Friday, October 15, 2010

Babylonian Jedi Mind Trick ... Calling Homosexuals ... "Fathers"

"How I Met Your Mother" star Neil Patrick Harris is a new father.  (NOT. More Sci-Fi Nerd Plantation, Say-Its-So-Makes-It-So, Hocus Pocus Memetic Bullshit)

The Emmy-winning child star-turned-comic actor and witty awards-show host welcomed twins earlier this week and tweeted the news Friday (October 15). "Babies!! On 10/12, Gideon Scott and Harper Grace entered the Burtka-Harris fold," Harris wrote. "All of us are happy, healthy, tired, and a little pukey."

Harris announced in August that he and his longtime partner, David Burtka, were expecting a pair of little ones. The couple became fathers with the help of a surrogate, according to reports.
fist tap Joanna


Pink said...

Awww twins! That's nice. LOVE Neil Patrick Harris!

Anonymous said...

LOVE Neil Patrick Harris!

why? do you know Neil Patrick Harris?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Awww twins! That's nice. LOVE Neil Patrick Harris!" Pink

Awwww. Yes Pink. Twins are nice!

And I LOVE Neil Patrick Harris too. Man ... Doogie Howser was the bomb!

I tape the shows for my boys.


But that still don't make Neil Patrick Harris a "Father".

And because I won't pretend that he is ... doesn't mean I "hate" him.

Which is the implication of the current force-feeding of the Homo = Normal meme the Plantation is drilling into the heads of the peasants.

Anonymous said...

What is a father?

Is he the man who implants the sperm, but runs off and never so much as looks at his kids?

Is he the man who stays and raises a child to manhood...even if that child is not biologically his?

Denmark Vesey said...


I don't know about all that Doc. Sounds like another post.

But I can tell you two grown men boning each other in the ass are not the "Fathers" of these twins.

PC Sci-Fi Mind Control Liberal Plantation Wannabe Secular Fundamentalist, 'Copy Everything White folks Do' bullshit be damned.

Anonymous said...

Actually I would like to know what your definition of a father IS not what it is Not.

Joanna said...

See, now one of my oldest friends is a gay man. I got nothing against him as a person, BUT I do not believe that there needs to be all sorts of special accomodations made for gay couples, and I do not believe it is healthy for a child to be raised by same sex parents, PARTICULARLY two men. I know, for example, that my friend is one of those people who believes in "recruiting". He thinks that he can have any man he wants, no matter how straight the man is, and despite what they say, I believe MOST gay men do believe that being a homosexual is something more people should do. I just don't like the idea of a child being raised by people who will attempt to influence him to live the same lifestyle.

Pink said...

Anonymous, nope, don't know him but I do know I love How I Met Your Mother and that's good enough for me.

Joanna, your friend may not have the lifestyle that makes for a good parent, whether gay or straight I don't think parents being promiscuous is a positive thing. I know children being raised by same sex parents and adults that were raised by same sex parents and I think, just like with the rest of us, how good their parenting is is based on so many factors, their sexuality not being one of them (in my opinion). My best friend is also gay and he is 100% NOT parent material because he's flaky, non-commital, loves to party and not settled enough to take care of a pet, much less a child. However I don't think he's representative of all gay men or their ability to parent a child.

Pink said...

Oh another thing about my gay bff, he would agree with most of what you said and a lot of what DV says... he thinks being gay is a sinful lifestyle and doesn't lend itself to stable relationships. He's against gay marriage because he thinks being gay is the opposite of the values that are supposed to be represented by marriage. So weird that these are the things we disagree on...

Joanna said...

I am against gay marriage not on moral grounds, but simply because I do not understand why the definition of marriage has to be changed as a result of pressure from special interests. HOWEVER, I believe that a gay couple should be allowed rights of inheritance, medical visitation, etc, which in most places in the US they are. I just don't understand why, if domestic partnerships are recognized and protected, there is a need to call such a union a
"marriage". But, then again, I always saw marriage as a cultural/religious institution, not solely a legal one.

babytruth said...

There's a reason why the elders were against male homosexuality. Hygiene.

20% of gay men are now HIV+

That's one incredibly risky lifestyle to be promoting.

I guess that's why liberal Hollywood Jews are promoting it amongst the rest of America? Kill off all their global competition?

Anonymous said...

"There's a reason why the elders were against male homosexuality. Hygiene"

Babytruth, to what "elders" are you referring? And were they only referring to male homosexuality? I have news for you, male homosexuals...aren't the only ones who get down like "that"....there are probably plenty of heterosexual couples that do too. The problem is barrier protection, not homosexuality. But that's beside the point.

The fastest growing HIV infected population are young women and girls contracting the virus from HETEROsexual intercourse. Hardest hit are the black and latino communities in the United States. These groups are also the least likely to use condoms. If the rates continue HIV/AIDS will be a black woman thing, rather than a gay thing.

Anonymous said...

The fastest growing HIV infected population are young women and girls contracting the virus from HETEROsexual intercourse.

that is complete bullshit! prove ANYONE has ever been infected with HIV via HETEROsexual intercourse.

Anonymous said...


Seriously, all you anonymous types. GET NAMES. It's annoying.

Are you trying to tell me that there are NO female HIV patients?

Where have you been? Have you paid no attention to the HIV crisis in places like Indonesia, the African continent? Do you think HIV infection magically seeks out and infects homosexual men? Are you that dimwitted that you believe a bisexual man cannot infect his female partners? Or that a man cannot contract HIV from a prostitute at a church convention come home and give it to his wife?

The reason why anal receptive intercourse without barrier protection such as a latex condom is risky behavior is because the activity causes tearing of the mucosa allowing a route for viral infection. But, the vaginal mucosa is also a good spot, as is the mouth.

makheru bradley said...

Here's another one for your edification DV.

[The face of love at just got redefined.

This week, the website, which focuses on African American life, celebrated a first: a lesbian couple in its Bridal Bliss section. And the pair just so happens to be from the Beltway.

Aisha Moodie-Mills, 32, a political and public affairs consultant, and Danielle Moodie-Mills, 30, an environmental lobbyist, were married in Washington in June and marked their union with a ceremony on Long Island in August.

Longtime gay activists, the couple was vocal in supporting the legalization of gay marriage in Washington and later this year will launch FIRE (Fighting Injustice to Reach Equality) fund, a think tank at the Center for American Progress. It will serve as space in which to explore the intersection between racial justice and LGBT equality.

Indeed, their activism is what catapulted them onto the website's wedding section. Several weeks ago, the couple was approached by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD], which had been working with, about doing the wedding feature.

They happily agreed.

“We felt like lotto winners that day,” Danielle Moodie-Mills said. “We were 100 percent ready to do it. In light of all the tragedies in the LGBT communities, we were excited to portray a really happy story."

Emil Wilbekin, the managing editor of, said the website called the feature "another form of black love and marriage."

"I knew that it would be a bold move for us to publish this story, but I also realize it's an important story to tell," said Emil Wilbekin, the managing editor of, who added that the response to the feature on the couple has been "overwhelming," with more than 4,000 Facebook "likes."

Jeff Krehely, the director of LGBT research and communications at CAP, said the wedding profile "bridges all kinds of divides."

"We need to be open about the full population and what the LGBT community looks like," Krehely said. "It's the kind of presence we need."

The feature comes at a time when LGBT youth are looking for postive role models.

"We hope that with Essence and our work with FIRE fund, there is a young girl that sees this image and says wow, this is possible,” Aisha Moodie-Mills said.]

Thordaddy said...

Sucka MD
Y the average homo
Die b'fo he fifty?
Black hetero chicks 
Gettin sickly
Dem black boyz on tha down low
Actin' tooty fruity
wearin' all that pink
like they giant hoochies
Males sexually averse to females
Don't mind spreadin' AIDS, prolly
Doods into self-annihilation
it takes a love for life n lady
To create them babies
Theez self-sexualizing autonomists
Use to be thought crazy
What change, doc
BUT THE DOC n his payday???

Joanna said...

Wow... see now this blew all my ideas about "maybe homosexuality IS an innate characteristics of some individuals" theory right out the water!!! If 5-10 percent of people with straight parents are "born gay" and it is "in their genes" how can anyone explain the fact that up to 58% of children raised by lesbian parents and 33% of children raised by gay men openly declare themselves to be homosexual? And this was a study conducted by an individual who was attempting to DISCREDIT the work of a previous, declared "anti-gay" researcher.... Hmmmm.... but they don't recruit, huh?

Anonymous said...

LMAO!! How funny is this. Before you start criticizing the parenting skills of same-sex couples, figure out how to turn these heterosexual black men with scores of kids into FATHERS. They have no sexual impulse control and no personal responsibility and you want to sit there and criticize gay men who are being REAL FATHERS? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:22pm,

Good point, but PLEASE get a name.

Denmark Vesey said...

"figure out how to turn these heterosexual black men with scores of kids into FATHERS." Anonymous

If they have "scores of kids" ... sounds like they are doing a pretty good job at being fathers.

... duhhhhh

Denmark Vesey said...

"They have no sexual impulse control and no personal responsibility" Anonymous

Let me get this straight.

Black men.

Who have sex with women.

And procreate ...

Are 'abnormal degenerates' who lack responsibility ...

but two grown ass men ... boning each other in the ass ... are paragons of fatherhood and the personification of 'sexual impulse' control?





The Plantation has got the minds of Plantation Negros thinking up is down and down is up.

Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight.

Anonymous 6:22pm (, says men who impregnate a woman but have no further contact is not a father, but you say he is.

So, if Neill Patrick Harris or his partner had impregnated he surrogate mother, they still qualify as father, but your definition.

Anonymous said...

Every heterosexual black man with "scores of kids" that I know, are being FATHERS. In fact, they were only able to obtain those "scores of kids" with a REAL MOTHER.

Anonymous said...

Again, what would clear this up by giving us your definition of father.

Donating sperm and making a baby does not qualify someone as being a father.

Gee mean like THIS dude, or maybe this one, or maybe like athletes Shawn Kemp, Travis Henry, and Karl Malone?

babytruth said...

"Overall, you may first try increasing your body's own natural production of melatonin by darkening your room at night, wearing an eyemask or putting a pillow over your eyes. Remember, the key is that your body starts producing melatonin once no light gets into your eyes. So, blocking all light from your eyes at night should be the easiest fix for this."

1/22 Blacks will get HIV. Yes, highest amongst straights of all races...

However, still less than 1/4 of gay males.

So, why is Homowood celebrating and promoting a lifestyle that is the highest risk factor for HIV???

babytruth said...

Oops, wrong quote..

"The fastest growing HIV infected population are young women and girls contracting the virus from HETEROsexual intercourse. Hardest hit are the black"

1/22 Blacks will get HIV. Yes, highest amongst straights of all races...

However, still less than 1/4 of gay males.

So, why is Homowood celebrating and promoting a lifestyle that is the highest risk factor for HIV???

Anonymous said...


Do you know the difference between acceleration and velocity?

Velocity is how fast you are going (car is going 60mph).

Acceleration is the rate in change of velocity, or how fast you are increasing speed (that Ferrari can go 0-60mph in 3.4 seconds).

That's kind of like when I said "the fastest growing HIV infected population are young women and girls contracting the virus from HETEROsexual intercourse", and the rate of infection is accelerating.

HotmfWax said...

Baby Truth!

i like what you said on the "melatonin."

However don't fall for the old HIV/AIDS meme.

Plain and Simple:AIDS/HIV is a Scam.

Don't buy into it. It use to be called IDS before they said you" Acquired " it.

Look into the history of AZT:

check this.

chess not checkers. As Joanne said "War on the Horizon." :)

Poison. Genocide.

End of story! Best Mind F%ck ever.

Anonymous said...


You learn to check your references yet?

Anonymous said...

The examples given says that some people have excessive sexual (sexual as in non-Sodomitic)tendencies. They are extreme in their sexuality. Obsessed with sex to the point it obstructs foresight and sound decisions. OK, so how does the failures of sexual men make sense of sodomitic men adopting? That only exacerbates an already dysfunctional society.

A Sodomite never agreed to family in the first place. The act alone aggressively admits that they have no issue in surrendering to relentless pursuit of desexualized desires. Don't want any part of the family but want to be certified as a family.

Adopting children or borrowing a niece and/or a nephew for the weekend is an attempt to replicate the mother/father pretend play they are contributing to the family nucleus just as effectively as any man/woman family.

Thordaddy said...

The fundamental problem is our liberalized definition of homosexuality. Homosexuality is virtually meaningless. Or at least, we are to pretend that one's homosexual orientation doesn't say anything about one's self. Nothing at all. Meaningless. Trivial fact with NO important information.

BUTT, homosexuality IS a sexual aversion to females and THEN CONSEQUENTLY (due to the giant void) a sexual attraction TO THE SELF.

Doods who jerk are de facto homos... Self-sexualizers... Into radical autonomy...

But because most don't go to the radical extreme (self-annihilate) they APPEAR to take on more traditional roles. So the self-sexualizer, tired of jerking, exchanges the SELF for the SAME and voilà, "same-sex couple." BUTT, the sexual aversion to females and procreation remain the same. That's the homosexual nature.

As Gee-Chee says, the Sodomite abhors family BECAUSE he is attracted to radical autonomy.

Thordaddy said...

This homosexual couple aren't fathers because homosexuality is a repudiation of motherhood and hence, the father.

The homosexual says, "Children don't need mothers."

The lesbian says, "Children don't need fathers."

And so the self-sexualizer's message is clear.

Children don't need mother and father.

CHILDREN... Don't become mothers and fathers.

Self-annihilate, young impressionable ones.