- " Israel, the 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world's population, can lay claim to the following:
- Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.
- Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin - 109 per 10,000 people - as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed.
- In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the US (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech).
- Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds right behind the US.
- Outside the United States and Canada, Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies.
- Israel has the highest average living standards in the Middle East. The per capita income in 2000 was over $17,500, exceeding that of the UK.
- With an aerial arsenal of over 250 F-16s, Israel has the largest fleet of the aircraft outside of the US.
- Israel's $100 billion economy is larger than all of its immediate neighbors combined.
- On a per capita basis, Israel has the largest number of biotech start-ups.
- Twenty-four percent of Israel's workforce holds university degrees - ranking third in the industrialized world, after the United States and Holland - and 12 percent hold advanced degrees.
- Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East."
DMG said...

What in the blue fuck are you talking about? How do you know what we did or did NOT do or send to Haiti?
I'd like to see how well Israel functions with $0.00 from the U.S. Taxpayer, no U.S. made weapon systems, removal of AIPACs death grip on U.S. foreign policy and elections, and without U.S. blindly running interference when Israel has been rightly sanctioned by the U.N. Spare me the nonsense, this group may have it's faults but we aren't blind to the dirty dealings of the Israeli government.
And please, before you even think it spare me the usual "anti-semitic" nonsense usually whipped out when someone calls your bluff. I don't hate Jews, I hate right-wing governments who suppress people on the basis of ethnicity.
Now, if you'd kindly go back to shutting the fuck up, we can all get back to discussion Ines Sainz...
Thanks bud.
Sorry bra, I've sounded like that LONG before I ever came here. But it's the truth.
DMG what is the government of Israel doing in Palestine the US government is not doing in Iraq or Afghanistan?
Americans pointing fingers at Israel are the ultimate hypocrites.
Midtown Jewler:
Who do you think is helping to influence what America is doing in Iraq or Afghanistan?
The United States runs to Israel's aid at the drop of a dime; although you nor Yaron would admit it, there is surmounting evidence that shows Israel's involvement in what happened on September 11th alone; all accessible and valid proof for those who choose not be fed what to believe.
Had the U.S. cut Israel of a long time ago, there may not even be a state of Israel as we know it today. As long as they can persuade the U.S. to fight every Islamic nation in the Middle East, Israel can consider themselves safe.
Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran is next...you don't see the pattern here? When Turkey finally says enough is enough, they'll be on the list as well.
Do you really want me to make a list?
1.) Israel annexed whole swaths of land, evicting residents and herded them into "refugee" camps for one. The U.S. has not done this.
2.) Israel continually encroaches upon the the already crowded camps keeping the limited water supply for themselves.
3.) Israel has against international law prevented Gazan's free access to their ports.
I can really go alot further with this list, but you already KNOW the fucking differences, and are just attempting to waste my time.
The ultimate hypocrite is someone suggested that American's are the only ones pointing fingers at Israel. The ultimate hypocrites are right-wing Israeli politicians crying about "the" holocaust (small h) out of one side of their mouths while enacting similar Nazi-like policies on the Palestinians. Don't attempt to distract away from Israel's Likud-Kadima lead right wing government's crimes by saying the U.S. is doing something similar in Afghanistan. What the U.S. is doing there may not be right, but it's nothing compared to what Israel has done with U.S. complicity.
Exactly whom do you think you are talking to? Apparently you don't come around this blog much.
In psychology, a common symptom of a personality disorder is "transference." This is a "stimulus/response" cycle gone awry, with the subject responding to a stimulus from one party by responding to an unrelated third party.
"Jack hits John so John must hit Jim back. (and bulldoze Mary's house)"
We have just defined the State of Israel.
"Jack kills John's grandmother so John must murder Khalid's granddaughter."
We have just defined the conflict between Jews and Palestinians.
"Jack kills John's grandmother so John must have Uncle Sam go on a rampage of global slaughter. The best part is that Jack's grandson agrees to help, proving how "decent" he is."
Welcome to the War on Terror. Please send in your address so we know where to mail your PhD in "Zionist Studies."
Perhaps the most coherent thing you've written...maybe the ONLY coherent thing, but bravo anyway.
Let me know when you guys are ready to come down fromyour Ivory Tower are join the rest of us:
I suppose the terro attacks in Mumbai, London, and Indonesia were also the work of those pesky Zionists too huh?
How do you think any other country in the world would react to having its buses and coffee shops blown up?
Israel cannot do anything because it is hamstrung by useful idiots trying to ligitimize hatred. Do you know what Jordan did to its "Palestinians"? try googling that one. Or what Iraq has done to Palestinians refugees? go search that one. The Middle East is not the US. Period. Spare me the Psych 101 lecture. What a joke.
There is no use arguing with Zionists. They will lie 'til their deaths.
You know these guys are paid by the Israeli government to bombard blogs with pre-approved talking points.
Hot Wax, the only flaw with your analysis is that there is NO evidence whatsoever that Jack killed John's grandmother. :-) It's a fantasy story the chosen ones tell themselves and their young to justify their disregard for human life.
Otherwise, carry on my friend. Well done.
You let me know when you are willing to admit the Israeli government is one of the most racist in human history, right up there with Apartheid era South Africa, Nazi Germany, and much of United States history.
When you are finished with your canned Israeli propaganda, maybe you can come back and have a real debate. All you are doing is third grade excuse making, by saying you aren't the only ones, rather than confronting the topic open, honestly and head on.
That's why you will continue to have homemade rockets launched at you, UN Sanctions against you for human rights abuses, and very few friends around the world other than our captive government. I suspect Israel is in for a world of hurt when we finally decide to cut your asses lose, and quit giving you arms and covering your asses from World judgement. And don't cry anti-semitism. There are far better excuses to dislike Israeli government policy than religious affiliation. You brought this crap on yourselves.
You continue to vote the same knuckleheads into office. The Palestinians continue to vote the same warring factions into office too.
Who suffers? Reasonable people on both sides.
Yaron, you aren't very smart, or informed. I suggest seek outlets somewhere else, on a level you might be more comfortable...like say a YouTube comment thread.
How do you think any other country in the world would react to having its buses and coffee shops blown up?
How do you think any other population in the world would react to having their land stolen, people murdered and history erased?
Israel cannot do anything because it is hamstrung by useful idiots trying to ligitimize hatred.
Wow and wow. True delusion. The Israeli government must pay extra for audacity.
Poor Israel cannot steal land. Poor Israel cannot bomb innocent civilians and dump White phosphorus on them. Poor Israel cannot build checkpoints where they humiliate and kill people for sport. Poor Israel cannot shoot people in the head for attempting to bring wheelchairs to the people of Gaza. Poor Israel cannot get the U.S. taxpayer to pay for all its ill-conceived escapades. Poor Israel cannot get U.S. politicians to support its case.
Poor Israel. If only it could do something for itself.
It's not often a poster will get the host, myself, Intellectual Insurgent, HotWax, IWAIW and others to agree.
For that...bravo to you Yaron.
LOL, so true Doc!
Cool. Thanks DMG. I dont think its right for you to just say that i'm not smart because obviously there are many smart people all over the world that feel the same way i do. I dont want to sound like a blind Pro Israel supporter. I know that both sides lie, and cheat each other. After all, we are talking about jews here. Anyway, good debate. see you guys in hell. haha
May I point out, dear gentile, that it is the Arabs, and, in particular, the Egyptians who (1) abandoned the Gazans in the first place by refusing to take them back as Egyptians, and (2) that it is the Egyptians who have been blockading Gaza for many years now, forcing their fellow Arab/Egyptians form Gaza to build tunnels under the EGYPTIAN/GAZA border?
Anti-Jewish selective memory in effect here, oy!
Ahhh...the let's blame it on the Arabs refrain. Wondered how long it would take for the Gentile Jews to pull that one.
Quite predictable but, as amply demonstrated by DMG above, utterly irrelevant to this discussion.
Well, it looks as though "Denmark Vesey" is now on the radar of the Pro-Israel internet patrol. This ought to be fun.
Yaron, I base my comment on your offerings on this blog. Prove me wrong by writing something intelligent. Your choice.
Wow, I'm getting all teary eyed here. Throwing down on the same side...truly a monumental day.
Even if we accept all that is claimed concerning the "power" of the supremacist Jew, how does this explain the devout jihadist who just slaughtered 34 Iraqi Muslims in a suicide attack?
The problem with the Jewish question is this idea that no one else has any real agency. It becomes no different than the black that believes he is in an all-pervasive white supremacist environment. Non-Jews are convincing themselves that they are the mere puppets of supremacist Jews AND devout jihadist really don't exist. Or, if they do, their existence is nothing but the creation of the supremacist Jew. You make Jew god and then complain of his supremacist swagger.
Bottomline, an orthodox Jew is at the end of the day, anti-Supremacy and the leftist Jew is very much hand and hand with the devout jihadist in dismantling America.
[quote]I'd like to see how well Israel functions with $0.00 from the U.S. Taxpayer, no U.S. made weapon systems, removal of AIPACs death grip on U.S. foreign policy and elections, and without U.S. blindly running interference when Israel has been rightly sanctioned by the U.N. [/quote]
I would love to see how the American Negro would survive just as well - AFTER decades of following the lead of leadership that has FAILED to develop ORGANIC COMPETENCIES within our own people. This DESPITE taking over our schools, our local economic policies and allowing our churches to slip away from their historic role as the compass to our consciousness.
Funny how you don't mention that EGYPT is right behind Israel on the donations list. When you add the Palestinian Authority, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the list - the Muslim adversaries that surround Israel receive more funds from the USA.
Are you an Arab, Intellectual Insurgent? Figures. I didn't "blame the Arabs". I said that if you judge Israel as criminal, you are complicit.
"I said that if you judge Israel as criminal, you are complicit."
If your judgment is the truth are you complicit? If Israel commits a crime, and you judge Israel criminal, are you complicit? Or is Israel above judgment?
Take the Palestinians "back" as Egyptians? Perhaps, you should petition Germany, Poland, Russia and every other place to take the "Israeli's" back? What an absurd comment.
People with German and Russian accents, and genetics pushing out people whose ancestors have occupied the land for millennia, because "god" told them it was theirs.
What if I came over to your house, knocked on your door with a Company sized element of my Marine buddies, and said, "god told me to take your house, pool and all...but your 19 year old daughter can stay"?
You would probably...fight for your stuff, now wouldn't you.
By any means necessary.
So... DMG. When are you gonna pack your bags, leave the United States and return whatever real estate you own here to the Natives of this continent?
^^^Your point has no destination U-Zionist. In an attempt to draw parallels between the sufferings of the indigenous people of America with the Palestinian people you only certify the criminal behavior of Israel.
Complicit? If you invest only an inkling of research into post-Columbus intersections (not to mention pre-Columbus) between the Native Americans and blacks you would be aware of the stupidity your uninformed "jackass logic" carries on it's back.
The world is not performing the same doomsday script (scripture) you profess.
As soon as I get compensation including interest for my ancestors who were KIDNAPPED from my homeland, with complicity (and financing from YOUR ancestors).
DMG, so you're not going to return the land you currently own/occupy to the Natives of this continent because SOMEONE ELSE than these natives kidnapped your ancestors? And exactly how is this different from what happened in what now is Israel?
Ultimate Zionist DMG is a native of this continent! He has been led to believe his people were recently brought here!
Get a name and don't help.
You are trying to excuse your countries (I assume you live in Israel, because if you live in the U.S. and have allegiance to another country, we have a name for that...), current holocaust and collective punishment/imprisonment of an entire people on what slave owning white guys did to the native Americans. Exactly to which area of the African continent should I relocate, having language, history, and culture systematically stripped from me? I'm sure I've got many different African ancestors from many different tribes.
So, let's do a little history here. Who are the historical Israelites? History tells us they were a nomadic group of people who didn't possess ANY land per se. Spent some time "enslaved/employed" in Egypt, who also did some of their military dirty work, who decided to leave Egypt (and took a bunch of Pharoah's loot with them--hence the chase.)
After wandering around in Kadesh Barnea for a minute, they decided to get militant again...and bloodied their way across what is now Israel/Palestine.
So, it seems you all stole the land not once...but twice. Killing men, women and children. What was the name of the first city your ancestors sacked for no good reason? Oh, yeah Jericho. Joshua 6:21 (if you believe the story--science says it was deserted. So which do you want to be killers or liars?)
So I guess it's in your blood. Oh, wait. Maybe it isn't. Are you SURE your ancestors are descendants of the Israelites? Or more likely your ancestors were later European converts to Judaism, with no blood connection to Palestine. I would LOVE to see a DNA test.
One thing is for sure the Israelites, like the present day Israeli's seem to be a violent people...or at least your leaders are.
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