Thursday, September 23, 2010

Get A Chick • Make Love To Her • And Make A Baby While You Still Can

Sex will not be used to have babies in just 10 years, as couples turn to IVF
By Daniel Martin Last updated at 7:55 AM on 18th May 2010 fist tap Hot Wax

Couples will stop having sex to conceive babies within a decade and use IVF instead, scientists said yesterday.

They say 30-somethings will increasingly rely on artificial methods of fertilisation because natural human reproduction is 'fairly inefficient'.

It means that in future, sex will be nothing more than a leisure activity - the latest blow to the Christian idea that the role of sex is to produce children. Dying art: IVF could become better than sex for making babies

Dying art: IVF could become better than sex for making babies - leaving the physical act purely as a means of giving pleasure. If the experts are right, it means the sci-fi world of books such as Brave New World, in which all children are born in 'hatcheries', could soon be closer to reality.

And it raises ethical questions over whether greater use of IVF will lead to eugenics, with couples screening out characteristics they regard as undesirable.

Blogger DMG said...
Anybody notice that the "experts" in the study were...Veterinarians? Not that the study is good or bad...but why are doggie doctors publishing anything about IVF...rather than say someone who actually performs IVF?

"'Within the next five to ten years, couples approaching 40 will assess the IVF industry first when they want to have a baby.' He based his hunch on the fact that in cattle, IVF works almost every time. He said there was no reason that success rate could not be replicated in humans."

IVF is expensive. And invasive. I don't think folks are going to quite having sex in favor of IVF to procreate. Sure if you are in your 40's and well off (usually costs about $10,000/pop, and often takes multiple attempts before success) trying IVF may be AN option, but the FIRST option is a stretch. This study seems pretty silly.
Denmark Vesey said ...
Let me see if I can help you better understand Doc.

1) Most IVF is conducted by "veterinarians". (From where do you think all of this cloned factory meat is coming?)

2) Intelligence is essentially pattern recognition.

The pattern shows that Americans and just about everyone else is industrialized societies are becoming less fertile. We are barely at replacement rates now. Most of the girls I went to college with who are now in their late 30's early 40's are either without children or have had to resort to IVF to have a child.

3) Because of the toxins in the food (GMO), vaccines and environmental pollutants, the population is being slowly and systematically sterilized.

4) Those well educated enough are familiar with the Eugenics Movement and understand that it did not die with Margaret Sanger, The Rockefellers or the Nazis. It continues today disguised under various appellations like the WHO or "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation".

There is a concerted effort to reduce the population of the world. Some populations of "undesirables" (CNu calls them "eaters") are being reduced faster than others. Thus the African Genocide disguised as an "AIDS epidemic" on the continent and the Obesity Epidemic of African Americans here in the US.

(BTW: How many 70 year old people do you know who weigh more than 200 pounds?)

"IVF is expensive. And invasive. I don't think folks are going to quite having sex in favor of IVF to procreate." DMG

5) "Folks" don't have much of a choice. Sex has already been disassociated from reproduction. (The real motivation behind the proselytizing of homosexuality and the normalization of porn)

The fact that it is expensive coupled with diminishing natural fertility .... REGULATES WHO GETS TO REPRODUCE.

Now the wealthy and elite can assure their continuation, while the poor and ethnic reproduce at the pleasure of the Technocrats who will make those choices dependent upon their labor needs.

6) Replacing sex for reproduction with technology for reproduction allows those who control the technology ... TO PLAY GOD. All roads lead to apotheosis.

You with me, or you need me to slow down? Or maybe you need a few Plantation studies before it makes sense. Either way ... think about it.


Big Man said...

Ossie Davis(although he's dead now)

James Earl Jones

Bill Cosby

But, I see your point on obesity being the silent killer.

Anonymous said...


Well, I suppose the absurd is your area of expertise, so maybe you could help me understand.

1. In vitro fertilization is NOT cloning. Let's just get that out of the way from the start. (Why can't you guys ever look up terms?)

2. Perhaps women who wait to AFTER their most fertile years are having trouble getting pregnant. Well, that makes sense doesn't it? The eggs are passed their sell-by date.

3. Because toxins...blah, blah, blah. Unsubstantiated claim (we'll call that one #1)

4. Eugenics...blah, blah, blah. Flight of fancy (#1)

5. "Folks" don't have much choice..blah, blah, blah Sex has for quite sometime not been exclusively related to reproduction. For all your talk of "getting punany" in high school, you'd think you knew this by now.

For someone who calls CNu a sci-fi nerd, you SURE seem to be well versed in science fiction, with this gem "The fact that it is expensive coupled with diminishing natural fertility...REGULATES WHO GETS TO REPRODUCE." Wow, I have no words for that imaginary steaming pile.

No I'm not with you, because I have all of my mental faculties intact. It's no wonder you are on Bowen's have something in common.

Anonymous said...

MOTI, after that last post, I'm giving you a new nickname: MGMOTI

Most gullible man on the internet, because there's not a wild fantasy or conspiracy theory you won't embrace.

Denmark Vesey said...

lol ... ahhh Doc.

Everything beyond the limits of your little peasant education is a "conspiracy theory".

"Conspiracy Theory" = Theory Not Permitted for Plantation Negros.

CNu said...

Back to the central question:

Why do you care what anyone else believes lil'Bee?

Why the neverending quest for allies?

If you're actually the author of your own beliefs, why you spend so much of your time defending warranties and representations made by others? {particularly others of the most dubious possible provinence?}

Denmark Vesey said...



My pork eatin' peasant friend I told you before. "Belief" is overrated.

People believe what makes them feel good.

You Malthusian Freemasonic inspired Sci-Fi Negro nerds like to believe you are in possession of some type of 'exclusive knowledge' unavailable to the masses that gives you status and dominion.

Thus your silly Plantation Negro MD sidekick argues that MSG and High Fructose Corn Syrup and Cooked Animal Fats are "OK in moderation" ... because the meme which points out is obvious harm was not produced by the establishment that validates him.

If people get health advice outside of his little monopoly it makes him feel unnecessary.

Thus he chooses not to "believe".

You co-sign and pretend to agree with him despite your man-boobs ... because you eat it and are too stubborn to stop.

CNu said...

Let's clear a fundamental misconception up once and for all lil'Bee.

I'm 6'1" and weight ~245lbs. I can bench press you forty times without breaking a sweat.

(you weigh ~ what I warm up with)

If I were to punch you once, there's a better than even chance your skull would fracture, and you'd suffer a broken neck.

You and I toe-to-toe would be the equivalent of child abuse (or elder abuse given you're a few years older than me)

You Malthusian Freemasonic inspired Sci-Fi Negro nerds like to believe you are in possession of some type of 'exclusive knowledge' unavailable to the masses that gives you status and dominion.

lil'Bee, instead of whining like a ignorant and insecure adolescent bitch, why don't direct your sons' attention to the MIT Open Courseware Project and see if he has the interest and aptitude to get up on some dominion, instead of squandering himself on artfaggotry and developmentally arrested shit-talking like his old man.

Thus your silly Plantation Negro MD sidekick argues that MSG and High Fructose Corn Syrup and Cooked Animal Fats are "OK in moderation" ... because the meme which points out is obvious harm was not produced by the establishment that validates him.

DMG is correct - and you sound like a shrill and silly extremist leading the cheer for fruitcakes and nitwits while alienating yourself from good brothers who handle their shit.

If people get health advice outside of his little monopoly it makes him feel unnecessary.


You're projecting pure-dee-pure nonsense on the brother with no factual basis whatsoever for making that claim.

Y'all disagree about the efficacy and safety of vaccines, period.

Thus he chooses not to "believe".

Once again, why must he tow your line and serve as your uncritical ally in the raw/vegan/micronutrient hustle?

You co-sign and pretend to agree with him despite your man-boobs ... because you eat it and are too stubborn to stop.

I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!
I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!
I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!
I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!
I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!
I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!
I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!
I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!

and I can still whoop 20-30 little faggoty assed vegans on their very best day!!!

Denmark Vesey said...

"I eat th'phuk I wanna eat!"

Yeah CBoobs.

We know.

And that's why you've got titties.

"and I can still whoop 20-30 little faggoty assed vegans on their very best day!!!"

Yeah. I hear you nerd.

You Sci-Fi Negros are tough. On the internet.


Since you mentioned sons.

I hope you don't feed your boy the same processed peasant garbage that has given his daddy child bearing hips and breasts.

It would be a shame to feed that young cat Genetically Modified Sci-Fi meat that sterilizes young brothers.

And lord knows we could use another generation of Levar Burtons.

Now hopefully one day, if you don't succumb to the rotting dead cloned pig meat and estrogen soaked artificial chickens festering in your engorged colon, we could meet somewhere in a gymnasium ... put on some boxing gloves and let our actions speak louder than our words.

You would quickly realize that real life is not a comic book.

I aint going to sit still and let your fat ass "bench press me".

I'm going to double up on the jab and dance around your big ass. I'd just play with you for a few rounds.

You see. I'm fast CNu.

Plus I'm smarter than you. Jab.

Jab. Jab. Hook. Jab. Laugh. Jab. Hook.

Round 1.

Jab. Jab. Hook. Jab. Laugh. Jab. Hook.

Round 3.

Jab. Jab. Hook. Jab. Laugh. Jab. Hook

When I got tired of playing with you I'd hit you in one of your big titties.

Lights out.

Hopefully, after the bout, you'd be man enough to tap 'em up. Shake hands and go on and get in your Crysler LeBaron and drive back to Kansas.

If you aint into boxing and want to keep it in the streets. I'd pay one of my Brooklyn dudes $300 and airfare to come out there and uh ... "benchpress".

As far as 6'1 and 245 ... STOP ... lol ... maybe back in high school.

Aint none of you Walmart eating Negros 6'1 245 anymore.

Yeah. I saw that picture Undercover Black Man put up before he died.

Youz a big broke Greg Gumble lookin' muhfuggah ... so don't front.

"I could bench press ..."


CNu said...


I aint going to sit still and let your fat ass "bench press me".

ok, so you run like a little beehotch before you get tackled and pounded into unconsciousness or worse.

what, you think the marquis of queensbury is going to magically appear and mediate the strength, power, and skill gap separating you and me?

silly kneegrow, you know how this would go....,

whenever you ready to come out to the heartland and get in the octagon, let me know...,

Denmark Vesey said...

lol ... aight magne.

I'm too clean to be rolling around on the floor with your big sweaty ass. No Homo.

I aint trying to fuuug up one of my Paul Smith suits rasslin' with some Negro who still eats pork.

But the next time I'm in ... uh Kansas ... I'll meet you in the parking lot of the Walmart and we can see what's up.

CNu said...



Denmark Vesey said...

ok ok.

I gotta give it up.

Kansas City doesn't look half bad.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, after the bout, you'd be man enough to tap 'em up. Shake hands and go on and get in your Crysler LeBaron and drive back to Kansas.

lol. only DV. thing is these guys are probably best friends.