Sunday, September 19, 2010

Plantation Negros Should March On Washington. Nothing Political, Just To Lose A Few Pounds

Average Sista v. Average White Chick

Obesity is a disease that affects approximately 60 million people in the United States, where women are especially affected. Over one-third of American women between the ages of 20 and 74 are obese. However the majority of African American women are obese.

Standard Plantation Diet is GUARANTEED to make you obese and to give you diabetes.

There is no "right amount" of processed food that is "OK" to eat. Any of it, will make you sick eventually.

That's why the pharmaceutical business is poppin'.


Anonymous said...

So you finally agree that lack of exercise is part of the obesity problem?

Anonymous said...

Just noticed something...

You state that the "Standard Plantation Diet is GUARANTEED to make you obese and give you diabetes".

Now are you saying

A.) The "Average White Chick" does NOT eat a "standard plantation diet"?

B.) The "Average White Chick" is somehow "immune" to the ravages of the "standard plantation diet"

C.) Like always your proclamations are as chock full of shit as you are?

uglyblackjohn said...

Are you saying that Black women are more susceptable to the side efects of a poor Western diet?

Denmark Vesey said...

D.) What I'm saying speaks for itself


E.) Get off my Johnson

(Always cracks me up when bourgeois functionaries try to make simple truths "complicated" ... and then pretend to be the only ones who really "get" it.

You tell them what time it is.

They ask you 'if you are really trying to say how to build a clock'.

One more time: the "Standard Plantation Diet is GUARANTEED to make you obese and give you diabetes".

Denmark Vesey said...

Are you saying that Black women are more susceptable to the side efects of a poor Western diet?

Blaaaaaaaack John!

What' up Bra?

"Black women are more susceptable to the side efects of a poor Western diet?"


If you are aware of any reason to think the contrary ... please post a link: ______________ ?

The Plantation will tell you it is not the "quality" of the food that has made the population obese and sick ... but the "quantity".

Plantation MD's and fat technocrats will repeat it because that's what they've been conditioned to do.

But there are no healthy 45 year olds eating the occasional Subways, Olive Garden and Walmart poultry.

uglyblackjohn said...

Like being lactose intolerant - many Blacks might also be GMO Food intolerant.

Anonymous said...


I already gave you C.) as a choice, so there was no need for a D.)

And your desires for someone to be "on your Johnson"...sounds a little suspect to me...just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Fun aside, not let's get back to you proclamation. If this mysterious "Plantation Diet" were guaranteed to do as you say, why isn't the average white girl "fat"?

(hint, hint...the answer is still C.)

Anonymous said...


Lactose "intolerance" is not intolerance at all, but a normal progression. Infants drink milk and need lactase (an enzyme that cuts the complex sugar Lactose into galactose and glucose that he may digest). Adults don't (or aren't supposed to be) drink milk and therefore don't need lactase, so it's no mystery many people are not tolerant of milk products.

On the contrary obesity is evidence that these people aren't "intolerant" so-called GMO food. I don't know how many times I have to say it. If you eat large quantities of food, and refuse to get up off your ass and move, you are going to get fat. That's not rocket science. If fat people were "intolerant" of so-called GMO food, they would be horribly skinny, if you want to use the lactose intolerance analogy.

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