DMG said...

If this fool hit your wife or one of your kids (or shit anybody's wife or kids) I doubt you would be talking about how he was being crucified or worry about his "rights".
Learn how to be responsible. It's no goddamn mystery that blowing a 0.16 will impair your driving (and for a man HIS SIZE he didn't have a "couple of drinks").
Make that motherfucker ride the bus to work.
Addicted doctors still practice while in rehab
Confidential programs criticized after reports of botched operations

Dr. Jason Giles, a Malibu, Calif., physician, completed the state's confidential program in 2004 after five years in treatment for alcoholism and addiction to prescription drugs. His experience in rehab was so transformative, he said, that he quit practicing anesthesiology and opened the drug treatment center he now runs.
SAN FRANCISCO — Troubling cases in which doctors were accused of botching operations while undergoing treatment for drugs or alcohol have led to criticism of rehab programs that allow thousands of U.S. physicians to keep their addictions hidden from their patients.
Nah homie, that was a smart business decision. He works for a corporation and he got a D.U.I. That's standard. You get caught drinking and driving and you are a top ranking associate, then you apologize. The do the muffuggin' Dougie on a muthafucka in the endzone
For failing a breathalizer I don't get the "need" to apologize and at the same time make the statement that his actions would not create another black eye for the team, and that it would only create one for himself.
FUCK HIM and ANY other asshole who gets behind the wheel drunk, high, texting or whatever.
If this fool hit your wife or one of your kids (or shit anybody's wife or kids) I doubt you would be talking about how he was being crucified or worry about his "rights".
Learn how to be responsible. It's no goddamn mystery that blowing a 0.16 will impair your driving (and for a man HIS SIZE he didn't have a "couple of drinks").
Make that motherfucker ride the bus to work.
But why is a public apology necessary? I've been the "asshole" locked up for a DUI before and blew damn near close to what he did (and nowhere near his size), so I'm by no means condoning his actions; it was irresponsible on both my part and his.
But the "crucification" is this seemingly required public apology...which leads to a whole bunch of motherfuckers probably ready to blow a point whatever they damn selves, judging him for his mistake like they've never made one before.
Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, Khloe Kardashian, Haley Joel Osment of "Sixth Sense", Kiefer Sutherland, Heather Locklear, former Quest CEO Jerry Cash, TV anchor Bob Solarski...all these people have been convicted with a DUI within the past couple years, some even more than once...
...where's their public apology?
Get 'em D!
Fuck a public apology. It's meaningless anyway. I could care less if Hilton, Richie, Lohan, Kardasian or all of the other sex-tape-ho's say a damn word.
Drunk driving should be considered attempted murder.
You are so right my son was driving his car and he was hit by a drunken driver. He had a broken foot and sprained wrist.
Some people will never really understand until it happens to their love ones. People who drink and drive get no smpathy.
"Fuck a public apology. It's meaningless anyway. I could care les if (insert athlete, pubic official, sex tape ho, celebrity, average cat)...".
I think that's the point. Nobody gives a shit about a public apology except a bunch of lawnchair critics who probably need to be apologizing they damn selves to their families or friends for something...but not publicly. Yeah he didn't "do anything" (as in no one was injured or worse), and he very well could have. But "fuck a public apology. It's meaningless anyway.". What's it going to do? Had he hit someone or God forbid took someone's life, no public apology is going to bring someone's loved one back...
So why put this man on display if everybody else guilty of the same thing doesn't have to? What is trying to be accomplished?
The public apology is the issue; the PUBLIC one. Reggie Bush, Tiger Woods, Plaxico Burress, Ryan Edwards...what's the connection? Different crimes, different possibilities in outcome. And again, why these niggas and none of these flunky white b!tches that can do the same crime, and do motherfuckin' 84 minutes in jail, then take they ass right back to the club and put more and more shit up they nose,continue to drink more, then go do the same shit???
I think that's what the post is trying to explore.
Perhaps you are correct D. But we are looking at this from different perspectives. Public apology or not, he, like Paris Hilton, won't receive the same punishment as some construction worker or waitress. Whether he hit somebody or not his actions, like hers endangered peoples lives.
When I was an intern, I recall our trauma surgeon reading the riot act to a drunk driver in the trauma bay, with minor injuries. I thought it was a bit harsh. He basically said, "Fuck him. That asshole could have hit me, widowed my wife, and orphaned my kids". That's how I see drunk drivers. I'll take care of them, and keep them alive, but won't flinch if they leave the ICU in handcuffs. His "good time" turns into a potential life threatening and life changing situation. There's NO reason, a grown ass man can't say, "fuck that, we are getting a cab, or car service to take us home. I don't want to be all over the news (or the sidewalk)".
Do you know how much alcohol he would have to drink to blow a 0.16?
Let's say he was out drinking for 4 hours. At 215lbs, he would only have blown a 0.12 if he'd drunk 10 Whiskey and Cokes. That's NOT a couple of drinks.
So, I could give a shit less about him looking sad and issuing an apology, or his supposed "crucifixion", while some twit like Hilton gets off. If either one of them (or anyone else) wraps themselves around a tree while driving drunk, "I may feel slightly sad, but I won't cry".
And that "He didn't hurt anybody" excuse is ridiculous. To that I say, not yet.
"Some people will never really understand until
it happens to their love ones. People who drink and drive get no smpathy."
Yep, you right. My wife's been hit by a drunk driver with both my children in the car. Totalled the car and it took every fiber of my being not to decapitate the motherfucker who did it when I showed up.
Before my son was born, my wife was hit by some chic talking on the phone as she ran the light. Daughter was in the car, and the shit affected her for years. The culprit was in the room next to my wife and daughter when I showed up...cussed the b!tch out and damn near got arrested.
I ain't ask for sympathy in my case, nor would I grant any to Edwards or anybody else...
...But we are talking about the "necessity" of a "public" apology.
Doc, I hear what you saying, and from your perspective, not disagreeing with you. And you're correct in saying his punishment nor any other celebrities will be as severe or just as the average citizen, even in terms of no one actually being injured. I'm with you on all that. And I could care less how sad he may look or whatever else. Drunk driving is no joke...I learned that the hard way and could have learned it in an even more difficult lesson as illistrated in my post to Anonymous.
But I don't get this public condemnation Black celebrities seem "required" to express; not solely Black celebrities, but there is definitely an imbalance and it's regardless of the situation. It's almost like putting these cats on display and saying, "see? Can't give these little niggers shit 'cuz they still fuck it up.". It provides no useful purpose and provides no consolation in worst case scenarios.
Had something happened to my wife and children, you think a public apology would have made a difference? FUCK no! Had I harmed or killed somebody and made a public apology, they'd still want my Black ass under the jail.
OK, I think I see where you are coming from here. Since everyone isn't required to make a public apology, why does he? I can understand that. I think a public apology is required of him as he is a public person. It's the price of fame. Millions of $$ and notoriety in exchange for loss of privacy and the requirement of addressing the public. Not fair, I'm not for it, but that's the way it is.
For HIM to say "Fuck a public apology" after being caught driving intoxicated will AFFECT his paper. Endorsement deals, bad press, future contract negotiations. He can either poke his lip out and "stand his ground" (knowing full well that he was wrong for drinking that much and getting behind the wheel), or he can give a mea culpa and hope the story goes away.
The man's what 27? How many more years do you think he has in the NFL? What's he going to do after that? A public apology, and all the other hoop jumping is the smart move. Or he can be seen as a problem player. It's not like he's the only Wide Receiver in the NFL vying for a position after his playing days are over.
"A public apology, and all the other hoop jumping is the smart move. Or he can be seen as a problem player."
And this is the problem. Seen as a problem player by whom?!! Who gives a shit?!! We're talking about the GOTdam NFL. Ain't a whole bunch of little old ladies straight outta church watching football. It's a bunch of rowdy drunk folk for the most part. And when they leave the stadium or their little Sunday football party, PLEASE believe half them fools will be doing the same thing...driving drunk somewhere.
And what does any of this have to do with playing football? Tiger Woods can fuck all the white chicks other than his wife he wants...what's that got to do with golf?
People want these brothers to entertain them, but seem to get more entertainment sticking their nose all in their personal business...with all their own personal business out of order.
By whom?
D.SMITH, please don't play dumb, because I think of you as one of the most reasonable cats on this blog.
A man who has a blood alcohol level twice the legal limit to operate a vehicle, and still chooses to get behind the wheel is a person who makes poor judgements.
He will be perceived as a problem player BY THE MOTHERFUCKERS WHO ARE SIGNING HIS GODDAMN CHECKS!!
And you know what? If he doesn't like it, they can tell him to step. There are PLENTY of cats without drinking problems who can catch a ball. More are born everyday.
Who gives a shit? I would think HE actually gives a shit, since money doesn't exactly fall out of the sky. And I assume he'd like to continue playing football for as long as possible.
Am I supposed to be somehow reproached because there are doctors practicing medicine while impaired?
Let one of them walk by me with alcohol on his breath in the OR...see how quick he's dragged the fuck out. Believe I will dime a motherfucker out quick. I have no tolerance for an impaired doctor.
What were you expecting me to make an excuse for a drunk physician?
"He will be perceived as a problem player BY THE MOTHERFUCKERS WHO ARE SIGNING HIS GODDAMN CHECKS!!"
Then him and the owners can sit in a little room...and he can apologize. To them.
But fuck the public, they ain't signin' his checks...and if after the game they stumble their drunk asses out in the parking lot somewhere and see Ryan Edwards, they'll be wanting HIM to sign THEIR jerseys. Anything else is hypocritical.
That's fair, but then what will he do about any endorsements he may have? What happens when cats stop buying his jerseys?
At the end of the day HE is a business, not just an individual. Would you not expect BP to apologize for the oil spill in the Gulf?
...and fans pay to see him play. Remember he's entertaining US.
Cats not buying Braylon Edwards' (I think I said Ryan Edwards earlier...oops) jerseys and all his endorsements going away are his own problems to deal with...still not the public's. But had this story never been made public, this whole discussion and the possibility of losing endorsements and jersey sales would not exist.
Edwards' "owners" are handling this the best way they see fit...some drunk dude sittin' on the couch yellin' at the TV really shouldn't have a say in the matter.
I think you are missing my point. The public apology was made so people would NOT stop buying his jersey. You keep saying "Drunk on the Couch". The drunk on the couch isn't paying $60 a seat to go the the game or $75 a pop for Jersey's.
Again, he's a business. He can either have a chip on his shoulder with his lip poked out (knowing FULL well he was wrong for drinking and driving), or he can try to limit damage to his business by issuing an apology.
An apology for putting the public in danger by his actions is not unreasonable. Nothing wrong with saying, I'm sorry for putting your lives in danger.
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