Sunday, May 30, 2010

'Israel is a Lunatic State' - Finkelstein on Gaza Flotilla Attack


HotmfWax said...

Imoral Mugga Fuggas.

Start holding every "military person" accountable and sh#t like this will stop.

Every single one of them. Not just the country.

The individuals.

If one group of people take up arms and start attacking and killing another group of people, it’s assault, battery, murder and riot. They’re each individually responsible for their crimes. Everyone who has had even the most basic moral education knows this.

When people in" Military clown suits" do it, however, it’s “war” and becomes a collective phenomenon, largely absolved by cultural tradition from individual guilt.

I look forward to an age when that collectivization and institutionalization of guilt becomes a moral impossibility by broad consensus.

You will reap what you sow.

HotmfWax said...

War is terrorism. Soldiers are not heroes. Presidents are not saviors.

This has just got to stop!

The mission statement of the US Military is to "Engage and DESTROY".

Think about it!

Click here

D.SMITH said...

In the video she mentions a UN meeting regarding the Flotilla attack; all the countries involved in bringing humanitarian aid are calling for an investigastion into Israel's claim that were provoked...survivors of the attack say Israel started shooting as soon as they boarded the ship; even intentionally shooting a woman in the face with a tear gas canister, leaving her eyeless (which of course is better than being killed...but still). None of the civilians were armed.

The US trumps the call for an investigation by a UN appointed committee, and instead decides that Israel should conduct "their own investigation". You know what the outcome of that investigation will be before it commences.

This total disregard for HUMANITY needs to stop, just like Wax said. The US once again has blood on their hands simply from fist tapping the blood covered hand of Israel. Of course this government has long been vested in the interests of the Zionist state, while failing to understand why so many other countries hold animosity against us. Iran "has the nerve" to step up and support Palestine...while the US continues to fund Israel's mission to totally destroy them, and now the US has it out for Iran. Totally ridiculous.

It was once said by the PTB in Israel that "Palestine does not exist...". My daughter has a 2008-2009 World Atlas in which Palestine isn't even listed on the map. Israel is though; Gaza Strip, West Bank and all that...

"Seek and destroy" on all levels. It's a gotdam shame.