Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Come On Bra ... Bishop Eddie Long Accused Of Homosexual Sex With Teens • Typical Gay Church Shit Or Opportunistic Attack For Money?

Two Dekalb County men filed lawsuits Tuesday alleging Bishop Eddie Long, leader of one of the Southeast’s largest churches, coerced them into having sex with him in exchange for lavish trips, cars and cash.

DMG said...
If "lavish trips, cars, and cash" will cause one to have sex with another man...that's not coercion...that's just your "price".

A ho shouldn't be able to sue his/her John for "making him/her a ho", after the money for consensual sex has exchanged hands.

CNu said...
The suit, which claims Long encouraged Parris to call him "Daddy," also names the church and Long's LongFellows Youth Academy as defendants.

Bacon-Bey-Bwattie-Bwoi-to-the-Bone pastor "hurt" by allegations...., take your "pastor" out shoe-shopping DeeVee - y'all'll both feel better!



Anonymous said...

If "lavish trips, cars, and cash" will cause one to have sex with another man...that's not coercion...that's just your "price".

A ho shouldn't be able to sue his/her John for "making him/her a ho", after the money for consensual sex has exchanged hands.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

that's not coercion...that's just your "price".

LOL!!! Ain't that the truth!

Doc, we can't keep agreeing like this. People are going to start talking.

CNu said...


I bet you a dollar the "bishop" has some Paul Smith's on his shoe racks.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I bet you a dollar the "bishop" has some Paul Smith's on his shoe racks."

I bet you a dollar the "boys" the Bishop is alleged to have been boning in the ass had Man Boobs. CNu.

Joanna said...

Ummmm.... yeah... coercion.... not so much.... they sound like they mad and they trying to file for "palimony" after their sugar daddy moved on.....

Illmath said...

All them "preacher mens" is faggots.. you better not defend these fuckin faggots..if you do illmath is dropping out...

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying the good Bishop isn't guilty of abusing his position. I just think they were willing participants. Either way.

Everyone got what they bargained for...well, the Bishop may get a little more if it comes out that he, "sinned".

Anonymous said...

Wow, THAT would make you drop out? After all of the nonsense that goes on here? Defending a Preacher (who very well could be guilty or innocent) would make you quit?

Denmark Vesey said...

All them "preacher mens" is faggots.. you better not defend these fuckin faggots..if you do illmath is dropping out...

Nigga go 'head.

Thanking about charging your ass anyway.

Illmath said...

Best believe DVMG.. We all know TD Jakes, Donnie Mclurkin etc are all sucking dick to get in their megachuchers. Gettin' that paycheck to keep the niggas feelin' free. If youre gonna defend some dicksuckin' slave bi fag jacklegged stereotype. Then Im be like Bill Gates and the nigga that dropped outta Harvard to build facebook. I will then know that my time here is done and I shall move on. Sheeit DenmarkVesy defending some faggot leach opportunist manipulator. Nigga you be'd not. Stop being pussy and respond as DV nigga.

Illmath said...

Ok good to see you did... but you Keep talking that bullshit and I will... Charge me? I should be charging you for making you relevant... but I won't..
I respect your schitzohustle... it shows signs of brilliance

Denmark Vesey said...

respect it?



Of course you do Junior.

You aint the same cat you were when you came here 3 years ago, bra.

Denmark Vesey is the most relevant cat you've ever encountered in your life.

If you are engaged with anything more relevant ...

Post-A-Link ___________ ?

Illmath said...

Nah homes. I made you relevant. Im a Jew. Ive been a Jew before I came here. I'll be a jew when I leave. I call it psychosomatic maneuvering. You cool wit me bruh. Just don't fuck with Illmath or defend these Vatican sanctioned fag preachers. Ill'll disect you like a junior high frog homie.

CNu said...

like a junior high frog....,


{the "bishop" probably this jiggaboo's pastor - he need a large crowd of ignorant pretentious suckers to move any kind of weight in the pink salt game}

Denmark Vesey said...

Fuck you being "a Jew" got to do with anything?




This man has been accused.

Not convicted.

You just another Plantation Negro casting a stone.

I thought there was about 6 or 7 cats using the "Ill" monicker.

Negro, I aint even sure which one you supposed to be.

You the same "Ill" who went to Peru?

He was pretty cool.

He didn't strike me as the type of Muhfuggas making "or I'll leave" announcements.

What kind of faggotry is that?

Nigga step.

I'm about tired of you old ass heckling Negros anyway.

I'd rather chat with the sistas, the artists, the thinkers and the brothers with chicks.

Anonymous said...

Now, Illmath hold up. What do you mean "we all know"? To actually KNOW whom was fucking whom you either had to be the one DOING the fucking, or up close and personal WATCHING the fucking. Anything else is just conversation.

Now, help me out. Which one were you?

Did the Rev. TD Jakes take you to "Glory", or were you content to watch him "baptize" some other boy?

Illmath said...

"He didn't strike me as the type of Muhfuggas making "or I'll leave" announcements.

What kind of faggotry is that?"

Im me. I give props where it's due. I respected another brotha setting up DV university.A place where I can learn unlearn, teach and debate. If I decide that I don't like the curriculum I don't see why "faggotry" is involved. It's like when someone disagrees, you attack the individuals manhood. It's ironic because you're defending a faggot. Everybody knows Bishop Long is a faggot. I guess you believe a nigga can poke boys in the ass and reform himself like Mclurkin has admittedly done. Honestly bruh you starting to sound like a STRAIGHT UP FAG. Im not talking de facto talking One of them Spitzer muthafuckas with the wife and kiddies still craving the dick projecting that shit on everyone that may disagree with you from time to time. Keep calling niggas faggots, ALL your avatars are gonna be YOU talking to your muthafuckin'self for the next 15 years. I told you nigga Im Malcolm your Elijah. Now we can come to an agreement if youre really trying to free plantation Negroes. I rock wit you DV, you my nigga, You cant do it yourself. I've decided to make an alliance with you.. and being that you're older I'll give respect..but check ya self homeboy Im the greatest thing that ever coulda happened to you. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit

Illmath said...

Them niggas is faggots fuck what you heard DMG...I don't gotta be there to KNOW someone is a faggot... Although your statement is in FACT true.... I m quite sure the se megachurch niggas are gayin it up...even contrary to my actual wishes. I wish they were upstanding strong Black men uplifting the community. I BELIEVE they are not. Them niggas is GAY!

illy said...

{the "bishop" probably this jiggaboo's pastor - he need a large crowd of ignorant pretentious suckers to move any kind of weight in the pink salt game}

Oh shit! That's funny as hell. It may be.. Although I'll prolly end up fuckin with pink salt.

Anonymous said...

Because I called it back in the day that Rev. Ratliff, a pastor at this church in Houston was (as Bad Brains put it) "blowing bubbles," I start suspecting all them jokers as gay. Most of them may very well those mega churches. The pastor for George Bush's daughter's wedding is.

After reading DMG's statement about actually KNOWING, these gay dudes with the lawsuit could be on some ol' conspiring "scandalous female/ruin a Negro's career" antics. Or perhaps (if one chooses to channel their inner conspiracy theorist) the Negro may have said something politically charged and CoIntel Pro reminding him how they get down just as they did Farrakhan with the "DC sniper."

Illmath said...

I feel that Gee chee..and normally that's what I'd consider but if I told you once I told you fo times, them niggas is GAY!

D.SMITH said...

"Because I called it back in the day that Rev. Ratliff, a pastor at this church in Houston was (as Bad Brains put it) "blowing bubbles"...
-Gee Chee

Aw man, a Bad Brains reference?!! Good shit Gee.

D.SMITH said...

ILL, do you know Eddie Long (or TD Jakes or Donnie McClurkin or anyone else) did what he is being accused of if you don't actually know for a fact, i.e. have the proof, or witnessed it yourself (I won't even throw up the participation aspect)?

Isn't that what the whole point of the post is? Who is it you claim DV is defending? He posed a question. First of all, even if the accusation were true, these two clowns making it already made a faggoty fool of themselves by trying to say he "coerced" them into letting him pack their lunch...after they took the payoff. DMG's prostitution analogy is on can't agree to participate and then get salty afterwards cause you realized it was the dumbest damn move of your life...AND your butt hurt.

For all we know, these two dummies could be trying to get Long to pay them just to shut the fuck up. There could be no truth to the accusation whatsoever.

Before the man is labeled as anything other than what he is, you gotta have proof of it first, not just an accusation and an ill sentiment towards those in his line of work. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't...

Amenta said...

Dayum, Ratliff? Thats the family name, hope he ain't my relative for real. Don't know of any in Texas, but hey, niggas travel...A third man has filed against the "good" Bishop this afternoon...LOL! I suspected this kind of news would pop up about this dude. Don't know if it's true yet, but not surprising.


HotmfWax said...


Let me see.....

Do as I say....

Not as I do....:)


"In 2004, Long led a march against same-sex marriage through the streets of downtown Atlanta. In 2007, Soulforce—a national non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating anti-gay rhetoric in all religions—targeted Long and other anti-gay mega-church leaders for discussions about their rhetoric.

It’s unfortunate that Long’s harmful anti-gay rhetoric isn’t leading to the church’s drop in membership. But at least it’s not on display at the Georgia Dome for all to watch this Easter."

CNu said...

Today was an excellent day.

A veritable tour-de-force in the extravagant hype-o-crisy that is a Congo-Dandy's stock in trade.

Bacon-Bey pop that loud, hateful ANONYMOUS shyte when it comes to the workaday, homosexuals seeking basic protections under the law, but let somebody tell the truth about one of ATL's big $$$ bwattie-bwoi's?!?!?!?!

Florida's backward, knuckle-dragging shit was overturned as unconstitutional and these two little boys get to be adopted by the men who've sheltered and raised them for the past 6 years


Bacon-Bey's out the closet, ass-on-fire, having flung himself into teh ghey with his bizarre defense of his notorious and queer as a $3.00 bill pastor "bishop" Eddie Long.

What's next, Bacon-Bey on the nuanced and misunderstood heterosexuality of Tyler Perry?

or Pink Epsom Salt soothes a sore ass????

Anonymous said...


By your over the top reaction to this topic (and our last conversation)...I'm starting to think that deadbolt you have on your closet door is beginning to fail...

CNu said...

Illmath is truth.

Defense of the megachurch gay mafia and mafiosi is some truly plantation shyte.

Anonymous said...


In this rare instance my brother I'm going to have to disagree with you (and you KNOW I don't believe in Jeebus, and damn sure have no love for the Megachurch scam).

Illmath is making accusations without any proof (and you know how I feel about that...).

Talk about how they are scamming old ladies out of their cash. Sure. About how they are more into performing than ministering to the needs of the people. I hear you. Talk about how they get "the lords" 10% pre-tax? No argument from me.

But accusing all of them of being gay (as though this is somehow a sinister gay plot). I got a problem with that.

Again, you have to be either watching or doing to make that accusation.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
uglyblackjohn said...

I didn't know that Bishop=Gay.
I thought is was;
Choir Director=Gay?

Illmathecology said...


By your over the top reaction to this topic (and our last conversation)...I'm starting to think that deadbolt you have on your closet door is beginning to fail..."

(sigh) Ok DMG... I dont see what one has to do the other. But I Love women bruh..nothin' in my closet but some Nikes Vans and few Guccis sneaks son. Ask O. Mahogany LOL..

"What's next, Bacon-Bey on the nuanced and misunderstood heterosexuality of Tyler Perry?

or Pink Epsom Salt soothes a sore ass????"

That's HILARITY CNU. That's what Im sayin' fam! Tyler Pery...that Nigga gay! LOL

Illmathematical said...

I didn't know that Bishop=Gay.
I thought is was;
Choir Director=Gay?"


Anonymous said...

Just saying that you go a bit to overboard. If you are confident in your sexuality, you don't need to prove shit to anyone, or lose your mind about homosexuals.

I mean you could call me gay, or faggot all day everyday. I'm not fazed. Having confidence is like that..

Illmath said...

You've echoed my earlier sentiments bruh.. let it go. It's written dialogue... were talking. It's all good OK. Im not being condescending.

illmath said...

"Damn why I gotta be allat you emotional ass mufucka... nuthin wrong with romance.. I will say I have a genuine hearty laugh at your last few posts. maybe youre right..maybe I do have to get her. when you refer to me as a faggot I'll take that the same way I'd call the homie a fag. All in good fun. talkin' about "Step"..lmbao..old ass nigga...but thats a good thing, youre like the old man that be talking shit, he'll say something a little outta line but you just laugh and except it.. why? Cuz he's paid his dues.."

These were the sentiments that you pretty much echoed DMG. peace

CNu said...

quoth GeeChee Gay Mafia? I thought that term was only used in the art world. I must be out of the loop.

Hell yeah you out the loop brah..,

The bwattie-bwoi gangsta cartels are in charge throughout the megachurch-coontainment complex (coon containment/entertainment)and in many urban public school districts as well.

Bacon-Bey quiet as a church mouse about that shit cause his hypocritical propraganda is more focused on workaday cats adopting and caring for foster kids than he is about the ugly, hustle-hard set of genuinely evil institutional mafiosi. (oh that, and peddling Paul Smiff's Congo Dandy warez)

CNu said...


The suits allege that Long chose the plaintiffs to be his "Spiritual Sons," a program that allegedly includes other young men from the church.

"Spiritual Sons are taken on public and private jets to U.S. and international destinations, housed in luxury hotels and given access to numerous celebrities including entertainment stars and politicians," the suit alleges.

Flagg's suit says that Long presided over a spiritual "covenant" ceremony between the two of them.

"It was essentially a marriage ceremony, with candles, exchange of jewelry and biblical quotes," Bernstein said Tuesday. "The bishop [told] him 'I will always have your back, and you will always have mine.' " Similar ceremonies were held with other so-called "Spiritual Sons," without the congregation's knowledge, the suits allege.

Robinson's suit alleges that "Defendant Long would use Holy Scripture to discuss and justify the intimate relationship between himself and Plaintiff Robinson."


Pink said...

I believe he was having gay sex with them but I agree that there is nothing coercive about it. They did it, they liked it, they got the money and now they're mad because he's probably moved on to some new booty. I think the lawyer who brought the case should face some kind of discipline because where exactly is the illegality in all of this??? They consented to this and they were old enough to consent, so what's the problem? If these men would just admit to being gay it would be a lot harder to blackmail them. I mean seriously, did any of us really ever think he was straight in the first place???

Denmark Vesey said...

"I mean seriously, did any of us really ever think he was straight in the first place???" Pink

^^Intellectually Aggressive Thought of The Week ^^

Anonymous said...


Hold on. How do you KNOW who this man is fucking? Like I asked Illmath, were you there or participating? If you weren't you are guessing.

Anonymous said...

" many urban public school districts as well"-CNU

Obviously that's too hot for John Taylor Gatto to touch. I don't understand. URBAN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTS? Whachu mean?

CNu said...


You know exactly what I mean!

That mafia been on the steady creep tip throughout various and sundry institutions - acquiring and consolidating power and influence - and it RULES several large urban districts. Just like what Illmathecology called out in the upper echelons of the coontainment complex spanning Tyler Perry and sundry of these media overexposed "prosperity" parasites.

Pink said...

DMG, you may want to go back and read what I said... I'm pretty sure I said "I believe" and "I think". I have no way of knowing but he's a public figure, I have gaydar and I'm entitled to my opinion.

Anonymous said...

You most certainly are entitled. But you can't say that the man is gay unless you have proof or a confession. He may be effeminate. He may be a freak. He may like Mother Richards to throw cold cuts at his naked ass after service while reading the Book of Job.

That don't make him a homosexual...but you are entitled to your opinion.

Anonymous said...

Magne...I'm not down with fart and ding-a-ling jokes, but in the context of the whole scandal, at 2:26 the Bishop sounds like he trying to "Bi-shop."

Anonymous said...

"Aw man, a Bad Brains reference?!! Good shit Gee"-D Smith

Looka deah...Dee knows. He know. They're like the film "Rockers" meets Dead Kennedys.

Her Side said...

I agree that nobody can say much short of: A confession. DNA evidence. A cell phone video. Presence during the act.

I can't ignore that we're in an age of suing the "deep pockets." Wealth and power (i.e. influence) never go unnoticed.

I am curious to see how this one unfolds. I wonder how his "spiritual father," Bishop T.D. Jakes, may inject himself into the debate...

CNu said...

"Spiritual Sons are taken on public and private jets to U.S. and international destinations, housed in luxury hotels and given access to numerous celebrities including entertainment stars and politicians," the suit alleges.

Flagg's suit says that Long presided over a spiritual "covenant" ceremony between the two of them.

"It was essentially a marriage ceremony, with candles, exchange of jewelry and biblical quotes," Bernstein said Tuesday. "The bishop [told] him 'I will always have your back, and you will always have mine.' " Similar ceremonies were held with other so-called "Spiritual Sons," without the congregation's knowledge, the suits allege.

"Spiritual Sons" too close to the fountain but don't get wet!!!!

Gotta be put out so they can get wet, and then you see if they come back or if they become haters.

Magne, this hurr some ARRA-Kelly level placing of the taint in ignorant sheeple's faces with the demand that they tell you how good it smells.

And judging by the sheeple in the "coongregation" - they have no idea concerning the nature of that stench they're drowning in.

This entire monstrosity needs to be raptured immediately by a blinding white flash of cleansing, ionizing radiation. It is beyond hope and beyond salvation. That's not a joke....,

D.SMITH said...

My man Gee Chee with the Rockers reference too...AND Dead Kennedys??? Punk rock and hip hop go hand in hand IMO...but that's a whole 'nother post.

...might have to start yellin' "Remoooooooove Ya!!!" up in this joint.

CNu said...

Bishop Eddie Long must step down

Anonymous said...

I'm going to again disagree with Craig on this one, and not because I want to give cover to the bishop.

I disagree with judging someone without any evidence (that's a recurring theme with me, as most of you know).

He's being judged in the courtroom of public opinion. Opinions that are based on "a feeling", "the way he looks", or "they are ALL like that". This isn't right. Sure this man could have done ALL of those things, without a doubt. But do we KNOW that he did? No. Shit, how many of us even know this man or any of his accusers personally? I have alot of opinions about evangelists, and mega church ministers, not many of them good (...especially when they are walking around in designer suits, drive expensive cars while many in their congregation are living pay check to pay check, but still lace the preachers palm first).

Even Roland Martin, whose columns I like mostly get's it wrong especially on this point.

"Bishop Long isn't just a preacher with a storefront church. He oversees a massive 240-acre complex in Lithonia, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta, a congregation of 25,000 members, schools, and an international ministry that is seen on TBN, Daystar, The Word Network and online. He is widely respected as a strong man of God who ministers annually to fellow pastors, men, youth and a mega women's conference."

The size of his congregation is irrelevant, and cast disparaging light on preachers with small community ministries. Celebrity and financial success does not equal competence, and good works. This is the problem with our society today....Wyclef Jean is a big celebrity so certainly he would make a good President. That logic just doesn't make sense, nor does the logic that a celebrated mega church preacher is better at ministering to peoples needs, nor does it mean he's also guilty of abusing his power.

The only thing it means is that he's popular. Nothing more.

CNu said...

Pastor Daddy was evidently playing "hide the bishop" with yet another "spiritual son".

That brings the tally to four Doc.

How many little sphinctorially compromised pop tarts have to fall out the woodpile before you're convinced that Pastor Daddy has been using tax-exempt church funds and abusing his pastoral "authority" to turn out and get his nasty DL freak on with impressionable and suggestible young men under his "charge"?