Sunday, October 03, 2010

Come On Bra ...


anon said...

Whats exactly happening here? Where? With whom?

Constructive Feedback said...

Clearly an only child who's mamma stroked him too much as he was always made the center of attention.

The thin skin and defensiveness is the inevitable result.

Anonymous said...

The President appears to be stepping over a plant. Picture is out of context...kind of like the one where he appears to be looking at some woman's ass. Link to where you got this picture.

Sasha said...

Agreeing with DMG on this one.

Denmark Vesey said...

How can a "picture" be out of context?

A picture is a picture.

Your mind is out of context.

Obviously he is stepping over plants. There are a dozen ferns in the photo.

Not that deep.

Just an awkward moment.

Conflation of coincidence that has the President look like he is doing the Dougie.

Sasssshhhhhhaaaaaa. Where you been?

Anonymous said...

OK. If it's only a picture, why are you asking "Come on Bra"? The man can't step over a plant?

Anonymous said...

Anyway, I really was just asking where you got the really isn't that deep.

Denmark Vesey said...

Took it with my iPhone.

Anonymous said...

Negro please. I'm bored with you already. Usually it takes longer.

Illmath said...

I don't see a problem...A man as secure as him shouldn't have a problem stepping over a plant.

Anonymous said...

He got it from right here DMG.

Sasha said...

I'm never far, DV :-)

Denmark Vesey said...

"He got it from right here DMG."

"He got it from right here DMG."

"He got it from right here DMG."

lol ... bitch ass

Denmark Vesey said...

Sasha said...

I'm never far, DV :-)


That's what I'm talking 'bout.

Anonymous said...

And you ask me how a picture can be taken out of context...

You jacked the entire meme...

Dr. Love said...

Thats why i love this site; i am never far is a great comment; the point of this picture is "What the Fuck is Obama Doing???????LMAO!!!!