Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Militarization Of The Police & The Slow Sovietization of the United States 003 • DV University • Fall 2010

One of the most alarming side effects of the federal government’s war on drugs is the militarization of law enforcement in America. There are two aspects to the militarization phenomenon. First, the American tradition of civil-military separation is breaking down as Congress assigns more and more law enforcement responsibilities to the armed forces. Second, state and local police officers are increasingly emulating the war-fighting tactics of soldiers. Most Americans are unaware of the militarization phenomenon simply because it has been creeping along imperceptibly for many years. To get perspective, it will be useful to consider some recent events: CONT=>


Her Side said...

His Side and I just had an almost-heated debate about this post. He agrees with the direction of military training for the police because we're facing uncommon and violent crimes at home that require that training.

I find the cliche of "slippery slope" fits here, because we're on a slide towards using police to ensure compliance with questionable policy meant to diminish civil liberties.

His Question: Would you prefer Marshall Law?

My response: It is Marshall Law when militarized police take over. It's semantics because the result is the same.

The disagreement continues AS. I. TYPE. We might be back...

Denmark Vesey said...

"My response: It is Marshall Law when militarized police take over. It's semantics because the result is the same."

Exactly Sista.

It "IS" Martial Law.

The problem is this:

For every thesis, there is an equal and opposite anti-thesis.

If you create a domestic "army" ...

You MUST create a domestic "enemy".


Who you think they are going to be pointing all those tanks and machine guns at?

Her Side said...

Learned that His Side received "urban" training in the military. I asked...

"What? Was that in case the war came home - foreign enemies on our soil???? Who were they expecting y'all to fight in the streets???"

You can't agree with the conclusion that we're gonna end up in a police state BUT TURN AROUND AND AGREE with all the steps meant to herd us there.

His Side is a man's man. 100% grade A. But I'm glad he's retired from the military. There are some remnants that need washing by time and space...

Anonymous said...

We ALL received Urban training in the military. Why wouldn't we? Do you think forests are cleared out so wars can occur? Urban areas have been the scenes of armed conflict for millennia.

Exactly what sort of military training is so scary to you? Patrolling? Defending from an ambush? Gangs these days are operating more and more using guerilla tactics, using combat grade weapons (motherfuckers from East L.A. tried to get us to sell them grenades and 60mm mortars--tube, baseplate and all, back in the day).

Do you know where combact medics and surgeons train? LA County-USC. Why? because the SAME injury patters seen in Afghanistan and Iraq are seen there.

But if you want to think police are training for some domestic roundup...carry on.

Denmark Vesey said...

"You can't agree with the conclusion that we're gonna end up in a police state BUT TURN AROUND AND AGREE with all the steps meant to herd us there." Her Side

Excellent point.

Denmark Vesey said...

"But if you want to think police are training for some domestic roundup...carry on." DMG

If you think the police are not training for a domestic roundup you re ignorant of the FEMA Camps.

Anonymous said...

I knew you were out there, but I never took you for one of the FEMA-camps types. I'll have to scoot you over a little further to HotWax's camp...

Denmark Vesey said...

"a little further to HotWax's camp..." DMG

Thank You.

Hot Wax is so far ahead of the average Negro I consider that an honor.

I know you one of those types still vaccinating your kids and munching on genetically modified Subway's sandwiches ... like's it 'all good' ... but what about the existence of FEMA camps is hard for you to believe?

Iz aynt been given puhmisshun tuh considuh no damn FEMA caymps" ... does not count as an acceptable answer.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Indeed he's far ahead of the "average Negro"...on the way to involuntary commitment to the state mental facility.

Seriously KAM? FEMA camps? When are you going to stop this tinfoil hat shit?

The other stuff is comical, this is just fucking sad. Have you lost all critical thinking skills?

I mean, I too saw the X-Files move too blaming FEMA for a supposed Police State. But you DO realize it was a movie--you know work of fiction. Are you that gullible? Have you thought of the number of people needed to be complicit in rounding up 300 million people into camps, feeding them, taking care of their waste, all while maintaining a working country? You've noticed that North Korea doesn't seem to be fairing too well.

How is that you've survived this long with a head so goddamn thick and empty?

If you follow the liks of Glen Beck, and HotWax you DESERVE to be unmercifully ridiculed. Actually, it should be a requirement of every U.S., everyone who breathes air.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

DMG. Culturally, the X-Files has served to defuse any "conspiratorial" notions about government policies. A movie that combines classified information of terrorist Werewolf cells on page 1 and the JFK assassination on page 2 triggers any rational thinking individual from giving page 2 any consideration once the credits roll.

The Pentagon/Hollywood marriage is not new. It would be stupid if the Pentagon were not to exploit the medium of film. We know commercials no longer function to convince you solely off the strength of the product. What then of cinema where empire is concerned?

Those cornball red scare propaganda films from the 50's that sound as if Ward Cleaver narrated them, became obsolete when Negroes start taking center stage. X-Files, alien sighting websites etc integrate viewpoints that challenge master narratives to defuse any significance or merit those views may potentially hold. Nobody in their right mind will continue to use archaic strategies for manipulative means. The commercial game has been upped as well as the movie game.

It makes more sense to me that say the prison industrial complex is engineered to achieve a particular objective as oppose to believing it has a glitch in the system that so happens to produce identical results.

Anonymous said...

As for gangs...they have been here and will continue. Unless they got some diabolical plan to mutate every American into a gang member, why build some domestic army. I said before, Africa Bambatta single handedly turned around gang activity. No mayor, no social worker initiative, no anti-gang unit, no paramilitary operations, newly appointed chief of police. Inner city violence is more than niggas and latinos cutt'n up. The majority of America is not effected by these potential threats they are training for. If this isn't the case then why the lethal policies? Why the expectation of pending doom? That is what creates concern.

The young man that was shot last year in Atl while handcuffed and surrounded by officers suggest that it was more than security protocol. You can't blame people for assuming the worse intentions from these "peace keepers."

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ Gee Chee Elevates The Discourse 10 Fold.

That's good shit. Real good shit.

You broke it down for the doctor.

Spoon fed him a more nutritious education than any education he borrowed money to obtained.

What cracks me up Gee.

Is how The Doc ... likes to pose things as "arguments" ... when he is really begging for someone to "explain" it to him.

Ever notice that?

Instead of saying ... he doesn't understand a particular theory, or hasn't yet seen the evidence to support a particular point ... he claims it "hasn't been proven".

Which means - It hasn't been explained to HIM yet.

Which effectively limits the discourse only to shit which DMG currently understands.



Could you imagine a blog ... limited to the scope and scale of DMG's mind?

Bra ...


Thank you for providing the cat something to gnaw on.

(lol. Don't be surprised when he comes back with some contrived quip attempting to sound 'dismissive' for sake of sounding 'dismissive'.

It's just his way of saying "please explain it to me some more" ... without losing face.)

Anonymous said...

The only thing he broke down was my patience.

"Could you imagine a blog ... limited to the scope and scale of DMG's mind"

You mean a blog with facts, reason and critical thinking, populated by intelligent people? No, that wouldn't be any fun. I mean where would all the nutty people that makes this blog comical go?

Denmark Vesey said...

"You mean a blog with facts, reason and critical thinking, populated by intelligent people?"

All of whom just got the H1N1 "Vaccine" shot up their noses to protect them from the "Swine Flu Pandemic!"


Those kinds of facts.

The kind of "critical thinking" that has you STILL advocating parents allow their newborns to be injected with whatever cocktail of vaccines the drug companies have bitch slapped you "doctors" into endorsing?

The kind of "reason" used by a "Health" lol "Care" lol "Provider" ... who endorses Subway fuckin' sandwhiches ... while Americans are awash in a tsunami of diabetes caused by consuming denatured food.


All your readers would be as sick as your patients.

Anonymous said...

Actually, most of my patients are quite they have me for a doctor.

But, why is it that you have the same, tired come back for EVERY fucking argument?

Oh, aren't very smart and you aren't very creative. Again, how have you survived this long without Darwin catching your silly ass?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Oh, aren't very smart and you aren't very creative"

Doc ... if you are aware of anyone smarter and more creative than Denmark Vesey ... post a link:

____________________ ?

You don't.

That's why you're here.

Stop frontin'.


Quit picking little playfights with people smarter and better informed than you.

It's not a good look.

CNu said...

Eddie Long, Baptist megachurch bishop, used School to recruit and learn intimate details of teen boys - and - got hella, hella paid in the process.

Highly, Highly Successful
International Scale Influence
Knows More Brands of clothes than the average plantation negroe
World Traveler
More Relevent
Memetic Titan.

"Bishop" Eddie Long was a big winner right up until the 22nd.

but now, that whole school that cats can feel schtick is not a very good look at all...,

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

Anonymous said...


I'm one of the smartest best informed cats on this little fucked up blog. I've whooped every one of your simple minded minion on multiple occasions (the electronic record is plain to see), made most of them cry, even ran a few off, and one seems to be converting to logic.

Why do you continually front like you've actually won an argument with me or presented some mind blowing point? Your retort is vaccines and diet, even when we are talking about politics.

Some of your fools are so wrapped up in nutty "theories" they can't even see they are contradicting themselves.

Your vaudeville minstrel show is running it's might want to pack it in soon.

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

Anonymous said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

Denmark Vesey said...




Of course.

You've "won" ... everything.

Just like you've "won" the debate regarding the operative point of this thread.

The US police are NOT becoming more militarized after all.

You have just clearly demonstrated that the US domestic police force is no more militarized in 2010 than it was in 2000, 1990 or 1980.

No Halliburton subsidiary received a $385 million contract from the Department of Homeland Security to provide "temporary detention and processing capabilities."

You are absolutely right Doc.

The H1N1 Pandemic did kill "100's of thousands of Americans last year, with 'acute respiratory' infections".

You are THE smartest person on this blog.

This blog is "fucked up" and boring.

You don't come here 5 times a day.

Processed genetically modified food is no worse for you than natural unprocessed food.


(this muhfuggah may be as mentally ill as his chubby sidekick)

HotmfWax said...

Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...


Quactor is a professional blogger.

The Glen Bleck link to me is so laughable(right from Cass's playbook) as a disinfo technique to discredit the truth.

Bra, Chess not checkers.

It was as bad as "I don't want to get blood on my expensive shoes", when most doc's bust out a pair of crocks when performing their "human sacrifice " rituals instead.

You are working in your mom's basement or in a VA hospital as a filing clerk.

Part of your work for Cass is to convince the "masses" that the emperor is wearing a beautiful satin gown instead of the individuals waking up.

You are just getting paid to provide the "yang" on this site.

Like Gee said in his X files reference..."your only goal is to leave everyone with the "last thought" on any subject - which is that the status quo is the still the only option.

Nice way to get paid Bra.

However, I think that you are wasting Cass's money. People are starting to see thru your charade.

HotmfWax said...

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

HotmfWax said...

Back to how all this might work DV........

The Feds are trying to get the public accustomed to the idea that the real terrorists are their fellow citizens here at home.

Maybe the FBI will soon find emails on our computers from a "terrorist group" set up by the CIA that will incriminate us. Under the practices put in place by the Bush and Obama regimes, and approved by corrupt federal judges, protesters who have been compromised by fake terrorist groups can be declared "enemy combatants" and sent off to Egypt, Poland, or some other corrupt American puppet state — Canada perhaps — to be tortured until confession is forthcoming that antiwar protesters and, indeed, every critic of the US government, are on Osama bin Laden’s payroll.

The majority of Plantation will fall for this, only to find, later, that it is subversive to complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of the war against Iran or some other demonized entity, or that they couldn’t have a Medicare operation because the wars in Central Asia and South America required the money.

Americans are the most gullible people who ever existed.

Football and Sports! Only thing that matters Bra.

The Plantation tend to also support the government instead of the Constitution, and almost every conservative regards "civil liberty" as a coddling device that encourages criminals and terrorists.

The US media, highly concentrated in violation of the American principle of a diverse and independent media, will lend its support to the witch hunts that will close down all protests and independent thought in the US over the next few years.

As the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels said, "think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

An American Police State is inevitable once Americans let "our" government get away with 9/11.

" Most Americans are too gullible, too uneducated, and too jingoistic to remain a free people.


As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger."

This is precisely what the Bush and Obama regimes are doing."

Anonymous said...


Why can you not ever just debate the facts and evidence? Seriously. No bullshit. You seem like you would be a fairly intelligent guy under all that bluster. You have a forum where some fairly intelligent folks come to chat, but you always pull out the crazy, or gas up the mentally unstable (YES, Wax I AM talking about you).

Now, to your post. Why don't you stick to what I've actually written rather than editorializing?

Your post is a waste of typing (and a waste of time, but that's obvious). Nothing you've written here has any substance. You are so wrapped up in conspiracy theories it's a wonder you aren't checking your Paul Smith's for bugging devices. I mean SURELY his website is a "cointel" front, and all of his designs are cryptic code for "new world order faggotry". Just look at his models, all androgynous with come hither gay poses (calm down Wax, I'm just joking, don't get your heart rate up--or maybe I'm not joking...).

So, how about you proving your point that the U.S. is becoming "Sovietized" and the militarization of the police is an indicator. And be coherent. History says a challenge like this usually shuts your nutty ass up.

CNu said...

DMG - looks like "school" is back to eating up posts. Broken up into two parts, you wrote;


Why can you not ever just debate the facts and evidence? Seriously. No bullshit. You seem like you would be a fairly intelligent guy under all that bluster. You have a forum where some fairly intelligent folks come to chat, but you always pull out the crazy, or gas up the mentally unstable (YES, Wax I AM talking about you).

Now, to your post. Why don't you stick to what I've actually written rather than editorializing?

CNu said...

part two;

Your post is a waste of typing (and a waste of time, but that's obvious). Nothing you've written here has any substance. You are so wrapped up in conspiracy theories it's a wonder you aren't checking your Paul Smith's for bugging devices. I mean SURELY his website is a "cointel" front, and all of his designs are cryptic code for "new world order faggotry". Just look at his models, all androgynous with come hither gay poses (calm down Wax, I'm just joking, don't get your heart rate up--or maybe I'm not joking...).

So, how about you proving your point that the U.S. is becoming "Sovietized" and the militarization of the police is an indicator. And be coherent. History says a challenge like this usually shuts your nutty ass up.

CNu said...

I don't want to miss any of this, given the fact that the purpose of a military is to break things and kill people.

Killing undesirables at a cost of under $.20/pop makes infinitely more sense than deploying those same "military" assets to round up and incarcerate them.

If they're useless, then they're useless, so just plug'em....,

Anonymous said...


Strange. I thought I had posted that on THIS thread, now I can't find where I posted it. Thanks for reposting it.