"You here for the same reason as me
talk a little art
a little history
a little ideology
a little biology
admire some sistas so pretty
they make a blind man see"-DV
The Doc aka "The Montage, the Renaissance, the Rebirth, the Avant-Garde" said...talk a little art
a little history
a little ideology
a little biology
admire some sistas so pretty
they make a blind man see"-DV

Brotha's funn'n and whatnot. Sipp'n on concepts. Meanwhile, back @ Command Post Misery, dudes talk'n 'bout noth'n but minus signs and what them happy niggas over there snicker'n 'bout?"
Right, I think DMG & CNu are missing the point. This isn't a spot where we come to get propagandized to. It's a spot to toss concepts around. To have conversations with people whose eyes don't glaze over when you mention the federal reserve, but they can still quote a Biggie verse to you.
A hep online spot where black intelligentsia can come to enjoy some art, some poetry, some politics. I don't agree with everything DV says, but damned if I don't find the fact that he thinks the way he does fascinating. Same for all the other cats and kittens in the joint. The real Kool-Aid drinkers are the ones who, as Ice Cube put it, don't know, don't show, or just don't care that places like this exist.
*Shrugs* Maybe it's just me.
Uh huh...
I still gotta' go back to Mills' "...a hot fuckin' club..." as the best description.
In other words this is a spot to talk shit that doesn't need to be backed up. To sound like you know what you are talking about when you really have no idea.
It's not me an Craig spitting propaganda. Maybe you should go back and look up the definition of that word.
But whatever. Your spot wouldn't be NEARLY as interesting if there weren't cats with a specific set of skills and intellect (real intellect, not that pseudo-street brand you are always pushing) like me, CNu, Submariner and the rest poking holes in your weak arguments.
Negro this is 2010 almost 2011. You can't just say anything anymore, because the vast majority of people here have information at their fingertips to check you. What's sad is that many of these folks don't have the courage to actually say something.
Me? Well, I just enjoy watching you squirm.
Heh... DV... so long ago when I posted that. Just sayin'...
I still gotta' go back to Mills' "...a hot fuckin' club..." as the best description." UBJ
Yeah. UBM nailed that one. But DOC aint no slouch.
DMG said...
"In other words this is a spot to talk shit that doesn't need to be backed up"
Actually Doc, that sounds more like your medical school.
The DOC!
Yeah. lol. Shit. You know man. Good art is always relevant. Just sayin'...
Now, I know you are just talking shit....I mean that IS what you do here. Why can you never just admit what you are saying amounts to your unlearned opinion? If you would at least attempt to back up your claims we could have a real debate about topics, rather than these nasty conversations.
It's just too easy to say "they" are lying to us or science is a fraud. People in the know roll their eyes at you. If you really want to change attitudes and garner respect from people in positions to enact change, you should probably attempt to at least beat us at our own game, and provide irrefutable evidence of YOUR claims.
But, I'm pretty sure you are just happy to sit back and talk shit in the margins.
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