TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz (left) chats with Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Steve Breaston during media day interviews prior to Super Bowl XLIII in Tampa, Fla. Sainz had just finished measuring his biceps.
“In my opinion, I never felt I was attacked. I went to the locker room and started to talk about commentary and sports. Another reporter approached me to say he was sorry these things were happening…and that evidently people were making fun of me”[Cpt. Sav A Ho] Ines said in an interview.
Her Imperial Majesty Sista Nurse said...

she knows exactly what she is doing....trick ass.
I don't know... I am so sick of pretty women talking about men "victimizing" them by appreciating their appearance. I mean, shit, if a strange dude is wagging his dick in your face, that is harassment, but simply making a comment about how you look? I don't see what the big deal is! Yeah, some men go too far (I had a man spit at me for refusing to talk to him, when the truth was I didn't understand the language he was speaking) but I don't see how a man commenting on a woman's appearance is always deemed "harassment". In this case, she didn't even NOTICE anything, until someone pointed it out to her, so how the hell was she harassed???
You should check out www.waronthehorizon.com if you haven't already (about the promotion of homosexuality)
She gotta nice booty.
Dude that is hilarious! And yes that booty is sick! I wish she would walk in a locker room when I played football. They would have had to call the police to get me off of her ass.
u all are certifiable!!!! LOLOL
but, i agree. she knows exactly what she is doing....trick ass.
men are visual. they like looking at ass and tits and all things related to a sexy/sensual female...
to expect them not to look is insane.
and unhealthy.
I agree, the outfit she is wearing is not "professional" and who are they kidding a "real man" WILL LOOK!! Why is it so urgent that a female reporter be allowed in the dressing room with nude "mandigoes"???? Maybe because brothers have expanded their field to the "exotic" over the "Heathers"..Fine is fine and that ass is tight!!!( Did I say that!)Let me in that "tennis locker room ladies!!!!!
Mexican/Latin female news reporterrs are hilarious!!!!!!!
It's kinda like going to high school with these cheap girls who try to dress "sexy". Bad misses know sexy is in your attitude. This looks like poverty and third world high end prostitution.
That's why the shit was funny.
I mean I might (prolly not tho) rock those jeans at home- but at work?
I know she has her whole modeling thing too but...well this nails her in that already very commercial box.
Okay so... if she never felt she was attacked and wasn't offended in any way, then exactly who made this an issue???
Saran--- I guess it was the "thought police"
The same ones who go around telling women they NEED TO go out and be VPs of companies, not only that they CAN if they WANT but that they NEED TO, or else they are betraying women all over the world by buying into the "patriarchal ideal" of wanted to be (oh the horrors) a wife and mother instead of a high powered executive!
This is why the Muslims say it's best for a woman to be covered and dress conservatively.
O. Mahogany - So, you "might rock those jeans at home"?
WTH are "home jeans"? You gonna dust or garden in those "death grip the entire surface area of my crotch and ass" jeans? NEGRO PLEASE!
You must be on some Ms. Parker from Friday ish.
Why on Earth would anyone rock those jeans at home, with a body like that? Those aren't for home, that's for displaying her assets...
I have no problem with her outfit (and what the HELL is professional dress in a locker room??). I have a problem with her crying foul that men were checking her out. She's from Latin America, you cannot tell me my brothers from south of the border would not, and have not done a much more in depth assessment of her body, while just walking down the street.
I don't howl at women, and have taught my son not to...but I'll be damned if I'm not going to stop what I'm doing and look.
Lord don't let that woman walk into my OR while I'm sewing something important.
DMG- the thing is SHE wasn't crying foul! Some other chick (who was probably jealous the men weren't lusting after her in the same manner) was the one bitching about it! And basically, the message was sent to this woman that if she didn't participate in the witch hunt, she was betraying all woman kind. But she made numerous statements saying that she DIDN'T feel like she was being harassed.... yeah, until she was TOLD she was!
Ines in the Jets locker room is the same reaction Lady Gaga would get in her meat dress if she walked into a kennel.
Man is an animal.
"You must be on some Ms. Parker from Friday ish."
Almost. I'm on some let my boo look at me in the deathgrips instead of an entire football team at work.
@DMG That's locker room attire meets journalist, you melt in your mouth not in your pants physician.
She's a trick w a mic.
sings "shorty got them applebottom jeans...boots with the furrrr"
cheap,tawdry,"I'm on my modeling ish toooo",
didn't yeast infection jeans go out in 99'?
matching blinged out earrings,bracelet,ring AND belt bitch? lmao
Hello guys!
He ain't a she.
Dang it!
@ O. - But no straight guy is checking to see if her outfit is still in style or if her accessories are overly matched.
Guys are just looking at her perceived ability to reproduce healthy offspring.
One of the ugliest things about women is their over the top irrational hatred of women who get more attention from men than they do. That's not a good look.
Stop calling names. If you don't look good in your jeans, you know where the gym is.
Yeah, now I know Ces is mentally ill.
Boiiiiii Stop. I'm not hating on your jerk off fantasy. And you havent seen me in jeans so cut it out. lol
She can wear what she likes. But she still looks cheap and outdated.
You've done nothing BUT hate on this girl with every post. You don't know her, and you ain't her mama, so why can't you stop talking about how she dresses? Calling her all out of her name like you KNOW the girl. Trick? Seriously?
"Guys are just looking at her perceived ability to reproduce healthy offspring."
That's cool UBJ. No complaints.
Fashion forward, unquestionably desirable and healthy straight women like me are just looking at how tired and thirsty this look is...
@ Doc
eh eh eh eh eh man.
The whole country is talkin about how this trick dresses. lol So you can ease up off me.
this is a gatdayum blog isnt it..shiii..you're the one cryin over her...tryna shut me up..who's the muhfukin thought police now?
"Yeah, now I know Ces is mentally ill."
LOL, motherflucker!
I got confused... lol
Shit happens!
I didn't know who this chick was...till' now.
I looked her up.
I don't know where this poverty and third world prostitution non-sense comes from...
Mexican/Latin female news reporterrs are hilarious!!!!!!!
Why? (Please Explain).
If you thought that was a man...well, I'll accept your confusion. But damn dude...you are a latin man, how could THAT confuse you?
HOW is it you are telling everyone WHAT she is (trick), but somehow you are calling ME the thought police?
Again, you aren't her mother. Or are you promoting the Burkha?
@ Ces
I recognize a preoccupation with sex appeal among the female latin american entertainment news reporter and I find it amusing.
And not surprisingly, so do most men. Only it's a bit different now isn't it. ;)
I just read too fast.
And that first pic in the white jeans isn't her best.
Her hands looked too long.
Plus, I live in Miami.
You see a lot of good looking 'girls' that end up being boys.
I prefer to be cautious, especially when you see something like this.
I recognize a preoccupation with sex appeal among the female latin american entertainment news reporter and I find it amusing.
You said Mexican/Latin female news reporterrS...
with an 's'...
You take it back?
I feel you on that one. Alot of "tranny's" hung out around Camp Pendleton back in the day. Yeah, her face isn't the prettiest, but that's just my opinion.
"...,her face isn't the prettiest,..."
She has a face?
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