Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Where Does Israel End and The US Begin?


Joanna said...


Thordaddy said...

Americans can ask themselves a simple question concerning Israel.

Does Israel have a right to exist?

If one answers "yes" then we can attempt to move on to those things we find unacceptable about Israel (expansionism, foreign influence, subsidization, etc.).

If one answers "no" then he is left to breathlessly lament acts of Jewish "supremacy" as the Jewish elite say they must do such things to survive.

It seems nonsensical for me to say that you have no right to exist and then stand in complete condemnation at those acts you commit in defense of your existence. Even sillier is trying to tell you which acts are really about survival and which ones are just profit (is there a difference?).

And let's not quibble. Most devout jihadists do not believe Israel has a right to exist. That they would attempt to recruit liberal "Christians" in this view is quite understandable.

Illmath said...

Nah the question is... does Israel exist. And will it exist for the next 300 years. If the answer is yes then some folk have to make sure his/her progeny can live healthy useful and free lives.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Does Israel have a right to exist?" TD

"does Israel exist." Ill

Actually I think those are silly, contrived questions designed by the Israel lobby to obscure the point.

No government has a "right" to exist.

Governments exist as a result of the will of the people.

The people of that region have been bombed, killed, poisoned, burned, shot and confined to an open air prison called Gaza.

They have a right to exist.

They have a right to choose their own government.

Joanna said...

DV- when, in the last few hundred years, have any people anywhere on this earth TRULY had the right to choose their own government without the supposedly benevolent interference of the truly powerful of the world (particularly the US)? The citizens of the world are not even allowed to take a shit without explicit permission, so why would we expect anyone to have the right to choose their own GOVERNMENT???? Democracy and free elections and all that crap sounds good as long as the outcome is predetermined by the elite who run the world. They are the ones who get to control who is on the ballot, what policies will be implemented and what alliances will be forged. Any government put in place by any people any where in the world that does not fall in line WILL BE demonized, attacked and taken down by force no matter HOW STRONG their public support is.

Denmark Vesey said...

"DV- when, in the last few hundred years, have any people anywhere on this earth TRULY had the right to choose their own government " Joanna

People have that right ... right now.

When haven't they had that right?

Just because you let someone take your rights away from you ... doesn't mean you didn't "have the right".

It just means you a punk muhfuggah whose rights got took.

Just because you take your shoes off at the airport ...

doesn't mean you didn't have the right not to take your shoes off.

It simply means you forfeited your right somewhere along the way. You capitulated.

Your rights aren't "given" to you by other people Joanna.

Your rights are YOUR rights.

Joanna said...

DV- and people who are brave enough to assert their rights usually end up dead.

Joanna said...

Or behind bars.

Denmark Vesey said...

True Joanna.

and people who are not brave enough to assert their rights usually end up slaves.

In debt. With diabetes. And no chick.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

..."and people who are brave enough to assert their rights usually end up dead."-Joanna

That's John Walsh's job to parrot those sentiments in efforts to discourage potential freedom fighters.

Psychological persuasion is used because governments can't kill and imprison everybody. There is a reason why the product of death and prison is best marketed on intimate levels, targeting the populace as it being a threat to each individual as oppose to threatening the collective.

IWonderAsIWander said...

The real question is whether if Israel "exists" will the rest of us continue to exist, and, if so, in what quality of life?