Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Plantation Negros Been Falling For This Trick For 90 Years

How does one man ... DEMAND ... a ... JOB ... from another man?

"A little less complaint and whining, and a little more dogged work and manly striving, would do us more credit than a thousand civil rights bills."
W. E. B. Du Bois


Constructive Feedback said...

When you see people "PROTESTING THE GOVERNMENT FOR JOBS" then you should also wonder what these same people would do per the instructions of the politicians that actually give them the job.

(Just as I wondered what the 30,000 people in East Point would do if I would have brought some ballots and keys to a new apartment with me)

Anonymous said...

Those people in East Point undoubtedly had expensive cell phones with the latest ring tones(the dollars spent on ring tones would buy a country!), $200 sneakers, applebottom jeans, designer this and that, and many were riding on 24 foes. People have had $3.00 rent and still had to be evicted!Wake the f*%!k up!! The words of Dubois were profound, he eventually stop beating his head on this brick wall society, after refusing to listen to (Marcus Garvey) and moved back to Ghana where they erected a statue in his honor, whereas Morehouse College where he spent many hours only has a token picture hidden in their "famous King Chapel"

KonWomyn said...

So you cool with DuBois now?

Denmark Vesey said...

"The words of Dubois were profound, he eventually stop beating his head on this brick wall society, after refusing to listen to (Marcus Garvey) and moved back to Ghana where they erected a statue in his honor, whereas Morehouse College where he spent many hours only has a token picture hidden in their "famous King Chapel" Anonymous

ummmm ... Good Stuff Anonymous.

You need to pick a name. Stick around for a minute. Making observations like that.

Denmark Vesey said...

Kaaaaay Duuuuub!

"So you cool with DuBois now?"

I'm cool with ... "A little less complaint and whining, and a little more dogged work and manly striving, would do us more credit than a thousand civil rights bills." ....

You know me KW.

I'm focused more on the message than the messenger.

If it makes sense. If it adds up. If it's true. If it is verifiable.

I don't give a fuuuuuughhhhhh whose mouth it came out of.

makheru bradley said...

I'm focused more on the message than the messenger.-- Dr. Bacon-Bey

Say what? Since when?

The High Priest of Fragmentation must be suffering from "diet-related" cognitive issues.

Denmark Vesey said...

Braaaa Mak!


You must be smartin' from previous ass whippings.

You are struggling for an angle to be negative.

CNu said...

The High Priest of Fragmentation must be suffering from "diet-related" cognitive issues.

In the spheres of fact, logic, language, values, science and basic consistency - fragmentarian to the bone.

In the sphere of cultic banality - totalitarian to the bone.

You have unerringly put your finger on the essence of His Majesty Denmark Vesey Taj Malik Bey - Bacon-Bey's ouevre.

Bro. Makheru is truth!

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ As if on cue ...

Another diet related mentally ill Plantation Negro struggles to come off negative ... for the sake of coming off negative.

Nothing to say.

No point to make.

Don't even disagree.

Just ... jealous, pouty, eye-rolling ... man bitching.


Skip the genetically modified bacon this morning CNu, and maybe you will be able to come up with a point that moves someone other than yourself.


You can't do that.

Skip the bacon and try to make a point that at least makes sense to someone else.

CNu said...

Another diet related mentally ill Plantation Negro struggles to come off negative ... for the sake of coming off negative.

Nothing to say.

No point to make.

Don't even disagree.

Just ... jealous, pouty, eye-rolling ... man bitching.

Stop projecting Bey-Bey...,

Bro. Makheru's assessment of your praxis is on point.

He didn't go far enough though.

Not only is your process fragmented Bey-Bey - it's downright evil.

You demonize humankind's highest cultural achievement - SCIENCE while you glorify it's basest and most dangerous de-evolutionary tendency - KINGSHIP.

The standard that you want others to emulate is not only morally bankrupt,,

whether that makes any sense to you is of no consequence to me.

science makes little or no sense to you - but not because science is wrong - rather - because you're lazy and ignorant and want others to emulate your disability.


muhphuggah got the nerve to talk about Glenn Beck and "Science" in the same sentence?!?!?!?!?

Blackest man on the Internet?!?!?!?

If you mean setting new standards for nicca-puhleeze?!?!?! daily...,