Friday, October 15, 2010


Anonymous said...

Go on...keep affirming.

(cough, cough homoflauge...cough)

Joanna said...

Damn, I think imma have night mares tonight

Anonymous said...

Went and changed the picture...I was just joking, am I REALLY on to something?

Denmark Vesey said...

I was just joking, am I REALLY on to something? - DMG



You on my Johnson.

Anonymous said...

...then change the picture back to what it was....or would the anatomy you pictured last night turn you on more if they were filled with gonads?

Cheir Harmonie said...

"I was just joking, am I REALLY on to something? - DMG



You on my Johnson."


Joanna said...

LMAO I really DID have a dream about Monsanto last night... can't remember the details, but it happened!

Joanna said...

BTW... I went to the supermarket the other day and they were selling grape tomatoes. They were HUGE. Went to a farm stand today and actually BOUGHT grape tomatoes, and they were... the size of grapes... go figure

Anonymous said...

So why did you change the original picture? You plan on answering that, or are you just going to poke your lips out an pout because somebody hurt your feelings last night?

Pink said...

What was the original pic???

Anonymous said...

It was a picture of the horizon--taken from between a woman's thighs, so that her labia majora were rather "prominent".

Pink said...

LOL how did that relate to artificial foods???

Denmark Vesey said...

It was a picture of the horizon--taken from between a woman's thighs, so that her labia majora were rather "prominent".


labia? horizon? thighs?

Doc. You are hallucinating.

Sounds like you need some punany bra.

Anonymous said...

I hate to just call you a liar, but you are FLAT OUT LYING.

LYING. But if lying like a punk bitch is how you get down...well that says something.

Anonymous said...


He changed the the punk bitch (yeah, I said it twice) that he truly is.

First Wax, now the host. Real men know how to stand up and be honest.

Denmark Vesey said...


He changed the picture!" DMG


What picture?

Doc. You are hallucinating.

There are no pictures on this blog.

Anonymous said...

What's next? You going to start censoring posts?