Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Blackest Glass of Juice On The Planet

Other day my wife announced she was going to do a juice fast. I didn't want to be no punk, so I volunteered to do it with her. Plus my man Dr. Love was fasting in honor of Ramadan. He suggested strongly I do it too. So it was a good time.

My wife makes a gallon of fresh organic dark green juice each morning. Kale. Cilantro. Cucumber. Celery. Some stuff I don't know how to pronounce. Takes about 40 minutes. 2 0r 3 blenders making all kinds of noise. Nut bags. Pulp. Refrigerators open and closing. Big production. She told me to drink a big glass every couple of hours. She says not to sip it. Not good for your teeth. 'Drink it like a man'. She says I am to drink it with Cayenne pepper. But I am not to eat any food what-so-ever. Not even raw food. 'This is a fast. Not a diet. No cheating!'!

Aight. Aight. I get it baby. Damn. Juice Nazi up in this camp.

Anyway. First day went by. Not too bad. By the second day it started to get good to me. Feel the body cleansing. Empty. But not hungry. Third day woke up 2 pounds lighter. Wasn't bursting with energy, but I felt good. Calm. Well. Got to the point I didn't want to ruin it by stuffing my body with a bunch of food I didn't need.

It's been 4 days now. I haven't had anything more solid than a cucumber seed. But my wife going bananas. She misses food. She's making food for the kids. Popping quinoa in her mouth. (She think I don't see her). Walking around talking about 'she can't take it'. She's ready to come off. LOL. Can't hang.

I think I'm going to go till the end of the week.


the good nurse said...

sounds good. not sure if i could hang a whole week either. tell mrs dv not to sweat it...use this time of fasting to feed her spirit and the body will follow.
keep up the good work!

Cash Rulz said...

That's amazing. I gotta taste this when we get up.

Her Side said...

I did juice fasts. Fresh stuff only with cayenne pepper.

My shortest was 6 days. The longest was 13 days. Always felt like $1M when it was over.

This is a good thing, Denmark.

I was actually a counselor/moderator for others trying to cleanse.

You reminded me that I need to do this again after several years off.

I even have a blog for this...

Rock on.

KonWomyn said...

Shame, I know how Mrs V feels, Bra I hope you're not taunting her. Tell her to keep strong, for me drinking a large cup of redbush tea then walking for long distances kills hunger on a juice fast. Or tell her to go shopping, it def works - trust!

Fasting around pple is no fun tho', I struggle to fast when I'm at home with my family because I have to cook n stuff, but when I'm on my own it's much easier bec I don't see food. DV try making food for the kids for three days & see how long you last. ; )

One thing I've learnt abt fasting is that it's a process, some fasts are easy others are just impossible depending on where your mind is at.

Sometimes you can be over-psyched to start a fast, you announce it to people and then 72 hours later ...you're crashing.

Other times it's a natural thing, you tell no one, you don't plan anything, you just do it because it's the feeling. Maybe Mrs V over-psyched herself, obviously I don't know this f'real but from your story that's what it sounds like.

I'm also fasting during this Ramadan, I'd like to get back into the habit of long fasts, I really need the discipline and spiritual centering fasting gives to the body and mind.


KonWomyn said...

Her Side

Is your blog still in existence? What's it called, your other one's more luv stuff.

Kalena said...

Oooo Weeee! That's tough! I did a week of raw food and thought i might actually die. I hate knowing better and not forcing myself to do better. Kudos to you and the Mrs.

Dawolu Jabari Anderson said...
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Dawolu Jabari Anderson said...

According to classical Arabic, that literally is a black glass of juice. In classical Arabic green and black were used interchangeably.

"Blackness", means a group of palm, or other trees of lush areas around villages that were of great wealth.

The two staples of the desert Arab's diet, dates and water were also known as "the two black things."


Anonymous said...

After fasting for over twenty years, I am convinced that fasting is a tool for discipline and spiritually rejuvenating. The Ramadan is attractive because millions of people of all colors are fasting and praying together. We as a people are in desperate need of dietary and mental changes. Fasting should be incorporated whether long or short term, the benefits cannot be denied. Set your time length and type and don't worry about "cheating" sometimes just make that day up until you acheive your goal and be consistent until it becomes habit. Our bodies are our temples!

Denmark Vesey said...

Herrrrrrr Side!

I figured you fasted.

Tell you what. Next time you do one. Let me know. We'll do the same fast at the same time.

You pick the fast.

Amenta said...

Next week bruh, I'm on the fast. Cayenne chile is a must on these fasts. I think the body needs the heat. I did a juice fast a couple months ago without the cayenne and seems like I was cold inside. Can't really explain it. Gonna do next week 5 or 6 days. Keep on pushing it DV!

Denmark Vesey said...

Kaaaaay Duuuuub!

"DV try making food for the kids for three days & see how long you last. ; )"

See Kay Dub.

There you go.

Startin' some mess.

Why women, see a brother groovin', want to come and throw a monkey wrench in a man's operation?

"DV try making food for the kids for three days".

Yo yo yo yo yo. Chill.


That aint my thing.

Kids starve to death waiting for me to start fixing food.

Kids want to wrap about politics and the world? .. come see pops.

Want an avocado sandwich, with fresh tomatoes and broccoli sprouts on toasted Julian's bread ... dripping in organic cold pressed olive oil ... go see moms.

Shiiii ...

Want to box a few rounds in the backyard? I'm your man.

Need an enema? .... GO SEE YOUR MOMS.

This is the way it is.

And this is the way it shall be.

I think it's written in the bible somewhere like this Kay.

Don't upset the delicate universal balance between genders.

Denmark Vesey said...

GeeChee Vision said...

According to classical Arabic, that literally is a black glass of juice. In classical Arabic green and black were used interchangeably.

Ummm ....

So break it down for me Gee.

What's your take on that?

What's the significance of the interchangeable use of green and black?

Denmark Vesey said...

Kalena said...

"Oooo Weeee! That's tough! I did a week of raw food and thought i might actually die. I hate knowing better and not forcing myself to do better. Kudos to you and the Mrs."



Long time. Where you been?

Dem squares had me surrounded.

lol. Thought you were going to die huh?

Shiiiii ...

Nah. Nothing will make you live better than eating life itself.

Keep at it.

Denmark Vesey said...

"After fasting for over twenty years, I am convinced that fasting is a tool for discipline and spiritually rejuvenating. The Ramadan is attractive because millions of people of all colors are fasting and praying together. We as a people are in desperate need of dietary and mental changes. Fasting should be incorporated whether long or short term, the benefits cannot be denied. Set your time length and type and don't worry about "cheating" sometimes just make that day up until you acheive your goal and be consistent until it becomes habit. Our bodies are our temples!"

Another cat too smart to call himself Anonymous.

Good stuff.

Thank you.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Next week bruh, I'm on the fast. Cayenne chile is a must on these fasts." Ensayn1


My man!

That's what I'm talking about!

Last thing the Plantation wants is for brothers and sisters to fast.

If it was up to them we'd all be in the drive thru ordering 2 Cloned Beef Patties.

Let us know how you feel when you come off of this one.

Kalena said...

You know i gotta pop in from time to time to make sure I'm not going crazy in this crazy world!

I've put on HELLA weight in the last two years. Walking around looking like somebody's video vixen (not cool). So I'm trying to get back on the good foot. Your straight up attack on foolish eating habits is right on time / right on point for me.

God is love. Life is good.