I hate this shit. Moving like cattle. Herded toward stalls. I'm going to let them scan my bag. No problem. Makes sense. I'll walk through the metal detector. But I aint takin' my muhfuggin' shoes off. My wife thinks I'm crazy. She's taking a later flight so she won't have to deal with it. I know it's going to delay me. But it's the principal. I aint takin' my muhfuggin' shoes off. Aint nothin' in my shoes except socks and feet. I know it. They know it. I aint takin' my muhfuggin' shoes off. This aint about security. This is about mind control. That's how those Luciferian humanity hating NWO technocrats control these dumb ass pork eatin' American conformists. They get them to participate in ridiculous little acts of nonsensical capitulation. Uh oh. I see these little $11 hour TSA employees in their stupid little government uniforms are here in full force. I aint takin' my muhfuggin' shoes off. I can hear the Orwellian announcements as I get closer to the XRay machines. "Laptops in the tray". "Jackets in the tray". "Shoes in the tray". I'm watching dozens of obese, barefoot sheep-people walk on these fungus covered floors. Must see a million bare feet every week in this camp. Yuck.
Beeeep Beeeep Beeeep. "Step back through the scanner Mam". Laugh to myself. This is some neurolinguistic programming for your ass. This mass mind control experiment has been going on for damn near 10 years now. Ever since them bastards attacked us on 911. I can't help but think the people responsible for this assault on the civil liberties of the American people are the same people who detonated those buildings. Whatever. I aint takin' my muhfuggin' shoes off.
JH said...

I saw Antonio Tarver (took Roy Jones Jr.'s belts a while back, for all you fight fans) refuse to take his shoes off at LAX a few weeks ago. I mention the mini-celeb sighting only because before I realized it was Antonio Tarver, I recall looking at him, thinking, "there's a confident, strong looking dude with his head held high...My nig". I thought that before the shoe thing. Then he was like "fuk dat, I aint doin it" and we shared a laugh. He ended up getting his shoes wanded, while I went through in my socks.

There's definitely a certain power, a feeling of humanity, in refusing "acts of nonsensical capitulation". Tarver is a boxer, a "stand on your own, make your own money" profession. The confidence, independence (and free time) he had probably influenced his attitude. Me, I had work on the mind and was more focused on "dealing with it" to get where I needed to go quickly. Now, the shoe thing isn't high on my radar of things to get pissed about, but in retrospect, I could have read the situation like I was the sheep standing next to a lion. Interesting moment.
Gotta choose your battles though...We'd never get anything done if we actually took the time to object every time we had some bs forced on us.
I think that as long as you maintain the consciousness that you are being fugged with, and you aren't asleep at the wheel, and maintain your battle lines, that is half the battle.
Aight Dv, now finish the story..everyone here wants to know what happened when you refused?
I saw Antonio Tarver (took Roy Jones Jr.'s belts a while back, for all you fight fans) refuse to take his shoes off at LAX a few weeks ago. I mention the mini-celeb sighting only because before I realized it was Antonio Tarver, I recall looking at him, thinking, "there's a confident, strong looking dude with his head held high...My nig". I thought that before the shoe thing. Then he was like "fuk dat, I aint doin it" and we shared a laugh. He ended up getting his shoes wanded, while I went through in my socks.
There's definitely a certain power, a feeling of humanity, in refusing "acts of nonsensical capitulation". Tarver is a boxer, a "stand on your own, make your own money" profession. The confidence, independence (and free time) he had probably influenced his attitude. Me, I had work on the mind and was more focused on "dealing with it" to get where I needed to go quickly. Now, the shoe thing isn't high on my radar of things to get pissed about, but in retrospect, I could have read the situation like I was the sheep standing next to a lion. Interesting moment.
Gotta choose your battles though...We'd never get anything done if we actually took the time to object every time we had some bs forced on us.
I think that as long as you maintain the consciousness that you are being fugged with, and you aren't asleep at the wheel, and maintain your battle lines, that is half the battle.
some large, pork-eating, $11/hr, red-jacketed TSA goon gave him a full cavity search - rough, truckstop style - and he thoroughly enjoyed it.
DV gave me his digits (after feeling mine). Yeah!
If there is anything worse than a homo Plantation Negro stalker ... is a corny homo Plantation Negro stalker.
Get A Chick.
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