Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Return of The Mad Blogger

CNu said ...
Bro. Makheru's assessment of your praxis is on point.

He didn't go far enough though.

Not only is your process fragmented Bey-Bey - it's downright evil.
You demonize humankind's highest cultural achievement - SCIENCE

while you glorify it's basest and most dangerous de-evolutionary tendency - KINGSHIP.


Denmark Vesey said ...

Calm down.

And think:

1) What is "scientific" about Processed Food?

2) What is "scientific" about mass vaccinations?

3) What is more scientific than Natural?

You confuse science with the memes of masonic clowns who anointed themselves the custodians of science.

You need to understand that science is perfect.

You need to understand that Science is flawed.

You need to understand that science is Law.

You need to understand that Science is a religion.

I'm not demonizing science.

I'm demonizing stupid, stubborn, sick, arrogantly ignorant, small minded, Plantation Negros infected with the ancient impulse to rush to the defense of their slave masters.

Corporations are poisoning the population with engineered food not fit for human beings and dumbing down the population with toxic mind altering drugs ... in the name of science.

Referring to the nonsense of industrialized medicine and the insanity of processed food as "science" is pure faggotry.

"S"cience is organized dogma.

"S"cience is sorcery.


Man playing God.

True scientists seek harmony with nature, not to overcome it.


Her Side said...

True scientists seek harmony with nature, not to overcome it.

I couldn't agree with that statement more. Derrick Jensen gets to the heart of the matter, speaking about how silly men are to think that we could ever thrive while destroying the planet (and its human+non-human inhabitants) at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I'm demonizing stupid, stubborn, sick, arrogantly ignorant, small minded, Plantation Negros infected with the ancient impulse to rush to the defense of their slave masters.

deep. on soooo many levels.

CNu said...

Corporations are poisoning the population with engineered food not fit for human beings and dumbing down the population with toxic mind altering drugs ... in the name of science.


Corporations do what they do exclusively in the name of PROFIT.

Hustle Hard...,

Referring to the nonsense of industrialized medicine and the insanity of processed food as "science" is pure faggotry.

Why you set up and joust with straw men DeeVee?

Ain't nobody comment here EVER claim that any of that is anything other than business.

Deeply flawed business, and business in need of constructive redesign.

"S"cience is organized dogma.

"S"cience is sorcery.


Science refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.

A scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.

CNu said...


Man playing God.

KINGSHIP is the Babylonian iniquity.

KINGSHIP is playing God.

not science

Anybody tell you different is profoundly untrustworthy.....,

deep. on soooo many levels.


Not deep at all, either;

delusional, mistaken, or dishonest.

In any event, demonstrably false and a blatant defense of the ultimate root cause of enslavement and systemic human evil - which is KINGSHIP.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Science refers to a body of ...

"A scientific method consists of the collection of data ..." CNu

Ohhh ... K.

That's a great definition of what science is SUPPOSED to be.

duh ...

But. Yet.

Here we are.

Once again CNu.

We arrive at that awkward place where your sullen and persistent, teeth sucking antagonism is revealed to be nothing more than a hollow Trojan horse failing to disguise your petty personal contempt.

I champion natural food, fasting, fruit, vegetables and sunshine.

I warn against the perils of processed foods, toxic vaccines and mind altering drugs.

You accuse me of "demonizing SCIENCE! Man's greatest achievement!! MWUUHHHA HA HAAA!!!"

Like Undercover Black Man said ... "One Comic Book Too Many".

"I asked you what is scientific about processed foods?"


"I asked you what is scientific about vaccines?"


"I ask you what is more scientific than nature ...?"

You cut and paste an 8th grade definition of the Scientific Method.

I attack Cow's Milk Jigaboo.

Not science.

I attack dangerous vaccines Jigaboo.

Not science.

I attack the sale of cloned meat to a nation of increasingly sick Americans ... marketed by corporations as scientifically "safe" ... when the studies which support their safety were ultimately sponsored by the very same corporations.

That's not science Jigaboo.

That's evil.

CNu said...

We arrive at that awkward place where your sullen and persistent, teeth sucking antagonism is revealed to be nothing more than a hollow Trojan horse failing to disguise your petty personal contempt.


In the aether, all your base are belong to us...,

If I bore you any genuine personal enmity, you'd get shook.

As it is, I grapple with your wack presentation because I'm simultaneously fascinated (no homo) and disgusted by the fusion of good sense and abject nonsense comprising the Veseyian ouevre.

I champion natural food, fasting, fruit, vegetables and sunshine.

right, right...,

I ain't argue with you bout none them thangs aside from quibbling about their lack of affordability, availability, and their long-term unsustainability given the urban status quo ante.

OTOH - you have also championed conspiracy obsessed disinformation - to the point of looking for all the world like an organ of a crypto-fascist, white supremacist cult leader.

I warn against the perils of processed foods, toxic vaccines and mind altering drugs.

right, right

over the course of 3000 plus posts, I've provided more and more detailed scientific backing for some of what you've obsessively but superficially glossed over and flossed over - to where you know we have no deep differences on that subject either.

You accuse me of "demonizing SCIENCE! Man's greatest achievement!! MWUUHHHA HA HAAA!!!"

you demonize or mongrelize science daily - to the point where it's a pejorative for everything with which you politically disagree or personally struggle to understand.

"I asked you what is scientific about processed foods?"

"I asked you what is scientific about vaccines?"

"I ask you what is more scientific than nature ...?"


rhetorical devices not intended to make sense or further discourse, but instead intended to jingoistically conflate science with dubious business practices.

But let's get to the positive, shall we?

You champion conspicuous consumption.

You champion irresponsible and non-productive profiteering.

You champion marital and sexual infidelity.

You champion profligate reproduction.

You champion cults of unassailable male authoritarianism and hold these up as examples worthy of emulation.

I attack the sale of cloned meat to a nation of increasingly sick Americans ... marketed by corporations as scientifically "safe" ... when the studies which support their safety were ultimately sponsored by the very same corporations.

nicca please....,

Sam Elliott don't give a phuuuuuuugggg...., about selling the science or safety of the product his voice represents.

Thordaddy said...

The return of the mad blogger
21st century black Buck Rodgers,
Think science...
Bigger than the Father...?
The empirical is all material,
Buttjew Orthodox...
CNu... The immaterial... Nothing
Like a bowl uh milk without the cereal
U uh serial anti-intellectual,
Buttjew intellectual,
Yeah, that's irrational,
Buttjew got freedom, radical autonomist
N God-ordained free will ain't trendy n "factual..."
Or is that empirical?

What does science have on Supremacy?
It's God-ordained free will versus radical autonomy...

And CNu choose the latter...

Cuz CNu ...  dumb! 

N the blogger get madder n madder...


CNu said...


see the type of irresponsible shyte you dun DeeVee???

The would be democratization of Kingship has peasant tile-layers (accustomed to dominating little beaten down Beckies and chirrens) deluded into mouthing off at Loas...,

Thordaddy said...

CNu...  Weakness...
Most specifically, diet-related
Next time u grizzle uh steak
Think Hollywood, Godfather n sumptin' ill-fated!!!
Yur discipline highly over-rated!
If I had tuh grade it...

Give it n F
Craig N...U... tempted by food
U slip in the aroma
Putjew n uh different mood...
Make u soft n bubbleeee
Sputtering I could, I should, I would...

Would what???

Get off da gub'ment check,
And quit brainwashin' nigels n duh hood???
Amassin' that black army
Buttjew CNu... The big bad Dude?
The stud?
Mo' like lika dud?
That cat that could end u
Right after he finish up that pie uh mud...


U hungry tho... Just the wrong hunger, ho...

Thordaddy said...

TD ain't esoteric like Gee-Chee
Or silky smoov ala DV
I'm justa a white boy raised
Subdued oh-so passively
Denied access to his nature
That screams dopamine hegemony 
CNu... Put the hit on me
U like a best friend
U put the life n me
I'll put the knife n thee
That's whatjew mean by dopamine hegemony
Uh psychological monopoly 
Gotta nation of whiteys enamored with "equality"
Can't see this EQUAL to self-annihilating
Self-flagellating, self-fagulating,
Subcontract yur self-regulating,
But think yur free
Cuz yur free tuh b nda Master-baiting,
I'm waiting,
Fo' answers of whatjew imitating
U radically autonomous,
Butt, it don't mean a thang
It always change, 
With boundless range,
It's empty, ambiguous
Sorta queer, kinda strange
Butt, it ain't dopamine hegemony, magne
What is it then?
It's radical autonomy,
CNu... Not a single TRUE friend...