What up M!
Deeee Veeeee! What you doin'?
I'm on the road headed home. I was just in a little golf tournament and
(Interrupting in a NY drawl)
Negro you weren't playing no golf!! You know you on your way home from Walmart!
(Aghhhh. We both crack up.)
Damn DV! You sure hate Walmart pork and homosexuals don't you!? (LOL) What's up with that?! Damn! Your blog is summin else!! That damn doctor is a trip! And you better leave that one guy alone about his Man Boobs! I don't think he's right! Mess around and have you an internet stalker and shit!
Guess what! We are getting married in December! During the Christmas break.
No Shit! Hotttt damn! Aight Aight. So my man is on his J.O.B. That's what's up! I'm just so damn happy to hear some Good Heterosexual News these days I don't know what to do. All these damn 30+ De Facto Homos talking about "one day they are going to find the woman they want to spend their lives with". Pure Faggotry! All these bad sistas out here and these muhfuggas act like finding a wife is as hard as finding the Holy Grail. Punk muhfuggas. Last thing the Plantation wants a man to do is marry a woman and raise a family. Damn! I'm 'bout to fall the fuug out!
(LOL. M cracks up.)
We getting married in Jamaica. With like his whole .... village and shit! (We both laugh) But when we get back he wants to move into the city and I can't see myself raising kids in Manhattan ...
What ya'll decide about the baby?
Well ... haven't really decided anything ... I don't know ... if it happens it happens
Yeah I don't blame you M. Decisions are overrated. Let what happens happen.
Yeah. But I'll tell you. That one girl. On your blog. What's her name? Joanna. I felt what she said. Remember? She said 'have ten babies if you can' and that she 'couldn't wait to have a baby'. Made me appreciate the opportunity to bring a child into this world. I felt her. We'll see.
congrats, m!!!
many blessings, lots of love and love making, and as many babies as God allows.....
Lord, your blog is powerful DV...
you predict deaths and now life...might be birthing babies. That would make you like an aphrodisiac or one hell of a fertility symbol. ;)
Sissssta Nurse!!!!
5'2" inches of Love.
Sista O!
You right.
I aint gonna lie.
This blog is off the hook.
And I appreciate you because you help make it happen.
You aint scared.
And that's what this spot is.
A collection of people who aint scared.
Don't agree on shit.
But aint nobody here scared.
Big Ups.
bruh...i am a mere 5'0"..
but i always appreciate an extra two inches... :)
You crazy.
...like a fox.
Go ahead and let the brotha fertilize 'dem eggs girl.
Congrats, M!!!! Getting married in Jamrock sounds awesome!!!
"Big Ups."
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