Saturday, September 18, 2010

Deconstructing Hollywood's Gabbe Sidbe Fetish 003 • Dr. O. Mahogany • DV University • Fall 2010

O. Mahogany said...
Fuck Elle. And Vogue. Big ups to Jennifer Hudson. She looks gawjous.

One day I was browsing the net, sometimes it's as inspiring as picking up a random book, closing your eyes while flipping through the pages and stopping on something dope. For this particular thing I was working on I put "black women and beauty" in the subject heading.

What came up were several sources of blogs varying from the IT/video gamer geek who dated a blk girl to the plastic surgeon's blog on women of different race.

What they all had in common was some idea that a lot of black women are overweight. In fact one hatin infiltrator on a blog actually posted the title: "Why are black women so fat?"

The plastic surgeon said while black women are very active in youth that practice declines with age etc...

But I was actually shocked. Is that what people think of me? How far does this go?

So I really feel Hollywood... may sound crazy but even around that circle... I feel it's a direct attack on black women. I think of Hollywood (in this case Gabby's land) as a snide, rude, anorexic, bitch snickering at Gabby after each appearance. And the bitch says, "look at that black girl". Look at Nicky Minaj, look at Monique, look at pre-Jennifer Hudson, look at Oprah...

I mean, keep it real, you will never see Kirstie Alley on Elle or Vogue.
Gee-Chee said...
Yes, Gaberourey is a person. An actress. Blah blah. Treat her weight as a race. As normal. So anyone her size will use the "proud of being me" slogan as a counter to being non-skinny." "I'm big and made it big. You can be big and your dreams can still come true."

It takes the same social climb as being black and eventually becoming accepted. First step, "I'm Black and I'm Proud."

(OK, them Negroes showed how to flip it. Take out the "Black" and insert "Gay" or "Plus Size.")


Thordaddy said...

Most blacks just can't see
The two pronged attack
Exaltation of the female, 
...fat n black
Emasculation of the male, 
...athletic, black n stacked
It's the new jack, black jack
N plenty of uncles gettin' plantation kickbacks,
Theez kickbacks lika performance tax
U perform 
And that ass is tax
That's how Oprah getta sit back n relax
Female, fat n black
N Tiger Woods just paid a lotta cash back
Still n a state of anti-capitalization
Ain't even got the swing back
Need I say more
'bout da two-pronged attack
By uh "default elite"
Sez beautiful models are extremely fat n black?
Sez the black pro-athlete
Can't do that scientifically proven performance stack
That's wack!!!


HotmfWax said...

While we focus on the negative of Miss Gabby we miss the truth and positivity of Mr. Walker.

Herschel is not religious, eats mostly vegetarian ( every now and then -he might eat a small bite of chicken), does not embrace technology (old fashion situps and pushups) and at 47 can run through a brick wall. He has been doing this routine most of his life.

Doing what?

Quantum Eating!

Let's just look at a few facts:

1. He is 47 years old and looks like he's in his early to mid 30's.

2. He is famous for not touching a weight, but doing push-ups and sit-ups.

3. He has stated numerous times in interviews that he eats only one small meal per day for the last 20 years.

4. Consuming less calories is in fact one way to prolong your life and look and feel good.

Herschel probably never read the book but somehow fell into the same principle the book talks about.

Quality organic nutrients is the only thing that matters. Treat food like medicine. Not entertainment.

Dr. Sebi, Dr. Afrika, Pythagoras and Dr. Robert Young, if you dig deep enough all come around to the same conclusions no matter how different their theories are.

DV, in many ways via raw foods is also preaching somewhat the same thing.

All about the nutrients.

Even with good food, you still got to pay attention. Plain and simple- heat your veggies in the microwave and it will be worthless(irradiated -devoid on nutrients) .

In our current state and paradigm, Food is crack. 3 squares a day meme and our constant obsession with the sensation and the sensory will get you every time.

Eating food for energy? Hogwash. Gabby would be more energetic than Herschel if that was the case.

Digestion uses up a significant amount of our energy in the breaking down process.

The sad part if you have some so called "brilliant experts" on this blog who don't understand the concept of digestion and would fight ignorantly the concept of alkaline vs. acidic in the digestive process and how acidosis via this process is the major cause of most dis-ease.

All acids are waste products....including fatty acids.
(lactic, uric, etc.)

AND :BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!hydrochloric...yeah, I said it. Cant have your cake and eat it too. :)-Bring it on.

Once you get this you will change your paradigm and start enjoying "NOT EATING" :)

Seven Half Store said...

i'm honored. ;)

D.SMITH said...

O. Mahogany, you make a very valid point. And it's funny, because just the other day I was speaking to some co-workers about this exact same topic, just not the same chic.

If they can keep pushing the idea that "Bigger Black is Beautiful", our own people will continue to fall for it because our unfortunate eating habits are now "plantation approved." You're absolutely correct; Kirstie Alley won't be on the cover of anybody's magazine, because she is not viewed as some overweight "diva" by the mainstream (or anyone else), nor is she peddling this "skinny girls suck/be a big ol' black diva" nonsense that many of us do to ourselves. Obese will become an identity that we are supposed to feel sorry for and accept as, "oh, that's just who she is." But this isn't who she is. It's been said before here and I'm sure from a thousand mouths other than this blog: the girl needs help. This isn't healthy nor is it attractive. And if Black people keep falling for the okie doke, a lot of us will continue to eat ourselves into an early grave, all the meanwhile stripping the responsibility from ourselves. It isn't the responsibility of some doctor, a magazine, or the entertainment industry to dictate to us what is healthy or not. It's our own damn responsibility. So while they throw her mug up on the cover, we look it like it's some sort of accomplishment and props to big, overweight black women...while they're laughing at us in the meantime, knowing that there a scores of women who will then give up on trying to better themselves and feel "finally accepted" because someone just like them is on the cover of some flunky magazine.

Anonymous said...


Who is "they"?

Why do you think black people would be so gullible if there actually IS a "they"?

D., you don't really think some normal weight black woman is going to buy the copy of Elle with Sidibe's bloated face on it, and then suddenly run out and buy a big bucket of chitlins, and a two liter bottle of Grape Fanta do you??

Anonymous said...

@ DMG I totally agree, about 'they;, and this @ D.Smith:"So while they throw her mug up on the cover, we look it like it's some sort of accomplishment and props to big, overweight black women"

'We' do'nt think it is an accompliment, no, not at all. We care about Ms. Sidibe, and are 'appreciative' that this young (but horrifically overweight) black woman has some success in a tough industry, but at the same time, 'we' are mortified at her extremely unhealthy appearance. Extremely horrified. Extremely...Oyan

CNu said...

Who is "they"?

Why - Freemasonic, Darwinian, Babylonian, human being hating, occult, apocalyptic, faggotry - of course.

"They" is what;





without "They"

Bacon-Bey is nothing.

The sub-nothingness of the aliased and anonymous Bacon-Bey sycophants almost goes without saying....

D.SMITH said...

Of course I don't think a woman of normal weight is going to look at Gabbe on the cover of any magazine and then run out and eat a bucket of anything. "They" in this case are the editors and producers of this magazine, and any other media outlet that attempts to form these identities, only to try and push the idea that "we all" find this cute and acceptable...when not all of us do.

Black people as a whole don't think this is an accomplishment, but I'm not talking about Black people as a whole in the first place (my bad; using the word "we" in the original post was not intended to be inclusive of every Black person). I'm talking about those who may feel they can "identify" with Gabourey, those who may be struggling with issues of their own weight. Here's an excerpt from

At the same time she was receiving critical recognition, however, the actress was also receiving a lot of undue attention in regards to her weight. Proving she was nothing like her cowed character, Sidibe announced she was proud of her curves and that they were what made her fabulous. "If I don't like myself, there's no reason to even live the life," she told New York magazine. "I love the way I look." -Gabourey Sidibe

So based on what she's saying about herself and loving the way she looks, is she healthy? No. Is she not at risk of being someone else laid up on DMG's table due to heart failure or some other physical failure associated with her weight? She's still at risk. A random, young, Black woman of similar size reads this don't think there's the potential for this same young girl or any other to ditch any efforts to lose the weight and settle with the fact that they "love how they look" that they've found someone to "identify" with? The issue isn't whether or not she should love herself, or whether we shold congratulate her for her accomplishments. She ain't a good look, and the girl needs help. I seriously doubt anyone would disagree that the media, whether on TV, the radio, internet or in print, has the ability to create these identities, and attract those who actually ARE gullible enough to follow them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with D. I'm sure eventually someone will through up the headlines (if it hasn't already been done) "THE GIFT OF GAB: Gabourey Celebrates Being Plus Size."

Gabourey is Hattie McDaniel nostalgia. I think it's a safe ground/politically correct marketing strategy for one as is the issue of "homosexuality." Given this title as oppose to the bygone concept "sodomy" which in it's definition targets the act of anal sex and only anal sex. No narrative of Sodomites being people "if pricked do they not bleed."

As oppose to the term "homosexual" that reroutes the focus to being "non-heterosexual." Even the term "heterosexual" begins to frame the conversation. I believe this is what takes place in handling her imagery.

That is crazy suspect when Gabourey's (IMAGE not her) is celebrated and a skin and bones actress is celebrated, but Serena and Venus are scorned. With all the porn, Serena and Venus make headlines over some bullshyt. If there ever is a sincere use of the term homosexual, that logic is it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Gaberourey is a person. An actress. Blah blah. Treat her weight as a race. As normal. So anyone her size will use the "proud of being me" slogan as a counter to being non-skinny." "I'm big and made it big. You can be big and your dreams can still come true." It takes the same social climb as being black and eventually becoming accepted. First step, "I'm Black and I'm Proud." OK, them Negroes showed how to flip it. Take out the "Black" and insert "Gay" or "Plus Size."

Thordaddy said...


How does a fashion magazine that has celebrated an increasingly more dead white "model" stay "alive," but still stay true to its liberationist aspirations?

It celebrate the even more dead fat, black "model."

This girl is celebrated for loving her imminent death.

This girl is celebrated because she is not normal.

The magazine cover says, "Don't expect blacks to be normal..."

Instead, expect them to love their abnormalities including the mordibly obese black female.

Anonymous said...


I think it's kind of a leap to suggest those are then intentions of the editors. But thanks for the clarification of "we", I reread your post, and can understand better where you are coming from.

Maybe she says she "loves the way she looks" just to get through the day?

Her Side said...

"Maybe she says she "loves the way she looks" just to get through the day?"

DMG, that was my exact first thought. Because given a choice, I believe she would choose to be a healthy size if somebody could wave a wand and make it happen.

There are two bad ways to go when it comes to describing how you feel about your obesity (think: pendulum) - You can either talk about how you hate yourself (ala Oprah Winfrey) or talk about how wonderful it is (ala Gabbs).

I think Monique gets my award for basically saying 'I love myself, but I need to get my weight under control 'cause it's a health issue.'

Seven Half Store said...

"obesity (think: pendulum) - You can either talk about how you hate yourself (ala Oprah Winfrey) or talk about how wonderful it is (ala Gabbs)."

Isn't the way you treat your body in direct relation to how you feel about yourself?

Not that Oprah goes around saying she quote, hates herself, but wouldnt that have been closer to the truth than Gab saying she loves herself the way she is?

I love who I am. I am not my body. I dont always have to love my body.

It's not about what Gab thinks of herself. When Lindsay Lohan Kalista Flockhart (spelling?) are in mags no one cares about what they think of themselves. It's irrelevant. We assume they are unaware of their dire state. They are unhealthy. We assume near death.

I understand what you're saying but I think it's irresponsible to say, I love how big I am. I believe in highlighting the positive (career). Weight isn't the positive here.

Joanna said...

Look, the truth is, when you are fat, you wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and wish you did not exist. You want to love yourself DESPITE your body, because you know you are a kind, caring, intelligent, loving person. But to the rest of the world NONE OF THAT MATTERS. So instead of emphasizing to the world that you love yourself because you are A GOOD PERSON, you lie and say you LOVE THE WAY YOU LOOK, because nobody out there gives a fuck if you are a good person or not, all they see is that you are fat, and that you disgust them. A fat chick who says
"I love the way I look" is REALLY trying to say "I love the person that I am", but is using the only terminology most people understand, because in this society appearances are everything!

CNu said...

Look, the truth is, when you are fat, you wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and wish you did not exist.


ta loco?!?!?!

nobody out there gives a fuck if you are a good person or not, all they see is that you are fat, and that you disgust them



that's the element from whom you seek acceptance and validation?!?!?!

A fat chick who says
"I love the way I look" is REALLY trying to say "I love the person that I am", but is using the only terminology most people understand, because in this society appearances are everything!

pump your brakes Joanna.

what you do for other people is the measure of your worth both to God and its creations.

Everything else is merely conversation.

When self-talk turns to this degree of morbid self-pity and acceptance-seeking from bi-pedal garbage, it may be time to start looking for an exit ramp off this self-created hell-on-earth....,

Joanna said...

CNu- honestly, how many human beings have you met that do not at some point in life wish to be validated or accepted? Even the strongest fat chick, the most self assured, self loving fat chick at one point is going to be hurt by the fact the people see her as a grotesque parody instead of as an intelligent, lovable VITAL human being! It is just human nature! And, I think you will find that 95% of fat chicks have at some point considered taking that exit ramp you speak of.

uglyblackjohn said...

@ Joanna - Which is the question I was asking earlier about your reply to Sarah.
Was your venim directed at her because she enjoys more 'white-priv.' based on her looks?

The odd thing is - I am not an ugly guy. (The icon and name are meant as a joke.)
I've relied on my looks in many situations to get things to work out in my favor.
But no straight guy wants to be thought of as a 'pretty boy' -
especially a straight Black guy.
People just judge you by your looks - sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

CNu said...

People just judge you by your looks

Only people in bondage to false status-seeking who judge themselves by that same yardstick....,

Personally, I tend to judge muhphukkas instantly and permanently by how they smell..., seriously.

CNu said...

CNu- honestly, how many human beings have you met that do not at some point in life wish to be validated or accepted?,

THAT is the beginning of sin.

To even THINK about what others THINK about you is the height of preoccupation with the temporal and the temporary.

you validate you, period!!!

Even the strongest fat chick, the most self assured, self loving fat chick at one point is going to be hurt by the fact the people see her as a grotesque parody instead of as an intelligent, lovable VITAL human being!


That ain't the strongest.

That chick is lost in contemplating her reflection in her mirror of others mirrors - and may just need to turn her attention to other more pressing matters...,

It is just human nature!

aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww hells-to-the-gnaw!!!!!

You're confusing the subjective mindfuck of "you can't be too rich or too thin" contemporary western culture with human universals - nothing could be further from the truth.

Really dough...,

Bacon-Bey and his little coterie of middle-class hollyweird hangers-on and flunkies - and wannabe "yassa-boss" flunkies ain't shit.

Whatever you do - don't give half-a-second's thought to considering these mark-assed peasants a litmus test for anything other than the vanguard of vain, ignorant, low-class, and stupid.

And, I think you will find that 95% of fat chicks have at some point considered taking that exit ramp you speak of.

Having allowed the infinite value bestowed upon them from above to be degraded by the filthiest little maggots below, aren't they in the most meaningful sense dead already?

Joanna said...

UBJ- Now, first of all, I have no idea what Sara looks like, so it is only an assumption that she is more fit than I am.... do you think if a fat girl had made the same comments she made I would have spared her?? Nope, not at all.S ee, now this is what I think people misunderstand. Is my worldview and my level of "consciousness" or "awareness" or whatever term you want to use IMPACTED by my weight? Possibly... but NOT in the way you think. It is not a matter of "Oh, well, I am fat, so I don't get to enjoy the same level of privilege and I wish I did, so I am jealous, which is why I get angry at injustice (in that specific case, racism)" It is more like "Well, I have experienced injustice in my life and so I am more sensitive to all forms of injustice that I come encounter and will speak up against it when I am able to". Would I want to go back in time and change my experiences, and live my life as a skinny chick so I could reap the rewards? Hell, no, because being fat has shaped who I am as a person, and I think I am a damned good person, and I am proud of who I have become and what I have accomplished. Would I be as sensitive to the large variety of issues that I care about today if I had not had the experience of being fat? I do not know, but I am glad I did, because I believe I am a better person for it. Oh, and for the record, I have two sisters... one who is rail thin, one who is thick so I am not one of those "I hate skinny bitches" type of chicks.... I just hate ignorance, and to me, the comments Sarah made were ignorant.

CNu said...

delete it again and I'll write and execute a script that posts it in an infinite loop until something breaks...,

CNu said...

CNu- honestly, how many human beings have you met that do not at some point in life wish to be validated or accepted?,

THAT is the beginning of sin.

To even THINK about what others THINK about you is the height of preoccupation with the temporal and the temporary.

you validate you, period!!!

Even the strongest fat chick, the most self assured, self loving fat chick at one point is going to be hurt by the fact the people see her as a grotesque parody instead of as an intelligent, lovable VITAL human being!


That ain't the strongest.

That chick is lost in contemplating her reflection in her mirror of others mirrors - and may just need to turn her attention to other more pressing matters...,

It is just human nature!

aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww hells-to-the-gnaw!!!!!

You're confusing the subjective mindfuck of "you can't be too rich or too thin" contemporary western culture with human universals - nothing could be further from the truth.

Really dough...,

Bacon-Bey and his little coterie of middle-class hollyweird hangers-on and flunkies - and wannabe "yassa-boss" flunkies ain't shit.

Whatever you do - don't give half-a-second's thought to considering these mark-assed peasants a litmus test for anything other than the vanguard of vain, ignorant, low-class, and stupid.

And, I think you will find that 95% of fat chicks have at some point considered taking that exit ramp you speak of.

Having allowed the infinite value bestowed upon them from above to be degraded by the filthiest little maggots below, aren't they in the most meaningful sense dead already?

CNu said...

CNu- honestly, how many human beings have you met that do not at some point in life wish to be validated or accepted?,

THAT is the beginning of sin.

To even THINK about what others THINK about you is the height of preoccupation with the temporal and the temporary.

you validate you, period!!!

Even the strongest fat chick, the most self assured, self loving fat chick at one point is going to be hurt by the fact the people see her as a grotesque parody instead of as an intelligent, lovable VITAL human being!


That ain't the strongest.

That chick is lost in contemplating her reflection in her mirror of others mirrors - and may just need to turn her attention to other more pressing matters...,

It is just human nature!

aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww hells-to-the-gnaw!!!!!

You're confusing the subjective mindfuck of "you can't be too rich or too thin" contemporary western culture with human universals - nothing could be further from the truth.

Really dough...,

Bacon-Bey and his little coterie of middle-class hollyweird hangers-on and flunkies - and wannabe "yassa-boss" flunkies ain't shit.

Whatever you do - don't give half-a-second's thought to considering these mark-assed peasants a litmus test for anything other than the vanguard of vain, ignorant, low-class, and stupid.

And, I think you will find that 95% of fat chicks have at some point considered taking that exit ramp you speak of.

Having allowed the infinite value bestowed upon them from above to be degraded by the filthiest little maggots below, aren't they in the most meaningful sense dead already?

uglyblackjohn said...

@ SeeNew - But you're still smelling for their level of health.
I'm not talking about whether one wears Jahne Barnes, Armani or Robert Graham (I cam't wear Paul Smith - it's too fitted.) - but whether one appears to be fit.
Bad breath, sweet smelling sweat,... whatever - you're still making an assessment of ones health.

@ Joanna - Oh, okay.. I just asked the question, I didn't make an assertion.

Joanna said...

UBJ- Understood... I apologize if I came across as rude or defensive, but this is often the first line of attack from people who want to dismiss what I have to say, so I have had to deal with this same question on many occasions.

CNu said...

CNu- honestly, how many human beings have you met that do not at some point in life wish to be validated or accepted?,

THAT is the beginning of sin.

To even THINK about what others THINK about you is the height of preoccupation with the temporal and the temporary.

you validate you, period!!!

Even the strongest fat chick, the most self assured, self loving fat chick at one point is going to be hurt by the fact the people see her as a grotesque parody instead of as an intelligent, lovable VITAL human being!


That ain't the strongest.

That chick is lost in contemplating her reflection in her mirror of others mirrors - and may just need to turn her attention to other more pressing matters...,

It is just human nature!

aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww hells-to-the-gnaw!!!!!

You're confusing the subjective mindfuck of "you can't be too rich or too thin" contemporary western culture with human universals - nothing could be further from the truth.

Really dough...,

Bacon-Bey and his little coterie of middle-class hollyweird hangers-on and flunkies - and wannabe "yassa-boss" flunkies ain't shit.

Whatever you do - don't give half-a-second's thought to considering these mark-assed peasants a litmus test for anything other than the vanguard of vain, ignorant, low-class, and stupid.

And, I think you will find that 95% of fat chicks have at some point considered taking that exit ramp you speak of.

Having allowed the infinite value bestowed upon them from above to be degraded by the filthiest little maggots below, aren't they in the most meaningful sense dead already?

CNu said...

@ SeeNew - But you're still smelling for their level of health.


that would only be true if I was on "the make" - and even then - I might make exceptions.

There is an infinite variety of things this nose knows brah.....,

Denmark Vesey said...

CNu said...

delete it again and I'll write and execute a script that posts it in an infinite loop until something breaks...,

Who you talking to Jigaboo?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

GTFOH with that Nerd shit.

"I'll write a script that will..."

Need to 'write a script' get rid of them Manboobs.

Thordaddy said...

"Look, the truth is, when you are fat, you wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and wish you did not exist." -- Joanna

Didn't I tell you that you were a self-annihilator? Don't many homosexuals tell themselves the same thing?


One that should NOT BE EXALTED?

CNu said...


your raggedy-azzed blog is capriciously eating comments again.

need to write a script to get rid of you, you Paul Smiff jizz rag...,

CNu said...

blog-eaten answer to Joanna broken into two parts:

CNu- honestly, how many human beings have you met that do not at some point in life wish to be validated or accepted?,

THAT is the beginning of sin.

To even THINK about what others THINK about you is the height of preoccupation with the temporal and the temporary.

you validate you, period!!!

CNu said...

second part:

Even the strongest fat chick, the most self assured, self loving fat chick at one point is going to be hurt by the fact the people see her as a grotesque parody instead of as an intelligent, lovable VITAL human being!


That ain't the strongest.

That chick is lost in contemplating her reflection in her mirror of others mirrors - and may just need to turn her attention to other more pressing matters...,

It is just human nature!

aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww hells-to-the-gnaw!!!!!

You're confusing the subjective mindfuck of "you can't be too rich or too thin" contemporary western culture with human universals - nothing could be further from the truth.

Really dough...,

Bacon-Bey and his little coterie of middle-class hollyweird hangers-on and flunkies - and wannabe "yassa-boss" flunkies ain't shit.

Whatever you do - don't give half-a-second's thought to considering these mark-assed peasants a litmus test for anything other than the vanguard of vain, ignorant, low-class, and stupid.

And, I think you will find that 95% of fat chicks have at some point considered taking that exit ramp you speak of.

Having allowed the infinite value bestowed upon them from above to be degraded by the filthiest little maggots below, aren't they in the most meaningful sense dead already?

Case in point.

Your moment of sincere expression serves as breach into which a maggot like thorpimple inserts his own little peasant-imp pitchfork; Didn't I tell you that you were a self-annihilator? Don't many homosexuals tell themselves the same thing?

CNu said...

second part:

Even the strongest fat chick, the most self assured, self loving fat chick at one point is going to be hurt by the fact the people see her as a grotesque parody instead of as an intelligent, lovable VITAL human being!


That ain't the strongest.

That chick is lost in contemplating her reflection in her mirror of others mirrors - and may just need to turn her attention to other more pressing matters...,

It is just human nature!

aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww hells-to-the-gnaw!!!!!

You're confusing the subjective mindfuck of "you can't be too rich or too thin" contemporary western culture with human universals - nothing could be further from the truth.

Really dough...,

Bacon-Bey and his little coterie of middle-class hollyweird hangers-on and flunkies - and wannabe "yassa-boss" flunkies ain't shit.

Whatever you do - don't give half-a-second's thought to considering these mark-assed peasants a litmus test for anything other than the vanguard of vain, ignorant, low-class, and stupid.

CNu said...

third part:

And, I think you will find that 95% of fat chicks have at some point considered taking that exit ramp you speak of.

Having allowed the infinite value bestowed upon them from above to be degraded by the filthiest little maggots below, aren't they in the most meaningful sense dead already?

Case in point.

Your moment of sincere expression serves as breach into which a maggot like thorpimple inserts his own little peasant-imp pitchfork; Didn't I tell you that you were a self-annihilator? Don't many homosexuals tell themselves the same thing?

Thordaddy said...


I observed, made a prediction and Joanna voluntarily confirmed it. Sci-fi nerds like you usually get happy as hell at "science" like that.

What gives ole sci-fi nigel?