Friday, September 24, 2010

The 2010 Denmark Vesey BROTHER NOT SCARED AWARD ... DMG, The Plantation MD

"Take the Palestinians "back" as Egyptians? Perhaps, you should petition Germany, Poland, Russia and every other place to take the "Israeli's" back?" DMG


The Ultimate Zionist said...

DMG, you're missing the point. I'm not denying any of the facts of what you say. I'm saying that you are measuring us by a different yardstick than yourself or anyone else. You lament our conquest of Palestine and turning it into Israel when you excuse your benefiting from the conquest of this continent and the theft of the land from the natives of this continent. Besides, what should the natives of this continent care where in Africa or, for that matter in Europe you should relocate to? What if someone broke into your house, took over everything and confined you in the basement. When confronted the intruder says: "I don't know where else to go because my parents were enslaved and murdered and I don't know exactly where they are from?" Why don't you go and take the land of those who enslaved your ancestors? Why that of the natives of this continent? I tell you why. Because you do not have any power to take the land of your ancestors' oppressors. That's the reality. Well, neither do we. So. My point: You condemn us, but not yourself. There is, bottom line, no difference between your people and ours. There is, bottom line, no difference in action and oppression. With the one difference, of course, that 98% of your victims are gone and therefore complain or commit terrorist acts.

The Ultimate Zionist said...

DMG, you're missing the point. I'm not denying any of the facts of what you say. I'm saying that you are measuring us by a different yardstick than yourself or anyone else. You lament our conquest of Palestine and turning it into Israel when you excuse your benefiting from the conquest of this continent and the theft of the land from the natives of this continent. Besides, what should the natives of this continent care where in Africa or, for that matter in Europe you should relocate to? What if someone broke into your house, took over everything and confined you in the basement. When confronted the intruder says: "I don't know where else to go because my parents were enslaved and murdered and I don't know exactly where they are from?" Why don't you go and take the land of those who enslaved your ancestors? Why that of the natives of this continent? I tell you why. Because you do not have any power to take the land of your ancestors' oppressors. That's the reality. Well, neither do we. So. My point: You condemn us, but not yourself. There is, bottom line, no difference between your people and ours. There is, bottom line, no difference in action and oppression. With the one difference, of course, that 98% of your victims are gone and therefore can't complain or commit terrorist acts.

Anonymous said...

Then perhaps you haven't been listening.

The Ultimate Zionist said...

A very DV-like answer.

Anonymous said...

No response could be further from the truth. I know you aren't dumb enough to suggest that our host and I are the same person.

That would get you an quick pass to the nuts corner, and just dismissed outright.

The Ultimate Zionist said...

No DMG. I'm not saying that you and DV are the same person. I'm saying that you are giving a very DV-like evasive answer. Fact is, we conquered Palestine and no one is stopping us. We had to in order to escape our tormentors. That's just the way it is. You are living on stolen land, too. You are benefiting from the actions of your ancestors' tormentors. There is no qualitative difference between you and me. That's the reality.

Anonymous said...

EVASIVE? Stating that you haven't been paying attention to things that I've said on an almost daily basis isn't evasive.

First off, TAKING Germany, Poland, Russia and the rest shouldn't be your goal in the first place. But TAKING the land of Palestinians because they are weaker than you militarily (with our help of course) is just some cowardly bullshit.

Again, UZ, where would you be without my tax dollars? Probably looking down the barrel of a Palestinian gun, because instead of moving in peacefully and sharing the area with the Palestinians, you decided to jack the whole joint...because you had the neighborhood bully on your side.

No matter how you slice stole something, and now you are compounding the theft by committing long term unlawful incarceration...I won't even go into the war crimes.

Your excuse? "Well THEY did it too!!". How would you react if one of your sons stole something from the corner store, and his excuse to you was to sell out his brother for the same crime? Does it make the first sons crime any more palatable?

You Zionist make the problem worse by flouting any peace accords that were agreed to in the past. Guess what, nobody trusts you anymore. The neighborhood bully who helped you break into that house is about sick of you too. You are going to have to learn very quickly how to solve your own problems in that region...and how to wiggle your way out of UN resolutions without our help. How do you think Israel will fair when the playing field is a bit more level?

The Ultimate Zionist said...

DMG, I don't dispute your facts. Tell me though... How many treaties with the natives of this continent has your government broken over the centuries?

Like I said, there is no qualitative difference between you and us. By your standard we are both criminals.

Anonymous said...


If you aren't disputing my facts, why are we still talking? The thread is about Israel. If you want to talk about native peoples rights in the Americas, that's another topic we can discuss all day long.

Main question now is if you know you are a criminal, what are you going to do to change your ways? I would think a name change might be in order Ultimate...

The Ultimate Zionist said...

Again very DV-like answer. My point is: You have no moral authority whatsoever to question Israel's actions. None. That's because you benefit from a mass slaughter and massive theft on a vast scale that dwarfs anything that Israel did to the Palestinians. So, before you criticize a lesser "criminal" clean up your own backyard. How about that?

Anonymous said...


The only "DV" like answers have been coming from your fingertips.

I personally have EVERY moral authority to question Israel. Don't confuse me with my AIPAC captive government. All you are doing is attempting to get everyone to look the other way while your country continues to brutalize Palestinians.

Gazan's are CURRENTLY barred from making a living, trading, or having access to their own shoreline. They are CURRENTLY having their homes bulldozed.

I'll make a deal with you, since you are so intent on quashing any criticism of TODAY'S Israel. Let's stop talking about history.

I'll stop talking about how Zionists stole land from Palestinians with US and British complicity, and you'll stop mentioning your trump card "the" holocaust (small h). How's that? Shit I won't even mention Jewish complicity in the African slave trade.

We will only discuss current events. The Native "Americans" got a bad deal, as did descendants of African slaves. I'll forget all of that for the sake of discussion.

What is Israel doing to the Palestinians TODAY Ultimate? How many human rights violations has the State of Israel committed against Palestinians on September 26, 2010?

You ready to talk now, or do you still want to discuss Native "Americans" and moral authority?

Because if you do then I STILL have every right to discuss Israeli human rights violations because I'm a United States taxpayer, and my cash is going toward Israel's murderous racist, apartheid policy. If you want to say I have no moral authority because of the Native "Americans" then I suggest you give back my motherfucking money and weapons stamped "Made in the U.S.A."!

How about that?

The Ultimate Zionist said...

Sure. Let's keep it current. As you said, your personal money in the form of taxes are going to fund Israel. Which makes you complicit: CURRENTLY.

But, but, but... you'll stammer. If I don't pay my taxes, I might go to jail...

So what then is the life of an Arab and his land worth to you, DMG? It clearly isn't you going to jail for a small stretch.

Like I said. You have no moral authority.

Unknown said...

I always thought it was interesting that israel is the beginning of the european continent from Africa. Also interesting, how the original people of that area were "Africans" invaded by Arabs & Europeans, who are still fighting over stolen land. Talk about hijacked? While the discussion is who stole what & why?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I didn't stutter. Give me back my motherfucking money. My government is complicit, my taxes are TAKEN and given to Israel. Don't attempt to change this to a tax thing. Israel is NOT the the sole purpose for U.S. taxes, and I voice my displeasure at sending money to the Israeli government every chance I get. You'll probably be the FIRST one to participate in a campaign to keep my cash flowing. Kind of like Israeli operatives helped squash a UC Berkeley student vote in Israel Divestment.

Don't get cute asshole, do you have the right to vote? Why do you pull the lever for the same warmongering racists? Why do you call yourself Zionist? You aren't smart enough to try to pull that shit over my eyes. Who do you think you are talking to?

You are MORE than happy to support Israeli state agents interference in U.S. elections via AIPAC.

Let me ask you. Were you in the IDF? Did you ever choose to NOT pulling the trigger? To refuse to go to combat? (Or, perhaps you are one of the Haredim who are happy to beat the drums of war, but not catch bullets). Not bulldozing someones home? Not harassing an old woman from coming across the border to work?

Like I said. I have EVERY moral authority to question Israel

The Ultimate Zionist said...

"Who do you think you are talking to?"

Somebody whose tax dollars are funding my government's activities. Thanks much! Construction in Judea and Samaria has resumed. Your tax dollars at work, DMG. Ain't that cute? ROTFLMAO

Anonymous said...

That's really cute Ultimate. Not very smart but cute. You do realize spite is a fantastic motivator.

Keep laughing. The Palestinians will eventually fuck you out of existence. But you probably already know that since you there are advertisements for visiting/immigrating to Israel on every college dorm bulletin board in the United States.

Why are you online fighting me...don't you have some babies to make?

HotmfWax said...

UZ, what is your take on the Talmud?

Is this 4 real?

Just asking?

HotmfWax said...


is this correct?

It is a historical fact that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:
a) None of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; ....
The answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:
a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.
b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.

Anonymous said...


Just so you know...Wax is NOT on my team.