Where does Hanes get the idea that white men idolize Michael Jordan? Do they see white men in their thirties to fifties buying overpriced $200 Jordan tennis shoes? Sure, in our sports-crazy nation, there’s a segment of the male population that may believe Jordan is their idol. They’re called losers. Michael Jordan is a large person who could bounce a ball better than most. A notorious womanizer…recently tied in with chasing boo-tay with Tiger Woods…with an out of control gambling habit, Jordan is hardly the type of person I’d have my sons emulate. Plus, the last time Jordan was relevant was in ten years ago or more!
These commercials are always the same. Goofy, small white guy tries to gain Michael Jordan’s attention by pointing out they wear the same underwear he does. AWD has had a lot of friends and acquaintances over the years but I guarantee you what underwear we use has never been discussed. This commercial shows a small, nerdy, annoying white male trying to gain Jordan’s acceptance as a cool guy by making fun of another goofy white guy because the collar on his undershirt had curled. Annoying white guy then tells Jordan they are alike because their undershirts are pressed. Jordan rudely tells the guy, “no, we’re not.” Man, I don’t know about you but that makes me want to buy some undershirts!
Why not have the white guy ask Jordan if he can give the Pythagorean theorem? Nah, that would be racist and besides, Jordan has most likely never heard of Pythagoras.
AWD couldn’t find a photo of Hanes’ Board of Directors but did find their corporate officers. Of 9 officers, 7 are white male devils. I wonder if they kiss Michael Jordan’s ass every time they send him a check? Shame on Hanes for wasting our time with these stupid commercials. I have no problem with Hanes giving their money to Michael Jordan to blow in the casinos or on blonde ho’s with Tiger…I just don’t like them wasting my time with more PC, BS male-bashing crap! Michael Jordan and Hanes can keep their drawers!
Pythagorean theorem meets sports.
I was sitting in a little community bar in the plantation neighborhood of St. Petersburg, Fla., when in steps MJ, Scottie Pippen, and the Chicago Bulls after an exhibition game...my friend had gone to the restroom and this arrogant ass MJ sits in my padnahs seat right next to me..not a is this someones seat..whats up bra...while the few people in the club were in shock that the great plantation niggah was even in their presence...of course my friend upon returning was too in shock to ask for his seat..in walks Dwight Gooden and MJ had to be told who he was...and this niggah wanted to play baseball...Another MJ moment was when I performed at the University of North Carolina for "Black History" and the president of the Black Student Union told me that Mj had turned down a donation request because he did not give money to anything that was all "BLACK"...but you give $58k for your stupid ass son to spend on white girls in one weekend...Hey Sarah make sure your "Mandingo" has some "paper" and spend all of that shit!!!!!
I got no feeling for MJ one way or the other but man was dude whiney in his post.
Wow I'm DEFINITELY not a Jordan fan but there's nothing worse than a male hater!!!
Thanks for the link but it's Angry White DUDE, please.
Angry White Dude!
My man. Welcome to the spot.
I like your style.
What you see is not the bashing of white males, but the reinforcement of the bestial athleticism of black males. Business. That sales in the arena of sports. The kind of representation you seek is ineffective. The proof is in black representation through "Black History Month," athletes, appointed "Black faces in the right places" ...token narratives of "how a Negro was smart enough to do this" or "how the first Negro did that."
Back in school whenever you saw your teacher over praise a student and call for the rest of the class to give praises, it usually meant that student was a bit slow and for once have exceeded their expectations...that they were in need of some paternalistic head pat for encouragement.
Your statement of the "Pythagorean theorem" suggests you, yourself have learned to challenge the black athlete with the white intellectual. Can Pythagoras really sell drawers? No, but Ali can sell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUpTtHKadYA
Can Ali sell the idea that we owe a debt to Greek culture? No, but Pythagoras can. Even though Petra or Egypt proceeds and has influenced Greek thought. Natural cycle of a world populated by varying cultures. When people speak of the most authentic Bible they don't speak of some Semitic text, they refer to the "Greek" as if that's something.
That is a longer lasting word from our sponsors.
Au contraire mon frere,
I've been out tons of time and seen dorky little white boys jocking some black athlete. Matter of fact, I was Jordan in a club here in L.A. and he had to leave because a MOB of dorky white guys was about to tear him limb from limb.
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