Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Blackest Man Is About To Land

And I aint take my muhfuggin' shoes off.

It's becoming less of an issue every time I fly. I just told dude I wasn't going to do it. He mumbled something to an agitated supervisor. Chick mumbled something to another dude. He came over waved some wand around the Paul Smith wingtips and the Moschino blazer, smiled at me and said "Have a good flight GQ". I laughed and damn near gave dude a pound. Grabbed the Louis duffle and did my imitation of Denzel Washington's walk to gate B21. Now I'm at 12,000 feet about to land in the city that never sleeps.

Slavery is mental and voluntary.
DMG said...
Protesting removing his shoes. Wow that's brave. No wait, he was protesting removing his thin soled DESIGNER shoes. Yes, absolutely heroic.

Don't be fooled pink.

The only thing bothering him is that he's inconvenienced, not that it's a stupid policy.

Come on man, if you aren't going to use your soapbox to highlight real injustices (not just the travesty of possibly snagging your silk socks), why bother with this? (yeah, yeah, yeah, diabetes, Maca, pork, etc.).
Her Side said ...
I think you missed the point, DMG.

No entire population of people will go from free to herded in a single jump. It happens one chip at a time, much like the excellent pieces I've read on 'how to establish a police state.'

DV isn't fighting for his right to wear shoes. He's standing against the slow and purposed process of indoctrination. I see wisdom in that approach.

The blind have to fight from the resulting shackles b/c they didn't see it coming the 100 times they took their shoes off.
HotmfWax said...
Fight the power DV.

Y2K, 911, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, HIV, Antrax ,WMD, bio-terrorism, cyber-terrorism, Global Warming, Financial Collapse, martial law, BP Oil Spill, Peak oil etc., etc., The boys(techie and the doc) are addicted to fear based programing via the media because it helps them with their agenda.

CONTROL and money.

Again -they now become valuable.

You and I called BS on most of the aforementioned-I even went one more and said BS to atomic weapons. What's next DV? alien attacks? Everything above is a fraud, but was used to put you in stupidity like taking off your shoes and the airport. They are punking us.

MIND CONTROL. LENNON HONORS finally broke it down. click here

Enjoy. Critical thinking needed.


Pink said...

You are too much! I love that you refuse to do it!

Blackest Man on Christopher Street said...

Ahh, yessss. Home sweet, home.

Anonymous said...

Protesting removing his shoes. Wow that's brave. No wait, he was protesting removing his thin soled DESIGNER shoes. Yes, absolutely heroic.

Don't be fooled pink. The only thing bothering him is that he's inconvenienced, not that it's a stupid policy.

Come on man, if you aren't going to use your soapbox to highlight real injustices (not just the travesty of possibly snagging your silk socks), why bother with this? (yeah, yeah, yeah, diabetes, Maca, pork, etc.).

HotmfWax said...

Fight the power DV.

Y2K, 911, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, HIV, Antrax ,WMD, bio-terrorism, cyber-terrorism, Global Warming, Financial Collapse, martial law, BP Oil Spill, Peak oil etc., etc., The boys(techie and the doc) are addicted to fear based programing via the media because it helps them with their agenda.

CONTROL and money.

Again -they now become valuable.

You and I called BS on most of the aforementioned-I even went one more and said BS to atomic weapons.

What's next DV? alien attacks?

Everything above is a fraud, but was used to put you in stupidity like taking off your shoes and the airport. They are punking us.


LENNON HONORS finally broke it down.

click here


Critical thinking needed.

Her Side said...

I think you missed the point, DMG. No entire population of people will go from free to herded in a single jump. It happens one chip at a time, much like the excellent pieces I've read on 'how to establish a police state.'

DV isn't fighting for his right to wear shoes. He's standing against the slow and purposed process of indoctrination. I see wisdom in that approach.

The blind have to fight from the resulting shackles b/c they didn't see it coming the 100 times they took their shoes off.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that you think I "missed the point"? No, I did not miss the point at all. The fact that you buy into his shit tells me that you haven't fully examined our host, and his many contradictions.

He still submits his baggage for examination, he still stands in line like everyone else, and dutifully hands them picture ID, and ticket, he allows himself to be scanned, and patted down if necessary, and I know for damn sure he's not packing more than 3 oz of liquids in his carry-on.

So making a fuss about taking off his shoes is just well stupid. Nobody gives a fuck about him gasfacing about his overpriced shoes.

Those "pork-eating-$11/hour" TSA agents will roll their eyes, and wand his shoes if they are in a good mood, or take his ass back to a room and put on rubber gloves if they aren't.

Ask yourself is his point just to make a show of protest, or actually work to get these stupid policies repealed? He's not accomplishing the mission if it's the latter.

He's not standing against indoctrination. On the contrary if anything his little blog here is attempting to indoctrinate the weak minded.

Pay closer attention to our hosts themes.

JH said...

Homie DMG,
You are missing the point in an even different way than that which Her Side explained. Its about "what we do".

Let me explain, please follow me.

You can't lump the "shoe thing" in with the showing of ID and going through a metal detector. The shoe thing is one of those, "damn, man, enough is enough" moments. Its stupid, arbitrary, desperate. The only reason we do it is because some dude tried to light his shoe on fire. So, soon, when some other fool tries to smuggle a firecracker in his mouth, we'll all be saying "aaaah" at the security check. Crazy.

So, to my point…Black people in this country have a long history of calling bullshit, saying "hell naw" when "enough is enough" (like a stupid extra step at security). Even if it is for the smallest thing, seemingly silly to non-blacks. When we're pushed past our "hell naw" point, we ride. WE'VE HAD TO RIDE for hundreds of years. If we weren't riders, who knows where we'd be. (pssst, Lincoln didn't free the slaves...slaves became free largely because of people like those who our host names his site after, Denmark Vesey....We didn't get to where we are only because WEB DuBois went to Harvard, it was because folks knew that the homies on the block would burn this mf'er down if stuff got too crazy...my Pops didn't get his education because we remained cool, he got an education because people in his hometown knew that if somebody tried to stop him, my granddaddy would put his foot in somebody's ass).

So, you'll often see black people having to strongly identify their boundaries, checking people who don't recognize them. White people DON'T GET THIS....you don't seem to get this. They ask, "why do they act like that over such a little thing?" Because we know when something aint right, and then, to keep our manhood intact and our feet on the ground, we let people know that we're paying attention, that we have boundaries. Other people in America don't share that burden, or have those balls, so they don't give a shit about taking off their shoes at the airport. They go along to get along.

So, nah, our host definitely aint no hero...he's just BLACK.

Anonymous said...


So now you are going to try to define "blackness"?

Please. Sit back down.

JH said...

Nah, man...don't know how you got that from reading my post.
I'm not defining anything.

But, what I am doing is explaining a different perspective to you. That our attitudes about stuff like that is, in fact, tied to our blackness.
Are you the guy who is secretly ashamed of the sista who gets her claws out when she percieves a slight against her? Or do you think, "that's right, baby, let em know where you stand!"?

My analysis was about finding our humanity, fighting for ourselves, via acts of defiance. We've been doin' it for years, in case you haven't noticed.
Defining blackness? Huh?

Thordaddy said...

Wurz mini-dmg
'Bout 5-9, one-seventy...  three???
Oh, thatjew, I c
I C U 
Is where i put u
Club u fool
On my course
500 yard par three
Dude, ita take u six swings
Justa get NEXT t'da green
Pull outta putter
'Bout azz high as most Man's knees
Dude swings like he Tee'n off
Lil Black napolean on duh high seas...
N his crazy lil dreams...

Anonymous said...

"But, what I am doing is explaining a different perspective to you. That our attitudes about stuff like that is, in fact, tied to our blackness. "

Not only are you trying to define blackness, but you are trying to speak for me.

You don't know me very well, there is no secret shame. Stick around, I have no problem breaking ANYBODY off, at ANY time. I don't encourage ignorant backward behavior whether from Lil Wayne or Paris Hilton.

Maybe you should not equate that which is ghetto (and from the looks of things here there are only a few of us on this blog who ACTUALLY grew up in one) to blackness.

Your analysis seeks to pretend that "black" behavior as you are defining it is any different than a variation on basic HUMAN behavior.

We ain't special. Jews ain't special, "white" folks ain't special, etc.

JH said...

Okay….so you think our attitudes about stuff like that is not tied in any way to blackness?

Also, real quick, You can’t say I’m trying to “define” blackness just because I called somebody black…somebody who actually calls himself the “bmoti”…it was a punchline, dawg…..and I sure as hell didn’t say anything about ignorant, backward behavior. Equating ghetto and blackness is something you brought up.

Actually, I appreciate what your first post said. Made me think. Don’t take it so personally if I jab at you, man. Of course I don’t know you.

HotmfWax said...


You are a bright brother, therefore please ignore our resident doctor who tries to pledge or initiate any one that seems "new" into a fight so he can display his "marine like" skills in his chance to "battle" you.

"LOOK OUT HE IS IN THE BUSHES!!! WATCH OUT INCOMING FIRE!!!! LOCK AND LOAD. KILL, KILL, KILLL!!!!!!"-That is what is going on in his head right now.:)

Its his way of saying ,"Hi and BTW don't try to become a favorite of our host because I am the only one who deserves any attention".

For some reason he loves to try chase of anyone who might like the spot away. (Resident guard dog-loud bark no bite.)

I enjoyed you response and got it the first time, I knew what you meant and so did everyone else. The Doc is like Uncle Ruckus- he will do anything to prove the system(WS) right.

I am just sayin.....

Thordaddy said...

Lemme tell ya 'bout DMG
He n the red corner
5-9, one seventy three
Not too light
But 2inch below the average bro
So mini-dmg always fixin' fo' uh fight
Dood 'member all dem wedgies
So he grabbed da fifty cal with all his might
Did his best Erkel
Now he's D.O.C., tell ya when it's all right
When ya free
Don't b fooled tho'
Gotta nigel n the gun sight
Scopin' better brothers, crazy mad
Wanna turn outta dood lights
All that PTB trainin'
DMG gotta white coat, but still on da front lines...
Still playin' soldier
Just on the other side...