Kurt Nimmo
“By 2015, New York’s financial district will be wrapped in a thick web of security. The aim: Make a potential terrorist attack as difficult as possible to execute,” writes Noah Shachtman for Wired.
It’s something we best pay attention to, as this “thick web of security” will eventually reach Everytown, U.S.A. New York, following London, is America’s beta test site for all kinds of police state technology, including:
Helicopters in the sky with high-powered cameras, “looking for unusual activity.” Noah Shachtman does not tell us what this “unusual activity” might be, but let us hazard a guess: al-Qaeda guys in turbans, mounted on donkeys, casing Manhattan for targets. Minus that, the NYPD can use their big cameras to ferret out pot smokers and prostitutes, or as in the case of Britain, people who litter or engaged in what is considered anti-social behavior — determined by the state, of course. Cont =>
While the Panopticon keeps growing, in tandem, the environmental poison that is killing male reproduction continues.
DV--you really gotta devote a post to this documentary, The Disappearing Male:
Watch from 36:18-39:00 to see the corporate scientists DMG is always pained to acknowledge the existence of implicated.
Nice video, but none of those corporate scientists are caring "Hallmark card" physicians...that can alphabetize surgical tools or do human anatomy cross word puzzles backwards, so I'm not buying it. There are "NO MEDICAL JOURNALS" that link dangerous chemicals to these problems. Sorry, not convinced "C to the A to the D to the E to the V to the E to the O" [here inserted ol' school hip-hop jargon protection spell to ward off "square MD" assertions].
While you in NY, can you get your boys to Explain how did they do this?:)
click here
Doctors at Queen Mary's Hospital in Sidcup - where Angela, from nearby Woolwich, gave birth - have told the parents Nmachi is definitely no albino.
Ben, who came to Britain with his wife five years ago and works for South Eastern Trains, said: "She doesn't look like an albino child anyway - not like the ones I've seen back in Nigeria or in books. She just looks like a healthy white baby."
He went on: "My mum is a black Nigerian although she has a bit fairer skin than mine.
"But we don't know of any white ancestry. We wondered if it was a genetic twist.
"But even then, what is with the long curly blonde hair?"
Professor Bryan Sykes, head of Human Genetics at Oxford University and Britain's leading expert, yesterday called the birth "extraordinary".
He said: "In mixed race humans, the lighter variant of skin tone may come out in a child - and this can sometimes be startlingly different to the skin of the parents.
"This might be the case where there is a lot of genetic mixing, as in Afro-Caribbean populations. But in Nigeria there is little mixing."
Prof Sykes said BOTH parents would have needed "some form of white ancestry" for a pale version of their genes to be passed on.
But he added: "The hair is extremely unusual. Even many blonde children don't have blonde hair like this at birth."
The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation.
Wow, the unholy trinity of conspiracy nuts, right here one after the other.
Just popping by to say hello. Please...don't let me interrupt your circle jerk, do continue.
"Circle jerk". I like that.
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