Friday, October 15, 2010



Anonymous said...

So it really, really, really bothers you when someone questions your sexuality.


You do realize, that the same doesn't work on me. You can call me faggot, all day, everyday. I'm not moved. Why, you ask? Because I know I can't be "talked into it". Apparently, you can't look yourself in the mirror and say the same. That's why you try so hard to be "anti-gay". Internal struggle is a bitch, ain't it.

So, when are you going to tell the story about when you were "talked into it"? Get it out of your mouth...I mean, off your chest. It's OK, the truth will set you free (to fully step out of the closet). Put on your best Congo Dandy suit, and let your rainbow flag fly high.

There's nothing wrong with being a homosexual. I'll accept your moronic musings as I always have.

Go on girl. Show us who the Blackest Man on the Stroll is.

Anonymous said...

Do you really need to ask? If it took you this long to realize that dv you are slipping.

Anonymous said...

Now, now anonymous. Only a bitch throws an anonymous punch from the crowd. That much our host and I agree on.

Get a name...and some testicles.

Anonymous said...

1. I am not a bitch. 2. I do not have testicles. 3. I am new to this blog but it sounds like you have been obsessed with this man for 3 years. 4. Obsession is a form of attraction. 5. You call him ignorant but you read his blog daily. 6. Too many contradictions DMG. Ms. Peugeot

Anonymous said...

You see, this is the problem with Americans today. Poor reading comprehension and the desire to jump into a conversation without knowing ANY of the details.

Please, sit your human shield ass down. Get a name.

And yes, only a bitch (as in coward) throws an anonymous punch then slinks back into the crowd.

Now go on and get a name...then you can come back and talk about "contradictions".

Cheir Harmonie said...

LMAO @ "sit your human shield ass down."

D.SMITH said...

Damn Doc MG...while I've thoroughly enjoyed your tirades from the sidelines the past couple of days, I must say you may want to chill on the reading comprehension/get a name cracks. This Anonymous is "Ms. Peugot" illustrated at the end of her post. You missed the ATLaw one a couple of days ago as well.

Carry on; the satire is killing me (read: laughin' at ya).

Anonymous said...


Do you see a name under her first post? No. Get a name. Post comments under it. It's not hard.

D.SMITH, if you see something that is contradictory, or off base, speak up. I haven't found a worthy opponent on this blog yet.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I haven't found a worthy opponent on this blog yet.

Yawn....and yet you keep coming back.

It's amazing really. I've got two kids and a household to run and barely have time to keep up with all this. You are a doctor, a surgeon no less, who presumably has surgeries to perform, who reads every medical journal ever published, who has a wife and a son, and yet you do not miss a second of the discussions that go down amongst those of us you deem lesser intellects.

Actions speak louder than words my friend. You love it here and you find the perspectives intriguing.

Anonymous said...

I come back hoping one of you all will use the gray matter sitting idle between your ears to have a real debate (not a brawl, not some tired back and forth about Darwin. A debate, where we stick to talking about the facts).

You haven't stepped up. I hoped that an attorney would be GREAT to debate...since examining the facts is what it is you supposedly do. No, II you let me down most of the time. A couple of weeks ago was really nice, and again I appreciated the exchange. But now it's back to the same old bullshit. Why?

Actually what I find fascinating (and I'm being serious here) is how literate people, with access to the internet and ALL of it's information at their fingertips, and still they come up with the most outlandish loads of stinking bullshit. How is this possible? How is it possible to quote every charlatan known to man, but not come across ONE reliable source? I'll admit that I haven't figured that out. I refuse to believe that such a sizable chunk of the population are morons. Perhaps it's some variant of cognitive dissonance? I'm not social psychologist.

The sheer arrogance of their stupidity is strangely attractive.

The lesser intellects are happy to parrot anything the host says...or just giggle in the background.

Oh, I don't operate everyday, and most of the time my replies take 30-60 seconds to compose. Remember, I don't have to Google the background on most of my answers. Anyway, the day after call is usually an off day.

Thordaddy said...


Do you suppose all those nigel haters deep down inside really wanted to be a nigel?

Is being averse to a self-annihilating existence the same as being attracted to it?

Is the homosexual's only retort to those who unambiguously call said homosexual out on their self-annihilation to simply assert such person is a closeted homosexual?

Dood, at some pointt you will have to EXPLAIN TO US why YOU put on such a "spirited" defense of homosexuality?


Amarie said...

Damn DV! lol

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I come back hoping one of you all will use the gray matter sitting idle between your ears to have a real debate (not a brawl, not some tired back and forth about Darwin.

I am sure there are literally millions of blogs out there where people live up to your standards; where they exchange the "facts" that you approve in a way you approve.

Which brings us full circle to the question of why you remain here and do not find another blog to entertain you on the day after call.

But we all know the answer to that very easy question.

Anonymous said...

Actually it just begs the question of why you choose to be ignorant. It's got to be choice since you need to be fairly intelligent to get into and graduate from law school.


Anonymous said...

It's got to be choice since you need to be fairly intelligent to get into and graduate from law school.

No. not really. And apparently you do not need to be particularly intelligent to get into and graduate from medical school. You just have to do what you are told. you have to ingest information and regurgitate it.

Anonymous said...

All the anonymous chimps want in today. Your insult isn't even worthy of consideration. I'm only responding so II doesn't get distracted. Do everyone a favor and get a name if you want in on the conversation...

II, why do you choose unsubstantiated claims over those that have been well studied and documented?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Oh please Doc, save it. "Well studied and documented" is Plantation speak for "endorsed by the Plantation".

As a lawyer, I worked with lots of "experts" in their fields and had to dissect their studies. And I learned very quickly that there is ALWAYS a flaw in studies. ALWAYS. There is always something that could have been done better, but wasn't. More importantly, all lawyers know that the majority of so-called "experts" will say what they need to say to earn a check.

Notwithstanding the rose-colored beer goggles you wear with regard to your profession, most of the people who have the title M.D. after their names are conformist sheep who FEAR - and I mean FEAR - doing anything that isn't endorsed by the Plantation.

Tell People to Inject Mercury in their Bloodstream. Check.

Warn Women Not To Eat Fish During Pregnancy because of Mercury, but ok To Inject in The Baby Fresh Out of the Womb. Check.

Tell A Generation of Women That Formula is Better Than Breastmilk. Check.

Tell A Generation of Americans That There is No Scientific Proof that Cigarettes Cause Lung Cancer. Check.

It is no wonder that "iatrogenic disease" is the third leading cause of death in America.

Anonymous said...


You actually WANT to believe myths. And this is what is so intriguing about this site. People with the capacity for high level rational thought, who CHOOSE to think like dumbasses when the facts are staring them in the face.

So you have an issue with old recommendations based on dogma and marketing agencies. I have an issue with it too.

So what's your excuse for choosing to believe in unsubstantiated claims? You still haven't answered that one.

Actually the third leading cause of death is stroke...but you don't bother to check your facts.

But, I think you are more interested in throwing hissy fits, rather than using your brain to discuss the issues in depth.