Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hegelian Head Fake 003 • Pop Quiz •  Who Spent $300,000 On These Anti-Ahmadinejad Ads? 10 Point Bonus: Why Did They Do It?

Hot Wax Educated More Black People Than The United Negro College Fund
HotmfWax said...
United Against Nuclear Iran is a front group created solely to grant the illusion of legitimacy to the rush to sell you another war.

The executive director of the new organization is Mark Wallace…[who] began his political carreer [sic] working as an assistant to then Florida governor Jeb Bush and then served on the Republican legal team during the 2000 Florida presidential vote recount.

After working in the Department of Homeland Security under President Bush, he was recruited in early 2006 to the United States Mission to the United Nations by its then ambassador, John Bolton, to be in charge of management and reform. This “broad-based” group head is a UN bashing John Bolton protege while he served as an “ambassador” to it.

His wife was the Bush communications director. And both are briefing Sarah Palin. Well, that settles it. No hidden political agenda here. There is also a small matter of Wallace claiming an endorsement from Richard Holbrooke and Dennis Ross. Holbrooke is the neocon front man with a Democratic face and Dennis Ross is the Jewish Lobby prince who has been scuttling peace attempts for years.

If this group has its way, Iran will be in the cross hairs. Clearly, this is a further attempt by the Republican right (including forces with Aipac and other right-wing Jewish groups and donors) to set a tone in Washington that will justify more bellicose and belligerent policies toward Iran. Since there are powerful elements within the Israeli military-political apparatus itching to go go war against Iran, it’s likely the effort seeks to create acceptance of a possible Israeli strike.


Anonymous said...

"He's not welcome here."

Says who?

UANI must be mad at Columbia for allowing the man to speak for himself.


Did this run in LA? Times Square?

I'd break bread with Chavez and Mahmoud any day.


D.SMITH said...

I pick "A", the pro-Israeli lobby...sure they instructed these folks to do this as well:

"9/11 words by Iran leader lead to U.S. walkout at U.N."

Ahmadinejad 'delusional' for citing those who believe U.S. was behind attacks.

The U.S. and several European delegations walked out of the U.N. speech of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday after he said most people believe the U.S. government was behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks in order to assure Israel's survival.

More world news 9/11 words by Iran leader lead to U.S. walkout
Updated 97 minutes ago The U.S. and European delegations walked out of the U.N. speech by Iran's president after he said most people believe the U.S. was behind the Sept. 11 attacks in order to assure Israel's survival. Full story

.What to watch for at U.N.: Leaders who dislike U.S.
Updated 98 minutes ago Fallujah raid highlights Iraq's security concerns
Updated 89 minutes ago Tropical storm Matthew forms in Caribbean
Inside a day in the life of trapped miners
..In his speech to the annual General Assembly, Ahmadinejad said it was mostly U.S. government officials who believed a terrorist group was behind the suicide hijacking attacks that brought down New York's World Trade Center and hit the Pentagon.

Another theory, he said, was "that some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy, and its grips on the Middle East, in order to save the Zionist regime" — his way of characterizing Israel.

And cue Yaron/Ronin in five, four, three, two...

Anonymous said...

I don't think this man is crazy at all, as he's been made out to be. Accusing one of having a mental illness is a well known ploy. Words like "Madman" by the media don't help. Especially when the nuance of what he said in Farsi doesn't quite translate to English. Kind of like how jokes in Spanish just aren't as funny in English.

This is nothing more than a way to cast him as a "bad guy", because we all know that the world is made up of good and evil....

HotmfWax said...

United Against Nuclear Iran is a front group created solely to grant the illusion of legitimacy to the rush to sell you another war.

The executive director of the new organization is Mark Wallace…[who] began his political carreer [sic] working as an assistant to then Florida governor Jeb Bush and then served on the Republican legal team during the 2000 Florida presidential vote recount. After working in the Department of Homeland Security under President Bush, he was recruited in early 2006 to the United States Mission to the United Nations by its then ambassador, John Bolton, to be in charge of management and reform.

This “broad-based” group head is a UN bashing John Bolton protege while he served as an “ambassador” to it. His wife was the Bush communications director. And both are briefing Sarah Palin. Well, that settles it. No hidden political agenda here.

There is also a small matter of Wallace claiming an endorsement from Richard Holbrooke and Dennis Ross. Holbrooke is the neocon front man with a Democratic face and Dennis Ross is the Jewish Lobby prince who has been scuttling peace attempts for years. If this group has its way, Iran will be in the cross hairs.

Clearly, this is a further attempt by the Republican right (including forces with Aipac and other right-wing Jewish groups and donors) to set a tone in Washington that will justify more bellicose and belligerent policies toward Iran. Since there are powerful elements within the Israeli military-political apparatus itching to go go war against Iran, it’s likely the effort seeks to create acceptance of a possible Israeli strike.

Seven Half Store said...

UANI supported. War approved.

I wonder what kind of international support we're looking at for this war. Is there even a significant dent?

I hope that the world is taking heed to Ahmadinejad's words:

" it was mostly U.S. government officials who believed a terrorist group was behind the suicide hijacking attacks that brought down New York's World Trade Center and hit the Pentagon.'

This website is so vague and simple. Especially catered for the dire dumb and radical American. I hope by now there are at least more people not eating this bull.

Ahmadinejad's huge face and name blasted out like this with frequent press blasts is a clear warning for others of power who dare speak against the American 9/11 story.

On another note (and I hate even putting the thought out) but I'm sure I can count on people in this country who, on one hand support an international war motivated by fear yet encourage peace in their own country when a police officer can blow a young male's head off and get off virtually free.