Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not For Big Ass Flat Foot Walmart Eatin' Plantation Negros With Man Boobs & Child Bearing Hips. Aint Saying No Names CNu

Paul Smith Chunky Country Brogues £194.99Paul Smith Mens Tan Miller Brogue Shoes £230.00

KP said ...
Can't find a pic of one of my favs. I'm feeling Gordon Rush a lil bit nowadays.

This is more my speed. Got a brown pair like these.

I'm picky so I'm not really a brand guy. Fly is fly.


Joanna said...
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Anonymous said...


CNu said...

But definitely for stridently homophobic, anti-gay marriage activists who believe in memetic supremacy and seek to promote their own authority and credibility by "seduction with with cars, money, clothes, jewelry, international trips and access to celebrities."

Birds of a feather, Paul Smith together....,

Accept no substitutes!

Illmath said...

Fuck Paul Smith!!!!

Anonymous said...

Indeed, fuck him !

Anonymous said...

fuck Walmart!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate shoe game of all kinds but you can keep the starburst/snowflake design on the toe. Those look like lowtop cowboy boots. I'm str8.


Constructive Feedback said...

Phuck KCNulan!!!!!

We need to figure out what he is doing in the BASEMENT.

Denmark Vesey said...

Kaaaaay P.


Feel ya Bra.

But that uh, starburst snowflake design on the toe is called "Wing Tip".

You can find that very same design on the shoes of Jack Johnson while he was having suits made in London in 1911. That design can be found on the shoes of Paul Robeson in 1935 as he toured Moscow and a young Miles Davis debuting in Paris in 1949. You can catch my man Denzel Washington rocking the wingtip in the motion picture 'The Pelican Brief'.

And you can catch your boy DV moonwalking through Airport Security all over America with the same motif on his zapatos today.

It's timeless.

Some Negros go for that "Action Jackson" Gucci shit.

Some cats strictly Hush Puppies.

Some Negros 30 years old and still walking around in sneakers.

Some cats Florsheims.

Kicks like this aint for 'erbody.

CNu said...


what kina phaggatty jiggaboo (congo dandie) wears a thin-soled tan wingtip?

When I come calling to collect your karmic debt in person Bacon-Bey, it'll be a right proper Black double-soled 13EEE you feel swinging briskly into that monkey azz....,

uglyblackjohn said...

I gotta' be able to move around so I favor a nice pair of Donald J Pliner kicks instead.

D.SMITH said...

"You can find that very same design on the shoes of Jack Johnson while he was having suits made in London in 1911. That design can be found on the shoes of Paul Robeson in 1935 as he toured Moscow and a young Miles Davis debuting in Paris in 1949. You can catch my man Denzel Washington rocking the wingtip in the motion picture 'The Pelican Brief" -DV

My you have just illustrated...damn near 100 years of classic, timeless styling seen on the feet of some of the Blackest cats in existence.

Timeless classics...keep all that hot-right-now fad sh!t.

D.SMITH said...

"You can find that very same design on the shoes of Jack Johnson while he was having suits made in London in 1911. That design can be found on the shoes of Paul Robeson in 1935 as he toured Moscow and a young Miles Davis debuting in Paris in 1949. You can catch my man Denzel Washington rocking the wingtip in the motion picture 'The Pelican Brief" -DV

My you have just illustrated...damn near 100 years of classic, timeless styling seen on the feet of some of the Blackest cats in existence.

Timeless classics...keep all that hot-right-now fad sh!t.

Illmath said...

Im Thirty still rockin' sneakers..thats why I keep you relevant ol ass Nigga. NOW with that said, after I checked out the lil website I was tempted to recant my "fuck paul Smith" retort ..but I won't, because Ive now entered a time wherein recanting is thought to be weak, which a man like myself cant relate to, but nevertheless I'll be pretend like I'm average and Ill stick to my guns and still say fuck Paul Smith the person, but If I decide to rock his shoes, then I may do that simultaneously saying fuck him as I stride the concrete like a colossus. I do find it ironic though, like when a mexican calls me nigger as he rocks his Kobe Jersey with his Jordans on his feet.

Denmark Vesey said...

"My you have just illustrated...damn near 100 years of classic, timeless styling seen on the feet of some of the Blackest cats in existence." D. Smith

My Man!

Thank you Brother D.

Haters are the last to know.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Im Thirty still rockin' sneakers..thats why I keep you relevant ol ass Nigga. "


Always some pork eatin' 30 year old with sneakers and a receding hairline calling a cat "old".

If you had a chick.

She wouldn't think so.

Joanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Illmath said...

LOL...DV I had chicks you couldn't imagine being with. I told you..when you're me it's not easy picking out a chick that will raise your progeny. You prolly got lucky homie. You have a beautiful family.

Illmathematical said... know what's funny? you prolly gave me inadvertant advice on this chick I may wife up.. you still my nigga cuz in actuality these Paul Smith suede joints may be my speed. You can be a lil punk ass sometimes but you still my nigga.

Denmark Vesey said...

"LOL" hell.

Negro step.

Your chump ass was "talking" about "wifing" this same girl up 3 years ago.

You still aint married?

De Facto Homo.

30+ Black Man in sneakers. No wife. No kids

= Ollllllld.

How the fuck you going to come to DenmarkVesey.Net all these years.

Absorb all this wisdom...

Sit it in my muhffuggin' spot ... and not learn to Get A Chick?

Man ... step.

You taking up space.

I don't even want to talk cats who have neither a wife or kids.

"I had chicks you couldn't imagine being with"

Negro please. You better stop listening to all that Drake.

Look Festas.

You don't have a son or a daughter with a woman ... and you over 30 years old aint never had a chick.

You been playing house.

Men raise sons and daughters.


Joanna said...
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Joanna said...
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Anonymous said...

You can find that very same design on the shoes of Jack Johnson while he was having suits made in London in 1911. That design can be found on the shoes of Paul Robeson in 1935 as he toured Moscow and a young Miles Davis debuting in Paris in 1949. You can catch my man Denzel Washington rocking the wingtip in the motion picture 'The Pelican Brief'.-DV

Is that true?
Didn't know them joints were charged like that.

Make me order a pair hot off the griddle ain't even been stitched yet.

Illmathematical said...

LMFAO...nah homie I was just speaking the truth.. I actually have been with chicks you couldn't fathom being with. Nor could they fathom being with .... now believe it or not that does pay an integral part in the readiness of a man such as myself, face it, you're like the average bloke out there... appreciating what he can get, and getting it I respect that but for a man like myself, 30 isn't too old for finding the woman Im spending the rest of my life with.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I actually have been with chicks "


"been with".


What kind of cornball ass past tense shit is that?


"been with" how?

where they at now?

Look here ... Ill.


You need to go.

That De Facto Homo (I don't really have a woman ... but I've "been with" a bunch of bad woman) faggotry is played out.

You 30 +, talking that "finding the woman I'm spending the rest of my life" made for TV, bitch ass, Oprah Winfrey, gay, Hollywood romance nonsense.

You don't FIND a woman faggot.


Illmath said...

"You 30 +, talking that "finding the woman I'm spending the rest of my life" made for TV, bitch ass, Oprah Winfrey, gay, Hollywood romance nonsense."

Damn why I gotta be allat you emotional ass mufucka... nuthin wrong with romance.. I will say I have a genuine hearty laugh at your last few posts. maybe youre right..maybe I do have to get her. when you refer to me as a faggot I'll take that the same way I'd call the homie a fag. All in good fun. talkin' about "Step"..lmbao..old ass nigga...but thats a good thing, youre like the old man that be talking shit, he'll say something a little outta line but you just laugh and except it.. why? Cuz he's paid his dues.. I'm cool bruh as long as you stop defending this literal homo shit. Bitchup Eddie Long? Come on now. Ima get that girl tho DV..I got that made for TV Love. Ill marry her today.

CNu said...

The suit, which claims Long encouraged Parris to call him "Daddy," also names the church and Long's LongFellows Youth Academy as defendants.

Bacon-Bey-Bwattie-Bwoi-to-the-Bone pastor "hurt" by allegations...., take your "pastor" out shoe-shopping DeeVee - y'all'll both feel better!

Denmark Vesey said...

I don't know what you talking about fat boy.

But I'd take Bishop Long over that baby murdering white boy you were crying over last year after he claimed to have performed 60,000 late term abortions and promptly got his brains blown out in his "church".

CNu said...


awwww...., look at your hamfisted and amateurish attempt to change the subject.


You're usually so much smoother than that.

I'm talkin bout Y.O.U. - Paul Smiff's Congo Dandy "Spiritual Son" - you and your hypocritical hands-off policy when it comes to that big gay coontainment mafia.

Why that is DeeVee?

You taking paper from these ATL buggers or summin?

Anonymous said...

I was fuggin wit u with the snowflake design comment. Just not my taste. I prefer a clean toe at the end of my break. Been getting compliments on my ensemble and shoe game from old heads for years without em. Your boy Parsons from AOL/TW was one.


Denmark Vesey said...

Jigaboo, I can see you struggling to make a point.

It is not hard to imagine you are desperate for some sort of symbolic "one up" on ol' DV.

But I still ... have no idea ... the fuck you talking about.

1) Paul Smiths?

Yup. Any day of the week Fat Boy.

Why? Cuz I can and you big flat foot Walmart eating, low taste, bitter, jealous, bama ass Negros can't.

2) Bishop Long?

Wouldn't be surprised.

I think 80% of ya'll Plantation Negros faggots anyway.

You can't help it.

It's all that estrogen in your genetically modified processed food diets.

Apparently, the same food that made you grow tits, makes other men want to suck dick.

Trying to tell you get on the quinoa and raw organic kale bandwagon CNu.

Before you find some nuts in your mouth.

KonWomyn said...

There's nothing unique about the dark chocolate ones but the tan ones - yea, a stylish Black man could work those easy in Europe and from what I know of the States & the responses here, New Yorkers and Cali fashionistas would appreciate either pair.

CNu said...

Jigaboo, I can see you struggling to make a point.

Not nearly as hard as you strugglin to duck/dodge/squirm away from the point I made

It is not hard to imagine you are desperate for some sort of symbolic "one up" on ol' DV.


Jiggaboo please...,

even though you hold all the narrative and graphical cards in this hurr digital salon of yours, like DMG told you the other day, I "handle" your entire game with deft twists and turns of the textual scalpel.

But I still ... have no idea ... the fuck you talking about.

Stop lyin.

You know exactly what Illmath talkin bout,

you know exactly what I'm talkin bout.

You just busy trying to squirm away from a subject outside your permitted disinformation and propaganda range bwoi...,

Denmark Vesey said...

"I prefer a clean toe at the end of my break. Been getting compliments on my ensemble and shoe game from old heads for years without em"

Kaaaaaay P!

Your shoe game tight Bra?

What you rocking? Send a link.

Kicks will tell you a lot about a cat. My pops is a cap-toe man. Little brother is into the stylized classics. My sons strictly Brooks Brothers.

Notice how the Technocrats and Plantation Negros get twisted out of shape by this type of personal expression.

The liberal scientific dictatorship that fashioned their petit bourgois worldview conditioned them to adopt the communist impulse which suggests everyone is the same. Personal expression is frowned upon.

We aren't supposed to be individuals.

Like DV is supposed to wear the same fucked peasant ass nerd shoes CNu wears.

... Come on Bra.

Denmark Vesey said...

Kaaaaaay Duuuub!

What's happenin' Sista?

Quality. Craftsmanship. Stylishly understated. Kind of kicks you can give to one of your sons 20 years from now.

That's what's unique about the chocolate brown brogues.

Only the British can make this shoe just right.

Denmark Vesey said...

"You know exactly what Illmath talkin bout,

You know exactly what Illmath talkin bout,

You know exactly what Illmath talkin bout,

You know exactly what Illmath talkin bout,

You know exactly what Illmath talkin bout,

You know exactly what Illmath talkin bout," CNu

All I know Jigaboo ... is you need to get off DV's dick.


Get A Chick.

Go post on your blog about 'Bacteria That Can Read & Write' and about 'Peak Oil End Of The World' and about how "Killing Off 90% of Humanity Is A Good Thing".

Just. Get. Off. My. Dick.


KonWomyn said...

Wsup my man.

True, true.

I guess what I meant is that they're a classic pair that would be in a man's wardrobe - it's normal, at least for the male relations and friends whose wardrobes I know.

The tan ones are bold - not for your average loafer n sneaker man. Maybe if Hov or 'Ye was rocking sumthin like that in a fly black suit, reactions would change.

CNu said...


couldn't find DeeVee's little peetard if my life depended on it, and, couldn't make up a more arrogant, ignorant, stupid, pretentious and swatworthy digital pinata than you muhphukka.

As long as you continue dangling in the aether - putting my name on ANY of your tired Michael Baisden Jr. posts - I'll be pulling out the wailing stick and taking big whacks at you.

Don't take your clownish and oftentimes unintentional entertainment value so personally DeeVee..., after all, it IS only the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Those are faggy looking shoes... a slave to the fashion plantation!

Anonymous said...

Can't find a pic of one of my favs. I'm feeling Gordon Rush a lil bit nowadays.

This is more my speed. Got a brown pair like these.

I'm picky so I'm not really a brand guy. Fly is fly.


the good nurse said...

my daddy, the late Leander Scott taught me to always observe a man's character and his shoes....believed in a man wearing good, quality shoes and keeping them polished.
when i was married i polished my husband's shoes on the regular....

Denmark Vesey said...

"after all, it IS only the Internet."



Jigaboo, what ISN'T the Internet?

Denmark Vesey said...

"believed in a man wearing good, quality shoes" TGN

We definitely cousins.

the good nurse said...

i think so, too.

Anonymous said...

TGN needs one of DV's awards...

As you walk in the door from a long day, the sight, scratch that, just the idea of your woman taking initiative to polish your shoes might be the sexiest shyt on God's green earth.


Anonymous said...

TGN needs one of DV's awards...

As you walk in the door from a long day, the sight, scratch that, just the idea of your woman taking initiative to polish your shoes might be the sexiest shyt on God's green earth.


CNu said...

Jigaboo, what ISN'T the Internet?


"What isn't the Internet" will come into existence the minute you stop poking out your lip and pretending you can win a zero-sum picture/word battle with me coon.

uglyblackjohn said...

DeeVee - You wear those the whole day?
I start off in all white shox (NZ or Monster) to work out and make rounds to check on the elderly in the hood.
I switch to another pair of shox to run around and check on construction jobs.
I then switch to Donald J Pliners or a basic pair of Cole Haans (with the soles replaced with rubber ones - getting in an altercation with leather soles on asphalt is not smart) to check on clubs I run or own.
Those Paul Smiths would not suit me most days. (But I do have a couple of pairs of dandy patent leather and/or silk opera shoes for formal occasions.)
I guess it all depends on ones lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

I must admit I do like the last pair you posted (although not a fan of the stitching on the toe).

But like I say when I'm suit shopping, "...I need something that I'll be able to get blood out of easily if I get some on me while I'm opening someones chest".

I always get the strangest looks from that one...

Denmark Vesey said...

Get 'em Black John Get 'em!

I like your style bra. Like your style.

Sounds like a nice little routine.

Nah man.

Don't wear them all day.

But would if I could. They are by far the most comfortable shoes in the world.

Can't go wrong with a pair of Cole Haans. I aint hip to Donald J Pliners. I'll look him up.

Anonymous said...


What's your profession? What you are doing sounds interesting. Not to many people checking on the elderly anymore. Sounds like a through back to when I was a small child back in Boston, watching my grandparents bring food or whatever to some of the older folks. There's a lack of community these days. Keep doing what you do.

uglyblackjohn said...

@ DMG - I 'retired' here about ten years ago at 33.
I thought I'd be a country squire but I inherited a lot of rental houses in a really bad part of town.
The people in the area needed so much help that I thought that I could teach by example.
(It hasn't worked as well as I'd liked.)
Between a little money in my 401k, yearly profit sharing from the casino (my mom is part Indian), yearly oil revenue from the family farms and rent collected - I had a little money and a lot of time.
I don't really have a profession - I just do what needs to be done.

Anonymous said...


I think "doing what needs to be done" is a profession more folks should be in.

Good for you man. Keep doing what you do.