Light yelling "Woman, bring me a sammich!" is the only thing manly?" D. Smith

Get 'em D.

Always some bama ass Subway sandwhich eatin' muhfuggah with pseudofolliculitis trying to pass his lack of style off for "manliness".

Anonymous said...


If I were a lesser man--like say our host, I might get all bent out of shape.


Calm are only yelling "get 'em" because you can't.

You are the only corny negro here, so sit your uncreative ass down and enjoy the banter.

Anonymous said...

Always some bama ass Subway sandwhich eatin' muhfuggah with pseudofolliculitis trying to pass his lack of style off for "manliness".

pseudofolliculitis? pseudofolliculitis? pseudofolliculitis?
